Past Mayors
Collection: No Collection
Past Mayors
Mayors, Rose Hill (City), KS-(1955-1989)
The Mayors of the city of Rose Hill from the dates 1955-1989.
Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS
Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, KS
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS
Reproduced with permission from the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS, “Past Mayors,” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 21, 2025,
61-69 BERLIN COX City .two ra ommited the f^E^t
69-71 CARL POSTON *yj- "l ^ 1/ Tj T9-10/74 GO HER JONES 1955 19J7 l^&£h Glen Jr. Carr R-o-y S hxiiiLaJJt£Lr
10/74-5/75 PA^LE SH0UALTER 0iU?co Co
6/75-4/79 GONERJONES fioy IHoluAi* T
Mayor E. A, Rodgers has moved with all his ^qJsWMr-effects to the city of Udall and now the ambitious politicians are engaging in a disgraceful scramble for the rijaycuality. Just who will succeed the late incumbent is at present involved in uncertainty, Jujif, it is generally conceded that if Phil Kinsey would move into town he would be elected at once by ucclainitfon.
I Constable John Cooley has sent to the war department for a Gatling gun and a twenty-four pobri’d Mountain Howitzer to be used in the discharge of his duties. John says that he isn’t very much afraid to arrest a man when he Is well armed, but he considers it madrfess for an officer to attempt to arrest a man, when armed only with two six-shooters and a Winchester rifle. ________j
Nov 1893
City Officers Sam McCullough C. Dennett
Douglass Tribune August 31,1921
! Atr an adjourned meeting of the City Council on Wednesday evening a ^0 year:franchise was granted t.o the Rose. Hill, Richland township tele-— phqnecompany Jo-opera Le a telephone system in the city qf Douglass. The object is to get connection with t lie Rose Hill system.'?.
Nay ;...190 7
City Clerk
Berlin Cox- Mayor Council Members Keith Cox Lynn Crocker Vinton Johnson Carl Poston Leslie Robinson Dayle Showalter-Police April 1960
The city election is very quiet. It looks like Mayor Silknitter, Police Judge Wallace, and City Marshal Poston would be their own successors. It is always best to let good enough alone.
April 3, 1914 Douglass Tribune
Rose Hill Population Richland Township Pleasant Township
Douglass Tribune Nov 30, 1960
City Officials Named Tuesday
There were 94 votes cast in the Rose i Hill City election Tuesday, with Glen | Carr Jr reelected mayor. Paul Hoskin-son was named police judge. They had (no opposition.
Named counci Imen were:
H T Clinger G E Cox Euerson Freeman Andy McElhiney Roy Showalter
Losing candidates were Ray Bressler, Robert Clinger and Jack Duprez.
April 1957
DATED this 30th day of Novem-ber, 1959.
ROY SHOWALTER Mayor of the City of Rose Hill, Butler County, Kansas" BERLIN C. COX, / VERNON WILKS, CARL W. POSTON,
ATTEST: Victor S. Cox City Clerk (Deb. 16r23-30.)
Rose Hill Election Results Given
Rose Hill elected their mayor, council, and police judge in last Tuesday’s election. The results follow. Mayor, Cox, 65; Council-men, David, 64; Sears, 64; Poston, 63; Ward, 56; Wampler, 37; and McElhiney, 35. (The top five receiving votes for councilman will serve a 2-year term.) Police Judge, Showalter. 57.
In the balloting for Unified School District #394 the following were elected: Position #1, Smith, 70; Position #2, Schrag, 132; Position #3, McCluggage, 127; Position #4, Moors, 106; Position #5, Hayes, 116; Position #6, Nelson, 125.
Ramsey contested for Position #1 and received 65 votes. This was the only position with more than one candidate.
Douglass Tribune^ April 1965
Cox Wins Pair Of Places In Rose Hill Vote
G. E. “Brownie” Cox, Rose Hill merchant, did the unusual in last week’s city election there—he won the job as mayor and also as councilman.
No mayor candidate had been nominated.
Candidates were on the ballot for only four of the five council places, hence a write in vote was necessary.
The four men on the ballot won out with these votes: Berlin Cog 44, Keith Cox 42, Harold Johnson 41 and Vernon Wilks 41.
That ,4eft one council , place to fill, arid G. E. Cox,' who has been on the council, polled 17 votes to 12 for Roy Showalter and 10 for Tom Clinger.
The write ins for mayor showed G. E. Cox getting 12, Glenn Carr, who has been mayor, 11, and Roy Showalter, 10, with others getting, a few votes.
That put G. E. Cox in both as mayor and councilman — and brought a problem.
As we found things a few days after the election, it seemed sure Cox would be mayor and Roy Showalter, councilman.
And that is the final result.
April 1959
Cox Wins Race For Mayor
The race for Mayor of Rose Hill was on the close side, but the final vote shows Cox with 60 votes and Poston with 52.
For the council positions , the voting was also quite close, but the winning five were McMurphy with 104. McKay 96, Rush 84, Showalter 83 and Jones 72. Sharp got edged out by a single vote, since his total was 71.
Douglass Tribune April 8, 1971
I Rose Hill voting -! Berlin Cox was renamed Mayor with 56 votes. Dayle Showalter was elected Police Judge with 55 votes.
Councilmen elected and their votes: Cole Culver, 52; Harold Johnson, 51; Carl Poston, 48; Joseph P. Sears, 46; Lynn Crocker, 44.
Other votes were: Emerson j Freeman, 43; Ted McCleary, 8.
Douglass Tribune 1963
Victor S. Cox Sworn in as Mayor
The City Council met Monday night, April 26, at the Fire Station, to have the swearing in of officers. Victor S. Cox
_ - J. T X KJ JL ,
Frank McMurphy Jr. ,
Bill Rash. Gomer Jones, and Dayle Showalter were installed as Councilmen; and Karen Cox as City Clerk.
Harold Mac Kay was unable to fce present, as he is in the hospital, but will be sworn in as councilman when he is able.
The Council went right to work and approved for authorization to contact the Rural Water District #2, and the City of El Dorado, for possible water supply.
The Council approved authorization to check the cost of sealing the city bside" streets.
The Council also approved immediate action to comply with the State Health Department recommendations at the disposal plant.
Douglass Tribune April 29, 1971
New Officials Getting To Work
Rose Hill’s new mayor and city council were to swing into action Monday night in their first meeting—and already the new officials were finding problems.
Vernon Lane had resigned as police judge, to which place he had been elected. Kenneth Yeager was due to get the job.
Frank Smith was to be city clerk and Russ Hervey, city treasurer, we were told.
April 1955
Street Lighting For Rose Hill
Rose Hill is to have street lights.
• In The Tribune this week is an ordinance passed by the council of Rose Hill, contracting with the Kansas Gas and Electric Company for lighting over that city, white way poles and all.
KG&E has accepted the contract, we l are told by George Weckel, and with this ordinance, the city accepts it.
! Construction should start soon. !
ii— .ii« ■ ■ - ■■ .1
Who Named I
These Streets?
Who names streets? i How do they get their names?
Oft, we wonder.
Frinstance, take Rose Hill, newly incorporated, with need for streets to be named—
In a street light ordinance published in The Tribune this week, we findf locations given for lights:
One is Section Line Street.
There is reason for that one. j One is Straw Avenue.
| One is Berry Avenue.
! One is Dill Avenue.
One is Pickle Avenue.
Now, there* is a certain association between Straw and Berry and between Dill and Pickle.
We wonder what a certain grocer, a member of the City Fathers, could have
Vio/4 no ■TYOit-i rr cf T*AP+C ?
New Council In First Meeting
The first meeting of the new officials of Rose Hill, Mayor Glenn Carr Jr and councilmen, will be held April 19, we are told. The council will organize then.
Members visited Augusta Monday night and saw the city council there in action.
April 1955
Aj a special meeting of the Rose Hill City council Tuesday night of last week ;4l L Hunter, consulting engineer from Wichita was named city engineer of .Rose Hill. He is working on plans for a sewer system for the city.
