News (1898-1945)
Collection: No Collection
News (1898-1945)
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS, News Items, (1898-1945)
Rose Hill, KS, News Items, (1898-1945)
26 pages of articles clipped from the Douglass Tribune, Douglass, Kansas from 1898-1945 regarding the town of Rose Hill, Kansas.
Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS, News Items, (1898-1945)
Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, KS
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS
Reproduced with permission from the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Book I in a collection of 6 scrapbooks compiled by Lois Mitchell.
Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS, “News (1898-1945),” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 21, 2025,
The serene serenity which usually prevacles our little hamlet was rudely broken on or -About the middle of last Monday afternoon.
The terrors of that afternoon and evening will ever remain indellibly stamped upon the sensorium of the bravest inhabitant. That day marked an epoch in the history of our village. Henceforth our citizens will go forth armed with razors and infernal machines', fully realizing that they carry their lives in their hands; and grim Justice, fully equipped . .and armed to -the teeth, will be kept in readiness-to pounce-upon all offenders and drag them into the awful presence
inquiring for a justice of,,the peace, to whom he. told a harrowing story of the depreciations committed by some, movers in covered wagons, which, were then going through the town on their way to the Strip.
HhStated that he lived six miles north of town, and that when said movers were passing his house their canine,willfully, and with malice aforethought, killed an unoffending hen and upon the demand made by his wife for damage^, they refused and acted very un£cntlemanly; and for this he demanded their arrest. Judges Staley and .Greene, in their extreme unselfishness, were each willing the other should issue the warrant and try the ease. It was finally decided that tlie duty devolved upon Mr. Greene. Constable Cqbloy(i.was away from home, George Taylor, a brave young man unknowh to fear, was deputised to carry the offending citizen to his doom. After carefully oiling and loading his revolver, Taylor stepped over to Will Hoag’s and asked him if he had an extra doom about him that he wouldn’t be apt tq need right away. Will said j he had; and thus armed and equipped,
! George looking so brave and fair, rode gallantly away, accompanied by the plantiff. They overtook the desperadoes three miles south of town at their camp on Polecat Creek, and George began at once, in his peculiar ly.ripe and tfiblldw voice,; .to>;.read, the principal offender’s doom; whereupon three large, uncouth ruffians grabbed up rocks as large as water buckets, and swearing in a loud and discoYbiint tone of voice, made a charge on him and the plantiff, solemnly affirming that they would puncture their cuticle in forty places; . , ,
At this crisis George find the plaintiff retreated at a double quick upon the town and wanted to telegraph for Governor Lewelling to order blit-- the militia. By this time it was dark, and as,Constable Cooley had returned the command was turned over to him. John thought like Pompey, the famous contemporary of Julius Caesar, that by stamping., his foot armed legions would appear;, but not so; at roll cal! it wfisl suddenly discovered that ail must all the jtnale_ citizens, not counting Chinese and Indians not taxed, were seriously sick. Finally after exertion a posse of five daring braves headed by Constable Cooley, all heavily armed with six-shooters, wearing a look of settled determination to do or die, and clothed with proper legal authority to spill human blood .if. necessary, started out with the intention of attacking the bandits in their stronghold and dragging them before the court or burning them at the stake; and in their minds, the limpid waters of the Polecat ran crimson with human gore._____________________ —
On nearing the camp of the enemy John deployed the faithful five into a skirmish line and on to battle as bravely as did the Spartons under .Leonidas at Thermopoke. But when the camp was reached the dying
, ---------------— quiet-
ly stolen away..
The posse returned to town with the firth step of conquering heroes, which showed too plainly, what would have been the awful fate'., of the cutthroats had they fallen into their |‘iVK. A monument dedicated to the .truly brave” is to be erected in the city square. .5
_________A. Rosebud.
Nov 1893
i • A Queer Character. ' f .
C’*vf 4 * Y'VV+V, *•**"*' V' V* .V • '■ - '
Sam Kritsinger of Rose Hill, was whipped by a business' man of that place on Wednesday of last week.-- Sam is a queer character, ‘rath'er’ smart in some ways, and •jfedicu.lbpsly .annoying and insulting in others/- Toward those who have engendered- his ill will he puts in'much time and effort"' perpetrating' acts of ridicule and irony. He knows the law well enough to keep on:’. the borders- of.,obedience to it. and-in position where those who might be disposed to retaliate would-be liable to get where . the laws penalties might strike them.- In . his many aggravating acts it would .be hard to Establish one case of violation against him,''/Written,. notices of •quaint' sarcasm have been posted up,, some of them written in rhyme' -that shows his .queer,■ quaint. genius. Then he will on public occasions go through a series of outlandish actions, menacing and ridiculing some citizen. of the place/ Remarks, inoffensive in themselves,-but full of;sarcasm are-aimed at his Neighbors and it, is impossible;to tell all that he has.done.' or is, supposed;' to have done irritate and annoy to those who he may be ilkly disposed towards. Any notice taken of his actions, words or written posters have only made him the worse. It had gone to that extent that the business men of the village have generally forbidden him to stop around their places of business. Last week one of them took a pistol in one hand and a whip in the other, applying the latter to the offender in more or less vigor. It is a bad state of affairs but what is to be done?
Douglass Tribune 1 897
I> S-Pickett has moved Ins stdai building to the corner of Jl/iiin street and. Commercial avc. where he may be fouiid trying to please his growing trade. Opojd^delivered to all parts of the city tree. -
May 1890
Though' it has been long waiting a report, Rose Hill is not dead, Indeed she is not sleeping! We aie a booming almost equal to the “Peerless Princess of the Plains’ in
her Palmiest days.
Douglass Tribune May 23, 1890
I Our city election passed otY quitelv, the j constestants for municipal favors accepted the results very good naturedJy and abide the decision of the majority. The result was as follows. For mayor A A Green, conn-j oilmen Mr Pease, Mrs Barkalow, Mrs Ida Berry, Miss May Smith and Thos Meador. Police j udge, Wn\ Smith, Chief of Police, L A Berry, City Marshal, Chas Silkneder. Justice of Peace, W B Poston and T Hill. Constables, Will White and Lestor Minor. City Clerk, W R Harris. City Atty. W H Hill. Street Commissioner, Chas Lo^an. Board of Education Mrs Green, V:s Hill and Miss Emma Harris. «»f Ih allh,
J A Barkalow Mrs Smith ami G Berry. Board of Public Works, Messrs Silkneder, Balkley and Sierman. The Tribune was voted the official paper. Dr J A Barkalow, Physician and Surgeon, manipulates the medical department and I may say to the satisfaction of all his unfortunate patrons.
Douglass Tribune May 23, 1890
[%• The town of Rose Hill continues a steady growth' ao<l constant improvement., The beauty of the place is in.the fact that there are clustered together a lot of beautiful homes with no old shacks or delapidated buildings among them.- 'The town Is surrounded by a number of succes-ful farmers up*>n farms small enough to make the country thickly populated.
V The general merchandise business is well represented by the two general stores conducted by Phil R. Kinsey and Mr. Lindstrom. The former has been in successful business there a number of years. The latter engaged in business there a year ago. ■ t* Will N'. Harris is perhaps the lea 1-
lcg business man of the town. lie lias long conducted a hardware and! implement store. He has the man*, agement of the Jonathan Thomas' lumber yard there., lie owns the eleVatbr and does the graiQ business of the town. He* is also vice president of the new- Itose Hill Statue bank. •
This new bank was started last
summer with J. F. McCluggage from Douglass, as cashier find managing officer. -His uncle, James McClug-i gage is the president.,-, Thej stock,, holders and directors are the best business men and wealthiest farmers of the locality. The new bank is starting off all' right. The statements show a careful, safe management. Upon a basis-of safe business a sufficiently large business is-sure to grow. The business and shipping] interests of Hose Hill demanded a bank there, and the demand is fully met in this safe institution. ].
In point of intelligent cocrgy and enterprise H. C. Staley has done much for Rose Hill. lie was a pioneer in the point of ibetter stock amoDg the berses of the locality. He brought on some.of the best Perche* ron and Coach horsos for breeding that-'have" come tccj^iis country. It only took a few years for the Impress of these horses to be plainly visible among the rarmers for many miles aroupd Rose Hill. ^r.-Staley is st}ll continuing the good work.
Dr. J. A. Barkalow has cIodc so, much in making Rose Hill. He located there years ago. Very few are the “Country doctors” who have made the name and and preserved the popularity that Dr. Jiarkalow has. If bis practice is not growing it is because, it is so large that he will aot allow it to grow larger. He is loved by th^ families where bis visits have beep' demanded. He is liked as a man and trusted,as a physician. . . .
Beautify! Rose Hill,
The name'Rose Hill was probably given to the Quaker settlement northwest of Dougla&s at this season of the year, when the wild roses were blooming sy beautifully upon the j pyairle. The 'country postoffice of early -times took the name. Then the railroad statlofF two miles west of the Quaker church, took the name j and to it has centered the business ofj the neighborhood.. . ]
Rose Hill Is certainly a beautiful [little town. Most Kansas towns are, marred: by the old buildings that!
From May 15,1908 Douglass Tribune
The name Rose Hill was probably given to the Quaker settlement northwest of Douglass at this season of the year, when the wild roses were blooming so beautifully upon the prairie. The country post office of early times took the name. Then the railroad station two miles west of the Quaker Church, took the name and to it has centered the business of the neighborhood. Rose Hill is certainly a beautiful little town.
have been moved to one.side when the .town took its second growth.and new buildings took the place of the old. Rose Hill took its second growth from thqystari and is a city\Of lovely cottage homes. '
To those already erected John Raida Is adding another, more beautiful perhaps than any of those erect-.
tvui IUUVVf , Ui nuse HUi, LLL uve ms
new automobile into Douglass, Wednesday morning. The doctor’s new machine makes the third in Rose Hill. Douglass Tribune March 27, 1908
ed • before. * It looks as though it would be a very fine residence Indeed.
Mrs. Rebecca Mitchell has also commenced the erection of a tine home between ths residnees of Dr. Barkalow and Eli Barker.. It will be an ornament to the. town. •
..Linus Dunlap also is building. He; is. enlarging his home arid putting on ; a nuurber-of improvements.
•After the bealuy of their homes the [ next thing the that Rose Hill people! setfm to take pride in is automobiles. It is the ‘leading town ip Butler county for its size in the possession
Rose llill linproveilMMils.
Rone Hill has made " rapid- strides ! this year in the line of improvements
The beautiful new school building. The -new. bank building which is the handsomest little hank building in the state, constructed of stone and brick, sonic of the stone work being of New Bedford, Indiana, rock.
A new business house constructed of cement blocks.
(jf handsome autos. Will N. Harris, the lumber, hardware'and grain dealer, has one of the best of these cars that could be purchased. • 5
Dr. Barkalow also has a handsome auto—a 20-horsepower machine of beautiful construction and finish; The doctor needed something of the kind in his professional business, so he purchased one large enough 'to serve his family and friends.
Phil Kinsey, the jolly general merchant, also possesses a new automobile. He drove it into Douglass one day Jast week, and he expects much service and pleasure with it.
Perhaps it Is for the automobiles, but more likely from the hatuial pride of all the people, a system of road dragging has been instituted around Rose Hill. 'The condition of the roads, properly dragged at proper times will convince anyone of .the profit and satisfaction of such work.
J. T, Stanley, wvho was so long the manager of the Bert Near stock and business has become more permanent- . ly‘ fixed by purchasing the stock and business.' <The people who have always enjoyed trading with Mr. Stanley w*lll prefer it the more now that they (ire dealing with him in his own name and,right. n ‘ _
And a complete system of#coment sidewalks and crossings from the business part of the town to the new school building.
And all this permanent work has been’ done by Sharp Brothers, contractors and builders, of El Dorado. This firm is composed of Butler county boys, sons of -Joseph Sharp, an early settler of El Dorado who him-"scfr hr slime
Work and contracting, and who h.'is been in a measurcrassociated with his sons in the large undertakings they have accomplished.
The operations of the firm have not been confined to Rose Hill alone this summer. They have had large contracts elsewhere, among them being-railroad bridge work in New Mexico. But there being three brothers in the firm, and the father, who is still In full vigor being ever at hand to help, they have been able to give personel supervison of all their operations.
The excellence of the Rose Hill work shows them to be master builders.
Douglass Tribune Sept 10, 1909
Douglass Tribune May 15, 1908
The town of Rose Hill continues a steady growth and constant improvement. The beauty of the place is in the fact that there are clustered together a lot of beautiful homes with no old shacks or delapidated buildings among them.
The town is surrounded by a number of successful farmers upon farms small enough to make the county thickly populated.
The general merchandise business is well represented by two general stores conducted by Phil R. Kinsey and Mr. Lindstrom. The former has been successful here for a number of years.
The later engaged in business there a year ago.
Will N. Harris is perhaps the leading business man in town.
He has long conducted a hardware and implement store. He has the management of the Jonathan Thomas lumber up there. He owns the elevator and does the grain business in town. He is also vice-president of the new Rose Hill State Bank.
This new bank was started last summer with J.F. McCluggage, from Douglass as cashier and managing officer. His uncle James McCluggage is the president. The stock holders and directors are the best business and wealthiest farmers in the locality. The new bank is starting off all right. The statement shows a careful, safe management. Upon a basis of safe business, a sufficiently large business is sure to grow.
The business and shipping interests of Rose Hill demanded a bank there, and the demands is fully met in this safe institution.
In point of intelligent energy and enterprise H.C. Staley has done much for Rose Hill. He was a pioneer in the point of better stock among the horses of the locality. He brought in some of the best Percheron and Coach horses for breeding that have come to this country. It only took a few years for the impress of these horses to be plainly visible among the farmers for many miles around.
Douglass Tribune Jan 24, 1908
The people of Rose Hill and neighborhood are in a position to congratulate themselves for having been so
Glazier Lyceum bureau ^seven of their best attractions for this’and four months. All seven numbers will be of the highest order both instructive and entertaining, as nothing but the best talent has been secured for this course. The high school auditorium has been leased for the purpose and all the not proceeds from the sale of tickets and door admissions will be donated towards the purchaso of a piano for the use of the school. The tickets* for the reserved seats are now on sale and those wishing a desirable reserved seat should apply early.
Douglass Tribune Oct 15, 1909
They had a big, free-for-all light last Saturday night at a dance on the John Tucker place north of town. There was a big crowd present, and a party from the Rose Hill country got into a fracus with a Berdine and the friends of each side
good sized riot was on in which knives and pistols were displayed. Women fainted and a general “rough house’* prevailed. The lamps were extinguished and everybody took a swipe at the next fellow, with everything in the way of movables being made use of as missiles. Several were badly bruised, but Albert Dennet , a young man of the Rose Hill crowd \ was severely cut about the face with a broken beer bottle, and terribly injured. He was taken to a Wichita specialist, and will probably loose one' eye and perhaps two as a result of the fight. No arrests have jet been made.—Midrnnt Xrtry -—
Sept 3, 1908
' Rose« Hill is growing. Almost every time we visit the town we a new residence or two going up that we had never seen before. And what is more, all tbebuilding are of a good quality. Just now, in addition to several residences just completed, P. R. Kinsey is putting up a new store building, 86 feet deep, on the corner south of the postoffice, and nearly opposite his . present location. Marion Wallace recently purchased lots in the town upon which he will put up a skating rink right away.
Douglass Tribune Dec 11, 1908
Every thing is on the boom in Rose Hill, new houses, new wells, new new gardens, new oil excitement, new autos, new weddings,new wedding bells. Surely everything is booming. Come & see. One vacant house to-day, one vacant store room, today. Come & look over town & counrty. Splendid opportunities are open here.
DouglassTribune March 31.1916 ______
All three of our general stores with some extra clerks, were kept on the jump all day Saturday.
P.R. Kinsey, J.T. Stanley, Hough Bros.
Douglass Tribune April 3, 1914
The streets were crowded Saturday, the hitching racks all full and several boys did good business holding teams. If trade keeps on increasing, our merchants, J.T. Stanley, P.R. Kinsey, and Hough Brothers, will have to lease some of Mr. Postons pasture to put hitching racks on as there are no vacant lots in town.
Douglass Tribune May 8, 1914
Only one vacant house in Rose Hill and a fine store building for rent.This would be the "North Store Bldg";"
Douglass Tribune August 21, 1914
For Rent
A residence for rent. Plumbed for gas. Stove and lights furnished.
A nice cottage at $7.00 per month if taken soon. _________
Ad Douglass tribune Aug 18, 1916
j ttiterurban Coming
I Dr. S. F. George and Chas. Gallagan, promoters of the interurban lino through Roao Hill to Dougla***, have been Itjuro thU week doing active work, and meeting with great ■ encouragement, ami people have aub-acribcd v<*rv liberally to the enter- % I pri*o. The lino cornea out of Wirhifa on the Harry Stroot road to a point j J direr!ly northh of Rose Hill, pcvtiij ! mile*; the nce pouth on the count)* j road through Rose Hill to the eaHt J and went center line through Richland township; thonoo directly east into Douglass. We have all assurance that constructive work on this lino will he commenced right away.
Douglass Tribune Nov. 7, 1919
Some buildings are being moved out of Rose Hill. We suppose to make room for the more modern ones that will be built when the interurban comes. Douglass Tribune Nov 14, 1919
The inter-urban is still coming. The promoters expect to soon be surveying and locating the road.
Douglass Tribune Nov. 21, 1919
Not an empty house or business in Rose Hill*
Douglass Tribune
Sept 19, 1919
Paper Section set aside for boosting the country "created by God & improved upon by Man"
The Rose Hill Page
This introduces to the many readers of The Tribune, in the Rose Hill section a feature which we hope to make permanent, devoting a page each week exclusively to the people of Rose Hill and surrounding territories.
In order to get the merchants to advertise-give them a return on theireinvestmentrtheyemust be given an advertising medium that will reach all the people with whom they wish to talk.
To get the people to subscribe to a paper they must be given news that will interest them relate the incidents and happenings that they are interested in.
