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Rose Hill, Kansas





Rose Hill, KS (City) - Incorporation


Contains the application for the incorporation of the city of Rose Hill, KS, February 7, 1955.


Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS


Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS


Rose Hill, Public Library, Rose Hill, KS




Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS







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Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS, “Incorporation,” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 21, 2025,

* ___ popola— TUBOwt Thursday, January 4 »N
___ Rose Hill Asks For Incorporation
Here is the complete notice of the on February 7 of the application of the land taken in and the signers of
hearing before the county commissioners Rose Hill for incorporation, including the petition asking for the hearing.
You and each of you are hereby notified that the following petition, signed by a majority of the electors and taxable inhabitants of the area therein described, will be presented to the Board of County Commisioners for the County of Butler, State of Kansas, at the regular meeting of said Board of County Commissioners in the Court House at El Dorado, Kansas, on the 7th day of February, 1955.
We, the undersigned, being a majority of the electors of the unincorporated town or village of Bose Hill, within the County of Butler, State of Kansas, do hereby present to and petition the •aid Board of County Commissioners to incorporate the following described area, to wit:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 5, Township 29 South, Range 3 East, Butler County, Kansas; and thence North a distance of 220 feet; thence due East to a point immediately North of the intersection of North line of said Section 5 with the North right-of-way line of the A. T. & S. F. Railway Company; thence South a distance of 220 feet to said North line of said right-of-way; thence Southwesterly along said right-of-way line to a point which is 416 feet East of the common section line lying between said section 6 and Section 6, Township 29 South, Range 3 East; thence South to an Iron Bar, which iron Bar is 416 feet East and 870.74 feet South of said Northwest corner of said
Section 5; thence due East 366 feet; thence
South a distance-of 853 feet; thence West 60 of said Section 5; thenee distance of 480 feet: thence West a
of the Southwest
feet; thence South a distance of West a distance of 177 1-2 feet; thence South a
distance of 544$ feet; thence North 480 feet to the Northwest corner Quarter of Section 5, Township 29 South, Range 3 East; thence West distance of 530 feet to the Southwest corner of the area now comprising and known as Poston Tracts; thence North 998.32 feet; thence due East 140 feet; thence generally North 189.85 feet to a surveyors stone; thence Northeasterly and parallel to the South line of the right-of-way of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad a distance of 222.58 feet; thence in a straight line gener-
another surveyors stone; thence North-easter-feet West and 602.65 feet South of the said due North to the North line of said Section 6; to the point of beginning,
ally Northward a distance of 441.83 feet to ly to a surveyors stone, which stone is 190 Northwest corner of said Section 5; thence and thence due East a distance of 190 feet
And that the number of inhabitants of the said town or village of Rose Hill exceeds one hundred and does not exceed two thousand persons, and that the approximate number of inhabitants of said town or village is 250, and further pray said Board of County Commissioners that the said vii-lage be incorporated as a city of the third class pursuant to Section 15-102 General Statutes of Kansas, 1949, as amended;
Morris L. Poston, Dec. 15, 1954 Mabel Poston, Dec. 15, 1954 Grace L. Harris, Dec. 15, 1954 Mrs. Estella Showalter, Dec. 15, 1954
Robert E. Clinger, Dec. 15, 1954 Gula B. Clinger, Dec. 15, 1954 L. C. Crouch, Dec. 15, 1954 Betty Grouch, Dec. 15, 1954 Roumet Morford, Dec. 15, 1954 G. E. Cox, Dec. 15, 1954 Wretha Cox, Dec. 15, 1954 Glen Carr Jr., Dec, 15, 1954
Ivan Paulsness, Dec. 16, 1954 Doral C. Cox, Dec. 16, 1954 Blanche H. Cox, Dec. 16, 1954 Mina Silknitter, Dec. 16, 1954 Louisa Barrett, Dec. 16, 1954 Iris Berrett, Dec. 16, 1954 Leland L. Cox, Dec. 16, 1954 Mrs. Marjorie J. Cox, Dec. 16, 1954
Dorie Paulsness, Dec. 16, 1954 Wilma Hervey, Dec. 16, 1954 Bearl Kindred, Dec. 16, 1954 Mary Lou Kindred, Dec. 16, 1954
Wanda Carr, Dec. 15, 1954 a M. McElhiney, Dec. 16,
Clarence N. Howell, Dec. 15,
1954 "We G. Shinn, Dec. 16, 1954
Evelyn B. Howell, Dec. 15, 1954 Jack P. Duprez, Dec. 15, 1954 Elizabeth M. Duprez, Dec. 15, 1954
Mary E. Ramey, Dec. 15, 1954 Voyle E. Chance, Dec. 15, 1954 Velma Lee Chance, Dec. 15,1954 Mercy Stevens, Dec. 15, 1954 Paul Chance, Dec. 15, 1954 Viola C. Chance, Dec. 15, 1954 Emerson Freeman, Dec. 15, 1954 Nelda Freeman, Dec. 15, 1954 Frank A. Smith, Dec. 15, 1954 Lewis E. Carr, Dec. 15, 1954 K. E. Yeager, Dec. 15, 1954 A. Bernice Yeager, Dec. 15,1954 Andy E . McElhiney, Dec. 15, 1954
Lestelle Whitcomb, Dec. 15,3954 H. E. Whitcomb, Dec. 15, 3954 Lynne Crocker, Dec. 15, 1954 Inez Crocker, Dec. 15,1954 John Crocker, Dec. 15, 1954 Chester Cox, Dec. 15, 1954 Pearl Cox, Dec. 15, 1954 D. E. Ramey, Dec. 15,1954 Vinton Johnson, Dec. 15,1954 Clarissa Johnson, Dec. 15,1954 John T. Nace, Dec. 15,1954 EulaM. Nace, Dec. 15,1954 .Leyita Smith, Dec. 15,1954
Clara I. Shinn, Dec. 16, 1954 Bernice P. Freeman, Dec. 16. 1954
Emma M. Gifford, Dec. 16, 1954 Kenneth E. Gifford, Dec. 16,1954 Howard Freeman, Dec. 16, 1954 Delbert P. Seal, Dec. 16, 1954 Eugene Wheeler, Dec. 16, 1954 Lucille A. Cox, Dec. 16, 1954 Kermit M. Cox, Dec. 16, 3 954 Keith D. Cox, Dec. 16, 1954
V. R. Hervey, Dec. 16, 1954 Vernon Lane, Dec. 16, 1954 Ruth Lane, Dec. 16, 1954 Loleta Burnham, Dec. 16, 1954 Ralph Burnham, Jr., Dec. 17,
Maxine Seal, Dec. 17, 1954 Glen N. Mavity, Dec. 17, 1954 Jackie Mavity, Dec. 17, 1954 Dovie Glisson, Dec. 17, 1954 Ina Sharp, Dec. 17, 1954 Roy Showalter, Dec. 17, 1954
W. M. Gifford, Dec. 17,1954 Wilma Showalter, Dec. 17, 1954 Mary Dennett, Dec. 17, 1954 Don Smith, Dec. 17, 1954
Lila Smith, Dec. 17, 1954 Gertrude Metsker, Dec. 17, >954 Roy Metsker, Dec. 17,1954 Woodrow Wilson, Dec. 17, 1954