Application has been made thru the health officials for a government grant for 30 percent of the cost of the sewers and action is expected ere long. This grant would be because of many Ros< Hill people working in the defens< plants.
Plans and estimates are due after word from the overament.
October .1956
Council Plans For The Future
Rose Hill’s city council named three new officers at the meeting last week.
Named were Russ Hervey, treasurer; Kenneth Yeager,, police judge; and Frank McMurphy, city clerk, not Frank Smith, as we had it.
Mjayor Glenn Carr Jr and the council were scheduling a meeting, probably Wednesday night of this week, when they were to receive from Attorney R A Munroe figures on the cost of sewers and water for Rose Hill.
The council is making long-range plans on these two. It is said that the plans | call for a water tower and a supply of water from wells.
May 1955
£From the road it looks like a flying saucer.
<|A spiral dome of shiny aluminum reflects the bright rays of sunlight hitting the object in the center of a remote section of fafm land a few miles south of highway US 54 on Rose Hill Rd.
^Although a closer look at the “Saucer” reveals there are no men from outer space camping there, the circular object does have an appearance of striking futuristic Resign.
A sturdy foundation prevents tne object from taking off sfiace. It has been there since 1946 when Beech Aircraft Corp. launched its mammoth Hbuse building program.
.'People live there. Owners of the rg,und house are Mr. and Mrs. William L. Graham. A rural mailbox lists the official residence number as 1957 Easy.
Jtis one of two circular aluminum houses built by the local aircraft firm as part of a that called for mass production of 56,000 units by the end of 1947. <38n this initial production basis the house was expected to cost $6,500 erected.
rThe only flaw in the idea of designer R. Buckminster Fuller is a problem not unfamiliar to today’s architects: buyers didn’t like it.
^Although built soon after the end of World War II, Fuller officials emphasized that the Fuller House was not an emergency measure—it had taken 19 years of engineering and developing to bring it to the production phase.
i The inventor received wide press attention in 1927 for the “Dyma-xfon” house. This plan differed from the round house. It was a hexagonal shaped house and existed only as a design and a model.
Two Houses Built
Two prototypes built were fabricated by Beech during 1944-45. One is in this area. Location of the other is a mystery. It was erected in an isolated ction of the country for test purposes.
* Materials used in the Fuller House include aluminum, transparent plastic windows, plastic screen, copper wire and tubing, plastic and rubberized fabric, synthetic rubber, fiberglass, plywood, stainless steel, magnesium and nylon.
The first unit completed in design was a one-story house 36 feet in diameter and containing 1,017 square feet of floor space divided Jnto a combined living and dining -:room, kitchen, two bedrooms, two Tjaths and an entrance hall. It *Was air conditioned.
EARLY FUTURE HOUSE—This is Wichita oil man William L. Graham’s Fuller House at 1957 Easy, 21/2 miles south of Highway U.S. 54 on Rose Hill Rd. Built in 1946 by Beech Aircraft Corp., the house is designed similar to plans modern architects say will be the house of the future near the turn of the century.—
ALUMINUM WALLS—Outside roofs and walls are made of aluminum and with aluminum foil insulation. The ceiling and inside walls are also of aluminum. This is the living room of the Graham round house.
A Designed to give the family tuore living area than rectangular ouses, the Fuller House could withstand wind velocities of 180 miles per hour from any direction. ?The house weighed about four tons j|md was to be erected on the 4wilding site in a series of simple installations. It was an architectural dream come true.
Back in Spot Light * Today, more than 30 years after fuller started working on the ground house, it is back in the Architectural spotlight again.
£, Wide publicity has been given the house of the future. What do Architects say it will look like? S/It will be round and will have *n exterior of steel-hard glass. Other features are also similar to fhose of the Fuller House. This,
Architects say, will become a reality near the end of the century.
£' Wichita’s plans for a house of §he future came a little more than 50 years too soon. A grim re-1 fninder of public acceptance still Remains intact in the center of $40 acres of Kansas farm land. It’s A durable and attractive house. »nd it’s a reminder that some-limes the public doesn’t give a hoot for good ideas.
ROSE HILL POPULATION HAS MOVED UP SOME For those of you who haven't notjce, the signs at the entrance to Rose Hill have recently been changed.
The population figures now boasts that Rose Hill has 453 residents, compared with the 359 that were claimed in recent years. _,,
In another sign of the growth of Rose Hill, a iour-way stop has been established in the center of town. This stop sign should slow down through traffic to some extent.
; New walkways have also been painted in some location, at the school crossing, for example.
Douglass Tribune Aug 20, 1970
Economic Group Meeting Tuesday
The newly organized development group for the Rose Hill area, the Western Butler County Economic Development Association, will hold a public meeting next Tuesday evening, officers announced this week.
The meeting will be held at the High School Auditorium next Tuesday, December 10 at 7:30 p.m. Any citizen of the Rose Hill area is invited to attend, officers say.
The meeting was called on order of the Rose Hill Mayor and City Council in order to explain the aims of the organization, answer questions of citizens ana explain the financial situation and needs of the new group.
The meeting was originally set for a night this week, but was postponed until next Tuesday. ,
Douglass Tribune Dec. 3, 1970
tose Hill To Have Planning Group
A Rose Hill City Plan-
ling Commission will be IS up for the Rose Hill Community in the •jear future, if plans an-\omced by the City Coun-oU are carried out.
The council is having printed this week in the
tribune a legal notice
about the plans for ap-pointing the commission, and its duties, etc •
Members of the seven member commissions, are to be appointed by the Mayor with the con-sent of the city council.
Terms will run from one to three years for the first appointees, but thereafter will be stag p- ered three year terms.
Two of the members of
the commissioners are
to be residents °fthe area outside the city ivxi its but within three mil
°f Tim purpose of establishing such a Planning^
commission is to to ex
actlv what.the title im
the commission from out side the city limits are, obviously, because> much
development can be ex pected in this adjoining area and the city council would hope to have it come along in an orderly fashion. ,
The planning group are to meet at least on®e^ake'
month. They are to make a comprehensive plan for
the citv and area, and provide other recommend-ations, zoning studies,
et Members of the c°m-mission will serve without pay, other than actual expenses incurred, and are restricted in voting on projects aiiect-ing property in W^1CX they have a personal in-
Some funds are pro-hablv available from state and federal agencies for use by such a com-mission, and other aids in planning are also av ailable.
Douglass Sept 10,
Tribune 1970
Meeting Tonight To Explain For Growth
The public meeting being held by the Western Butler County Economic Development .Corporation is tonight, Thursday, in the Rose Hill school audtiorium, and the boosters of the new organization are hoping for a large turnout of Rose Hill area residents.
The organization is seeking to develop this area through encouraging new firms to locate here. They have set a fund goal, which has not yet been reached, for investment in new or expanding firms, and will explain their financial needs and situation at the meeting tonight.
Several contacts from potential employers who might operate in this area have been made by the organization, and officers are reportedly encouraged botn by the probability of reaching their investment goal, and by the possibility of making a real contribution to industrial and business development of the area.
Douglass Tribune Dec. 10. 1970_________
Burglars Turn To Vandalism
i Robbers were busy in Rose Hill last" Friday night, breaking into the Cox Grocery, Harris Farm Supply, and Santa Fe depot.
They got about $25, tools and : other items at the Harris store; $50 at the Cox Grocery; and $10 at the depot.
They jimmied a cash register at the Cox store. It was the first time money had been left in the register in two years. Earl Phillips, Santa Fe agent, discovered the Santa Fe break-in late Saturday evening. He had been off that day, but went to the depot late in the day.
Reports Monday were that robbers had broken into both school buildings at Rose Hill over the week end. They got j money from several funds, then turned vandal, a n d/ tore up books, threw ink on furniture and floors, and otherwise tore things up.
School was dismissed Monday, | so great was the useless dam-' age. The burglars pried open the deep freeze, ruined two oak doors, scattered sugar, oil, tomatoes, contents of fire extinguishers, ice cream bars, and other things over the floors and walls of the lunch room, office, and grade rooms.