This is what the Tribune proposes to do, but we cannot make a isuccess of it unless we have the support of all. We have named Mr. H.A. Baker as our correspondent, with authority to gather news, collect subscriptions, advertisements, solicit job work and all other work in the name of this paper. We, with our experience, are going to aid him all we can. We are asking the people of Rose Hill to do the same.
The thought that struck us was that a page, devoted exculsively to Rose Hill people, in each week's issue of the Tribune, might fill the bill--give them the publicity that they deserve and yet not entail too much of an investment.
The proposition has been put on a business basis, void of sentiment.
To make the page a success we will have to have the advertis-ments, the Rose Hill merchants are willing to back the venture until such a time when it can be determined whether it can be made a permanent institution. This will depend largley upon the circulation that we will be able to produce, giving the merchants a medium that will justify them in making a investment each week in the advertising columns.
We have felt for some time that the population of Rose Hill it's growing prominence as a trade center and the progressive spirit shown by it's citizens,has entitled the city to more publicity than it has been getting. The: people have deserved more news of their happenings each week than has been chronicled in the single column of the Tribune each week, although this paper comes closer to covering the field than any other publication.
Yet, it is doubtful, very doubtful, is the city and people could support an expensive publication of their own, repaying a man for as investment he would have to make in money, time and labor.
If the end justifies the means that is, if the proposition pays- then the Rose Hill page will become a thing of permanence.
Douglass Tribune May 15, 1915
The following are some of the ads for 1915-16 THE ROYAL THEATER, E.E. Hensley Proprietor
Cold Drinks--Only fountain in Town--Ice Cream On Hand
Only place in city Handling Tobacco----Short Orders
G.J. Johnson
Dr. H.B. Morton Physician and surgeon
J.A. Barkalow, MD.
P.R. Kinsey, General Store
Wick and Son, Meats and Ice, Purchase furs and hides Rose Hill State Bank
I. M. Beckner, tires, garage, and machine shop W.N. Harris, fence and implements Jess Schull, barber A.B. Cox, veterinarian
J. Thomas and Son, Lumber, hardware, and coal Mina Silknitter, School Books and supplies at Post Office F.C. Hall, Painter and interior decorator H.A. Baker, Mutual Insurance Office in Wick and Son store W.G. Burton, Physician and surgeon
Loren Hinshaw, well drilling
Rose Hill garage 0:L: Wallace proprietor
1914 Ford Roadster $225.
1915 Ford Touring Car $250
The Fair Company General Mdse. The Hough Bros.
J.H. Stanley, General Msde.
Rose Hill will celebrate the Fourth. Everybody is invited to bring well filled baskets, the town people are very hungry. Remember it has been a long time since farmers have given us a big eat.
So have a heart and remember us the 4th.
Douglass Tribune July 2, 1916
Rose Hill
■ A
Base game by
■ of the fastest
■ teams in the I
county. j
J Patriotic ad-1 dresses by R.j T. McCluggage I and others, i
Tennis tourna-| ment; Prizes for different % kinds of
Douglass Tribune July 2, 1916
A Fourth Of Long Ago
There is one Fourth, of July celt bration ithait has’ first place in tb memory of the people of ltose H and vicinity and that is the one cel. brated in El Dorado 4<> yea is ipo El Dorado (had planned for a big d. and.1 had advertised it in a great wu, emphasizing the fact that all ent« ftainment of the day wws to I f of change to the public and «*. good the promise in every .vv-j.
Arrangements had Ibeen made foo special train to carry the Rose Hi*
I crowd and the .whole community, ol and yovtn^, planned to make the trij A heavy rain the night before sei the creeks and rivers out of the banks, but it cleared off the roornir * of the Fourth and alxmt poop were on band, ready fm the ear 'morning trip,
fr'. The Rose Hill Cornet Band, of V or more young fellows, dressed i bright red suits and dire<t.d by Fran McWilliams, was the pride of all j i they took part in the day's program * Those were the days when Rose Hi was (baseball minded and their tear . composed of the Swindell boys ne other local reliables, was on ban and did its .part by winning a do.-and well played game from the Pu( win boys.
| It seemed to be the day for Rose Hill folks to win, as they took fir.-imtoney in all the contests they «n tered. Virgil Cox won first plac in a long distance and exciting wheel (barrow race, in which there were large number of entries.
Among other events of the day, in which Rose Hill scored was the foab> show, in which Gula Showalter the daughter of Mr and Mrs George Showalter, won first place in the beauty contest. Gula graduated from Rose
Hill High School and taught severs terms in Butler county schools. Sh. later married Robert Clingor, an jthey ’have three fine children, one o (whom is in tine armed forces.
I The writer, iwho for sevenal yeai was Rose Hill correspondent for Wichita paper, (wrote the f<>Uowin. lines, which were .published just be fore the Fourth of July, lth»6:
Two hundred are enroll, d to go, From 'here to El Dorado’s show,
So hurry .up and don’t l>e slow,
At 6:15 the train wil go.
A dollar bill for round trip fare Is all that you will need to spare; For El Dorado’s folks declare I They’ll pay the thill fm all while there.
Our cornet hand will take the Jeac Our baseball team will show them speed;
So all that that good town will ne< Is lots of cash and heaps, of feed.
!Of cash they say they have euo,.. To pay all bills and that’t no bluf. So hand tihem in, don’t thank it tough—
They’ll pay them all, they have the stuff.
Big speakers there will take 11 stand
j, To (tell about our native land,
; And whoop it up to (beat the b»> For they, too, know there'} . !
on hand.
When on the grounds don't I e afraid
if To help yourself to lemonade,
Or anything that’s haniiy laid; Remember ail your bills are paid.
A man will go up in the air In a balloon—'way up somewhere;
A Mi ail the i ovka vu 1 sta .a <uid stare
While El Dorado pays the fare.
Your gate fare also will be paid To where the ball game will he played;
And you can sit down in the shade And drink free pop and lemonade.
I■ ";*■ '
At half .past ten our folks will say:
“I think we've seen enough today, We’ll board the train and speed away, ‘
Leaving them the bills to pay.”
Whale speeding home o’er tie and rail,
Thinking of the cows to pail,
We’ll have no kick inor hear no wall If lEH Dorado’s cash don’t fail.
, ___ W H Cummins*.
Douglass Tribune Nov 5, 1953
Stores with ads in the Douglass Tribune 1916
The Fair Co. Hough Bros. general merchandise Wick & Son Meat market, Hides, Furs, Ice
W.N. Harris Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Farm Machinery, Harness J. Thomas & Son Lumber J.A. Barkalow Doctor
A.B. Cox veterinarian & Surgeon Phone 45 Loren Hinshaw Well Drilling
Post Office, Miss Mina Silknitter, school supplies, books,fresh
bread, pies
H.A. Baker Insurance, friut trees, oil stock, wrote Rose Hill page for the Douglass Tribune. Phone 22 P.R. Kinsey general merchandise
Beckner Garage & Machine Shop repairs, blacksmithing and Auto sales Sam Russel & Son cistern§/ painting f plumbing Hall Barber Shop, I.C. Davis on Tuesdays Rose Hill Garage, O.L. WallaceNew Ford Cars
Ed Learned is clerking for Emery McKnight until after his sale.
His wife is doing the cooking act.
Douglass Tribune Feb. 18, 1916
See P.H. Silknitter & H.A. Baker for encubators at the novelty works on East Berry Avenue
New Barber, Jess Schull
F.C. Hall Painting & Interior Decorating
Dr. Burton Physician and Surgeon, located in Cooley property
X-Ray Oil Co.
The X-Ray Oil Co. is the latest Rose Hill Production.
Douglass Tribune, Sept 30, 1916
R.L.Webster has bought the property of William Dennett, occupied by Hall's barber shop and Reyer harness shop. It's a good business location.
Dou £lass Tribune Sept 30, 1916 ___ _______________
311 DM (i I IT FI UK
Rose Hill came near being wiped out last Monday night. Soon after midnight Freer McCluggnge discover*: ed Dr. Barkalow s bai n to be on fire, lie |* nve the alarm, Central gave I he line ring on a I the lines, and the bells were set ringing. In a few .minutes the town was full of help, blit it spread to Wm Harris* barn upon he property occupied by A. 0. /liygins and family. The onl\ thins* that saved a great part t,f the tow. was the quick action of our central >'*ople, and the prompt response ef the people from the surrounding country. 1 he bains were built of soft pine and burned fiercely. The burning shing’es and sheeting set fire *o several .buiMings. I lot li the
general stores were on fire at different times, but men were cm the n ofs, and plentv <»l water was pn-<- j sed to them. So the lire was Kept ui.der r«.n ri 1 and tlie town was saved. Some of Mr. Boson’s buildings. f\vo~ blccl.s away were set on fiie by flying shirg es and cinders. It was the closest call Rose Hill ever had.
;he merchants, want to thank their country cousins for their untireing help that saved our homes and business during the fire Monday night.
Douglass Tribune November 18, 1921
The Rose Hill wild ones celebrated Hallowe'en in great shape.' The business part of town the next mornipf loaled like a cyclone had dropped all its gatherings at once.- Wagons hay racks, buggies, mowers, rake^ tanks, milk cans, milk racks, a coop of chickens, a load of corn, a load of feed, a yard swing and other things were all dumped in a bunch bn State street.
Douglass Tribune ___November 4, 1921
| Rose Hill is taking -on more busi-I ness than she has for some tim^. While prices are low from the view pbint of those two or three years ago. But business seems to be satisfied to pocket some loss and go on and forge* the past and it is having its ef-; feet. Business is better than it* has j been or many months. „ J
Douglass Tribune Jan 25, 1924
Rose Hill is almost a new town this spring. There is a new barber, new people in the restaurant and in the Watkins store soon; new people at the Binford store (if they do not sell the whole business, they will close it out.) There is new management at the bank, andLsomething new at nearly every corner. Ail new people are welcome to our fine little | city, arid there are still opportune | ities open. Gome and see what we have to offer.
Douglass Tribune March 12, 1926
We weiooioe stnegen to our town aod we have lots oroom for them. We ere glaoto hate lew abiding citizens to come and make boflx* end enjoy our many modern conveniences.
I We hare excellent mail service; Bank service, electricity’, nature! gam. Fine school privileges. Two churches welt ’kept end supported end e strong church two miles oTwo general garages, five filling stations, a large lumber yard, hardware sod implement dealer, blacksmith chop, Ivro oil and gas tank yards; and many other conveniences. State and county romds aeil kept running in every
direction. Come and let us show you.
Douglass Tribune June 27. 1930
|- Rose Hill can boast of two very essential industries that many larger' tcm-ns don't hew. A first: class* Black mith shop and a well equipped Sbos and Harness shop where woe can get your old . harness that is almost worthless, repaired and oiled up today, to do several yean work, for a few dollars.
Douglass Tribune
June 27, 1930
Rose Hill has three general stores, one bank, one restaurant, two garages, one blacksmith, one lumber yard, one hardware, one grain elevator, two large implement houses, one coal yard, and the best kept Post Office in the southwest,a full line of books in the Post Office Building, one shoe and harness shop, not least by any means is Bob, the barber, jewler, the Kodak man, one doctor, one veteranarian and every firm has more business than they can care for as they would like. We have no lawyers or justice of peace as we don't have any law suits. We have two churches, well supported and two in the country close by, both well supported, one lodge building, and an ideal consolidated school with high sc*hool complete. Manuel training and Domestic science are part of our school where splendid work is done. We have a fine athletic club, a well organized Boy Scout troop,
Douglass Tribune March 31, 1920
Rose Hill is almost a new town | this spring. There is a new barber, new people in the restaurant and in the Watkins store soon; new people at the Bin ford store (if they do not sell the whole business, they will close it out.) There is new management at the bank, and something new at nearly every corner. All new people are welcome to our fine little city, and there are still opportunities open. Come and see what we i have to offer.
March 1926
Chicken thieving seems according to different reports, to be on, the increase. Look out for a Buiclt car with wire wheels. Generally one woman and two men are in the car, and they have a habit of stopping at farm houses for water when no one is at home. Better get busy and organize an Anti Horse Thief Association in every school house in the county. Perhaps an Anti Auto Thief Association would be better, and if that is not effective, a few vigilance committees with whipping posts may prove best.
Sept 1923
Some have asaked if we have a bus line to Wichita. We have. It leaves Wichita for Rose Hill at 7:00 a. m. and 2:30 p.. m. It leaves Rose Hill for Wichita at 9:00 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. Good service and accomodations. Passengers will be called for anywhere in Wichita or in Rose Hill, and stops will be made anywhere on the route to take on passengers. F. D. Long is owner and manager. Give him a trial.
Dec. 1923
About two weeks ago soue one broke into the shop of Virgil Cox and borrowed a new trailer that had just been completed, No. 106. We said nothing about it at the time as it looked like it could be traced down but all clues have failed and it looks like it is gone, as does the goods taken from W. N. Harris Hardware a few days before. Mr. Harris does not know his loss. It could have been much heavier in both places that is one of the mysteries.
State Street in Rose Hill is showing up finely in new homes, in remodeling and general activities.
May 1927
Col. Fred Jones, owner and manager of the Rose Hill Cyclone Threshing machine, to show his heart was in the right place, and in keeping with his public spirited ways, planned a grand reception for his patrons. He secured the Rose Hill auditorium for the occasion and he surely needed it, as there were overe one hundred bid-
ben guests. Everyone seemed to get tlie spirit of the reception and seemed to make it their part to see that the other fellow had a good time. The evening was spent in visiting and a spirit of thanksgiving for the big wheat crop that the Rose Hill country has enjoyed so much was manifest on very side. Ice cream and cake were served in grat abundance at a late hour. All departed for their homes after voting Mr. Jones a unanimous vote of thanks and that he was a royal entertainer and a prince , ; of a good fellow. '
Aug. 1926
Thrl>onst»siTrmmift ^ tt.oldi"*!'* nuMd W «*»»■».
Friday,. February 9f 1984 'Wednesday morning-
THS OEwr rre* - * Douglass Tribune Feb 23, 1934
often talked about hoar fortunate we l
had been; lit, cacaplngeny' geriou® damage by flrerbut it has happened:
About ?:OOo'cIock Wednesday fore-nodtv Mr. and Mr*. Lee Dennett discovered the back room of their store it* flames^. They succeeded in taking oat most of their, stock and fixtures' from the front roomy bet lott the FMgidalre and other valuable ar-tlclesr- Their loss was partially; covered by insurance.-. The building was owned by W. N. Harris, and was not Insured. ;
The fire soon spread south to the H. H. Lawson building, occupied by Morris Davis' restaurant;' and then to the Mitchell building; which* housed the shoe and harness repair shop of Gas Beyer & Gen.
bloat of the stock and fixtures of the restaurant were saved, but Mr. Devie jwilL suffer quite a loss, on which there was no- insurance. Nor was the building insured. It Is ported that all, the contents of the shoe shop we Vremoved, though there will be home damage from hasty and rough handling. Hi® building was not insured.
' To the north of the Domett store
The hewn stone that is now going into the construction ecf the new Meoker bulking at Rose Hill, has had quite a career. It was taken out of a quarry on Lands then owned % Mrs. ' White, mother of Mrs. Silknitter in 1881. The quarry is west of Soperior school house, the land now being owned by Aaron Hawks. With that stone Gr&ndfetber Meeker erected a nice store building at old Rose Hill, a mile east of the present location.
In 1887 the Auguata;Mulvane cutoff was constsocted by the Sants Pe and Rose Hill station located where it now is. Mr. Meeker took down the square hewn "stone sod laid up a buildirg in the new town. It was a good building, hot the location was not ea good one for business.
And these same stone are going into the constrpction of av, third building.
Douglass Tribune March 23, 1934
hr the Rose- Hill State Bank. . The intense heat caused considerable damage to the south and west walls,, and the roof caught fire on the west end. However, the flames were subdued before any very serious damage resulted. . Due,to the .fact that the slight | breeze served to carry some of the heat away from the building is prob-
Many Rose Hill cisterns are dry.
Douglass Tribune June 16, 1933
ably alL that saved the Gea.~Bannon store across * the* street. . Men and boys manned the roof and poured water over the smouldering wood to prevent the building frons- burstirg into flame Had the wind been ever j so little from the west; .the preventive I efforts- wquld have been kr vain. r The south wind wae also responsible for the fact that the postoffice building was not Consumed. **.-*■■
,j Hundreds came from neighboring towns, and- the surrounding- countryside to lend theft efforts, toward sav-kg what coaid be savecL. I%ny tank wagonsf|vand trucks brought- water from outside the town, and the Santa fVs local; 'freight stopped 'end gave water from the locomotive tender*
$ A chemical truck and crew was sett from Wichita airport,, aftd lent vafo*-able help Id saving the. bank building. ‘*m was the most serious fire that Rose*., Hill’ has experienced,. but it is fortunate that it was no worse.
Rose Hill has had 12 inches of rain the past ten days.
Lawn mowers are in use in Rose Hill for the first time this year. Douglass Tribune Sept. 1, 1933
Douglass Tribune Date of fire was Feb 7
The Mitchell Estate sold George Showalter sold to built a grocerie Store,
this lot to Garvin Cox ( and it was op
George Showalter in 1937 Brownie) in 1945. Brownie erated at this location for
several years.
Rose Hill State Bank purchased south end of the bank building
the building and it is now the
Tells of Starting of Rose Hill Years Ago
Rose Hill as a small country town, “younger sister" to Douglass—'but is •Iso a rather pioneer town, having been established.' in the very early day.-? on a very grassy spot, more decorated with the (famous sunflowers than Roses. Some of us at the time suggested Sunflower City would' have been a more natural name—however, we th- few pmrners wl o re left of that throng, still are Aery prord o* our (Rose Hill.