Ursula Wilson, Dec. 17, 1954 Eve L. Gordon, Dec. 17, 1954 Roy R. Howard, Dec. 17, 1954 Alice Jean Howard, Dec. 17,
F. D. McBurney, Dec. 17, 1954 Dearl E. Lance, Dec. 17, 1954 Bessie Lance, Dec. 17, 1954 Ruth Dunlap, Dec. 17, 1954 Frank L. Gordon, Dec. 18, 1954 Delle Kelly, Dec. 18, 1954 F. C. Kelly, Dec. 18, 1954 Ruth Smith, Dec. 18, 1954 W. E. Sharp, Dec. 20, 1954 Hubert E. Cox, Dec. 20,1954
Helen Lorraine Cox, Dec. 20, 1954
Hilda Wheeler, Dec. 20, 1954 Jerry N. Howell, Dec. 20, 1954 Louise Howell, Dec. 20, 1954 Ernest Clinger, Dec. 20, 1954 Freda Hinshaw, Dec. 20, 1954 Paul T. Cook, Dec. 20, 1954 Aline Culver, Dec. 20, 1954 Dorothy Albright, Dec. 20, 1954 Fay Albright, Dec. 20, 1954 F. E. McMurphy, Sr., Dec. 20, 1954
Alpha McMurphy, Dec. 20, 1954 Helen McMurphy, Dec. 20,1954 Grace E. Johnson, Dec. 20, 1954 Winona Mapes, Dec. 20, 1954 Vivian Clinger, Dec. 20, 1954 H. T. Clinger, Dec. 20, 1954 Daisy Hawkins, Dec. 21, 1954 . Merlin S. Keely, Dec. 21, 1954 Darlene Keely, Dec. 21, 1954 Elfrieda Shaffer, Dec. 21, 1954 Cole L. Culver, Dec. 21, 1954 Roy Bond, Dec. 21, 1954 Nancy Bond, Dec. 21, 1954 Lydia Yeager, Dec. 21, 1954 ' W. M. Yeager, Dec. 21, 1954 _
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF ROSE HILL, KANSAS: Section 1. That from here* after llshed limits
Kansas, said streets being locat-