It was one of the worst cases of vandalism in years around here.
They also hit the Derby school, getting about $500, we hear.
Douglass Tribune November 1960
r; -
City Has New Street Signs
Rose Hill patrons - will not new street signs on all come These are the names of t streets recently acted on by new city ordinance and are r< istered in the Register of Dee office in ElDorado as such.
You are urged to obtain your house number on your street and use it in your mailing address. See your councilman for thiis information and thank him amd your mayor for this great im provement to your city.
Douglass Tribune January 1964
Three Rose Hill Businesses Robbed
Early last Wednesday morning three Rose Hill business places were hit by robbers. The break-ins took place at McEl-hiney’s Western Auto, Harris Farm Supply, and Shaffer Oil Co. The loss was not extensive, but the front doors and safes were damaged.
The first robbery was discovered about 7 a.m. by the Skelly attendant. He immediately called Lee Cox, Rose Hill patrolman. After looking over the scene Mr. Cox went to check the other business places in town.
He found the window of Harris Farm Supply open and the door of Western Auto open. The But-l ler County sheriff was then call-1 ed in.
j Skelly lost somewhere around ' $10 and possibly a few tires and other merchandise.
The robbers gained entrance to Harris Farm Supply through a small window on the south side. They first tried the heavy glass doors but failed in opening them. Tools from the store were used to take the hinges and dials off the safe. An estimated $6 were taken.
The front door to McElhiney’s was pried open. The safe had been tampered with, but it was believed that no money was taken. Some merchandise was taken, but they had not yet discovered what all was missing. Mr.
McElhiney said he thought they i were just looking for money.
[ Officers dusted for fingerprints but found none. The robbers obviously wore gloves. No t , leads were discovered. ■
Douglass Tribune
March 1964—-
Land Is Taken Into Rose Hill
Attorney Lea Arvin and E. fc. Jabes paid The Tribune a visi Monday, with an ordinance publication, annexing 22 lot along the blacktop, north of th< Joe Shaffer station, into the cit of Rose Hill.
The land, known as Han Heights, is owned by Mrs. Gra< Harris, and is platted in, 2 lots.
Mr. Arvin tells us that ai rangements have been made t start construction on two hous es, in the $18,500 class, at once They are being built by Boldii Realty of Derby.
He also tells us that he ani Mrs. Arvin are planning ai open house in their new hom< just being completed, t h r e miles north of Roscelin, soon
Douglass Tribune Sept .3, 1964
Rose Hill Businesses
’ 4[. '■ &- K v V- $ ‘ * % *1'
Leading the list of ex» panding businesses was Robbie's Rose .Hill Cafe* Added on was a dining room furnished with new tables and chairs. * Closing aci cordian doors enable the dining area to be. used for various club meetings and family dinners. The counter? space was rearranged to pro* vide three times the ^pace of accommodation. .
The Rose Hill Developers Inc. are constructing a new building located just south of Wocdy’s Red Bud. The building covers an area of 60 by 84 feet. Progress coming «long quite rapidly with the exterior frameex? pec.ted to be completed this week. Filling die space ol the building will be a ne« Western Auto store* facilities for a barber and beauty shop, and space to be leased to retail merchants. The tenants are planning to move into the building by March 1.
The Rose Hill State Bank is expanding to twice its present size. They have pur? chased the former Western Auto Store, and are now in the process of refacing it. Additional features to be in? eluded in the extension are a new vault to house' safety deposit boxes, new counter fixtures, two new offices, an increase in the size of the lobby, and. a 7* x 6' time and temperature sign. The bank plans to open die ‘expanded facilities by March 1 of this year.
'Across- the street from Woydziak's * Laundrymat, Keith qnd Jake Simmons building a Quonset which will be used for storage of their plumbing equipment. There will,also be office facilities.
Douglass Tribune Jan 13, 1966
Rose Hill Booms
Things are booming in downtown Rose Hill this week.
Work in underway for the foundations for‘the new Showaller Service station just off the main downtown corner.
A Pizza and Taco place Will soon be opening in the vacant location at the north end of the off street shopping area.
O.C s Market is having work down on awnings and iront windows, and the Hose Hill State Bank is t eportedlv planning' some additional improvement to their fine structure.
Douglass Tribune
. '*■ ?t>. is( .19 71
Eight file suit against Rose Hill
Eight men have joined in filing a suit in Butler County District court against the City of Rose Hill for damages they have allegedly suffered by the effluent discharged from the city's sewage plant into a creek flowing across their property.
The men claim the plant releases treated and untreated, or partially treated sewage, chemicals and other liquid substances of a pollutive, deleterious, poisonous and noxious nature into Eight Mile creek. They say it creates a
menace to their health and that it interferes with their use and enjoyment of their land.
They have requested a restraining order be issued forcing Rose Hill to stop releasing the effluent into the creek.
Men who filed the suit are John Engels, Cecil Ingold, and L. 0. Jones, all of Route 1, Rose Hill; and Vern Mahlandt, Edgar Pelzi, John M. Woody, Cleo Randall and Donald Whitted, all of Route 1, Derby.
Douglass Tribune May 6, 1971
Officials Sworn At April Meeting
The Rose Hill City Council meeting was held April 30, 1973 at the Citv Office.
Loren Dupuy was installed as City Clerk, and the.following officials were sworn into office: Gomer W. Jones—
Mayor; Dayle Showalter-Councilman; Frank McMurphy Jr.-Councilman; Billy D. Rash-Councilman; Richard Boswell—Councilman; Lyonel R. Young— Councilman.
Walter Sharp was appointed superintendent of the Building and Health Department. Sharp's duties will include the issuing of building permits, inspections for compliance with building and construction codes and the removal of all health hazards.
Applications for building permits were submitted by: V inton John «*• son, 301 S. Main, Adding to a garage; and the United Methodist Church, hutiding a new church.
Douglass Tribune M a y 10, 19 73 _
Name New Clerk, Will Seek Funds
A special meeting of the Rose Hill City Council was held Tuesday, July 10, 1973, with the following members in attendance:
Gomer W. Jones-Mayor; Dayle Showalter-Councilman; Frank Me Murphy-Councilman; Richard Boswell-Coun-cilman; Bill D. Rash-Councilman; and Lyonel Ray Young-Councilman. Resolution No. RHrl4 was passed to pern#t procedures to continue tor obtaining a Federal Grant for Funds to build a Sewage lift station for the Showalter Sewage district.
Charles G. Martin was approved as City Clerk to fill out the /acancy caused when Loren Dupuy had to resign due to a change in his work schedule.
Douglass Tribune July 19. 1973
April 1979
IFrom the files of The Rose Hill Reporter Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1978]
The first water-cooled Ford Pinto engined homebuilder’s, airplane has been successfully built recently by Javelin Aircraft Company, Inc., near Rose Hill. Although automotive engines for aircraft have proved successful for over 50 years, this is the first time an engine of only 290 pounds, 180 horse power, has been used.
Built with a turbo supercharger and reduction drive, the engine will be the lightest and most inexpensive on the aircraft market.
During its test flight, Aug. 26, Test Pilot Carl Fratus took the craft up 10 thousand feet with no problem. He said the engine was strong and seemed durable during the hour flight.
Ambulance service being explored for Rose Hill
Chuck Lewis, Rose Hill and Larry Gould, past director of the Emergency Medical Service in Derby addressed the Rose Hill City Council concerning beginning an ambulance service in Rose Hill. The council was informed that currently the road ti for"an ambulance to arrive at Rose Hill is. 12 minutes. This is only road time and does not include the time it takes to relay the message or the time it takes the driver to get to the ambulance and begin the run.
Jim Schmidt, Rose Hill, currently works with the Wichita EMS and is a paramedic with the Wichita Fire Department, is considering taking the directorship of the Rose Hill EMS when it is begun.
An EMS training course is in the working for Rose Hill. The organizers are in hopes of getting the location of the classes at Rose Hill.
This is contingent upon interest and participation though.