There are many of the children, grandchildren and greatgrandchiIdren of those grand old families still in the town and country surrounding us —but of' the real pioneers few are left. Among these to the east and north we have Mrs. Eliza Cox, Cale Ball, Mrs. Allie Hodgin (who is with ber brother in Indiana), D. B. Meeker—and it was his father who owned and operated the first store in the present Rose Hill, as he was in the merchandise business one mile east «t the time the railroad was put thru and the station located here, go he moved his store and' building here and continued for some time in the building he had moved1 here and it stood on the comer of Main1 street «nd Ida avenue until a few years ago when Lee Dennett put up the new store building to replace the one destroyed by fire. He bought and used the stone. (
The stones were from the small claim filed on by William White, my father—it was known then as the Widow White's Rock Quarry and is owned now by Aaron Hawks and Is • part of his big ranch.
The person having lived the great- j
er number of years in Rose Hill, and still living is Mrs. Lydia Postcwu Mr. and Mrs. Charles Silknitter and daughters rre the next in long residence. Mrs. Poston’s son, Morris and family live on the farm to which the Poston’s came many years ago, in the north part of town.
W. N. Harris holds the record for the longest term of years in the same business at the same place in! the town. Mrs. Mina Silknitter holds the next most continous record, that of the small town postmistress, as it will be 28 years next June since first commissioned.
We don’t want to forget Mrs. Jennie McClugagge ar.d Mr. and Mr*-. W. J. Harris, paients of W. N. Harris. W. J. ar.d W. N. Harris had the first blacV smith shop a mile east of the present Rose Hill
from the Douglass Tribune, Jan 6, 1939
50th Anniversary Edition
Lived In “Shanty” on Claim Near Rose Hill
Rose Hill, Kansas, Dec. 27, 1938 The Douglass Tribune,
Douglass, Kansas,
Dear Sirs:
3 am happy to join the host of friends of J. M.. Siaitterthwaite in extending to him my congratulations on the completion of his 55 years of worthy ’service to Douglass and this community, and in wishing him many snore years of such service.
My earliest recollections otf Kansas center about Douglass, .and until recent years Douglass was the trading center for our. family. Several of tny husband’s relatives for many years lived in and in the vicinity of Douglass; many of my oldest and closest friends still reside in Doug-tass; my older children received their high school education there, so the interests of Douglass have always
f-ft < -
been my interests.
With my mother and step father, Mr. and- Mrs.- John Western,- I" cable from Ohio, the state of my birth, to Crawford county, Kansas. In 1871 we came on to Douglass. Shortly thereafter, rr.y ctep father preempted the quarter section) which now is the ho rre of Charles Mahlandt. My aunt and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner, lived close by on the (farm now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Smith. In- 1872, “Jim" McClug-gage' came fio n IHinoT, and having known the Gardners there, made his home with them here. Thus I was destined to meet the man who in 1877 became my husband.
In 1872, Mr. McCluggage pieempted • quarter section of land located two miles s uth of the present site of
Rose Hill. Here in his claim “shanty" I taught the first ubscription school in the district, riding a mule as my means of transportation* to and from school. I remember that one day during school hours I saw a tornado cloud on the horizon, so I? took “my school"—a few youngsters —on my mule with me and fled a-cross the prairie toward home.
In the spring of 1877 after I had moved to Wichita with my parents, Mr. McCluggage came to; town with a wagon load of wheat. He bought his wedding suit—a black cut-away frock coat suit—land the .next day, accompanied by my pareinits, we drove to Augusta, where we were married by Elder Harvey at the old Fifth Avenue Hotfel, them operated' by Uncle John and Aunt Charlotte Gardner. We returned to Wichita, bot our furniture, end the next day we drove with it in the wheat wagon to my husband’s “shanty" where _we were to spend the first years of our mairied life.
On this claim, for which* Mr. McCluggage at the time of his death in 1934, held the original deed signed by President U. S. Grant, my husband and I lived1 for over 40 years, mov-in the early 80s into our “frame" house. There we reared our t five children and there* we shared the joys ,and many hardships and privation^ which must come with rearing ■a family in pioneer days. Thruout most, if not 'all, of' the years since Mr. Satterthwaite began his work in Douglass The Tribune has been* a welcome weekly visitor to our home.
Youas respectfully, \ Mrs. Jennie McCluggage.
OuBiok OMBaitiMS On* Aw Lin*
Two Malt Route*
On* Lumber Yard • ■, On* Paper Hangar Two Strong Lodge*
Two Crown Station*
Two General Store*
Fir* FI I ling Station*
Otoe Telephone Office One Blacksmith Shop A FI ret Oaae Reetoerant On* Goal end Feed Pooler .
' Two Firs* Qm Meat Mar>et»
Two Load and Insurance Ageaetae One-lee Cream and Cold Rip Parlor TWo Garage* and Auto Repair Shops Two Well Sanded roads That Connect WM» Several Good Katie** Highways On* Hardees Repair and Oiling Shop; Three Tire And Auto Supply Shop* Three Oil and Gas Supply Troche One Cement and Sand Hoove Two Oil and Gas Tank Yards One Very Large Hardware Two Implement Honae*
One Shoe Repair Shop Two Rooming Hooves On* Grain Elevator One Traitor Factory Two Hameae Shops Two Stock Dealer* {
* Two Carpenters One Barber Shop Two Painters !
Three Well Attended Chore baa and Yoogn People's Societies. Also One Consolidated School of High Standing of Which Every Reao HU1 Citizen is! Justly Proud
Douglass Tribune
July 17, 1931
Pennies Now Pay Sales Tax
Thursday marked the chinge from tokens to pennies in Kansas, with merchants cleaning1 up their last supplies for turning in. Some tax was being paid in tokens.
The revised system of collecting the sales tax began operation yesterday, the Gth. The tax is now paid in pennies instead of tokens at the following rate:
$ m to $ .14—No Tax. .14 to .65—l.c Tax. .66 to 1.24—2c Tax.
1.25 to 1.74—3c Tax
1.75 to 2.24—4 c Tax.
2.25 to 2.74—5c Tax.
2.75 to 3.24—6c Tax. 3-25 to 3.74—7c Tax.
3.75 to 4.24—8c Tax.
4.25 to 4.74—9c Tax.
4.75 to 5.24—10c Tax.
July 1939
Road to $onth K Opened for Traffle
; . Th* mtf# of blacktop' roed eooth of Roe* we* completed Seeds* evening end opened for traffic* it 1* getting heavy
Douglass Tribune June 19, 1942
KTrry P«*n»* Kiw» H.TC Sutar 5 , ■ Rationing <*rdM1, 'tt®f Reject - IV GeV Any Sweetening, li Bale
r. t
Sugar rationing is at hand,
' When- May 4 ,r % and Door*
lass the boars trill- be' as follows: May 4, all day from 8:30 a. m. to, 10 p. m. May 5, 6 and 7: 4 p. nx to 10 p.
k Where—All applicant* shook) regia-later at tbe school house itr the district in which they live. Ibis does not apply to tnaostente or to those 'away from home ftar considerable period* of time. Sbcb persons may register at- any registration center.
• .Who Shall Register—Every person in the United States, regardless of age, mast be registered in order to obtain auger. Any adult member of 'a family may register for each member of that family. A family unit may compose the father, mother, children (regardlee* of age), giaodperents living in the home, aunts, uncles, cousins and all others living in and distinctly considered with the particular family group Young people over 18 years of age who are living or attending school away from home must register in the locality in which they are residing. Tbe person who registers for a family unit or for himself as an individual must be prepared to give the following information for each person for whom he registers: Height, weight, color of eyes, color of hair, age and sex. He also most declare the total aboont of sugar in any form owned by tbe family unit.
Sugar is defined as meaning sugar in any form, white, brown, powdered, sugar in cubes or tablets, as well as all syrup? made of sugar. Corn syrups and molasses need not be declared.
Do r,ot fail to register on tbe above dates, regardless of the amount of sugar you may ha\e on band.
Registration cannot be made for any individual who is an inmate of a public institution, such as a penitentiary, jail, asylum, etc., or for a person confined in a hospital unless such confinement will be of dbort duration, or for any person in the armed services of tbe United States. If it be found that a registrant is entitled to a War Ration Book, such book will be issued to the .registrant at the time of registration.
We strongly urge drat you regts-j ter on Monday, May 4. School will be! disirossed that day for your convenience-^ If-you failr bo -register during [.the four day allotted period, you will be subjected to considerable delay and inconvenience before it will be .possible for you to obtain a Ration Book*
No-doubt you will bare many ques-tons to ask shout the sugar ration-. ing program. Bring these questions [with yon when you rame to register and we will be glad to answer them to the beet of our-knowledge-and billty.
Newton E. Terri A.
School Site-Administrator.
May ± 9 A Z
Waste Paper Aplenty:
| Rubber Comes Next
! We frisfe Co take this opportunity | to thank the people of Douglass ml | the surrounding community for their sptaadid cooperation in the waste papei campaign.
Tbe Doughs? Scouts collected 25,-000 pounds of yapet since Pearl ^arbor.
At tbe present time, there is a surplus of paper; che mill* are fell, and all of the atorehocre*. We will not col lect any more paper until tlh surplus paper la used.
We «iso wish to thank jR. O. Gresham for the use of Ids truck sod storage space. ,
These will be a ralvage robber campaign k» tbe near future. We had good results in the alunAmam and papa- driven and with your cooperation we will have with the robber.
B. Onon Vrutepifl,
Scoutmaster Troop fflOtPeogi—
To Be Friday Erenin?
W. G. Harris chain— of the i ■no committee for PI ear* at townships meeting for Vridmjevening of I week «f that interested is the iron campaign- It fa* held
the school boose at p. n All Interested in punching ar effort are asked to stteodL
Douglass Tribune Aug 14, 1942
Douglass Tribune June 12, 1942
When Rationing Ruled the Day
Mary Ann Gourley, Salina
During WW II, we ate a lot of egg sandwiches and chicken cooked in various ways. My parents raised turkeys, too. On trips to the outhouse, I was often pursued by one very tall turkey named Lucifer. Mission accomplished, I remember peeking out the door to see if Lucifer was still waiting for me, gobbling and strutting around in all his superior splendor. But usually some other moving object had caught his attention by the time I was ready to dart back to the house. Fierce and aggressive as Hitler, Lucifer proved to be one tough bird to the end — on our Thanksgiving table in 1943, about two years after Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Those who are old enough to recall where they were and what they were doing on that notorious date will never forget the shock. There were more ominous surprises to come, for the attack on Pearl Harbor caused our world to tailspin into a flurry of scrap drives, bond rallies, black-out nights, victory gardens and War Ration Books.
In the midst of an ever-present anxiety about loved ones going to war, crept dismal certainty. There would come a shortage of items like sugar, coffee, gasoline and tires — things that we had always taken for granted in the normal course of living. The War Ration Book brought WW II to the home front. Even though rationing was a mere annoyance compared to the grief for relatives lost in battle, it would change the way we regarded this world’s goods forever.
Between the end of 1941 and the begin-
ning of 1943, the military demand for vast quantities of food, fuel and weapons raised prices about 18 percent. American industry, formerly occupied with manufacturing home products like wash machines, began building weapons of war. In fact, it built 48,000 military aircraft in 1942, 86,000 in 1943 and 96,000 in 1944. It also built 5,200 ships and in 1944, it produced 50 percent more munitions than the enemy nations and 45 percent of all the munitions produced by all the nations at war. This performance has been called a “miracle of production.”
The “miracle of production” caused the average work week to soar from 37.7 to 46.6 hours, and it resulted in a 36 percent increase of industrial laborers between 1940 and 1944. Unlike the unemployed during the 1930’s Depression, these workers had money to pay higher prices for scarce goods. The United States Government had to find a way to control the rising prices. On January 30, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Price Control Bill officially giving the Office of Price Administration the power to set all prices except those of farm products. Gradually, rationing went into effect to conserve products like gasoline vital to the war effort and to regulate the distribution of certain foods essential for civilian morale. Retailers were asked to post prices conspicuously, and consumers were instructed to pay no more, because the price ceilings had been established for their protection. Therefore, rationing not only led to legal price limits, but also established the control of how much of a given item anyone might buy. The War Ration Book with its stamps for various items was an attempt to secure a fair distrib-of goods for each citizen.
All rationing regulations were not dealt out at once. Instead, they were strung along on a chain of different dates. On December 27,
1941, just 20 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, rubber including tires became the first item to be rationed. This was a measure that decreased civilian consumption by 80 percent. About five months later, on May 15,
1942, gasoline rationing began in 17 eastern states. The limit set was three gallons a week for nonessential driving, and everyone was encouraged to drive 35 miles an hour to conserve gas. Then a coupon for gasoline rationing was initiated on July 22, 1942. Finally, on December 1, 1942, almost a year after Pearl Harbor, nationwide gasolinerationing went into effect. A tablet was dropped into the gas meant for farm use to give it a different color. If anyone was caught using farm gas for luxury, he received a heavy fine. Thus, the rules of rationing were limiting the places we could go, restricting the usual Sunday drives and occasional out-of-town trips.
Rationing also set limits on the groceries we could buy. Sugar rationing, having already occurred in 1918, began again on May 5, 1942. Coffee rationing went into effect on November 29, 1942. The year of 1943 brought the rationing of canned goods on March 1 and the rationing of other foods such as meat, fat and cheese on March 29. Family meal planning took on new meaning.
Family meal planning took on new meaning.
The year of 1943 brought about shoe rationing on February 7. Each civilian was allowed to buy three pairs of shoes a year. Women’s fashions reflected restraint in subdued colors, fewer frills and inconspicuous lines. Designers produced dresses without hooks, snaps, buttons or zippers because of the restrictions on metal. The “popover” house dress became popular. Women’s most dominant Sunday dress-up style remained from 1939 the padded broad-shouldered jacket, the pencil skirt worn with platform-soled shoes, a high crowned hat, large jewelry, long pocket book and bold red lipstick. It was a look that tended to make women seem taller and stronger. After all, they were becoming a part of the work force in industry and the Armed Forces. WW II had proceeded to touch every part of American life.
Rationing did not exist without problems. Like today’s food stamps, the ration book stamps were a headache for retailers and a
buy more of his share of food or gas if he paid a higher than market price for it. Although engaging in the black market in any way was considered treason and, as stated on ration books, a “help to the enemy,” there were those who looked for opportunities to sell beef and other commodities to customers willing to pay higher prices. Taxi drivers, allotted only eight gallons of gas a day were, no doubt, tempted to pay a higher price for extra gas. There were always opportunities for individuals to become involved in black-market activities — buying and selling goods, or counterfeiting stamps.
The United States Government seemed to anticipate this disloyalty with the warning printed on ration books. It clearly stated that the War Ration Book was the property of the United States Government and was to be used only to obtain rationed goods for the person to whom it was issued. It could not be sold or loaned. Anyone finding a War Ration Book was to return it to the local Rationing Board that issued it. Anyone entering the Armed Forces or leaving the country for more than 30 days had to return his ration book to the Board. In case of death the ration books had to be returned immediately. Persons violating rationing regulations would face a $10,000 fine or prison of both.
The instructions on the ration books included several “don’ts.” Don’t lose it. Don’t tear out stamps except in the presence of the storekeeper. Don’t throw the book away. A used or expired book had to be presented by a person applying for another book. Instructions ended with the motto: “If you don’t need it, DON’T BUY IT.”
This rule was enforced a step further by the fact that anyone applying for more stamps had to prove a need for them, and in so doing, had to make an account of what he or she already had. Was there a cellar full of canned food? Was the gasoline really needed for getting to work? These questions were not considered an invasion of privacy.
Further suggestions on the back of some issues advised the owner to cooperate with the local Salvage Committee and to save materials like tin cans and waste fats needed to make munitions for the fighting men. However, not just individuals, but whole communities participated in the salvage drives. In 1943 alone, 255,513 tons of tin cans, 43,919 tons of fat,
6.000. 000 tons of waste paper, and more than
26.000. 000 tons of iron and steel scrap were collected for industries who were manufacturing war equipment. Neighborhoods rallied to the cry, “Remember Pearl Harbor!”
For me, rationing brought about a change of schools. Before the war, I had been car-pooled to St. John’s Grade School in Beloit with children from two other neighborhood families. Since the Monday thru Friday eight-mile trip to town throughout the school term required too much gasoline and caused excessive wear on
tires, the decision was made to reopen Fairview, a country school just one mile east of our home. About 12 of us attended school at Fairview for two years. There was a bright side to my fourth and fifth grade years. We had two excellent teachers, Helen McGraff, a very talented music teacher and our regular teacher, Elizabeth Dobratz. Miss Dobratz demanded perfection in spelling and punctuation. Her motto, “Don’t hand in a paper until it’s perfect,” provided lessons never to be forgotten.
Rationing also taught us unforgettable lessons. During this time, I well realized that certain foods and other items were scarce. In our household there was much concern about obtaining sugar and coffee. Many recipes, which were made from scratch in those days, required sugar. Coffee was considered a staple. There were fruits that we sometimes couldn’t buy. Mother commented that I never liked bananas until they were difficult to get. Nyon stockings were scarce, because nylon was needed for parachutes. That was not a primary concern for me since I wore anklets. I wanted a bicycle. Dad refused to buy a “war” bicycle with hard, brittle tires. We would wait until we could find a pre-war bicycle with soft balloon tires, made before rubber became scarce. The waiting was long as rationing gradually closed in our world with limits to the places we could go and the things we could have and do. We learned to cope with shortages by saving supplies like paper and taking care of the shoes and toys we already had, or doing without. The lessons of war were sharp and clear.
No one knew how long the war would last, and therein lay the misery as casualty lists increased, and rationing of certain items grew more severe. For instance, on April 30, 1945, sugar rations were cut by 25 percent as reserves neared rock bottom. A comfortable hindsight reminds us that the war ended officially on September 2,1945, three years, eight months and 22 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The rationing of goods began to taper off on a chain of dates, much the same way as it had surfaced. Shoe rationing ended October 30, 1945. Meat and butter rationing ceased on November 23, 1946, as did tire rationing on December 20, 1946. Sugar rationing did not
end until June 11, 1947. Gradually, life dissolved into degrees of normalcy, and the War Ration Book disappeared.