Rose! Hill Asks For Incorporation; Hearing February 7
Residents of Rose Hill are to appear before the board of county commissioners of Butler county in El Dorado to ask that Rose Hill be incorporated The hearing is set for February 7 at the court house at .pi Dorado.
A petition signed by about 125 electors and taxpayers of Rose Hill has been filed with the county clerk asking for the incorporation.
The petition was signed by a tn.iji "*■ ity of the electors.
Fore some time Rose Hill has lei too need of city status, with officei n, their oiwn law enforcers and ability to give the homes water and sewers and better streets. Then came the petition and it was well received.
Notices will be posted this week in Rose Pf)U of the hearing on Feh 7. . / _
Douglass Tribune Dec. 1954
;Q R D E R
..Now on the 7th day of February, 1955> there cones on for hearing before the said Board of County Conmissioners the petition of certain taxable inhabitants of#the town of Rose Hill for the incorporation of said Town as a City of . third Class................................ . . . .
IT IS THEREFORE by the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Butler, State of Kansas, sitting at regular session on this 7th day of February, 1955> ORDERED that the following described area within said county and state, to-wit:
. ; V .
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 5> Township 29 South, Range 3 East, Butler County, Kansas; and thence North a distance of 220 feet;thence due East to a point immediately North of the Intersection of the North line of said Section 5 with the North right-of way line of the A.T. & S.F. Railway Co,;Th. South a distance of 220 ;t feet to said North line of said right-of-way; thence Southwesterly along said right-of-way line to a point which is lpl6 feet East of the common section line lying between said Section 5 and Section 6, Township 29 South, Range 3 Eastjthence South, to an Iron Bar, which Iron Bar is I+L6 feet East and 870.7^-1- feet South of said Northwest corner of said Section 5>thence due East 366 feet;thence South a distance of 853 feet; thence West 60 feet; thence South a distance of 907 feet to the half section line of said Section 5; thence Wont a distance of 177i feet; thence South a distance of !lj.C0 feet; thence West a distance of Sh-Uk feet; thence North Ij80 feet to the Northwest corner of .the Southwest Quarter of Section 5,Township 29 South,Range 3 East;thence West a distance of 530 feet to the Southwest corner of , the area now comprising and known as Poston Tracts; Thence North 996. 32 feet; thence due East II4.O feet; thence generally North 169.65 feet to a surveyor*s stone;thence Northeasterly and parallel to the South line of the right-of-way of the A.T. & S. F. Railroad a distance of 222.58 feet; thence in a straight line generally Northward a distance of L1J4.I• 83 feet to another surveyor’s stone;thence Northeasterly to a surveyor’s stone which stone is 190 feet West and 602.65 feet South of the said Northwest Corner of said Section 55thence due North to the N0rth line of said Section 6 ; and thence due East a distance of 190 feet to the point of beginning.
be and hereby is declared incorporated as a city of the third class by the name and style of l,The City of Rose Hill;1*..................... .
This order made the 7th day of February, 1955# in the Chambers of the Board of County Commissioners of Butler County,Kansas Court H0U30.
SI Dqpo'Io, Kananat
Bert C. Weber, County Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners in and for Butler County, State of Kansas.
Mac Childs, Chairman Henry H. Bornholdt,
E. M. Arnall, Members
On Rose Hill Incorporation