The EMS is strictly volunteer. The volunteers are required to take the training class. According to Gould, one state licensed emergency medical technician is required to ride in the ambulance on all routes.
The projected cost for a basic ambulance is $40,000. The yearly maintance is $8,000.
Minimum personnel would be 20-25 volunteers with three always on call. The money for the ambulance can hopefully be obtained by federal and state funding and by donations.
Doug la s^Ji^bune October 1980
RH cable TV hook-ups to begin
The Rose Hill City Council met Monday evening, March 16 in a regularly scheduled session. ..
Lydele Seacat of Crest Communications was present to discuss Rose Hill cabin TV. According to Seacat all equipment necessary for cable TV in Rose Hill has been received by Cr^st. The company is waiting for KG&E to get the lines run and a pole up. Expectations are that cable TV will be ready for hook up in Rose Hill by April 1.
In other business the city council amended the ordinance banning the sale and shooting of fireworks in the city limits to a class C misdeameanor with a fine not to exceed $500.
The city council approved the onortgage revenue bond purchase agreement between First Securities Company and the City of Rose Hill, and also authorized the bond ordinance.
Douglass Tribune March 19 81'
Funds approved for RH park
A letter from the Kansas State Park and Resources Authority was received last week by Rose Hill Mayor Steve Whetstine.The city has applied for federal funds in the amount of $102,400 for the development of Frances Wells Perkins Park under the Land and Water Conservation Program. The application has been approved by the Joint Council on Recreation, pending release of federal funds.
Although there is no guarantee that funds will be released in 1981 for this project, the state is anticipating that there may yet be a release of funds, and promises to keep us informed of any significant changes taking place in the funding process.
Douglass 'Tribune March 1981
Work begins on Perkins Park
ROSE HILI—What a bonanza for the city of Rose Hill! Construction began last week when heavy earthmoving equipment moved in and began leveling the site for Rose Hill's newest recreational facility—Frances Wells Perkins Park.
Contracts have been awarded for Knebler Construction for excavation and parking, $30,670; Construction Services, Bryant Inc. for restroom and electrical work, $33,270; and to American for fencing and the backstop for the ball diamond, $5,118.
Originally the park facility was to have been ready for use in June, but now an early fall completion day is hoped for by Park Commissioner Jan Weidman. Delays have been caused by rainy weather,
Rose Hill is one of the last cities in the United States to receive Federal monies in matching funds for such a project. The Federal program was discontinued, Weidman said, but Rose Hill was fortunate to have obtained the funds as the need for additional recreational facilities was so great.
The park, located on east 71st Street (Silknitter), is easily accessible to walkers or bike riders. It will provide one 100 off-street parking places for vehicles.
The city now has one facility, Grace Park, whose picnic area, playground, ball diamond and tennis courts are in constant demand. The new park area can be utilized well by the community with its constantly increasing number of participants in the(
PERKINS PARK WORK STARTED—The initial work of leveling thej5iteoy=rances Wells Perkins Park in Rose Hill last week by Knebler Construction4Staff Photo)
Douglass Tribune
July 1982
summer recreational program.
In 1979 there were 300 participants in baseball, softball, and T-ball. This grew to 450 in the 1980 program and spurted to 605 in the 1982 program. In addition there are a number of youngsters in spring soccer, fall soccer, basketball and football programs.
The park was initially possible through the seven acres of land donated by the Perkins family and the Ray Warren Strode family. It is named after Frances Wells Perkins, wife and mother of Ray and James Perkins, both of Hayden Company.
The land was estimated to be valued at $100,000, and was actually later appraised at $125,000. Matching funds were applied for by Commissioner Weidman. Community input has been obtained through the park advisory board made up of Sharon Herndon, John Martsolf, Darold Zimick, Junior Pickett, Barbara Reed and lone James.
Plans called for construction of baseball diamonds, a soccer field, a, playground area, tennis courts, shelter house and comfort station, Because of escalating costs from the time the plans were laid until now, priorities now include the soccer field, baseball diamonds and playground area, Weidman said. Other plans will be carried out as money becomes available.
Weidman stated that volunteer help will be utilized to cut costs. Jobs such as the seeding of grass and a possible underground sprinkling system can be done by residents of Rose Hill who care about providing adequate recreational facilities for the approximately 1500 residents plus the wide community of people it serves in the outlying area.
CONCESSION STAND READY—John Berry, presidentof Ihe Lions Club, watches as Keith Simmons, city employee, trenches for the electrical system of the newly-constructed concession stand in Grace Park.
Concession stand
ready for business
The Rose Hill Lions Club has just completed a 12’ by 30’ concession stand located in Grace Park to be used by the Lioness Club for their money-making projects and by other groups, President John Berry stated. The building will also be used to store equipment.
Mike Minnis, Lion’s member, was project coordinator for the building ~'hich would have cost in the neighborhood of $5,000 or $6,000, Berry ommented, if so much labor and materials had not been donated. The building is furnished with a microwave oven, pop cooler and running water.
Money was donated by the Lioness
Douglass Tribune July 1982
Club, the Baseball Association and the Lions. Labor and materials were donated by M & W Electric, Lindbloom Electric, Iverson & Westfall Plumbing and Electrical, Don Hayden Construction and Law Construction Company of Wichita. The Lions members did much of the construction work.
Future work to be done, Berry said, is to pour a concrete pad in front of the window area. The Lions also have plans to take out the white rail fence on the west and replace it with a chain-link fence with walkways through at various points, Berry said.
Editor named for Rose Hill
Kathie Marsh begins with this edition as Rose Hill’s new editor for the Rose Hill Reporter.
Rose Hill has been without an editor since mid-August.
Kathie has lived in Rose Hill for 1% years. She arrived from Del City, Okla., with her husband, Rick and her two sens. Her husband is a government employee, working out of Boeing. Brad, her oldest son, is 7 and attends first grade at Rose Hill Elementary. Her youngest son, Steve is almost 4.
Keeping busy with her family and attending church are some of the activities that keep Kathie busy. She also enjoys music, arts, crafts, attending and sometimes playing sports, and bicycling. She is classified as a senior in college, but is not attending this year.
She believes that, “Rose Hill deserves to have their news covered. I think people in the town want to know what’s happening and want to get involved in the community activities. I’m excited about covering the news, because I have my own interest in our town. I’ve grown to really like Rose Hill and the people in it. I hope I can benefit the community with this service.
New Rose Hill editor
For those of you who do not know, the Rose Hill Reporter has a new editor. She is Lynn Mjllfi£. Lynn is a Rose Hill resident and resides with her husband and three children
"4' -4•• *<
“I am excited about working for the paper and am looking forward to meeting all of our Rose Hill area residents,” said Lynn.
As there is not yet a newspaper office in Rose Hill, Lynn is dividing her time, between the Douglass and Andover offices and the town of Rose Hill. Anyone having news for the Haper may contact Lynn at 733-0722 ob776-2868. News items may also be placed in the Rose Hill Reporter box at C&W Market dr mailed to Box 26 at the Rose Hill Post Office.
Douglas r Tribune March 1981
Kathie Marsh
If you have news you would like printed about your club, church, school, or other function, please contact Kathie at 776-2861, or come by her office. She is also taking announcements of births, birthdays, engagements, weddings and anniversaries as well as advertisements. Her office hours will be 1 p.m. through 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Douglass Tribune October 1979
Rose Hill
1990 City Population:
County: Butler
1990 County Population:
Type of City Government:
Mayor/Council The School District:
The Rose Hill School District has one elementary school, one junior high school and one senior high school.
Number of Churches: 7 Avg. Water Consumption
Per Day: 279,521 Major Employers
USD 394 197
Rose Hill State Bank 38 Rose Hill IGA 35
City of Rose Hill 13-15
Derby Reporter Feb 1993
New Rose
Robbie Ebe hardt of Rose Hill, formerly of Towanda, is the new assistant city clerk for Rose Hill.
Eberhardt replaced Sue Hubbard, who had resigned.