There were different views on rationing according to individual circumstances. Kansas farmers were concerned about the gas and tires needed for farming. City dwellers who depended upon buses for transportation were not so worried about gas rationing as they were about the shortage of beef and butter. Servicemen returning home on furloughs thought that rationing laws were not nearly harsh enough in this country. Americans looked well-fed. The fighting men in the Pacific needed better food, and stricter regulations would provide them with that. It was reported that Russia and England had far tougher rationing regulations. Many American citizens admitted that they lacked few essentials during the war. They simply resented the government telling them what to do.
No matter how rationing was viewed, we learned that shortages can be sudden and swift. The scarcities that our generation experienced during WW II is a lesson we should never forget and one that we should pass on to children and grandchildren to encourage them to save and recycle. Since WW II, we have been fortunate to live in the land of plenty. I am grateful for all the years that our family has been able to share Thanksgiving meals with no rations in sight, and thankful, too, that I no longer meet tall turkeys in hot pursuit.
I am grateful for all the years that our family has been able to share Thanksgiving meals with no rations in sight, and thankful, too, that I no longer meet tall turkeys in hot pursuit.
United States Office of Price Administration
EMPORTANTt When you hare used your ration, salvage the Tin Cans and Waste Fats. They arc needed to maw munitions for our fighting men. Cooperate with your local” Salvage Committee.
£ *• wvukliMMT raiMTiMt orrtcf t im 16—36670-1
84.1687 N
United States of America Office of Price Administration
Issued to _____________—......................—---------------------
(Printers t, middle, end Utt name*)
Complete address
In accepting this book, I recognize that it remains the property of the United States Government. I will use it only in the manner and lor the purposes authorized hy the Office of Price Administration.
Void \f Altered
It is a criminal offense to violate rationing regulations• OPA Form R-145
it- 36670-1
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poesiblyobtain The typesfcaquinad
| in y iMm>.
nwk0 potqp* tad ryWofe: theta foi, tr*;A* hissed iAtrelnJog soldi** sad ^toH** ; IP iHn3^ahootfc*£i>’Some <£the gu*i fra >*** -M^goatding puryea*
Douglass Tribune March 15. 1943
tfF.i.pivr, rvn.v ka h
| f&offl Are Rxiloned
i Ib Order Oat Snnday
I f&ppb «W iw«M to P*«k— •
I pda c€ +o— O* TW-day Wl***
| Mg tattoo Map X* n in Book 1. pefi* of shoes m ollcAod poipn jTT poor. Tbe OPX order jjrm »11 shoes cootvining *nj Intk-otv «r robber seisd shoe* bit *oi soft sotod baby Aw boose ^*PP« nbUw or, arcttca.
Tberv will bo no tnaro evening o*h>-pees. After Jt*oe IS socCfcer stamp1 nmit bo oood. greiypoo la reque*-«d to refrain from buying any Ao« not really needed.
While oo rales Haw br«n received, by tbo local ration board, th* date* for regteCrmtloo *4 tb# school i hs>« boon set for FA 22 to 27 for ] RoUoo Book Xa 2.
iDouglass Tribune 'Feb 12, 1943
In 17 east coast states A_6 coupons are now good. In states outside the east coast area A-8 coupons are now good.
Fuel Oil
Period one coupons are good through January 3.
Stamp No 14 good for five pounds through October. Stamps Nos 15-16 good for five pounds each for home canning through October 31.
Stamp No 18 good for one pair Validity has been extended indefinitely.
Meats, Fats
Brown stamps C and D gooc through October 30. Brown stain; E becomes good October 10 and remains good through October 30. Processed Foods
Blue stamps U, V and W exp In October 20. Blue stamps X, Y am Z are good through November 20.
Douglass Tribune Oct 19A3—
f Wiii. J—1; • ••
Her© are's. few dates yoo
will- want to remember: v
S Jan 16—Last day to obtain war ra-tloo book 1*. which witt be <neceasary
for obtaining book 2L^._..:;_____________: j
* Jan 15—Last day for. Inspectioo of: truck tires.' '■%;.,*?.•. <■' t j
j Jan 21—Last day for No 3 gasoline ration cboponsTT’" ^ * 1
y Jan 25—Last day fbr second period fuel oil coupons.* (These ;cai> be used with, third, period, coupons for combined delivery until Jao 25).
Jan 31—Last day for passenger car tire inspect iota i1 ' ‘ .; V .*.
- Jan 31—LSL-dayLjftg_sogar_stamp No 10, good for three pounds.
,» Jan 31—Lest day for operation of commercial motor vehicle* on temporary transport rations. £ ' -
Feb 1—Stamp No 11 becomes ■valid for sugar, /amount to be set later.
( Feb 1—Typewriter rationing starts.
112_ MACKS OF ... 1__________
? TWelve mtore eacka of nHBooeed pek WfiAdn wereeoilected by-the
taken to Emporia, from which place Sfcy will be shipped to a processing plant, it wm aooooaced at the office ci D H Putnam, county weed supervisor at H Dorado.
- This makes a total of 112,-aacks ooHected-La this county,——Mb-more will be secured at tiSs time, hut so appeal for more pods may be made later, it was said. The fleas in the pods will be used by tbe government in its war program.----- - -^~
Douglass Tribune Nov 16, 1944
Uncle Sam has told the newspapers to cut down on newsprint this to save for the war effort. Once in awhfile. when advertising is short, we hold to four pages, as this week. With many more papers going to the boys in service w« must do this Douglass Tribune July 1943 ----------
Problems Control Tlr^Ratiog Job. - .
i» ; Dr FtAflGarvlny head of tbe Augusts. tire ration^ board, today cast a little light. o« what motorist*, of; tt4s -sec tiorv.'map expect/kr tha way or< tiree—and wasned - them cot to ecxpeat.^ott cwvlfc^l]^ u-
Soma compaaieat: have been telling; tbeir emplotes that itbey ^rcouM cs pec^ pev igtada A ctire* ,ac|tlk i^tbeizz rC.(c«xM» *rx~ errooeoua idea > beyond •4oin£dn-j aU'-* r-i >^a * Tfaarboards according ,to> vint i* allotted *so many tires of the A grades so* many re-capa, /*o many grade 8 o*» Vktosy tir»SL.>i^-.h' .»>» ; Be gives the f^^p^M|pexainpla:
titled: td and fcr
a grade ^ lire^ with card.
Afc. thee same vttoa * >poHce jeajr aaka m. tirew The board basT*one-' tine. It is up to the board tfrew to decide which car is.: the moe^rnaceasaxy ,io the war- effort and gtv%' the ti*© to disk applicants/--> '.-v« *<-<-. % -—».^-
)ouglass Tribune Jan 8, 1943
OteaU, Fat*, Etc '
Book Xhrte brown stamp* U M, N, P and Q valid thru January 1. Stamp Q valid now and expire* Jon 20. Spare ration stamp No 1 in book four good for extra Are points In the purchase of pork thru Jan 2
Book four green stamps D. E. and P valid through Jan 20.
Book four stamp 20 good for fire pounds through Jan 16.
Book one stamp 18 and book three •'airplane' stamy No 1 good indef-
initely. j
Coupons 0-A good for three gal- I Ions through Jan 21. B and C cou- j pons valid for two gallons.
Fuel (Ml
Period one coupons good through Jan 3. Period two coupons alio valid in the entire retioned area, good through Feb 8. PeHod three coupon* also are valid in mid western and southern states, remaining good through March 15 in the middle west and Feb 22 in the south. All coupons are worth 10 gallons a unit, with most coupons worth several ! units each.
Douglass Tribune Dec 31, 1943
Meat* Chtos* Boltov And Fat*
Br6wx».*tamjarT'^$ri&-Z'ta'1i6Ctr S good through March 30. •
— Red stamps A8, BS and-08 good.. February 37 through May 30.
" Red stamps D8, Eg and good March 13 through May 3a . . ..... . Canned And Proeened Foods Qreyn stamps K. L and M In book 4 good through March 30.
Blue stamps AS, BS, C8, D8 and E8 good~ February 37 through May-30.
-Stamp No 30 In book 4 good for five pounds indefinitely.
Stamp No 31 in book 4 good April 1 for five pounds indefinitely. Stamp No 40 to book 4 good for-
oiaiiiu no w us uwa ■» 8wv» five pounds for home canning anj preserving of fruit through February —30,1048. ^-----/
No '18 in book 1 becomes invalid April 30.
I---Stamp No-1 on airplane page nf
> book 9 is good for one pair lndefl-I nltely.
! (No merchant can legally accept loose shoe stamp coupons.)
Coupon No 10 In "A" Sheets good for three gallons through March 21 —If endorsed wlth-lloenae number and-state of registration.
Final Inspection date for "C" holders, May 31; “B" holders. June 30, ~ and <IA” holde»7 March 31. 1044:—
Period 4 coupon good February 8
per unit.
Period 5 coupon good February S through September 30 for 10 gallons per unit.
Income tax returns In Wednesday,
-March—IS.-—*----- ---------------
Douglass Tribune March 17, 1944
Wanted? Boy* and girl* in tfci* tec-■tknio, gather milkweed- pod* for the fioca, to ho used .In rooking Navy life belt* Supt NT £ Terri H be* sack* to be used in gathering the milk weed
badly needed. The government will pay 20 cents per sack foy dry pods or 15 cento per sack for greeo one*. “ Arlfcee Hilt W(T Harrishaothe sacks and at Augusta, W W Cron, cKy | derk, baa them.
Douglass Tribune Julv 26 . 1 9 44.
1 This book is valuable. Do not lose it.
2 Each stamp authorizes you to purchase rationed goods in the quantities and at the times designated by the Office of Price Administration. Without the stamps you will be unable to purchase those goods.
3 Detailed instructions concerning the use of the book and the stamps will be issued from time to time. Watch for those instructions so that you will know how to use your book and stamps.
4 Do not tear out stamps except at the time of purchase and in the presence of the storekeeper, his employee, or a person authorized by him to make delivery.
5 Do not throw this book away when all of the stamps have been used, or when the time for their use has expired. You may be required to present this book when you apply for subsequent books.
Rationing is a vital part of your country’s war effort This book is your Government’s guarantee of your fair share of goods made scarce by war, to which the stamps contained herein will be assigned as the need arises.
Any attempt to violate the rules is an effort to deny someone his share and will create hardship and discontent.
Such action, like treason, helps the enemy.
Give your whole support to rationing and thereby conserve our vital goods. Be guided by the rule:
“If you don't need it, DON’T BUY IT.”
ft U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1941 16—30853-1
doued liiif)
United States of America
Office of Price Administration
(Name of person to whom .ok is issu.
.., U
fbtreet number or rural route)
(City or post office)
Issued by Local Board No
i hoard) }
Signature of hsaing officer)
... 3{ZjOl4a~-
(Stat , „ , ,
.... Cl .....................-
...I2...£........................• <c“"’>
(Street address of local
By -----■/V'
Signature Ttf&nr.______________________________i
(To be signed by the person to whom this book is issued. If such person is unable to sign because of age or incapacity, I another may sign if bis behalf)
1 This book is the property of the United States Government, S t is unlawful to sell or give it to any other person or to use it or permit anyone else to use it, except to obtain ration * i goods for the person to whom it was issued.
2 This book must be returned to the War Price and Rationing Board which issued it, if the person to whom it was issued is inducted into the armed services of the United Stat s. or leaves the country for more than 30 days, or dies. The address of the Board appears above.
3 A person who finds a lost War Ration Book must return it the War Price and Rationing Board which issued it.
4 Persons Who Violate Rationing Regulations Are Su«/&ct to $10,000 Fine or Imprisonment, or Both.
OPA Form No. R-121
. . .... 4
Things Are Humming Around Rose HUl
In iRlose Hill the llast of the week we found1 things humming-.
■Ralph Cramer, Socomjy-Vacu/um gas man for Bill Harris, wias sporting a new gasoline Itianik truck, first dlay of operation Thursday.
Lee Bradbury was about tO' get his locker plant in operation', and the barber shop in (the front of the locker'building wias about ready for occupancy. Work was progressing rapidly on the new store building, toot The •Hinshaw house bad just been ■moved, in on the lot west of Sil’fenit-ter’s land Kermit Cox’s house was moved a block north to lots he purchased from' Morris Poston.____
March 1946
Yet Officer At Cox Store At Rose Hill
Hubert Cox tells us that there will be an officer of the Kansas Veter-ansoff ice alt the Cox Grocery iin (Rose Hill' every other Wednesday from 4:15 to 4:45 p m to talk with veterans on their problems.
If you have any problems of disability, Insurance; Education, Hospitalization; Back Pay; Out Patient Treatment or others, see the Veterans officer at Rose Hill1!.
Douglass Tribune 1947
Robbers Break In Harris, Cox Stores At Rose Hill In Night
Robbers were busy in Rose Hill Sunday night, according to report by Ralph Ball, who was over Monday.
They broke into the Harris Supply Company store and took a rifle and o-ther things; trying to hammer the safe lock off.
They also broke into the Gox Grocery.
Douglass Tribune Dec. 4, 1952
ONE YEAR IN ROSE HILL Calendar year 1049 was a busy one for Rose Hill persons with numerous **new” and interesting things occuvring.
Events include the following: January—Town team wins i’ot-win tourney and Earl Showajter made director of the Rose Hill state bank; February — the George Showalters observe fifty-fifth wedding anniversary; April
__Kermit Cox new school hoard
(member, district adapted bud|et of J52.000 and school wins district basketball tournament:
May — Rose Hill team placed second in slate baseball and plana were begun for $120,000 addition to school; September — Helen Ann Poston named county 4-H club style champ and Glen, jr., and Bob Carr buy Brownie Cox grocery, and school wins south league baseball title; November — three couples celebrate fiftieth wedding anniversaries; Charles J. Dennetts, Frank Gillenwaters and Kent Johnsons; December—school was leading in South league basketball activities.
I r\. Rose 'Hi 11 '.Saturday * wee. found;] itbWT work on the neiw. market and ; locker building bGingV^iltVby Lee; Bm,:'bury is getting r aff to a good ’ sThftT* Tl'ie foundation'for the lock-' er, and the floor of thfjjj
present (building (to the south is being| Xottf up, to be lowered, Ito the level ox the new building.V
ft room' is tor be huijit in1 front of! ttl-o locker noonv And Rose Hill hopes ; ■to get a barber andl beauty shop in’ it. The, new buildlifrg- .will be- a.nice';| addition to , Rose- Hill, b’. . <*
Material! is on the/ground,-so war •m 1 -.Id! by Bud HigglihS, for Brownie j Co: / ■ grocery and market building on the lots between the ' CUnger Cafe , and itihe potvtoffice' in 'Rose Hill..;'
: ft ie to be a tile and stucco strue-;
- wR
turn, and Brownies; just, out of the Navy, will get 'ksaefe into the grocery ' ibux iiK'Ss eiv! too many moons. •,
;, Kt at Johnson foes the house he pur* jj
chased west ; of Gordon on/ the. aklUia ' and reajdty to mx/ve to . 'Rose ■£ Hill, where he has the foundation ready ; for h!is new hloane.
, L B Neece and family moved a week ago into the. new teacherage —a mighty nice house built juef across from the school! house on/ the ? west side of the notad. Supt Neece-spent mainy hours last summer working on the howse he now occupies.
Barilni Cox, we are told, Ehtas bought lot • just north of the school house > fro in Ralph McCluggage, and plans to ] buiki' a home thereon.,;, . . |
So the sound, of the" hammer and * saw IS heard in (Rbse Hill plenty. k
Douglass Tribune
194 D
Top Picture Seated Andy Reheis Dale Carr James McCluggage Lebern Showalter Frances Dennett Verne Johnson Adrian Hall Glen Johnson Harold MacKay
Center row Bill Engels John Engels Melvin Moore Harold Clinger Bill Dunnell
Top Row
Bill Lichlyter Delbert Landis Hubert Cox Melvin Eager Elmo Hinshaw
Melvin McCluggage Don Eldridge
Ralph Humbolt Gerald Fager Estelle McCluggageGarvin Cox
Victor Cox Vestal Cox
Bottom Picture Ben Thorn Merle Webster LemClum
Francis Walton Leonard Mitchell Bill Harris Lee Bradbury Smiles Cox * Shorty
ROSE HILL MEN HONOR VETERANS—At a din ner Thursday night in Rose Hill, Kan., returned veterans of the town were the guests of business men and farmers. At 7 o’clock in the city hall at Rose Hill, the returned servicemen were served a dinner that included roast chicken and ham. There were six sets of brothers in the group. The small table shown in one of the above pictures was set for the three town citizens that were killed in action. Their plates were turned down. The guests and some of the hosts ard shown In the top picture. Seated, left to right, are: Andy Rehies, Dale Carr, Jamey McClug-gage, Tebern Showelder, Francis Dennett, Vem Johnson, Adorian Hall, Glenn Johnson, and Harold MacKey. In the second row, left to right, William Engels, John Engels, Melvin Morrie, Harold Clinger, tMlI Dunnell, Melvin McCluggage, Victor Cox, Vestal Cox and Estel McCluggage. In the back row, pictured left to right, are John Lichyter, Delbert Landis, Hubert Cox, Melvin Fagec. Elmo Hinshaw, Don SldrlWjre, Ralph Humbolt, Jerold Fagper and Garvin Cox. In the lower picture tbi hosts of the dinner are shown standing about the table set for the home town men killed in service. They are, left to right, Thorne, Merle Webster, Lynil Clum, Francis Walton, Leonard Mltchel, Bill Harris, Lee
Bradbury and Short Cox. Two of the men that helped give the dinner are not in the picture. They are Earnest Ci«*>ffer and K. M. Cox. )
from the Wichita Eagle
News (1898-1945)
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS, News Items, (1898-1945)
Rose Hill, KS, News Items, (1898-1945)
26 pages of articles clipped from the Douglass Tribune, Douglass, Kansas from 1898-1945 regarding the town of Rose Hill, Kansas.
Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS, News Items, (1898-1945)
Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, KS
Douglass Tribune, Douglass, KS
Reproduced with permission from the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Book I in a collection of 6 scrapbooks compiled by Lois Mitchell.
Mitchell, Lois, Rose Hill, KS, “News (1898-1945),” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 21, 2025,
The serene serenity which usually prevacles our little hamlet was rudely broken on or -About the middle of last Monday afternoon.
The terrors of that afternoon and evening will ever remain indellibly stamped upon the sensorium of the bravest inhabitant. That day marked an epoch in the history of our village. Henceforth our citizens will go forth armed with razors and infernal machines', fully realizing that they carry their lives in their hands; and grim Justice, fully equipped . .and armed to -the teeth, will be kept in readiness-to pounce-upon all offenders and drag them into the awful presence
inquiring for a justice of,,the peace, to whom he. told a harrowing story of the depreciations committed by some, movers in covered wagons, which, were then going through the town on their way to the Strip.
HhStated that he lived six miles north of town, and that when said movers were passing his house their canine,willfully, and with malice aforethought, killed an unoffending hen and upon the demand made by his wife for damage^, they refused and acted very un£cntlemanly; and for this he demanded their arrest. Judges Staley and .Greene, in their extreme unselfishness, were each willing the other should issue the warrant and try the ease. It was finally decided that tlie duty devolved upon Mr. Greene. Constable Cqbloy(i.was away from home, George Taylor, a brave young man unknowh to fear, was deputised to carry the offending citizen to his doom. After carefully oiling and loading his revolver, Taylor stepped over to Will Hoag’s and asked him if he had an extra doom about him that he wouldn’t be apt tq need right away. Will said j he had; and thus armed and equipped,
! George looking so brave and fair, rode gallantly away, accompanied by the plantiff. They overtook the desperadoes three miles south of town at their camp on Polecat Creek, and George began at once, in his peculiar ly.ripe and tfiblldw voice,; .to>;.read, the principal offender’s doom; whereupon three large, uncouth ruffians grabbed up rocks as large as water buckets, and swearing in a loud and discoYbiint tone of voice, made a charge on him and the plantiff, solemnly affirming that they would puncture their cuticle in forty places; . , ,
At this crisis George find the plaintiff retreated at a double quick upon the town and wanted to telegraph for Governor Lewelling to order blit-- the militia. By this time it was dark, and as,Constable Cooley had returned the command was turned over to him. John thought like Pompey, the famous contemporary of Julius Caesar, that by stamping., his foot armed legions would appear;, but not so; at roll cal! it wfisl suddenly discovered that ail must all the jtnale_ citizens, not counting Chinese and Indians not taxed, were seriously sick. Finally after exertion a posse of five daring braves headed by Constable Cooley, all heavily armed with six-shooters, wearing a look of settled determination to do or die, and clothed with proper legal authority to spill human blood .if. necessary, started out with the intention of attacking the bandits in their stronghold and dragging them before the court or burning them at the stake; and in their minds, the limpid waters of the Polecat ran crimson with human gore._____________________ —
On nearing the camp of the enemy John deployed the faithful five into a skirmish line and on to battle as bravely as did the Spartons under .Leonidas at Thermopoke. But when the camp was reached the dying
, ---------------— quiet-
ly stolen away..
The posse returned to town with the firth step of conquering heroes, which showed too plainly, what would have been the awful fate'., of the cutthroats had they fallen into their |‘iVK. A monument dedicated to the .truly brave” is to be erected in the city square. .5
_________A. Rosebud.
Nov 1893
i • A Queer Character. ' f .
C’*vf 4 * Y'VV+V, *•**"*' V' V* .V • '■ - '
Sam Kritsinger of Rose Hill, was whipped by a business' man of that place on Wednesday of last week.-- Sam is a queer character, ‘rath'er’ smart in some ways, and •jfedicu.lbpsly .annoying and insulting in others/- Toward those who have engendered- his ill will he puts in'much time and effort"' perpetrating' acts of ridicule and irony. He knows the law well enough to keep on:’. the borders- of.,obedience to it. and-in position where those who might be disposed to retaliate would-be liable to get where . the laws penalties might strike them.- In . his many aggravating acts it would .be hard to Establish one case of violation against him,''/Written,. notices of •quaint' sarcasm have been posted up,, some of them written in rhyme' -that shows his .queer,■ quaint. genius. Then he will on public occasions go through a series of outlandish actions, menacing and ridiculing some citizen. of the place/ Remarks, inoffensive in themselves,-but full of;sarcasm are-aimed at his Neighbors and it, is impossible;to tell all that he has.done.' or is, supposed;' to have done irritate and annoy to those who he may be ilkly disposed towards. Any notice taken of his actions, words or written posters have only made him the worse. It had gone to that extent that the business men of the village have generally forbidden him to stop around their places of business. Last week one of them took a pistol in one hand and a whip in the other, applying the latter to the offender in more or less vigor. It is a bad state of affairs but what is to be done?
Douglass Tribune 1 897
I> S-Pickett has moved Ins stdai building to the corner of Jl/iiin street and. Commercial avc. where he may be fouiid trying to please his growing trade. Opojd^delivered to all parts of the city tree. -
May 1890
Though' it has been long waiting a report, Rose Hill is not dead, Indeed she is not sleeping! We aie a booming almost equal to the “Peerless Princess of the Plains’ in
her Palmiest days.
Douglass Tribune May 23, 1890
I Our city election passed otY quitelv, the j constestants for municipal favors accepted the results very good naturedJy and abide the decision of the majority. The result was as follows. For mayor A A Green, conn-j oilmen Mr Pease, Mrs Barkalow, Mrs Ida Berry, Miss May Smith and Thos Meador. Police j udge, Wn\ Smith, Chief of Police, L A Berry, City Marshal, Chas Silkneder. Justice of Peace, W B Poston and T Hill. Constables, Will White and Lestor Minor. City Clerk, W R Harris. City Atty. W H Hill. Street Commissioner, Chas Lo^an. Board of Education Mrs Green, V:s Hill and Miss Emma Harris. «»f Ih allh,
J A Barkalow Mrs Smith ami G Berry. Board of Public Works, Messrs Silkneder, Balkley and Sierman. The Tribune was voted the official paper. Dr J A Barkalow, Physician and Surgeon, manipulates the medical department and I may say to the satisfaction of all his unfortunate patrons.
Douglass Tribune May 23, 1890
[%• The town of Rose Hill continues a steady growth' ao<l constant improvement., The beauty of the place is in.the fact that there are clustered together a lot of beautiful homes with no old shacks or delapidated buildings among them.- 'The town Is surrounded by a number of succes-ful farmers up*>n farms small enough to make the country thickly populated.
V The general merchandise business is well represented by the two general stores conducted by Phil R. Kinsey and Mr. Lindstrom. The former has been in successful business there a number of years. The latter engaged in business there a year ago. ■ t* Will N'. Harris is perhaps the lea 1-
lcg business man of the town. lie lias long conducted a hardware and! implement store. He has the man*, agement of the Jonathan Thomas' lumber yard there., lie owns the eleVatbr and does the graiQ business of the town. He* is also vice president of the new- Itose Hill Statue bank. •
This new bank was started last
summer with J. F. McCluggage from Douglass, as cashier find managing officer. -His uncle, James McClug-i gage is the president.,-, Thej stock,, holders and directors are the best business men and wealthiest farmers of the locality. The new bank is starting off all' right. The statements show a careful, safe management. Upon a basis-of safe business a sufficiently large business is-sure to grow. The business and shipping] interests of Hose Hill demanded a bank there, and the demand is fully met in this safe institution. ].
In point of intelligent cocrgy and enterprise H. C. Staley has done much for Rose Hill. lie was a pioneer in the point of ibetter stock amoDg the berses of the locality. He brought on some.of the best Perche* ron and Coach horsos for breeding that-'have" come tccj^iis country. It only took a few years for the Impress of these horses to be plainly visible among the rarmers for many miles aroupd Rose Hill. ^r.-Staley is st}ll continuing the good work.
Dr. J. A. Barkalow has cIodc so, much in making Rose Hill. He located there years ago. Very few are the “Country doctors” who have made the name and and preserved the popularity that Dr. Jiarkalow has. If bis practice is not growing it is because, it is so large that he will aot allow it to grow larger. He is loved by th^ families where bis visits have beep' demanded. He is liked as a man and trusted,as a physician. . . .
Beautify! Rose Hill,
The name'Rose Hill was probably given to the Quaker settlement northwest of Dougla&s at this season of the year, when the wild roses were blooming sy beautifully upon the j pyairle. The 'country postoffice of early -times took the name. Then the railroad statlofF two miles west of the Quaker church, took the name j and to it has centered the business ofj the neighborhood.. . ]
Rose Hill Is certainly a beautiful [little town. Most Kansas towns are, marred: by the old buildings that!
From May 15,1908 Douglass Tribune
The name Rose Hill was probably given to the Quaker settlement northwest of Douglass at this season of the year, when the wild roses were blooming so beautifully upon the prairie. The country post office of early times took the name. Then the railroad station two miles west of the Quaker Church, took the name and to it has centered the business of the neighborhood. Rose Hill is certainly a beautiful little town.
have been moved to one.side when the .town took its second growth.and new buildings took the place of the old. Rose Hill took its second growth from thqystari and is a city\Of lovely cottage homes. '
To those already erected John Raida Is adding another, more beautiful perhaps than any of those erect-.
tvui IUUVVf , Ui nuse HUi, LLL uve ms
new automobile into Douglass, Wednesday morning. The doctor’s new machine makes the third in Rose Hill. Douglass Tribune March 27, 1908
ed • before. * It looks as though it would be a very fine residence Indeed.
Mrs. Rebecca Mitchell has also commenced the erection of a tine home between ths residnees of Dr. Barkalow and Eli Barker.. It will be an ornament to the. town. •
..Linus Dunlap also is building. He; is. enlarging his home arid putting on ; a nuurber-of improvements.
•After the bealuy of their homes the [ next thing the that Rose Hill people! setfm to take pride in is automobiles. It is the ‘leading town ip Butler county for its size in the possession
Rose llill linproveilMMils.
Rone Hill has made " rapid- strides ! this year in the line of improvements
The beautiful new school building. The -new. bank building which is the handsomest little hank building in the state, constructed of stone and brick, sonic of the stone work being of New Bedford, Indiana, rock.
A new business house constructed of cement blocks.
(jf handsome autos. Will N. Harris, the lumber, hardware'and grain dealer, has one of the best of these cars that could be purchased. • 5
Dr. Barkalow also has a handsome auto—a 20-horsepower machine of beautiful construction and finish; The doctor needed something of the kind in his professional business, so he purchased one large enough 'to serve his family and friends.
Phil Kinsey, the jolly general merchant, also possesses a new automobile. He drove it into Douglass one day Jast week, and he expects much service and pleasure with it.
Perhaps it Is for the automobiles, but more likely from the hatuial pride of all the people, a system of road dragging has been instituted around Rose Hill. 'The condition of the roads, properly dragged at proper times will convince anyone of .the profit and satisfaction of such work.
J. T, Stanley, wvho was so long the manager of the Bert Near stock and business has become more permanent- . ly‘ fixed by purchasing the stock and business.' <The people who have always enjoyed trading with Mr. Stanley w*lll prefer it the more now that they (ire dealing with him in his own name and,right. n ‘ _
And a complete system of#coment sidewalks and crossings from the business part of the town to the new school building.
And all this permanent work has been’ done by Sharp Brothers, contractors and builders, of El Dorado. This firm is composed of Butler county boys, sons of -Joseph Sharp, an early settler of El Dorado who him-"scfr hr slime
Work and contracting, and who h.'is been in a measurcrassociated with his sons in the large undertakings they have accomplished.
The operations of the firm have not been confined to Rose Hill alone this summer. They have had large contracts elsewhere, among them being-railroad bridge work in New Mexico. But there being three brothers in the firm, and the father, who is still In full vigor being ever at hand to help, they have been able to give personel supervison of all their operations.
The excellence of the Rose Hill work shows them to be master builders.
Douglass Tribune Sept 10, 1909
Douglass Tribune May 15, 1908
The town of Rose Hill continues a steady growth and constant improvement. The beauty of the place is in the fact that there are clustered together a lot of beautiful homes with no old shacks or delapidated buildings among them.
The town is surrounded by a number of successful farmers upon farms small enough to make the county thickly populated.
The general merchandise business is well represented by two general stores conducted by Phil R. Kinsey and Mr. Lindstrom. The former has been successful here for a number of years.
The later engaged in business there a year ago.
Will N. Harris is perhaps the leading business man in town.
He has long conducted a hardware and implement store. He has the management of the Jonathan Thomas lumber up there. He owns the elevator and does the grain business in town. He is also vice-president of the new Rose Hill State Bank.
This new bank was started last summer with J.F. McCluggage, from Douglass as cashier and managing officer. His uncle James McCluggage is the president. The stock holders and directors are the best business and wealthiest farmers in the locality. The new bank is starting off all right. The statement shows a careful, safe management. Upon a basis of safe business, a sufficiently large business is sure to grow.
The business and shipping interests of Rose Hill demanded a bank there, and the demands is fully met in this safe institution.
In point of intelligent energy and enterprise H.C. Staley has done much for Rose Hill. He was a pioneer in the point of better stock among the horses of the locality. He brought in some of the best Percheron and Coach horses for breeding that have come to this country. It only took a few years for the impress of these horses to be plainly visible among the farmers for many miles around.
Douglass Tribune Jan 24, 1908
The people of Rose Hill and neighborhood are in a position to congratulate themselves for having been so
Glazier Lyceum bureau ^seven of their best attractions for this’and four months. All seven numbers will be of the highest order both instructive and entertaining, as nothing but the best talent has been secured for this course. The high school auditorium has been leased for the purpose and all the not proceeds from the sale of tickets and door admissions will be donated towards the purchaso of a piano for the use of the school. The tickets* for the reserved seats are now on sale and those wishing a desirable reserved seat should apply early.
Douglass Tribune Oct 15, 1909
They had a big, free-for-all light last Saturday night at a dance on the John Tucker place north of town. There was a big crowd present, and a party from the Rose Hill country got into a fracus with a Berdine and the friends of each side
good sized riot was on in which knives and pistols were displayed. Women fainted and a general “rough house’* prevailed. The lamps were extinguished and everybody took a swipe at the next fellow, with everything in the way of movables being made use of as missiles. Several were badly bruised, but Albert Dennet , a young man of the Rose Hill crowd \ was severely cut about the face with a broken beer bottle, and terribly injured. He was taken to a Wichita specialist, and will probably loose one' eye and perhaps two as a result of the fight. No arrests have jet been made.—Midrnnt Xrtry -—
Sept 3, 1908
' Rose« Hill is growing. Almost every time we visit the town we a new residence or two going up that we had never seen before. And what is more, all tbebuilding are of a good quality. Just now, in addition to several residences just completed, P. R. Kinsey is putting up a new store building, 86 feet deep, on the corner south of the postoffice, and nearly opposite his . present location. Marion Wallace recently purchased lots in the town upon which he will put up a skating rink right away.
Douglass Tribune Dec 11, 1908
Every thing is on the boom in Rose Hill, new houses, new wells, new new gardens, new oil excitement, new autos, new weddings,new wedding bells. Surely everything is booming. Come & see. One vacant house to-day, one vacant store room, today. Come & look over town & counrty. Splendid opportunities are open here.
DouglassTribune March 31.1916 ______
All three of our general stores with some extra clerks, were kept on the jump all day Saturday.
P.R. Kinsey, J.T. Stanley, Hough Bros.
Douglass Tribune April 3, 1914
The streets were crowded Saturday, the hitching racks all full and several boys did good business holding teams. If trade keeps on increasing, our merchants, J.T. Stanley, P.R. Kinsey, and Hough Brothers, will have to lease some of Mr. Postons pasture to put hitching racks on as there are no vacant lots in town.
Douglass Tribune May 8, 1914
Only one vacant house in Rose Hill and a fine store building for rent.This would be the "North Store Bldg";"
Douglass Tribune August 21, 1914
For Rent
A residence for rent. Plumbed for gas. Stove and lights furnished.
A nice cottage at $7.00 per month if taken soon. _________
Ad Douglass tribune Aug 18, 1916
j ttiterurban Coming
I Dr. S. F. George and Chas. Gallagan, promoters of the interurban lino through Roao Hill to Dougla***, have been Itjuro thU week doing active work, and meeting with great ■ encouragement, ami people have aub-acribcd v<*rv liberally to the enter- % I pri*o. The lino cornea out of Wirhifa on the Harry Stroot road to a point j J direr!ly northh of Rose Hill, pcvtiij ! mile*; the nce pouth on the count)* j road through Rose Hill to the eaHt J and went center line through Richland township; thonoo directly east into Douglass. We have all assurance that constructive work on this lino will he commenced right away.
Douglass Tribune Nov. 7, 1919
Some buildings are being moved out of Rose Hill. We suppose to make room for the more modern ones that will be built when the interurban comes. Douglass Tribune Nov 14, 1919
The inter-urban is still coming. The promoters expect to soon be surveying and locating the road.
Douglass Tribune Nov. 21, 1919
Not an empty house or business in Rose Hill*
Douglass Tribune
Sept 19, 1919
Paper Section set aside for boosting the country "created by God & improved upon by Man"
The Rose Hill Page
This introduces to the many readers of The Tribune, in the Rose Hill section a feature which we hope to make permanent, devoting a page each week exclusively to the people of Rose Hill and surrounding territories.
In order to get the merchants to advertise-give them a return on theireinvestmentrtheyemust be given an advertising medium that will reach all the people with whom they wish to talk.
To get the people to subscribe to a paper they must be given news that will interest them relate the incidents and happenings that they are interested in.