J Next Monday, February 7, is the time j for the hearing before the county com-
| nmsioners of Butler county on the ap-1 plication for incorporation of Rose Hill as a city.
The petition for incorporation, signed f>v about 125 resident of Rose Hill was presented to the commissioners last month. There appears to he very little opposition to incorporation.
An election will he held after the allowance of the incorporation if the com- i missioners act favorably and it seems assured that they will.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY * MS ................................... ■ ■ ■
With the first city election of the City of Rose Hill set for April 7, a meeting of electors of the city is called for Friday night, March 11, at 7:30 at the school auditorium.
At that meeting, and it is hoped that I everbody will attend, explanation will be made of what is to be done at the election, how candidates are picked, and they may be chosen then or later.
Remember the date, Friday, March 11, at 7:30 p m, school auditorium.
Douglass Tribune FEb 17, 1955
Rose Hm Has First Officials
Rose Hill as a city has it* first officers Tuesday night, following the election Tuesday. There were seven candidates for the five council places, with Vinton Johnson and Russell Hervey being eliminated with 32 and 23 votes respectively.
Glenn Our Jr is mayor, unopposed.
Vernon Lane is police judge, unopposed.
Elected to the cuundl, with their vote j were: Emerson Freeman, 73; Supt L , C Crouch, 73; Dear! Lance, 72; G E Co* . | 70; H T Clinger, 52.
Douglass Tribune April 7, 1955
Rose $11 Holds First Town Meet Before Flection
Rote Hill folks had their first town meeting Friday night and round out a number of things about running a city gotframtui, officers, ttoner;—what—rtsr new town of Rose Hill can and cannot do.
There was a good attendance at the meeting and great interest.
They were told, among other thaigs, that they could buy a fire truck—and set to work at once to get one.
They found out that, at the first c-lection as the City of Rose HiD the candidate will have to be nominated by I petition. These pethkeis, for mayor, five coancihaen and police judge, can be pot in circulation by anyone for anyone they wish to nominate. About 10 signers pats a man or woman on the ballot.
The petitions for this April 5 election, go to the county derk. wfy> orders the ballots.
After the cits' is organized, there may be pairies or petitions in future elections.
Present at the meeting were Attorney Robert M unroe of Augusta, who handled the incorporation proceedings; Red Hayes. Augusta city manager; and Lee DranetL farmer Rose Hill merchants J and a city cconcilnxan at Augusta.
\ 1955

Hose H3I v3 be as incorporated
Following the prestoo a P™-' tics by resident of Rose EEH, * was held Monday tum mag ***** *** county comnnssknefs and, thae bong ” c^ositkn. the commissioners ordered the incorpararioa.
Under the law there will be an ekctic* and a mayor, police lodge fire
coanckoen «iH be named at this voting. The eketko is set for April 5 at the
4H beading.
? Judges tor the tlccdan wffl befit Bessie Lance ♦
LacxDe Cax Wanda Carr.
„ Clerks at the eketkn wBl be— Wretha Co* f
^ Lerrta Smith. t
_ Oj« the board of canvassers wifl be— Q Vrrxan CBnger *
** Dorie Paxdsneas 4
C Mclfurpfcy—... . _ •..•.. .
The official name, under the order of the coonty commassaoners is—CSy of