The Rose Hill city clerk is Cecelia Bollig. * ^
Past Mayors
Mayors, Rose Hill (City), KS-(1955-1989)
The Mayors of the city of Rose Hill from the dates 1955-1989.
Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS
Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, KS
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS
Reproduced with permission from the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS, “Past Mayors,” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 21, 2025,
61-69 BERLIN COX City .two ra ommited the f^E^t
69-71 CARL POSTON *yj- "l ^ 1/ Tj T9-10/74 GO HER JONES 1955 19J7 l^&£h Glen Jr. Carr R-o-y S hxiiiLaJJt£Lr
10/74-5/75 PA^LE SH0UALTER 0iU?co Co
6/75-4/79 GONERJONES fioy IHoluAi* T
Mayor E. A, Rodgers has moved with all his ^qJsWMr-effects to the city of Udall and now the ambitious politicians are engaging in a disgraceful scramble for the rijaycuality. Just who will succeed the late incumbent is at present involved in uncertainty, Jujif, it is generally conceded that if Phil Kinsey would move into town he would be elected at once by ucclainitfon.
I Constable John Cooley has sent to the war department for a Gatling gun and a twenty-four pobri’d Mountain Howitzer to be used in the discharge of his duties. John says that he isn’t very much afraid to arrest a man when he Is well armed, but he considers it madrfess for an officer to attempt to arrest a man, when armed only with two six-shooters and a Winchester rifle. ________j
Nov 1893
City Officers Sam McCullough C. Dennett
Douglass Tribune August 31,1921
! Atr an adjourned meeting of the City Council on Wednesday evening a ^0 year:franchise was granted t.o the Rose. Hill, Richland township tele-— phqnecompany Jo-opera Le a telephone system in the city qf Douglass. The object is to get connection with t lie Rose Hill system.'?.
Nay ;...190 7
City Clerk
Berlin Cox- Mayor Council Members Keith Cox Lynn Crocker Vinton Johnson Carl Poston Leslie Robinson Dayle Showalter-Police April 1960
The city election is very quiet. It looks like Mayor Silknitter, Police Judge Wallace, and City Marshal Poston would be their own successors. It is always best to let good enough alone.
April 3, 1914 Douglass Tribune
Rose Hill Population Richland Township Pleasant Township
Douglass Tribune Nov 30, 1960
City Officials Named Tuesday
There were 94 votes cast in the Rose i Hill City election Tuesday, with Glen | Carr Jr reelected mayor. Paul Hoskin-son was named police judge. They had (no opposition.
Named counci Imen were:
H T Clinger G E Cox Euerson Freeman Andy McElhiney Roy Showalter
Losing candidates were Ray Bressler, Robert Clinger and Jack Duprez.
April 1957
DATED this 30th day of Novem-ber, 1959.
ROY SHOWALTER Mayor of the City of Rose Hill, Butler County, Kansas" BERLIN C. COX, / VERNON WILKS, CARL W. POSTON,
ATTEST: Victor S. Cox City Clerk (Deb. 16r23-30.)
Rose Hill Election Results Given
Rose Hill elected their mayor, council, and police judge in last Tuesday’s election. The results follow. Mayor, Cox, 65; Council-men, David, 64; Sears, 64; Poston, 63; Ward, 56; Wampler, 37; and McElhiney, 35. (The top five receiving votes for councilman will serve a 2-year term.) Police Judge, Showalter. 57.
In the balloting for Unified School District #394 the following were elected: Position #1, Smith, 70; Position #2, Schrag, 132; Position #3, McCluggage, 127; Position #4, Moors, 106; Position #5, Hayes, 116; Position #6, Nelson, 125.
Ramsey contested for Position #1 and received 65 votes. This was the only position with more than one candidate.
Douglass Tribune^ April 1965
Cox Wins Pair Of Places In Rose Hill Vote
G. E. “Brownie” Cox, Rose Hill merchant, did the unusual in last week’s city election there—he won the job as mayor and also as councilman.
No mayor candidate had been nominated.
Candidates were on the ballot for only four of the five council places, hence a write in vote was necessary.
The four men on the ballot won out with these votes: Berlin Cog 44, Keith Cox 42, Harold Johnson 41 and Vernon Wilks 41.
That ,4eft one council , place to fill, arid G. E. Cox,' who has been on the council, polled 17 votes to 12 for Roy Showalter and 10 for Tom Clinger.
The write ins for mayor showed G. E. Cox getting 12, Glenn Carr, who has been mayor, 11, and Roy Showalter, 10, with others getting, a few votes.
That put G. E. Cox in both as mayor and councilman — and brought a problem.
As we found things a few days after the election, it seemed sure Cox would be mayor and Roy Showalter, councilman.
And that is the final result.
April 1959
Cox Wins Race For Mayor
The race for Mayor of Rose Hill was on the close side, but the final vote shows Cox with 60 votes and Poston with 52.
For the council positions , the voting was also quite close, but the winning five were McMurphy with 104. McKay 96, Rush 84, Showalter 83 and Jones 72. Sharp got edged out by a single vote, since his total was 71.
Douglass Tribune April 8, 1971
I Rose Hill voting -! Berlin Cox was renamed Mayor with 56 votes. Dayle Showalter was elected Police Judge with 55 votes.
Councilmen elected and their votes: Cole Culver, 52; Harold Johnson, 51; Carl Poston, 48; Joseph P. Sears, 46; Lynn Crocker, 44.
Other votes were: Emerson j Freeman, 43; Ted McCleary, 8.
Douglass Tribune 1963
Victor S. Cox Sworn in as Mayor
The City Council met Monday night, April 26, at the Fire Station, to have the swearing in of officers. Victor S. Cox
_ - J. T X KJ JL ,
Frank McMurphy Jr. ,
Bill Rash. Gomer Jones, and Dayle Showalter were installed as Councilmen; and Karen Cox as City Clerk.
Harold Mac Kay was unable to fce present, as he is in the hospital, but will be sworn in as councilman when he is able.
The Council went right to work and approved for authorization to contact the Rural Water District #2, and the City of El Dorado, for possible water supply.
The Council approved authorization to check the cost of sealing the city bside" streets.
The Council also approved immediate action to comply with the State Health Department recommendations at the disposal plant.
Douglass Tribune April 29, 1971
New Officials Getting To Work
Rose Hill’s new mayor and city council were to swing into action Monday night in their first meeting—and already the new officials were finding problems.
Vernon Lane had resigned as police judge, to which place he had been elected. Kenneth Yeager was due to get the job.
Frank Smith was to be city clerk and Russ Hervey, city treasurer, we were told.
April 1955
Street Lighting For Rose Hill
Rose Hill is to have street lights.
• In The Tribune this week is an ordinance passed by the council of Rose Hill, contracting with the Kansas Gas and Electric Company for lighting over that city, white way poles and all.
KG&E has accepted the contract, we l are told by George Weckel, and with this ordinance, the city accepts it.
! Construction should start soon. !
ii— .ii« ■ ■ - ■■ .1
Who Named I
These Streets?
Who names streets? i How do they get their names?
Oft, we wonder.
Frinstance, take Rose Hill, newly incorporated, with need for streets to be named—
In a street light ordinance published in The Tribune this week, we findf locations given for lights:
One is Section Line Street.
There is reason for that one. j One is Straw Avenue.
| One is Berry Avenue.
! One is Dill Avenue.
One is Pickle Avenue.
Now, there* is a certain association between Straw and Berry and between Dill and Pickle.
We wonder what a certain grocer, a member of the City Fathers, could have
Vio/4 no ■TYOit-i rr cf T*AP+C ?
New Council In First Meeting
The first meeting of the new officials of Rose Hill, Mayor Glenn Carr Jr and councilmen, will be held April 19, we are told. The council will organize then.
Members visited Augusta Monday night and saw the city council there in action.
April 1955
Aj a special meeting of the Rose Hill City council Tuesday night of last week ;4l L Hunter, consulting engineer from Wichita was named city engineer of .Rose Hill. He is working on plans for a sewer system for the city.