This is what the Tribune proposes to do, but we cannot make a isuccess of it unless we have the support of all. We have named Mr. H.A. Baker as our correspondent, with authority to gather news, collect subscriptions, advertisements, solicit job work and all other work in the name of this paper. We, with our experience, are going to aid him all we can. We are asking the people of Rose Hill to do the same.
The thought that struck us was that a page, devoted exculsively to Rose Hill people, in each week's issue of the Tribune, might fill the bill--give them the publicity that they deserve and yet not entail too much of an investment.
The proposition has been put on a business basis, void of sentiment.
To make the page a success we will have to have the advertis-ments, the Rose Hill merchants are willing to back the venture until such a time when it can be determined whether it can be made a permanent institution. This will depend largley upon the circulation that we will be able to produce, giving the merchants a medium that will justify them in making a investment each week in the advertising columns.
We have felt for some time that the population of Rose Hill it's growing prominence as a trade center and the progressive spirit shown by it's citizens,has entitled the city to more publicity than it has been getting. The: people have deserved more news of their happenings each week than has been chronicled in the single column of the Tribune each week, although this paper comes closer to covering the field than any other publication.
Yet, it is doubtful, very doubtful, is the city and people could support an expensive publication of their own, repaying a man for as investment he would have to make in money, time and labor.
If the end justifies the means that is, if the proposition pays- then the Rose Hill page will become a thing of permanence.
Douglass Tribune May 15, 1915
The following are some of the ads for 1915-16 THE ROYAL THEATER, E.E. Hensley Proprietor
Cold Drinks--Only fountain in Town--Ice Cream On Hand
Only place in city Handling Tobacco----Short Orders
G.J. Johnson
Dr. H.B. Morton Physician and surgeon
J.A. Barkalow, MD.
P.R. Kinsey, General Store
Wick and Son, Meats and Ice, Purchase furs and hides Rose Hill State Bank
I. M. Beckner, tires, garage, and machine shop W.N. Harris, fence and implements Jess Schull, barber A.B. Cox, veterinarian
J. Thomas and Son, Lumber, hardware, and coal Mina Silknitter, School Books and supplies at Post Office F.C. Hall, Painter and interior decorator H.A. Baker, Mutual Insurance Office in Wick and Son store W.G. Burton, Physician and surgeon
Loren Hinshaw, well drilling
Rose Hill garage 0:L: Wallace proprietor
1914 Ford Roadster $225.
1915 Ford Touring Car $250
The Fair Company General Mdse. The Hough Bros.
J.H. Stanley, General Msde.
Rose Hill will celebrate the Fourth. Everybody is invited to bring well filled baskets, the town people are very hungry. Remember it has been a long time since farmers have given us a big eat.
So have a heart and remember us the 4th.
Douglass Tribune July 2, 1916
Rose Hill
■ A
Base game by
■ of the fastest
■ teams in the I
county. j
J Patriotic ad-1 dresses by R.j T. McCluggage I and others, i
Tennis tourna-| ment; Prizes for different % kinds of
Douglass Tribune July 2, 1916
A Fourth Of Long Ago
There is one Fourth, of July celt bration ithait has’ first place in tb memory of the people of ltose H and vicinity and that is the one cel. brated in El Dorado 4<> yea is ipo El Dorado (had planned for a big d. and.1 had advertised it in a great wu, emphasizing the fact that all ent« ftainment of the day wws to I f of change to the public and «*. good the promise in every .vv-j.
Arrangements had Ibeen made foo special train to carry the Rose Hi*
I crowd and the .whole community, ol and yovtn^, planned to make the trij A heavy rain the night before sei the creeks and rivers out of the banks, but it cleared off the roornir * of the Fourth and alxmt poop were on band, ready fm the ear 'morning trip,
fr'. The Rose Hill Cornet Band, of V or more young fellows, dressed i bright red suits and dire<t.d by Fran McWilliams, was the pride of all j i they took part in the day's program * Those were the days when Rose Hi was (baseball minded and their tear . composed of the Swindell boys ne other local reliables, was on ban and did its .part by winning a do.-and well played game from the Pu( win boys.
| It seemed to be the day for Rose Hill folks to win, as they took fir.-imtoney in all the contests they «n tered. Virgil Cox won first plac in a long distance and exciting wheel (barrow race, in which there were large number of entries.
Among other events of the day, in which Rose Hill scored was the foab> show, in which Gula Showalter the daughter of Mr and Mrs George Showalter, won first place in the beauty contest. Gula graduated from Rose
Hill High School and taught severs terms in Butler county schools. Sh. later married Robert Clingor, an jthey ’have three fine children, one o (whom is in tine armed forces.
I The writer, iwho for sevenal yeai was Rose Hill correspondent for Wichita paper, (wrote the f<>Uowin. lines, which were .published just be fore the Fourth of July, lth»6:
Two hundred are enroll, d to go, From 'here to El Dorado’s show,
So hurry .up and don’t l>e slow,
At 6:15 the train wil go.
A dollar bill for round trip fare Is all that you will need to spare; For El Dorado’s folks declare I They’ll pay the thill fm all while there.
Our cornet hand will take the Jeac Our baseball team will show them speed;
So all that that good town will ne< Is lots of cash and heaps, of feed.
!Of cash they say they have euo,.. To pay all bills and that’t no bluf. So hand tihem in, don’t thank it tough—
They’ll pay them all, they have the stuff.
Big speakers there will take 11 stand
j, To (tell about our native land,
; And whoop it up to (beat the b»> For they, too, know there'} . !
on hand.
When on the grounds don't I e afraid
if To help yourself to lemonade,
Or anything that’s haniiy laid; Remember ail your bills are paid.
A man will go up in the air In a balloon—'way up somewhere;
A Mi ail the i ovka vu 1 sta .a <uid stare
While El Dorado pays the fare.
Your gate fare also will be paid To where the ball game will he played;
And you can sit down in the shade And drink free pop and lemonade.
I■ ";*■ '
At half .past ten our folks will say:
“I think we've seen enough today, We’ll board the train and speed away, ‘
Leaving them the bills to pay.”
Whale speeding home o’er tie and rail,
Thinking of the cows to pail,
We’ll have no kick inor hear no wall If lEH Dorado’s cash don’t fail.
, ___ W H Cummins*.
Douglass Tribune Nov 5, 1953
Stores with ads in the Douglass Tribune 1916
The Fair Co. Hough Bros. general merchandise Wick & Son Meat market, Hides, Furs, Ice
W.N. Harris Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Farm Machinery, Harness J. Thomas & Son Lumber J.A. Barkalow Doctor
A.B. Cox veterinarian & Surgeon Phone 45 Loren Hinshaw Well Drilling
Post Office, Miss Mina Silknitter, school supplies, books,fresh
bread, pies
H.A. Baker Insurance, friut trees, oil stock, wrote Rose Hill page for the Douglass Tribune. Phone 22 P.R. Kinsey general merchandise
Beckner Garage & Machine Shop repairs, blacksmithing and Auto sales Sam Russel & Son cistern§/ painting f plumbing Hall Barber Shop, I.C. Davis on Tuesdays Rose Hill Garage, O.L. WallaceNew Ford Cars
Ed Learned is clerking for Emery McKnight until after his sale.
His wife is doing the cooking act.
Douglass Tribune Feb. 18, 1916
See P.H. Silknitter & H.A. Baker for encubators at the novelty works on East Berry Avenue
New Barber, Jess Schull
F.C. Hall Painting & Interior Decorating
Dr. Burton Physician and Surgeon, located in Cooley property
X-Ray Oil Co.
The X-Ray Oil Co. is the latest Rose Hill Production.
Douglass Tribune, Sept 30, 1916
R.L.Webster has bought the property of William Dennett, occupied by Hall's barber shop and Reyer harness shop. It's a good business location.
Dou £lass Tribune Sept 30, 1916 ___ _______________
311 DM (i I IT FI UK
Rose Hill came near being wiped out last Monday night. Soon after midnight Freer McCluggnge discover*: ed Dr. Barkalow s bai n to be on fire, lie |* nve the alarm, Central gave I he line ring on a I the lines, and the bells were set ringing. In a few .minutes the town was full of help, blit it spread to Wm Harris* barn upon he property occupied by A. 0. /liygins and family. The onl\ thins* that saved a great part t,f the tow. was the quick action of our central >'*ople, and the prompt response ef the people from the surrounding country. 1 he bains were built of soft pine and burned fiercely. The burning shing’es and sheeting set fire *o several .buiMings. I lot li the
general stores were on fire at different times, but men were cm the n ofs, and plentv <»l water was pn-<- j sed to them. So the lire was Kept ui.der r«.n ri 1 and tlie town was saved. Some of Mr. Boson’s buildings. f\vo~ blccl.s away were set on fiie by flying shirg es and cinders. It was the closest call Rose Hill ever had.
;he merchants, want to thank their country cousins for their untireing help that saved our homes and business during the fire Monday night.
Douglass Tribune November 18, 1921
The Rose Hill wild ones celebrated Hallowe'en in great shape.' The business part of town the next mornipf loaled like a cyclone had dropped all its gatherings at once.- Wagons hay racks, buggies, mowers, rake^ tanks, milk cans, milk racks, a coop of chickens, a load of corn, a load of feed, a yard swing and other things were all dumped in a bunch bn State street.
Douglass Tribune ___November 4, 1921
| Rose Hill is taking -on more busi-I ness than she has for some tim^. While prices are low from the view pbint of those two or three years ago. But business seems to be satisfied to pocket some loss and go on and forge* the past and it is having its ef-; feet. Business is better than it* has j been or many months. „ J
Douglass Tribune Jan 25, 1924
Rose Hill is almost a new town this spring. There is a new barber, new people in the restaurant and in the Watkins store soon; new people at the Binford store (if they do not sell the whole business, they will close it out.) There is new management at the bank, andLsomething new at nearly every corner. Ail new people are welcome to our fine little | city, arid there are still opportune | ities open. Gome and see what we have to offer.
Douglass Tribune March 12, 1926
We weiooioe stnegen to our town aod we have lots oroom for them. We ere glaoto hate lew abiding citizens to come and make boflx* end enjoy our many modern conveniences.
I We hare excellent mail service; Bank service, electricity’, nature! gam. Fine school privileges. Two churches welt ’kept end supported end e strong church two miles oTwo general garages, five filling stations, a large lumber yard, hardware sod implement dealer, blacksmith chop, Ivro oil and gas tank yards; and many other conveniences. State and county romds aeil kept running in every
direction. Come and let us show you.
Douglass Tribune June 27. 1930
|- Rose Hill can boast of two very essential industries that many larger' tcm-ns don't hew. A first: class* Black mith shop and a well equipped Sbos and Harness shop where woe can get your old . harness that is almost worthless, repaired and oiled up today, to do several yean work, for a few dollars.
Douglass Tribune
June 27, 1930
Rose Hill has three general stores, one bank, one restaurant, two garages, one blacksmith, one lumber yard, one hardware, one grain elevator, two large implement houses, one coal yard, and the best kept Post Office in the southwest,a full line of books in the Post Office Building, one shoe and harness shop, not least by any means is Bob, the barber, jewler, the Kodak man, one doctor, one veteranarian and every firm has more business than they can care for as they would like. We have no lawyers or justice of peace as we don't have any law suits. We have two churches, well supported and two in the country close by, both well supported, one lodge building, and an ideal consolidated school with high sc*hool complete. Manuel training and Domestic science are part of our school where splendid work is done. We have a fine athletic club, a well organized Boy Scout troop,
Douglass Tribune March 31, 1920
Rose Hill is almost a new town | this spring. There is a new barber, new people in the restaurant and in the Watkins store soon; new people at the Bin ford store (if they do not sell the whole business, they will close it out.) There is new management at the bank, and something new at nearly every corner. All new people are welcome to our fine little city, and there are still opportunities open. Come and see what we i have to offer.
March 1926
Chicken thieving seems according to different reports, to be on, the increase. Look out for a Buiclt car with wire wheels. Generally one woman and two men are in the car, and they have a habit of stopping at farm houses for water when no one is at home. Better get busy and organize an Anti Horse Thief Association in every school house in the county. Perhaps an Anti Auto Thief Association would be better, and if that is not effective, a few vigilance committees with whipping posts may prove best.
Sept 1923
Some have asaked if we have a bus line to Wichita. We have. It leaves Wichita for Rose Hill at 7:00 a. m. and 2:30 p.. m. It leaves Rose Hill for Wichita at 9:00 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. Good service and accomodations. Passengers will be called for anywhere in Wichita or in Rose Hill, and stops will be made anywhere on the route to take on passengers. F. D. Long is owner and manager. Give him a trial.
Dec. 1923
About two weeks ago soue one broke into the shop of Virgil Cox and borrowed a new trailer that had just been completed, No. 106. We said nothing about it at the time as it looked like it could be traced down but all clues have failed and it looks like it is gone, as does the goods taken from W. N. Harris Hardware a few days before. Mr. Harris does not know his loss. It could have been much heavier in both places that is one of the mysteries.
State Street in Rose Hill is showing up finely in new homes, in remodeling and general activities.
May 1927
Col. Fred Jones, owner and manager of the Rose Hill Cyclone Threshing machine, to show his heart was in the right place, and in keeping with his public spirited ways, planned a grand reception for his patrons. He secured the Rose Hill auditorium for the occasion and he surely needed it, as there were overe one hundred bid-
ben guests. Everyone seemed to get tlie spirit of the reception and seemed to make it their part to see that the other fellow had a good time. The evening was spent in visiting and a spirit of thanksgiving for the big wheat crop that the Rose Hill country has enjoyed so much was manifest on very side. Ice cream and cake were served in grat abundance at a late hour. All departed for their homes after voting Mr. Jones a unanimous vote of thanks and that he was a royal entertainer and a prince , ; of a good fellow. '
Aug. 1926
Thrl>onst»siTrmmift ^ tt.oldi"*!'* nuMd W «*»»■».
Friday,. February 9f 1984 'Wednesday morning-
THS OEwr rre* - * Douglass Tribune Feb 23, 1934
often talked about hoar fortunate we l
had been; lit, cacaplngeny' geriou® damage by flrerbut it has happened:
About ?:OOo'cIock Wednesday fore-nodtv Mr. and Mr*. Lee Dennett discovered the back room of their store it* flames^. They succeeded in taking oat most of their, stock and fixtures' from the front roomy bet lott the FMgidalre and other valuable ar-tlclesr- Their loss was partially; covered by insurance.-. The building was owned by W. N. Harris, and was not Insured. ;
The fire soon spread south to the H. H. Lawson building, occupied by Morris Davis' restaurant;' and then to the Mitchell building; which* housed the shoe and harness repair shop of Gas Beyer & Gen.
bloat of the stock and fixtures of the restaurant were saved, but Mr. Devie jwilL suffer quite a loss, on which there was no- insurance. Nor was the building insured. It Is ported that all, the contents of the shoe shop we Vremoved, though there will be home damage from hasty and rough handling. Hi® building was not insured.
' To the north of the Domett store
The hewn stone that is now going into the construction ecf the new Meoker bulking at Rose Hill, has had quite a career. It was taken out of a quarry on Lands then owned % Mrs. ' White, mother of Mrs. Silknitter in 1881. The quarry is west of Soperior school house, the land now being owned by Aaron Hawks. With that stone Gr&ndfetber Meeker erected a nice store building at old Rose Hill, a mile east of the present location.
In 1887 the Auguata;Mulvane cutoff was constsocted by the Sants Pe and Rose Hill station located where it now is. Mr. Meeker took down the square hewn "stone sod laid up a buildirg in the new town. It was a good building, hot the location was not ea good one for business.
And these same stone are going into the constrpction of av, third building.
Douglass Tribune March 23, 1934
hr the Rose- Hill State Bank. . The intense heat caused considerable damage to the south and west walls,, and the roof caught fire on the west end. However, the flames were subdued before any very serious damage resulted. . Due,to the .fact that the slight | breeze served to carry some of the heat away from the building is prob-
Many Rose Hill cisterns are dry.
Douglass Tribune June 16, 1933
ably alL that saved the Gea.~Bannon store across * the* street. . Men and boys manned the roof and poured water over the smouldering wood to prevent the building frons- burstirg into flame Had the wind been ever j so little from the west; .the preventive I efforts- wquld have been kr vain. r The south wind wae also responsible for the fact that the postoffice building was not Consumed. **.-*■■
,j Hundreds came from neighboring towns, and- the surrounding- countryside to lend theft efforts, toward sav-kg what coaid be savecL. I%ny tank wagonsf|vand trucks brought- water from outside the town, and the Santa fVs local; 'freight stopped 'end gave water from the locomotive tender*
$ A chemical truck and crew was sett from Wichita airport,, aftd lent vafo*-able help Id saving the. bank building. ‘*m was the most serious fire that Rose*., Hill’ has experienced,. but it is fortunate that it was no worse.
Rose Hill has had 12 inches of rain the past ten days.
Lawn mowers are in use in Rose Hill for the first time this year. Douglass Tribune Sept. 1, 1933
Douglass Tribune Date of fire was Feb 7
The Mitchell Estate sold George Showalter sold to built a grocerie Store,
this lot to Garvin Cox ( and it was op
George Showalter in 1937 Brownie) in 1945. Brownie erated at this location for
several years.
Rose Hill State Bank purchased south end of the bank building
the building and it is now the
Tells of Starting of Rose Hill Years Ago
Rose Hill as a small country town, “younger sister" to Douglass—'but is •Iso a rather pioneer town, having been established.' in the very early day.-? on a very grassy spot, more decorated with the (famous sunflowers than Roses. Some of us at the time suggested Sunflower City would' have been a more natural name—however, we th- few pmrners wl o re left of that throng, still are Aery prord o* our (Rose Hill.