Citizens Give “Go Ahead" To Water, Sewers
Rose Hill dtirens, at a mass meeting Tuesday night of last week, gave their city council the Go Ahead on plans for water and sewers for Rose Hill.
After ^explanation of the proposals by Attorney R A Munroe and others, the vote was ovrrwhelmincly for the step ahead toward making Rote Hill a modern city. It was 51 to 5 for the more.
Under consideration by Mayor Glenn Carr Jr and the council are plans for securing water for the city and installing a sewage system. There is much to be worked out before the plan can be put into operation—test wells for water supply for the city among the first; then signing up for sewer connections for the homes of Rose Hill. Under the pro- J posal, it is optional with the citizens of the original Rose HrIl whether they put in water and sewage or not.
Ther^ also is the proportion of new additions to the north—and building of around 250 new homes. These are included in plans of bunders and necessary with ihr handling of bonds for the water and sewn s—in other words, Rose H t iwill make a great step forward if plans go thru as proposed.
I Included in the proposed new additions j are the Harris, Hawks and Cox tracts to the north and east of Rose Hill.
Under the plan set out, every home in j the new additions must be connected to j water and the sewer.
Rose Hill, incorporated this spring, and with an up and coming bunch of city officers and business men—stands well to make a lot of progress. There has been a fine bunch of building there and in various directions from town, especU i ally to the north.
And. by its action, the citv told the i council to—Go Ahead—with the modernizing of the city.
Too. a new* school structure is to be added this year The contract will be called for soon for a five-room building south of the present structure. Two years ago a new gym, auditorium and shop was built on the north side.
Douglass Tribune July 1955
Resascitator At
Fire Department
' r
For the benefit of the people of Rose HiH and community there is a resasci-tat or being placed in the fire boose at > Rose Hill. This can be used for any emergency. Call the department Firemen are being instructed on how to use the resascitator. It will be demonstrated Thursday night and firemen ■will take their lessen on its use. Anyone can attend this demonstration^
This is a valuable addition to the fire department1 and may save lives in case of, near drowning, heart attack or being overcome by smoke, etc.
To Sewer Now
Announcement was made the last of the week that Rose Hill householders, now can attach their homes. to the new •ewer system. This work was doe tr start this week.
The work of building the sewers has been on for some time; with the line to thedi^osal being completed.
Too, it looks like Ruse Hill might beve some water ere long:-----------—_____
A meeting was set for this week be-|wqeaa city officials and parties Interested in fumidring water to the city. Indication* were that a water •yttem might be put in.
April 10, 1958
Here is a stannary of building activ-, ity in the vicinity to the north «f Rosa ! HiU exclusive of the Rhine addition. These buildings arc; or will be conyleied this year.
First the new First Baptist church ofj 'cinder block construction three fourths! of a mile north of Rose HilL It has ours* j cry; office and at present is 35x74. It, will have a new addition later which win t include a baptistry. It will have tiled floor and sound proof ceiling. #1
On the corner to the north and half a quarter west- is~theH home uf~Mr and Mrs A1 Tempi in and two boys. They have built an addition of 450 square feet with two bedrooms making their home completely modern. The house to be finished this summer. ,
Next is the new home of Gene and Ida Meeker of cinder block construction, 41x32 to be finished this fall. House lo* cated one mile north of Rose Hill.
Just east of the Meeker home is the hew Rose Hill Bible church. Cinder block, 40x60 with study room; office and kindergarten. Will have tiled floor and sound proof ceiling.
One half mile north of the Meeker home is the new home of Mr and Mrs j Bob Barker and two girls. This house I is cinder block 51x36. Will be completed this fall. , ♦
Across the road from the Barker home is the home of Mr and Mrs Leonard Godsey and daughter. They *ave added pn enclosed porch to their home.
Further north 1-2 mile is the new home of Mr and Mrs Don Raite and four children. A new frame house, stone veneer 48x32. This house is on the place known as the Pat Goodacre {dace.
Three miles north of Rose Hill on the farm originally owned by the Bronsons is the new home of Mr and Mrs Frank Draper and three children. House of svood frame and brick vaneer, 38x74 feet.
One mile east and one and threpjquar-ters north of Rose Hill is the new home of Mr and Mrs Marshall Futhey. This house is wood frame, brick vaneer. 1490 square feet. Will be completed by January.
These new structures will all be modem when finished and* are fine homes and churches, a credit to the oommnmfyT There is no finer place to live—free of undesirable clubs or other activities that attract young folks and excellent school opportunities.
Douglass Tribune Aug 1956
V ”■
Shank’s Restaurant
Rose Hill, Kansas Alice Shank, Owner Finest in Foods and Service Phone SP 6-9975 Rose Hill
Mc’s Distributing Co.
Western Auto Associate Store Moorman’^ Feed Supplements Mr, and Mrs. A. E. McElhiney Rose Hill, Kansas
Waitt Insurance
For Everything in Insoruoi At Rose Hill Bank - George Wakt Jr. Phone SP 6-2131
Cox Cash Grocery and Locker
AG - Brownie Gw, Propk*» AG
Locker - Groceries - Meats - Rose HOI
Maxine’s Beauty Salon
Rose Hill, Kansas Complete Beauty Service Phone SP 6-2152 Rose Hill
Rose Hill Garage
F E Walton, Prop. Rose HiH Automobile Repairing Standard Oil Products Phone SP 6-2181
Waitt Real Estate Agency
George Waitt Herman Korte Claude A- Idler Jr.
Phone SP 6-2131
Shaffer Oil Company
Wholesale & Retail SkeHy Gas ft Oik , Joe Shaffer, Prop.
North Edge of Rose HH1.
Phone SP 6-2161
Waitt Insurance %or Everything in Insurance At Rose Hill Bank Geo. Waitt, Jr. —Ph.SP 6-2131
Rose Hill Cafe
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Young Finest In Foods and Service Rose Hill, Kansas
Rose Hill Beatfty Shop
Doris Strlbling, owner Complete Beauty Service Phone SP 63152 ♦ Rose Hill
Waitt Real Estate Agency
Geo. Waitt -.Herman Korte Claude’ A. Miller, Jr. Phone SP 63131 — Rom Hill

Christmas be like a candle... old-
fash'. 1:: cheery, bright ...shining with
a glad light.
G. B. (Brownie) COX, Mgr.
ROSE HILL *'* SP 63173
Shaffer Oil Company
Skelly Gas and Oils Wholesale and Retail Joe Shaffer, Prop. North Edge of Rose Hill
Rose Hill Garage F. B. Walton, Prop. Automobile Repelling' Standard Oil Products Phone BP63181 — Rom Hill
Mc’a Distributing Co.
Weetem Anto Assop. Store Moor Man’s Feed Supplement Mr. is Mrs. A. E. McElhiney Rom nni, Kaneea
To wish you all the truest joys of Christmas
^Christmas 1961
add Rose Hill State Bank Harris Hardware