Application has been made thru the health officials for a government grant for 30 percent of the cost of the sewers and action is expected ere long. This grant would be because of many Ros< Hill people working in the defens< plants.
Plans and estimates are due after word from the overament.
October .1956
Council Plans For The Future
Rose Hill’s city council named three new officers at the meeting last week.
Named were Russ Hervey, treasurer; Kenneth Yeager,, police judge; and Frank McMurphy, city clerk, not Frank Smith, as we had it.
Mjayor Glenn Carr Jr and the council were scheduling a meeting, probably Wednesday night of this week, when they were to receive from Attorney R A Munroe figures on the cost of sewers and water for Rose Hill.
The council is making long-range plans on these two. It is said that the plans | call for a water tower and a supply of water from wells.
May 1955
£From the road it looks like a flying saucer.
<|A spiral dome of shiny aluminum reflects the bright rays of sunlight hitting the object in the center of a remote section of fafm land a few miles south of highway US 54 on Rose Hill Rd.
^Although a closer look at the “Saucer” reveals there are no men from outer space camping there, the circular object does have an appearance of striking futuristic Resign.
A sturdy foundation prevents tne object from taking off sfiace. It has been there since 1946 when Beech Aircraft Corp. launched its mammoth Hbuse building program.
.'People live there. Owners of the rg,und house are Mr. and Mrs. William L. Graham. A rural mailbox lists the official residence number as 1957 Easy.
Jtis one of two circular aluminum houses built by the local aircraft firm as part of a that called for mass production of 56,000 units by the end of 1947. <38n this initial production basis the house was expected to cost $6,500 erected.
rThe only flaw in the idea of designer R. Buckminster Fuller is a problem not unfamiliar to today’s architects: buyers didn’t like it.
^Although built soon after the end of World War II, Fuller officials emphasized that the Fuller House was not an emergency measure—it had taken 19 years of engineering and developing to bring it to the production phase.
i The inventor received wide press attention in 1927 for the “Dyma-xfon” house. This plan differed from the round house. It was a hexagonal shaped house and existed only as a design and a model.
Two Houses Built
Two prototypes built were fabricated by Beech during 1944-45. One is in this area. Location of the other is a mystery. It was erected in an isolated ction of the country for test purposes.
* Materials used in the Fuller House include aluminum, transparent plastic windows, plastic screen, copper wire and tubing, plastic and rubberized fabric, synthetic rubber, fiberglass, plywood, stainless steel, magnesium and nylon.
The first unit completed in design was a one-story house 36 feet in diameter and containing 1,017 square feet of floor space divided Jnto a combined living and dining -:room, kitchen, two bedrooms, two Tjaths and an entrance hall. It *Was air conditioned.
EARLY FUTURE HOUSE—This is Wichita oil man William L. Graham’s Fuller House at 1957 Easy, 21/2 miles south of Highway U.S. 54 on Rose Hill Rd. Built in 1946 by Beech Aircraft Corp., the house is designed similar to plans modern architects say will be the house of the future near the turn of the century.—
ALUMINUM WALLS—Outside roofs and walls are made of aluminum and with aluminum foil insulation. The ceiling and inside walls are also of aluminum. This is the living room of the Graham round house.
A Designed to give the family tuore living area than rectangular ouses, the Fuller House could withstand wind velocities of 180 miles per hour from any direction. ?The house weighed about four tons j|md was to be erected on the 4wilding site in a series of simple installations. It was an architectural dream come true.
Back in Spot Light * Today, more than 30 years after fuller started working on the ground house, it is back in the Architectural spotlight again.
£, Wide publicity has been given the house of the future. What do Architects say it will look like? S/It will be round and will have *n exterior of steel-hard glass. Other features are also similar to fhose of the Fuller House. This,
Architects say, will become a reality near the end of the century.
£' Wichita’s plans for a house of §he future came a little more than 50 years too soon. A grim re-1 fninder of public acceptance still Remains intact in the center of $40 acres of Kansas farm land. It’s A durable and attractive house. »nd it’s a reminder that some-limes the public doesn’t give a hoot for good ideas.
ROSE HILL POPULATION HAS MOVED UP SOME For those of you who haven't notjce, the signs at the entrance to Rose Hill have recently been changed.
The population figures now boasts that Rose Hill has 453 residents, compared with the 359 that were claimed in recent years. _,,
In another sign of the growth of Rose Hill, a iour-way stop has been established in the center of town. This stop sign should slow down through traffic to some extent.
; New walkways have also been painted in some location, at the school crossing, for example.
Douglass Tribune Aug 20, 1970
Economic Group Meeting Tuesday
The newly organized development group for the Rose Hill area, the Western Butler County Economic Development Association, will hold a public meeting next Tuesday evening, officers announced this week.
The meeting will be held at the High School Auditorium next Tuesday, December 10 at 7:30 p.m. Any citizen of the Rose Hill area is invited to attend, officers say.
The meeting was called on order of the Rose Hill Mayor and City Council in order to explain the aims of the organization, answer questions of citizens ana explain the financial situation and needs of the new group.
The meeting was originally set for a night this week, but was postponed until next Tuesday. ,
Douglass Tribune Dec. 3, 1970
tose Hill To Have Planning Group
A Rose Hill City Plan-
ling Commission will be IS up for the Rose Hill Community in the •jear future, if plans an-\omced by the City Coun-oU are carried out.
The council is having printed this week in the
tribune a legal notice
about the plans for ap-pointing the commission, and its duties, etc •
Members of the seven member commissions, are to be appointed by the Mayor with the con-sent of the city council.
Terms will run from one to three years for the first appointees, but thereafter will be stag p- ered three year terms.
Two of the members of
the commissioners are
to be residents °fthe area outside the city ivxi its but within three mil
°f Tim purpose of establishing such a Planning^
commission is to to ex
actlv what.the title im
the commission from out side the city limits are, obviously, because> much
development can be ex pected in this adjoining area and the city council would hope to have it come along in an orderly fashion. ,
The planning group are to meet at least on®e^ake'
month. They are to make a comprehensive plan for
the citv and area, and provide other recommend-ations, zoning studies,
et Members of the c°m-mission will serve without pay, other than actual expenses incurred, and are restricted in voting on projects aiiect-ing property in W^1CX they have a personal in-
Some funds are pro-hablv available from state and federal agencies for use by such a com-mission, and other aids in planning are also av ailable.
Douglass Sept 10,
Tribune 1970
Meeting Tonight To Explain For Growth
The public meeting being held by the Western Butler County Economic Development .Corporation is tonight, Thursday, in the Rose Hill school audtiorium, and the boosters of the new organization are hoping for a large turnout of Rose Hill area residents.
The organization is seeking to develop this area through encouraging new firms to locate here. They have set a fund goal, which has not yet been reached, for investment in new or expanding firms, and will explain their financial needs and situation at the meeting tonight.
Several contacts from potential employers who might operate in this area have been made by the organization, and officers are reportedly encouraged botn by the probability of reaching their investment goal, and by the possibility of making a real contribution to industrial and business development of the area.
Douglass Tribune Dec. 10. 1970_________
Burglars Turn To Vandalism
i Robbers were busy in Rose Hill last" Friday night, breaking into the Cox Grocery, Harris Farm Supply, and Santa Fe depot.
They got about $25, tools and : other items at the Harris store; $50 at the Cox Grocery; and $10 at the depot.
They jimmied a cash register at the Cox store. It was the first time money had been left in the register in two years. Earl Phillips, Santa Fe agent, discovered the Santa Fe break-in late Saturday evening. He had been off that day, but went to the depot late in the day.
Reports Monday were that robbers had broken into both school buildings at Rose Hill over the week end. They got j money from several funds, then turned vandal, a n d/ tore up books, threw ink on furniture and floors, and otherwise tore things up.
School was dismissed Monday, | so great was the useless dam-' age. The burglars pried open the deep freeze, ruined two oak doors, scattered sugar, oil, tomatoes, contents of fire extinguishers, ice cream bars, and other things over the floors and walls of the lunch room, office, and grade rooms.