There are many of the children, grandchildren and greatgrandchiIdren of those grand old families still in the town and country surrounding us —but of' the real pioneers few are left. Among these to the east and north we have Mrs. Eliza Cox, Cale Ball, Mrs. Allie Hodgin (who is with ber brother in Indiana), D. B. Meeker—and it was his father who owned and operated the first store in the present Rose Hill, as he was in the merchandise business one mile east «t the time the railroad was put thru and the station located here, go he moved his store and' building here and continued for some time in the building he had moved1 here and it stood on the comer of Main1 street «nd Ida avenue until a few years ago when Lee Dennett put up the new store building to replace the one destroyed by fire. He bought and used the stone. (
The stones were from the small claim filed on by William White, my father—it was known then as the Widow White's Rock Quarry and is owned now by Aaron Hawks and Is • part of his big ranch.
The person having lived the great- j
er number of years in Rose Hill, and still living is Mrs. Lydia Postcwu Mr. and Mrs. Charles Silknitter and daughters rre the next in long residence. Mrs. Poston’s son, Morris and family live on the farm to which the Poston’s came many years ago, in the north part of town.
W. N. Harris holds the record for the longest term of years in the same business at the same place in! the town. Mrs. Mina Silknitter holds the next most continous record, that of the small town postmistress, as it will be 28 years next June since first commissioned.
We don’t want to forget Mrs. Jennie McClugagge ar.d Mr. and Mr*-. W. J. Harris, paients of W. N. Harris. W. J. ar.d W. N. Harris had the first blacV smith shop a mile east of the present Rose Hill
from the Douglass Tribune, Jan 6, 1939
50th Anniversary Edition
Lived In “Shanty” on Claim Near Rose Hill
Rose Hill, Kansas, Dec. 27, 1938 The Douglass Tribune,
Douglass, Kansas,
Dear Sirs:
3 am happy to join the host of friends of J. M.. Siaitterthwaite in extending to him my congratulations on the completion of his 55 years of worthy ’service to Douglass and this community, and in wishing him many snore years of such service.
My earliest recollections otf Kansas center about Douglass, .and until recent years Douglass was the trading center for our. family. Several of tny husband’s relatives for many years lived in and in the vicinity of Douglass; many of my oldest and closest friends still reside in Doug-tass; my older children received their high school education there, so the interests of Douglass have always
f-ft < -
been my interests.
With my mother and step father, Mr. and- Mrs.- John Western,- I" cable from Ohio, the state of my birth, to Crawford county, Kansas. In 1871 we came on to Douglass. Shortly thereafter, rr.y ctep father preempted the quarter section) which now is the ho rre of Charles Mahlandt. My aunt and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner, lived close by on the (farm now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Smith. In- 1872, “Jim" McClug-gage' came fio n IHinoT, and having known the Gardners there, made his home with them here. Thus I was destined to meet the man who in 1877 became my husband.
In 1872, Mr. McCluggage pieempted • quarter section of land located two miles s uth of the present site of
Rose Hill. Here in his claim “shanty" I taught the first ubscription school in the district, riding a mule as my means of transportation* to and from school. I remember that one day during school hours I saw a tornado cloud on the horizon, so I? took “my school"—a few youngsters —on my mule with me and fled a-cross the prairie toward home.
In the spring of 1877 after I had moved to Wichita with my parents, Mr. McCluggage came to; town with a wagon load of wheat. He bought his wedding suit—a black cut-away frock coat suit—land the .next day, accompanied by my pareinits, we drove to Augusta, where we were married by Elder Harvey at the old Fifth Avenue Hotfel, them operated' by Uncle John and Aunt Charlotte Gardner. We returned to Wichita, bot our furniture, end the next day we drove with it in the wheat wagon to my husband’s “shanty" where _we were to spend the first years of our mairied life.
On this claim, for which* Mr. McCluggage at the time of his death in 1934, held the original deed signed by President U. S. Grant, my husband and I lived1 for over 40 years, mov-in the early 80s into our “frame" house. There we reared our t five children and there* we shared the joys ,and many hardships and privation^ which must come with rearing ■a family in pioneer days. Thruout most, if not 'all, of' the years since Mr. Satterthwaite began his work in Douglass The Tribune has been* a welcome weekly visitor to our home.
Youas respectfully, \ Mrs. Jennie McCluggage.
OuBiok OMBaitiMS On* Aw Lin*
Two Malt Route*
On* Lumber Yard • ■, On* Paper Hangar Two Strong Lodge*
Two Crown Station*
Two General Store*
Fir* FI I ling Station*
Otoe Telephone Office One Blacksmith Shop A FI ret Oaae Reetoerant On* Goal end Feed Pooler .
' Two Firs* Qm Meat Mar>et»
Two Load and Insurance Ageaetae One-lee Cream and Cold Rip Parlor TWo Garage* and Auto Repair Shops Two Well Sanded roads That Connect WM» Several Good Katie** Highways On* Hardees Repair and Oiling Shop; Three Tire And Auto Supply Shop* Three Oil and Gas Supply Troche One Cement and Sand Hoove Two Oil and Gas Tank Yards One Very Large Hardware Two Implement Honae*
One Shoe Repair Shop Two Rooming Hooves On* Grain Elevator One Traitor Factory Two Hameae Shops Two Stock Dealer* {
* Two Carpenters One Barber Shop Two Painters !
Three Well Attended Chore baa and Yoogn People's Societies. Also One Consolidated School of High Standing of Which Every Reao HU1 Citizen is! Justly Proud
Douglass Tribune
July 17, 1931
Pennies Now Pay Sales Tax
Thursday marked the chinge from tokens to pennies in Kansas, with merchants cleaning1 up their last supplies for turning in. Some tax was being paid in tokens.
The revised system of collecting the sales tax began operation yesterday, the Gth. The tax is now paid in pennies instead of tokens at the following rate:
$ m to $ .14—No Tax. .14 to .65—l.c Tax. .66 to 1.24—2c Tax.
1.25 to 1.74—3c Tax
1.75 to 2.24—4 c Tax.
2.25 to 2.74—5c Tax.
2.75 to 3.24—6c Tax. 3-25 to 3.74—7c Tax.
3.75 to 4.24—8c Tax.
4.25 to 4.74—9c Tax.
4.75 to 5.24—10c Tax.
July 1939
Road to $onth K Opened for Traffle
; . Th* mtf# of blacktop' roed eooth of Roe* we* completed Seeds* evening end opened for traffic* it 1* getting heavy
Douglass Tribune June 19, 1942
KTrry P«*n»* Kiw» H.TC Sutar 5 , ■ Rationing <*rdM1, 'tt®f Reject - IV GeV Any Sweetening, li Bale
r. t
Sugar rationing is at hand,
' When- May 4 ,r % and Door*
lass the boars trill- be' as follows: May 4, all day from 8:30 a. m. to, 10 p. m. May 5, 6 and 7: 4 p. nx to 10 p.
k Where—All applicant* shook) regia-later at tbe school house itr the district in which they live. Ibis does not apply to tnaostente or to those 'away from home ftar considerable period* of time. Sbcb persons may register at- any registration center.
• .Who Shall Register—Every person in the United States, regardless of age, mast be registered in order to obtain auger. Any adult member of 'a family may register for each member of that family. A family unit may compose the father, mother, children (regardlee* of age), giaodperents living in the home, aunts, uncles, cousins and all others living in and distinctly considered with the particular family group Young people over 18 years of age who are living or attending school away from home must register in the locality in which they are residing. Tbe person who registers for a family unit or for himself as an individual must be prepared to give the following information for each person for whom he registers: Height, weight, color of eyes, color of hair, age and sex. He also most declare the total aboont of sugar in any form owned by tbe family unit.
Sugar is defined as meaning sugar in any form, white, brown, powdered, sugar in cubes or tablets, as well as all syrup? made of sugar. Corn syrups and molasses need not be declared.
Do r,ot fail to register on tbe above dates, regardless of the amount of sugar you may ha\e on band.
Registration cannot be made for any individual who is an inmate of a public institution, such as a penitentiary, jail, asylum, etc., or for a person confined in a hospital unless such confinement will be of dbort duration, or for any person in the armed services of tbe United States. If it be found that a registrant is entitled to a War Ration Book, such book will be issued to the .registrant at the time of registration.
We strongly urge drat you regts-j ter on Monday, May 4. School will be! disirossed that day for your convenience-^ If-you failr bo -register during [.the four day allotted period, you will be subjected to considerable delay and inconvenience before it will be .possible for you to obtain a Ration Book*
No-doubt you will bare many ques-tons to ask shout the sugar ration-. ing program. Bring these questions [with yon when you rame to register and we will be glad to answer them to the beet of our-knowledge-and billty.
Newton E. Terri A.
School Site-Administrator.
May ± 9 A Z
Waste Paper Aplenty:
| Rubber Comes Next
! We frisfe Co take this opportunity | to thank the people of Douglass ml | the surrounding community for their sptaadid cooperation in the waste papei campaign.
Tbe Doughs? Scouts collected 25,-000 pounds of yapet since Pearl ^arbor.
At tbe present time, there is a surplus of paper; che mill* are fell, and all of the atorehocre*. We will not col lect any more paper until tlh surplus paper la used.
We «iso wish to thank jR. O. Gresham for the use of Ids truck sod storage space. ,
These will be a ralvage robber campaign k» tbe near future. We had good results in the alunAmam and papa- driven and with your cooperation we will have with the robber.
B. Onon Vrutepifl,
Scoutmaster Troop fflOtPeogi—
To Be Friday Erenin?
W. G. Harris chain— of the i ■no committee for PI ear* at townships meeting for Vridmjevening of I week «f that interested is the iron campaign- It fa* held
the school boose at p. n All Interested in punching ar effort are asked to stteodL
Douglass Tribune Aug 14, 1942
Douglass Tribune June 12, 1942
When Rationing Ruled the Day
Mary Ann Gourley, Salina
During WW II, we ate a lot of egg sandwiches and chicken cooked in various ways. My parents raised turkeys, too. On trips to the outhouse, I was often pursued by one very tall turkey named Lucifer. Mission accomplished, I remember peeking out the door to see if Lucifer was still waiting for me, gobbling and strutting around in all his superior splendor. But usually some other moving object had caught his attention by the time I was ready to dart back to the house. Fierce and aggressive as Hitler, Lucifer proved to be one tough bird to the end — on our Thanksgiving table in 1943, about two years after Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Those who are old enough to recall where they were and what they were doing on that notorious date will never forget the shock. There were more ominous surprises to come, for the attack on Pearl Harbor caused our world to tailspin into a flurry of scrap drives, bond rallies, black-out nights, victory gardens and War Ration Books.
In the midst of an ever-present anxiety about loved ones going to war, crept dismal certainty. There would come a shortage of items like sugar, coffee, gasoline and tires — things that we had always taken for granted in the normal course of living. The War Ration Book brought WW II to the home front. Even though rationing was a mere annoyance compared to the grief for relatives lost in battle, it would change the way we regarded this world’s goods forever.
Between the end of 1941 and the begin-
ning of 1943, the military demand for vast quantities of food, fuel and weapons raised prices about 18 percent. American industry, formerly occupied with manufacturing home products like wash machines, began building weapons of war. In fact, it built 48,000 military aircraft in 1942, 86,000 in 1943 and 96,000 in 1944. It also built 5,200 ships and in 1944, it produced 50 percent more munitions than the enemy nations and 45 percent of all the munitions produced by all the nations at war. This performance has been called a “miracle of production.”
The “miracle of production” caused the average work week to soar from 37.7 to 46.6 hours, and it resulted in a 36 percent increase of industrial laborers between 1940 and 1944. Unlike the unemployed during the 1930’s Depression, these workers had money to pay higher prices for scarce goods. The United States Government had to find a way to control the rising prices. On January 30, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Price Control Bill officially giving the Office of Price Administration the power to set all prices except those of farm products. Gradually, rationing went into effect to conserve products like gasoline vital to the war effort and to regulate the distribution of certain foods essential for civilian morale. Retailers were asked to post prices conspicuously, and consumers were instructed to pay no more, because the price ceilings had been established for their protection. Therefore, rationing not only led to legal price limits, but also established the control of how much of a given item anyone might buy. The War Ration Book with its stamps for various items was an attempt to secure a fair distrib-of goods for each citizen.
All rationing regulations were not dealt out at once. Instead, they were strung along on a chain of different dates. On December 27,
1941, just 20 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, rubber including tires became the first item to be rationed. This was a measure that decreased civilian consumption by 80 percent. About five months later, on May 15,
1942, gasoline rationing began in 17 eastern states. The limit set was three gallons a week for nonessential driving, and everyone was encouraged to drive 35 miles an hour to conserve gas. Then a coupon for gasoline rationing was initiated on July 22, 1942. Finally, on December 1, 1942, almost a year after Pearl Harbor, nationwide gasolinerationing went into effect. A tablet was dropped into the gas meant for farm use to give it a different color. If anyone was caught using farm gas for luxury, he received a heavy fine. Thus, the rules of rationing were limiting the places we could go, restricting the usual Sunday drives and occasional out-of-town trips.
Rationing also set limits on the groceries we could buy. Sugar rationing, having already occurred in 1918, began again on May 5, 1942. Coffee rationing went into effect on November 29, 1942. The year of 1943 brought the rationing of canned goods on March 1 and the rationing of other foods such as meat, fat and cheese on March 29. Family meal planning took on new meaning.
Family meal planning took on new meaning.
The year of 1943 brought about shoe rationing on February 7. Each civilian was allowed to buy three pairs of shoes a year. Women’s fashions reflected restraint in subdued colors, fewer frills and inconspicuous lines. Designers produced dresses without hooks, snaps, buttons or zippers because of the restrictions on metal. The “popover” house dress became popular. Women’s most dominant Sunday dress-up style remained from 1939 the padded broad-shouldered jacket, the pencil skirt worn with platform-soled shoes, a high crowned hat, large jewelry, long pocket book and bold red lipstick. It was a look that tended to make women seem taller and stronger. After all, they were becoming a part of the work force in industry and the Armed Forces. WW II had proceeded to touch every part of American life.
Rationing did not exist without problems. Like today’s food stamps, the ration book stamps were a headache for retailers and a
buy more of his share of food or gas if he paid a higher than market price for it. Although engaging in the black market in any way was considered treason and, as stated on ration books, a “help to the enemy,” there were those who looked for opportunities to sell beef and other commodities to customers willing to pay higher prices. Taxi drivers, allotted only eight gallons of gas a day were, no doubt, tempted to pay a higher price for extra gas. There were always opportunities for individuals to become involved in black-market activities — buying and selling goods, or counterfeiting stamps.
The United States Government seemed to anticipate this disloyalty with the warning printed on ration books. It clearly stated that the War Ration Book was the property of the United States Government and was to be used only to obtain rationed goods for the person to whom it was issued. It could not be sold or loaned. Anyone finding a War Ration Book was to return it to the local Rationing Board that issued it. Anyone entering the Armed Forces or leaving the country for more than 30 days had to return his ration book to the Board. In case of death the ration books had to be returned immediately. Persons violating rationing regulations would face a $10,000 fine or prison of both.
The instructions on the ration books included several “don’ts.” Don’t lose it. Don’t tear out stamps except in the presence of the storekeeper. Don’t throw the book away. A used or expired book had to be presented by a person applying for another book. Instructions ended with the motto: “If you don’t need it, DON’T BUY IT.”
This rule was enforced a step further by the fact that anyone applying for more stamps had to prove a need for them, and in so doing, had to make an account of what he or she already had. Was there a cellar full of canned food? Was the gasoline really needed for getting to work? These questions were not considered an invasion of privacy.
Further suggestions on the back of some issues advised the owner to cooperate with the local Salvage Committee and to save materials like tin cans and waste fats needed to make munitions for the fighting men. However, not just individuals, but whole communities participated in the salvage drives. In 1943 alone, 255,513 tons of tin cans, 43,919 tons of fat,
6.000. 000 tons of waste paper, and more than
26.000. 000 tons of iron and steel scrap were collected for industries who were manufacturing war equipment. Neighborhoods rallied to the cry, “Remember Pearl Harbor!”
For me, rationing brought about a change of schools. Before the war, I had been car-pooled to St. John’s Grade School in Beloit with children from two other neighborhood families. Since the Monday thru Friday eight-mile trip to town throughout the school term required too much gasoline and caused excessive wear on
tires, the decision was made to reopen Fairview, a country school just one mile east of our home. About 12 of us attended school at Fairview for two years. There was a bright side to my fourth and fifth grade years. We had two excellent teachers, Helen McGraff, a very talented music teacher and our regular teacher, Elizabeth Dobratz. Miss Dobratz demanded perfection in spelling and punctuation. Her motto, “Don’t hand in a paper until it’s perfect,” provided lessons never to be forgotten.
Rationing also taught us unforgettable lessons. During this time, I well realized that certain foods and other items were scarce. In our household there was much concern about obtaining sugar and coffee. Many recipes, which were made from scratch in those days, required sugar. Coffee was considered a staple. There were fruits that we sometimes couldn’t buy. Mother commented that I never liked bananas until they were difficult to get. Nyon stockings were scarce, because nylon was needed for parachutes. That was not a primary concern for me since I wore anklets. I wanted a bicycle. Dad refused to buy a “war” bicycle with hard, brittle tires. We would wait until we could find a pre-war bicycle with soft balloon tires, made before rubber became scarce. The waiting was long as rationing gradually closed in our world with limits to the places we could go and the things we could have and do. We learned to cope with shortages by saving supplies like paper and taking care of the shoes and toys we already had, or doing without. The lessons of war were sharp and clear.
No one knew how long the war would last, and therein lay the misery as casualty lists increased, and rationing of certain items grew more severe. For instance, on April 30, 1945, sugar rations were cut by 25 percent as reserves neared rock bottom. A comfortable hindsight reminds us that the war ended officially on September 2,1945, three years, eight months and 22 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The rationing of goods began to taper off on a chain of dates, much the same way as it had surfaced. Shoe rationing ended October 30, 1945. Meat and butter rationing ceased on November 23, 1946, as did tire rationing on December 20, 1946. Sugar rationing did not
end until June 11, 1947. Gradually, life dissolved into degrees of normalcy, and the War Ration Book disappeared.
There were different views on rationing according to individual circumstances. Kansas farmers were concerned about the gas and tires needed for farming. City dwellers who depended upon buses for transportation were not so worried about gas rationing as they were about the shortage of beef and butter. Servicemen returning home on furloughs thought that rationing laws were not nearly harsh enough in this country. Americans looked well-fed. The fighting men in the Pacific needed better food, and stricter regulations would provide them with that. It was reported that Russia and England had far tougher rationing regulations. Many American citizens admitted that they lacked few essentials during the war. They simply resented the government telling them what to do.
No matter how rationing was viewed, we learned that shortages can be sudden and swift. The scarcities that our generation experienced during WW II is a lesson we should never forget and one that we should pass on to children and grandchildren to encourage them to save and recycle. Since WW II, we have been fortunate to live in the land of plenty. I am grateful for all the years that our family has been able to share Thanksgiving meals with no rations in sight, and thankful, too, that I no longer meet tall turkeys in hot pursuit.
I am grateful for all the years that our family has been able to share Thanksgiving meals with no rations in sight, and thankful, too, that I no longer meet tall turkeys in hot pursuit.
United States Office of Price Administration
EMPORTANTt When you hare used your ration, salvage the Tin Cans and Waste Fats. They arc needed to maw munitions for our fighting men. Cooperate with your local” Salvage Committee.
£ *• wvukliMMT raiMTiMt orrtcf t im 16—36670-1
84.1687 N
United States of America Office of Price Administration
Issued to _____________—......................—---------------------
(Printers t, middle, end Utt name*)
Complete address
In accepting this book, I recognize that it remains the property of the United States Government. I will use it only in the manner and lor the purposes authorized hy the Office of Price Administration.
Void \f Altered
It is a criminal offense to violate rationing regulations• OPA Form R-145
it- 36670-1
war j>zpjamossr ;r^
■ WAiq»jpiaTw« t Xafft by the Wkr
Department fi lg stated that U 8
I Aatro scants dpwnettfiUfr;ti^magy
I woodtlM& 12&&& •Kr^fn^tf ^ jft
poesiblyobtain The typesfcaquinad
| in y iMm>.
nwk0 potqp* tad ryWofe: theta foi, tr*;A* hissed iAtrelnJog soldi** sad ^toH** ; IP iHn3^ahootfc*£i>’Some <£the gu*i fra >*** -M^goatding puryea*
Douglass Tribune March 15. 1943
tfF.i.pivr, rvn.v ka h
| f&offl Are Rxiloned
i Ib Order Oat Snnday
I f&ppb «W iw«M to P*«k— •
I pda c€ +o— O* TW-day Wl***
| Mg tattoo Map X* n in Book 1. pefi* of shoes m ollcAod poipn jTT poor. Tbe OPX order jjrm »11 shoes cootvining *nj Intk-otv «r robber seisd shoe* bit *oi soft sotod baby Aw boose ^*PP« nbUw or, arcttca.
Tberv will bo no tnaro evening o*h>-pees. After Jt*oe IS socCfcer stamp1 nmit bo oood. greiypoo la reque*-«d to refrain from buying any Ao« not really needed.
While oo rales Haw br«n received, by tbo local ration board, th* date* for regteCrmtloo *4 tb# school i hs>« boon set for FA 22 to 27 for ] RoUoo Book Xa 2.
iDouglass Tribune 'Feb 12, 1943
In 17 east coast states A_6 coupons are now good. In states outside the east coast area A-8 coupons are now good.
Fuel Oil
Period one coupons are good through January 3.
Stamp No 14 good for five pounds through October. Stamps Nos 15-16 good for five pounds each for home canning through October 31.
Stamp No 18 good for one pair Validity has been extended indefinitely.
Meats, Fats
Brown stamps C and D gooc through October 30. Brown stain; E becomes good October 10 and remains good through October 30. Processed Foods
Blue stamps U, V and W exp In October 20. Blue stamps X, Y am Z are good through November 20.
Douglass Tribune Oct 19A3—
f Wiii. J—1; • ••
Her© are's. few dates yoo
will- want to remember: v
S Jan 16—Last day to obtain war ra-tloo book 1*. which witt be <neceasary
for obtaining book 2L^._..:;_____________: j
* Jan 15—Last day for. Inspectioo of: truck tires.' '■%;.,*?.•. <■' t j
j Jan 21—Last day for No 3 gasoline ration cboponsTT’" ^ * 1
y Jan 25—Last day fbr second period fuel oil coupons.* (These ;cai> be used with, third, period, coupons for combined delivery until Jao 25).
Jan 31—Last day for passenger car tire inspect iota i1 ' ‘ .; V .*.
- Jan 31—LSL-dayLjftg_sogar_stamp No 10, good for three pounds.
,» Jan 31—Lest day for operation of commercial motor vehicle* on temporary transport rations. £ ' -
Feb 1—Stamp No 11 becomes ■valid for sugar, /amount to be set later.
( Feb 1—Typewriter rationing starts.
112_ MACKS OF ... 1__________
? TWelve mtore eacka of nHBooeed pek WfiAdn wereeoilected by-the
taken to Emporia, from which place Sfcy will be shipped to a processing plant, it wm aooooaced at the office ci D H Putnam, county weed supervisor at H Dorado.
- This makes a total of 112,-aacks ooHected-La this county,——Mb-more will be secured at tiSs time, hut so appeal for more pods may be made later, it was said. The fleas in the pods will be used by tbe government in its war program.----- - -^~
Douglass Tribune Nov 16, 1944
Uncle Sam has told the newspapers to cut down on newsprint this to save for the war effort. Once in awhfile. when advertising is short, we hold to four pages, as this week. With many more papers going to the boys in service w« must do this Douglass Tribune July 1943 ----------
Problems Control Tlr^Ratiog Job. - .
i» ; Dr FtAflGarvlny head of tbe Augusts. tire ration^ board, today cast a little light. o« what motorist*, of; tt4s -sec tiorv.'map expect/kr tha way or< tiree—and wasned - them cot to ecxpeat.^ott cwvlfc^l]^ u-
Soma compaaieat: have been telling; tbeir emplotes that itbey ^rcouM cs pec^ pev igtada A ctire* ,ac|tlk i^tbeizz rC.(c«xM» *rx~ errooeoua idea > beyond •4oin£dn-j aU'-* r-i >^a * Tfaarboards according ,to> vint i* allotted *so many tires of the A grades so* many re-capa, /*o many grade 8 o*» Vktosy tir»SL.>i^-.h' .»>» ; Be gives the f^^p^M|pexainpla:
titled: td and fcr
a grade ^ lire^ with card.
Afc. thee same vttoa * >poHce jeajr aaka m. tirew The board basT*one-' tine. It is up to the board tfrew to decide which car is.: the moe^rnaceasaxy ,io the war- effort and gtv%' the ti*© to disk applicants/--> '.-v« *<-<-. % -—».^-
)ouglass Tribune Jan 8, 1943
OteaU, Fat*, Etc '
Book Xhrte brown stamp* U M, N, P and Q valid thru January 1. Stamp Q valid now and expire* Jon 20. Spare ration stamp No 1 in book four good for extra Are points In the purchase of pork thru Jan 2
Book four green stamps D. E. and P valid through Jan 20.
Book four stamp 20 good for fire pounds through Jan 16.
Book one stamp 18 and book three •'airplane' stamy No 1 good indef-
initely. j
Coupons 0-A good for three gal- I Ions through Jan 21. B and C cou- j pons valid for two gallons.
Fuel (Ml
Period one coupons good through Jan 3. Period two coupons alio valid in the entire retioned area, good through Feb 8. PeHod three coupon* also are valid in mid western and southern states, remaining good through March 15 in the middle west and Feb 22 in the south. All coupons are worth 10 gallons a unit, with most coupons worth several ! units each.
Douglass Tribune Dec 31, 1943
Meat* Chtos* Boltov And Fat*
Br6wx».*tamjarT'^$ri&-Z'ta'1i6Ctr S good through March 30. •
— Red stamps A8, BS and-08 good.. February 37 through May 30.
" Red stamps D8, Eg and good March 13 through May 3a . . ..... . Canned And Proeened Foods Qreyn stamps K. L and M In book 4 good through March 30.
Blue stamps AS, BS, C8, D8 and E8 good~ February 37 through May-30.
-Stamp No 30 In book 4 good for five pounds indefinitely.
Stamp No 31 in book 4 good April 1 for five pounds indefinitely. Stamp No 40 to book 4 good for-
oiaiiiu no w us uwa ■» 8wv» five pounds for home canning anj preserving of fruit through February —30,1048. ^-----/
No '18 in book 1 becomes invalid April 30.
I---Stamp No-1 on airplane page nf
> book 9 is good for one pair lndefl-I nltely.
! (No merchant can legally accept loose shoe stamp coupons.)
Coupon No 10 In "A" Sheets good for three gallons through March 21 —If endorsed wlth-lloenae number and-state of registration.
Final Inspection date for "C" holders, May 31; “B" holders. June 30, ~ and <IA” holde»7 March 31. 1044:—
Period 4 coupon good February 8
per unit.
Period 5 coupon good February S through September 30 for 10 gallons per unit.
Income tax returns In Wednesday,
-March—IS.-—*----- ---------------
Douglass Tribune March 17, 1944
Wanted? Boy* and girl* in tfci* tec-■tknio, gather milkweed- pod* for the fioca, to ho used .In rooking Navy life belt* Supt NT £ Terri H be* sack* to be used in gathering the milk weed
badly needed. The government will pay 20 cents per sack foy dry pods or 15 cento per sack for greeo one*. “ Arlfcee Hilt W(T Harrishaothe sacks and at Augusta, W W Cron, cKy | derk, baa them.
Douglass Tribune Julv 26 . 1 9 44.
1 This book is valuable. Do not lose it.
2 Each stamp authorizes you to purchase rationed goods in the quantities and at the times designated by the Office of Price Administration. Without the stamps you will be unable to purchase those goods.
3 Detailed instructions concerning the use of the book and the stamps will be issued from time to time. Watch for those instructions so that you will know how to use your book and stamps.
4 Do not tear out stamps except at the time of purchase and in the presence of the storekeeper, his employee, or a person authorized by him to make delivery.
5 Do not throw this book away when all of the stamps have been used, or when the time for their use has expired. You may be required to present this book when you apply for subsequent books.
Rationing is a vital part of your country’s war effort This book is your Government’s guarantee of your fair share of goods made scarce by war, to which the stamps contained herein will be assigned as the need arises.
Any attempt to violate the rules is an effort to deny someone his share and will create hardship and discontent.
Such action, like treason, helps the enemy.
Give your whole support to rationing and thereby conserve our vital goods. Be guided by the rule:
“If you don't need it, DON’T BUY IT.”
ft U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1941 16—30853-1
doued liiif)
United States of America
Office of Price Administration
(Name of person to whom .ok is issu.
.., U
fbtreet number or rural route)
(City or post office)
Issued by Local Board No
i hoard) }
Signature of hsaing officer)
... 3{ZjOl4a~-
(Stat , „ , ,
.... Cl .....................-
...I2...£........................• <c“"’>
(Street address of local
By -----■/V'
Signature Ttf&nr.______________________________i
(To be signed by the person to whom this book is issued. If such person is unable to sign because of age or incapacity, I another may sign if bis behalf)
1 This book is the property of the United States Government, S t is unlawful to sell or give it to any other person or to use it or permit anyone else to use it, except to obtain ration * i goods for the person to whom it was issued.
2 This book must be returned to the War Price and Rationing Board which issued it, if the person to whom it was issued is inducted into the armed services of the United Stat s. or leaves the country for more than 30 days, or dies. The address of the Board appears above.
3 A person who finds a lost War Ration Book must return it the War Price and Rationing Board which issued it.
4 Persons Who Violate Rationing Regulations Are Su«/&ct to $10,000 Fine or Imprisonment, or Both.
OPA Form No. R-121
. . .... 4
Things Are Humming Around Rose HUl
In iRlose Hill the llast of the week we found1 things humming-.
■Ralph Cramer, Socomjy-Vacu/um gas man for Bill Harris, wias sporting a new gasoline Itianik truck, first dlay of operation Thursday.
Lee Bradbury was about tO' get his locker plant in operation', and the barber shop in (the front of the locker'building wias about ready for occupancy. Work was progressing rapidly on the new store building, toot The •Hinshaw house bad just been ■moved, in on the lot west of Sil’fenit-ter’s land Kermit Cox’s house was moved a block north to lots he purchased from' Morris Poston.____
March 1946
Yet Officer At Cox Store At Rose Hill
Hubert Cox tells us that there will be an officer of the Kansas Veter-ansoff ice alt the Cox Grocery iin (Rose Hill' every other Wednesday from 4:15 to 4:45 p m to talk with veterans on their problems.
If you have any problems of disability, Insurance; Education, Hospitalization; Back Pay; Out Patient Treatment or others, see the Veterans officer at Rose Hill1!.
Douglass Tribune 1947
Robbers Break In Harris, Cox Stores At Rose Hill In Night
Robbers were busy in Rose Hill Sunday night, according to report by Ralph Ball, who was over Monday.
They broke into the Harris Supply Company store and took a rifle and o-ther things; trying to hammer the safe lock off.
They also broke into the Gox Grocery.
Douglass Tribune Dec. 4, 1952
ONE YEAR IN ROSE HILL Calendar year 1049 was a busy one for Rose Hill persons with numerous **new” and interesting things occuvring.
Events include the following: January—Town team wins i’ot-win tourney and Earl Showajter made director of the Rose Hill state bank; February — the George Showalters observe fifty-fifth wedding anniversary; April
__Kermit Cox new school hoard
(member, district adapted bud|et of J52.000 and school wins district basketball tournament:
May — Rose Hill team placed second in slate baseball and plana were begun for $120,000 addition to school; September — Helen Ann Poston named county 4-H club style champ and Glen, jr., and Bob Carr buy Brownie Cox grocery, and school wins south league baseball title; November — three couples celebrate fiftieth wedding anniversaries; Charles J. Dennetts, Frank Gillenwaters and Kent Johnsons; December—school was leading in South league basketball activities.
I r\. Rose 'Hi 11 '.Saturday * wee. found;] itbWT work on the neiw. market and ; locker building bGingV^iltVby Lee; Bm,:'bury is getting r aff to a good ’ sThftT* Tl'ie foundation'for the lock-' er, and the floor of thfjjj
present (building (to the south is being| Xottf up, to be lowered, Ito the level ox the new building.V
ft room' is tor be huijit in1 front of! ttl-o locker noonv And Rose Hill hopes ; ■to get a barber andl beauty shop in’ it. The, new buildlifrg- .will be- a.nice';| addition to , Rose- Hill, b’. . <*
Material! is on the/ground,-so war •m 1 -.Id! by Bud HigglihS, for Brownie j Co: / ■ grocery and market building on the lots between the ' CUnger Cafe , and itihe potvtoffice' in 'Rose Hill..;'
: ft ie to be a tile and stucco strue-;
- wR
turn, and Brownies; just, out of the Navy, will get 'ksaefe into the grocery ' ibux iiK'Ss eiv! too many moons. •,
;, Kt at Johnson foes the house he pur* jj
chased west ; of Gordon on/ the. aklUia ' and reajdty to mx/ve to . 'Rose ■£ Hill, where he has the foundation ready ; for h!is new hloane.
, L B Neece and family moved a week ago into the. new teacherage —a mighty nice house built juef across from the school! house on/ the ? west side of the notad. Supt Neece-spent mainy hours last summer working on the howse he now occupies.
Barilni Cox, we are told, Ehtas bought lot • just north of the school house > fro in Ralph McCluggage, and plans to ] buiki' a home thereon.,;, . . |
So the sound, of the" hammer and * saw IS heard in (Rbse Hill plenty. k
Douglass Tribune
194 D
Top Picture Seated Andy Reheis Dale Carr James McCluggage Lebern Showalter Frances Dennett Verne Johnson Adrian Hall Glen Johnson Harold MacKay
Center row Bill Engels John Engels Melvin Moore Harold Clinger Bill Dunnell
Top Row
Bill Lichlyter Delbert Landis Hubert Cox Melvin Eager Elmo Hinshaw
Melvin McCluggage Don Eldridge
Ralph Humbolt Gerald Fager Estelle McCluggageGarvin Cox
Victor Cox Vestal Cox
Bottom Picture Ben Thorn Merle Webster LemClum
Francis Walton Leonard Mitchell Bill Harris Lee Bradbury Smiles Cox * Shorty
ROSE HILL MEN HONOR VETERANS—At a din ner Thursday night in Rose Hill, Kan., returned veterans of the town were the guests of business men and farmers. At 7 o’clock in the city hall at Rose Hill, the returned servicemen were served a dinner that included roast chicken and ham. There were six sets of brothers in the group. The small table shown in one of the above pictures was set for the three town citizens that were killed in action. Their plates were turned down. The guests and some of the hosts ard shown In the top picture. Seated, left to right, are: Andy Rehies, Dale Carr, Jamey McClug-gage, Tebern Showelder, Francis Dennett, Vem Johnson, Adorian Hall, Glenn Johnson, and Harold MacKey. In the second row, left to right, William Engels, John Engels, Melvin Morrie, Harold Clinger, tMlI Dunnell, Melvin McCluggage, Victor Cox, Vestal Cox and Estel McCluggage. In the back row, pictured left to right, are John Lichyter, Delbert Landis, Hubert Cox, Melvin Fagec. Elmo Hinshaw, Don SldrlWjre, Ralph Humbolt, Jerold Fagper and Garvin Cox. In the lower picture tbi hosts of the dinner are shown standing about the table set for the home town men killed in service. They are, left to right, Thorne, Merle Webster, Lynil Clum, Francis Walton, Leonard Mltchel, Bill Harris, Lee
Bradbury and Short Cox. Two of the men that helped give the dinner are not in the picture. They are Earnest Ci«*>ffer and K. M. Cox. )
from the Wichita Eagle
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