It was one of the worst cases of vandalism in years around here.
They also hit the Derby school, getting about $500, we hear.
Douglass Tribune November 1960
r; -
City Has New Street Signs
Rose Hill patrons - will not new street signs on all come These are the names of t streets recently acted on by new city ordinance and are r< istered in the Register of Dee office in ElDorado as such.
You are urged to obtain your house number on your street and use it in your mailing address. See your councilman for thiis information and thank him amd your mayor for this great im provement to your city.
Douglass Tribune January 1964
Three Rose Hill Businesses Robbed
Early last Wednesday morning three Rose Hill business places were hit by robbers. The break-ins took place at McEl-hiney’s Western Auto, Harris Farm Supply, and Shaffer Oil Co. The loss was not extensive, but the front doors and safes were damaged.
The first robbery was discovered about 7 a.m. by the Skelly attendant. He immediately called Lee Cox, Rose Hill patrolman. After looking over the scene Mr. Cox went to check the other business places in town.
He found the window of Harris Farm Supply open and the door of Western Auto open. The But-l ler County sheriff was then call-1 ed in.
j Skelly lost somewhere around ' $10 and possibly a few tires and other merchandise.
The robbers gained entrance to Harris Farm Supply through a small window on the south side. They first tried the heavy glass doors but failed in opening them. Tools from the store were used to take the hinges and dials off the safe. An estimated $6 were taken.
The front door to McElhiney’s was pried open. The safe had been tampered with, but it was believed that no money was taken. Some merchandise was taken, but they had not yet discovered what all was missing. Mr.
McElhiney said he thought they i were just looking for money.
[ Officers dusted for fingerprints but found none. The robbers obviously wore gloves. No t , leads were discovered. ■
Douglass Tribune
March 1964—-
Land Is Taken Into Rose Hill
Attorney Lea Arvin and E. fc. Jabes paid The Tribune a visi Monday, with an ordinance publication, annexing 22 lot along the blacktop, north of th< Joe Shaffer station, into the cit of Rose Hill.
The land, known as Han Heights, is owned by Mrs. Gra< Harris, and is platted in, 2 lots.
Mr. Arvin tells us that ai rangements have been made t start construction on two hous es, in the $18,500 class, at once They are being built by Boldii Realty of Derby.
He also tells us that he ani Mrs. Arvin are planning ai open house in their new hom< just being completed, t h r e miles north of Roscelin, soon
Douglass Tribune Sept .3, 1964
Rose Hill Businesses
’ 4[. '■ &- K v V- $ ‘ * % *1'
Leading the list of ex» panding businesses was Robbie's Rose .Hill Cafe* Added on was a dining room furnished with new tables and chairs. * Closing aci cordian doors enable the dining area to be. used for various club meetings and family dinners. The counter? space was rearranged to pro* vide three times the ^pace of accommodation. .
The Rose Hill Developers Inc. are constructing a new building located just south of Wocdy’s Red Bud. The building covers an area of 60 by 84 feet. Progress coming «long quite rapidly with the exterior frameex? pec.ted to be completed this week. Filling die space ol the building will be a ne« Western Auto store* facilities for a barber and beauty shop, and space to be leased to retail merchants. The tenants are planning to move into the building by March 1.
The Rose Hill State Bank is expanding to twice its present size. They have pur? chased the former Western Auto Store, and are now in the process of refacing it. Additional features to be in? eluded in the extension are a new vault to house' safety deposit boxes, new counter fixtures, two new offices, an increase in the size of the lobby, and. a 7* x 6' time and temperature sign. The bank plans to open die ‘expanded facilities by March 1 of this year.
'Across- the street from Woydziak's * Laundrymat, Keith qnd Jake Simmons building a Quonset which will be used for storage of their plumbing equipment. There will,also be office facilities.
Douglass Tribune Jan 13, 1966
Rose Hill Booms
Things are booming in downtown Rose Hill this week.
Work in underway for the foundations for‘the new Showaller Service station just off the main downtown corner.
A Pizza and Taco place Will soon be opening in the vacant location at the north end of the off street shopping area.
O.C s Market is having work down on awnings and iront windows, and the Hose Hill State Bank is t eportedlv planning' some additional improvement to their fine structure.
Douglass Tribune
. '*■ ?t>. is( .19 71
Eight file suit against Rose Hill
Eight men have joined in filing a suit in Butler County District court against the City of Rose Hill for damages they have allegedly suffered by the effluent discharged from the city's sewage plant into a creek flowing across their property.
The men claim the plant releases treated and untreated, or partially treated sewage, chemicals and other liquid substances of a pollutive, deleterious, poisonous and noxious nature into Eight Mile creek. They say it creates a
menace to their health and that it interferes with their use and enjoyment of their land.
They have requested a restraining order be issued forcing Rose Hill to stop releasing the effluent into the creek.
Men who filed the suit are John Engels, Cecil Ingold, and L. 0. Jones, all of Route 1, Rose Hill; and Vern Mahlandt, Edgar Pelzi, John M. Woody, Cleo Randall and Donald Whitted, all of Route 1, Derby.
Douglass Tribune May 6, 1971
Officials Sworn At April Meeting
The Rose Hill City Council meeting was held April 30, 1973 at the Citv Office.
Loren Dupuy was installed as City Clerk, and the.following officials were sworn into office: Gomer W. Jones—
Mayor; Dayle Showalter-Councilman; Frank McMurphy Jr.-Councilman; Billy D. Rash-Councilman; Richard Boswell—Councilman; Lyonel R. Young— Councilman.
Walter Sharp was appointed superintendent of the Building and Health Department. Sharp's duties will include the issuing of building permits, inspections for compliance with building and construction codes and the removal of all health hazards.
Applications for building permits were submitted by: V inton John «*• son, 301 S. Main, Adding to a garage; and the United Methodist Church, hutiding a new church.
Douglass Tribune M a y 10, 19 73 _
Name New Clerk, Will Seek Funds
A special meeting of the Rose Hill City Council was held Tuesday, July 10, 1973, with the following members in attendance:
Gomer W. Jones-Mayor; Dayle Showalter-Councilman; Frank Me Murphy-Councilman; Richard Boswell-Coun-cilman; Bill D. Rash-Councilman; and Lyonel Ray Young-Councilman. Resolution No. RHrl4 was passed to pern#t procedures to continue tor obtaining a Federal Grant for Funds to build a Sewage lift station for the Showalter Sewage district.
Charles G. Martin was approved as City Clerk to fill out the /acancy caused when Loren Dupuy had to resign due to a change in his work schedule.
Douglass Tribune July 19. 1973
April 1979
IFrom the files of The Rose Hill Reporter Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1978]
The first water-cooled Ford Pinto engined homebuilder’s, airplane has been successfully built recently by Javelin Aircraft Company, Inc., near Rose Hill. Although automotive engines for aircraft have proved successful for over 50 years, this is the first time an engine of only 290 pounds, 180 horse power, has been used.
Built with a turbo supercharger and reduction drive, the engine will be the lightest and most inexpensive on the aircraft market.
During its test flight, Aug. 26, Test Pilot Carl Fratus took the craft up 10 thousand feet with no problem. He said the engine was strong and seemed durable during the hour flight.
Ambulance service being explored for Rose Hill
Chuck Lewis, Rose Hill and Larry Gould, past director of the Emergency Medical Service in Derby addressed the Rose Hill City Council concerning beginning an ambulance service in Rose Hill. The council was informed that currently the road ti for"an ambulance to arrive at Rose Hill is. 12 minutes. This is only road time and does not include the time it takes to relay the message or the time it takes the driver to get to the ambulance and begin the run.
Jim Schmidt, Rose Hill, currently works with the Wichita EMS and is a paramedic with the Wichita Fire Department, is considering taking the directorship of the Rose Hill EMS when it is begun.
An EMS training course is in the working for Rose Hill. The organizers are in hopes of getting the location of the classes at Rose Hill.
This is contingent upon interest and participation though.
The EMS is strictly volunteer. The volunteers are required to take the training class. According to Gould, one state licensed emergency medical technician is required to ride in the ambulance on all routes.
The projected cost for a basic ambulance is $40,000. The yearly maintance is $8,000.
Minimum personnel would be 20-25 volunteers with three always on call. The money for the ambulance can hopefully be obtained by federal and state funding and by donations.
Doug la s^Ji^bune October 1980
RH cable TV hook-ups to begin
The Rose Hill City Council met Monday evening, March 16 in a regularly scheduled session. ..
Lydele Seacat of Crest Communications was present to discuss Rose Hill cabin TV. According to Seacat all equipment necessary for cable TV in Rose Hill has been received by Cr^st. The company is waiting for KG&E to get the lines run and a pole up. Expectations are that cable TV will be ready for hook up in Rose Hill by April 1.
In other business the city council amended the ordinance banning the sale and shooting of fireworks in the city limits to a class C misdeameanor with a fine not to exceed $500.
The city council approved the onortgage revenue bond purchase agreement between First Securities Company and the City of Rose Hill, and also authorized the bond ordinance.
Douglass Tribune March 19 81'
Funds approved for RH park
A letter from the Kansas State Park and Resources Authority was received last week by Rose Hill Mayor Steve Whetstine.The city has applied for federal funds in the amount of $102,400 for the development of Frances Wells Perkins Park under the Land and Water Conservation Program. The application has been approved by the Joint Council on Recreation, pending release of federal funds.
Although there is no guarantee that funds will be released in 1981 for this project, the state is anticipating that there may yet be a release of funds, and promises to keep us informed of any significant changes taking place in the funding process.
Douglass 'Tribune March 1981
Work begins on Perkins Park
ROSE HILI—What a bonanza for the city of Rose Hill! Construction began last week when heavy earthmoving equipment moved in and began leveling the site for Rose Hill's newest recreational facility—Frances Wells Perkins Park.
Contracts have been awarded for Knebler Construction for excavation and parking, $30,670; Construction Services, Bryant Inc. for restroom and electrical work, $33,270; and to American for fencing and the backstop for the ball diamond, $5,118.
Originally the park facility was to have been ready for use in June, but now an early fall completion day is hoped for by Park Commissioner Jan Weidman. Delays have been caused by rainy weather,
Rose Hill is one of the last cities in the United States to receive Federal monies in matching funds for such a project. The Federal program was discontinued, Weidman said, but Rose Hill was fortunate to have obtained the funds as the need for additional recreational facilities was so great.
The park, located on east 71st Street (Silknitter), is easily accessible to walkers or bike riders. It will provide one 100 off-street parking places for vehicles.
The city now has one facility, Grace Park, whose picnic area, playground, ball diamond and tennis courts are in constant demand. The new park area can be utilized well by the community with its constantly increasing number of participants in the(
PERKINS PARK WORK STARTED—The initial work of leveling thej5iteoy=rances Wells Perkins Park in Rose Hill last week by Knebler Construction4Staff Photo)
Douglass Tribune
July 1982
summer recreational program.
In 1979 there were 300 participants in baseball, softball, and T-ball. This grew to 450 in the 1980 program and spurted to 605 in the 1982 program. In addition there are a number of youngsters in spring soccer, fall soccer, basketball and football programs.
The park was initially possible through the seven acres of land donated by the Perkins family and the Ray Warren Strode family. It is named after Frances Wells Perkins, wife and mother of Ray and James Perkins, both of Hayden Company.
The land was estimated to be valued at $100,000, and was actually later appraised at $125,000. Matching funds were applied for by Commissioner Weidman. Community input has been obtained through the park advisory board made up of Sharon Herndon, John Martsolf, Darold Zimick, Junior Pickett, Barbara Reed and lone James.
Plans called for construction of baseball diamonds, a soccer field, a, playground area, tennis courts, shelter house and comfort station, Because of escalating costs from the time the plans were laid until now, priorities now include the soccer field, baseball diamonds and playground area, Weidman said. Other plans will be carried out as money becomes available.
Weidman stated that volunteer help will be utilized to cut costs. Jobs such as the seeding of grass and a possible underground sprinkling system can be done by residents of Rose Hill who care about providing adequate recreational facilities for the approximately 1500 residents plus the wide community of people it serves in the outlying area.
CONCESSION STAND READY—John Berry, presidentof Ihe Lions Club, watches as Keith Simmons, city employee, trenches for the electrical system of the newly-constructed concession stand in Grace Park.
Concession stand
ready for business
The Rose Hill Lions Club has just completed a 12’ by 30’ concession stand located in Grace Park to be used by the Lioness Club for their money-making projects and by other groups, President John Berry stated. The building will also be used to store equipment.
Mike Minnis, Lion’s member, was project coordinator for the building ~'hich would have cost in the neighborhood of $5,000 or $6,000, Berry ommented, if so much labor and materials had not been donated. The building is furnished with a microwave oven, pop cooler and running water.
Money was donated by the Lioness
Douglass Tribune July 1982
Club, the Baseball Association and the Lions. Labor and materials were donated by M & W Electric, Lindbloom Electric, Iverson & Westfall Plumbing and Electrical, Don Hayden Construction and Law Construction Company of Wichita. The Lions members did much of the construction work.
Future work to be done, Berry said, is to pour a concrete pad in front of the window area. The Lions also have plans to take out the white rail fence on the west and replace it with a chain-link fence with walkways through at various points, Berry said.
Editor named for Rose Hill
Kathie Marsh begins with this edition as Rose Hill’s new editor for the Rose Hill Reporter.
Rose Hill has been without an editor since mid-August.
Kathie has lived in Rose Hill for 1% years. She arrived from Del City, Okla., with her husband, Rick and her two sens. Her husband is a government employee, working out of Boeing. Brad, her oldest son, is 7 and attends first grade at Rose Hill Elementary. Her youngest son, Steve is almost 4.
Keeping busy with her family and attending church are some of the activities that keep Kathie busy. She also enjoys music, arts, crafts, attending and sometimes playing sports, and bicycling. She is classified as a senior in college, but is not attending this year.
She believes that, “Rose Hill deserves to have their news covered. I think people in the town want to know what’s happening and want to get involved in the community activities. I’m excited about covering the news, because I have my own interest in our town. I’ve grown to really like Rose Hill and the people in it. I hope I can benefit the community with this service.
New Rose Hill editor
For those of you who do not know, the Rose Hill Reporter has a new editor. She is Lynn Mjllfi£. Lynn is a Rose Hill resident and resides with her husband and three children
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“I am excited about working for the paper and am looking forward to meeting all of our Rose Hill area residents,” said Lynn.
As there is not yet a newspaper office in Rose Hill, Lynn is dividing her time, between the Douglass and Andover offices and the town of Rose Hill. Anyone having news for the Haper may contact Lynn at 733-0722 ob776-2868. News items may also be placed in the Rose Hill Reporter box at C&W Market dr mailed to Box 26 at the Rose Hill Post Office.
Douglas r Tribune March 1981
Kathie Marsh
If you have news you would like printed about your club, church, school, or other function, please contact Kathie at 776-2861, or come by her office. She is also taking announcements of births, birthdays, engagements, weddings and anniversaries as well as advertisements. Her office hours will be 1 p.m. through 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Douglass Tribune October 1979
Rose Hill
1990 City Population:
County: Butler
1990 County Population:
Type of City Government:
Mayor/Council The School District:
The Rose Hill School District has one elementary school, one junior high school and one senior high school.
Number of Churches: 7 Avg. Water Consumption
Per Day: 279,521 Major Employers
USD 394 197
Rose Hill State Bank 38 Rose Hill IGA 35
City of Rose Hill 13-15
Derby Reporter Feb 1993
New Rose
Robbie Ebe hardt of Rose Hill, formerly of Towanda, is the new assistant city clerk for Rose Hill.
Eberhardt replaced Sue Hubbard, who had resigned.
The Rose Hill city clerk is Cecelia Bollig. * ^
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