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Rosarum Collis - Rose Hill High School 1916 - part 2


Rosarum Collis - Rose Hill High School 1916 - part 2


1916 high school yearbook, Rose Hill High School


The 1916 high school yearbook, Rose Hill High School, Rose Hill, Kansas - part 2


Rose Hill High School


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Rose Hill High School, “Rosarum Collis - Rose Hill High School 1916 - part 2,” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 21, 2025,

Rosarum Collis

Rosarum Collis
Tke Scourge of Humanity
War: One of the greatest means of devouring the creations of God.
Men, women, children and dumb beasts perish alike. Shall strife continue until all our unrequited toil has been sunk; until the last drop of blood has been drawn and a millstone placed about the neck of generations to come? Even now can be heard the cries of agony, the endless groan and the tumult of each sacked and burning village. Then is it not time that men should be enlightened on a subject of such infinite importance to the happiness of the human race?
War should be excluded from the world as laudably as those encourage who have for their purpose such malignant and desolating custom. We regard with horror the custom of ancient Heathen; in prostrating themselves before the car of an Idol to be crushed to death, in burning women alive on funeral piles of their husbands and casting children a monthly sacrifice, into the Ganges to be drowned. But that which is fashionable and popular in any country, is deemed right and honorable whatever may be its nature in the views of men better informed. But while we look back with a mixture of wonder, indignation and pity, on many customs of the former ages, are we careful to inquire whether some of the customs that we deem honorable, are not the effects of delusion? Is it not a fact that one of the most horrid customs of savage men is now popular in every nation of Christendom? What custom of the most barbarous nations is more repugnant to the feelings, piety, humanity and justice, than settling disputes by the hostility of force? When we consider how great a part of mankind have perished by the hands of one another and how large a portion of human calamity has resulted from war, surely we cannot doubt whether war is or is not the effects of delusion. War has so long been fashionable and popular that its enormity is little regarded. Yet from no other custom has more slaughter and misery occurred. But cannot the state of society and views of civilized men. be so changed as to render so barbarous a custom unnecessary and avoidable?
If war were an immunity little would it exist. But since it spreads as a contagion, it has infested the universe. At the close of the eighteenth century was the American revolution, then the French revolution and then the conquest of Napoleon which instrument stirred the dust of European kingdoms into molten chaos. And today is raging, that thing for which nations have drilled without materializing, that thing of hazard and of horror has come. We find the beloved youth lying under the stars, dirty, sweaty and blood-stained, struggling for life, men in masses of millions being hurled at one another in such numerous hosts, that men never seemed so cheap. Yet never were men so dear.
Still the philosophers infected with the national delirium, teach that life is only a struggle for existence and survival of the fittest. The leaders declare that humanity has no place in war, that its object is to terrify combatant and non-combatant alike, and the more terrifying it can be made the more effective it is. But whenever an individual or a body of men or a nation, professes to believe that struggle for existence and survival of the
Rosarum Collis
fittest is the only law of life, and is armed to take property of their unarmed neighbor, we call the individual a criminal or the body of men a mob and use whatever police or military force is necessary to protect society from their violence. But whenever a nation perverted from its more noble and industrial ideals, devotes its extraordinary equipment to the demonstration that might makes right, there remains no alternative for the opposing belief, than defense by force of arms, civilization, from the assaults of armed troops to enforce the law of the jungle. That is, struggle for existence and survival of the fittest. Also let us consider, if you please, the class of men chosen for a well equipped army. Are they not the choicest fruit of the nation and giants of the land? Then with the pride of the human race rushed to the battle-front leaving behind only the weak and disabled from which a new generation must spring, would it seem that war was a survival of the fittest.
Besides it is an awful feature in the character of war and a strong reason why it should not be countenanced, that it involves the innocent with the guilty, in the calamities it inflicts and often falls with the greatest vengeance on those who have had no concern in national affairs. Such mode of revenge should be discountenanced by every friend to justice and humanity. Since the rulers of a nation are as liable as other people to be governed by passion and prejudice, there is as little prospect of justice in permitting war to settle national disputes as there would be in an incensed individual to be complainant, witness, judge, jury, and executioner. From what point of view, then, is war not to be regarded with horror?
We have heard the words that war gives opportunity for the display of extraordinary talents of daring enterprise and intrepidity. Then with these words ringing in our ears, let robbery and piracy become as popular as war has been and will not these customs give display to the same talents and qualities of mind? For what is modern warfare but a popular, refined and legalized mode of robbery, piracy and murder preceded by a proclamation giving notice of the purpose of the war maker? For the answer, let us look to that of a pirate to Alexander the Great. “By what right,” said the king, “do you infest the seas?” The pirate replied, “By the same right that you infest the universe, but because I do it with a small ship I am called a robber, and because you do the same acts with a great fleet, you are called a conqueror.” Then shall the Christian world remain silent to the enormity of this custom, and even applaud men who are a curse to the age in which they live? On the same principle we might applaud the chief of a band of robbers and pirates. If we attach glory to such exploits, do we not encourage others to adopt the same road to fame? Would not such applause betray the most depraved taste; a taste that makes no proper distinction between virtue and vice or doing good or doing mischief; a taste to be captivated by the glare of bold and daring exploits, regardless of their end or means by which they were accomplished.
Furthermore, war has past its stage of civilizing effects, and is altogether inconsistent with a civilization that exalts mind over matter. In our modern time of light and liberty, it is out of harmony with every method of settling disputes with civilized men. In the years from 1791 to 1814, twenty-three years of “glory,” Europe expended daily two thousand
Rosarum Collis
men. Each corpse on the battle-field cost England alone, fifty pounds sterling. On the other hand in those years of glory with the seventeen million of slaughtered men, Australia might have been peopled; and with the eight hundred million sterling pounds of silver shot from the cannon's mouth by England, the face of the earth might have been changed, civilization planted everywhere and ignorance and poverty suppressed throughout the world. If we are near the dawn of a new era let us rejoice that the age has passed, in which men wade through slaughter to a throne and shut the gates of mercy on mankind. That men no longer consent to be used as food for powder.
War is no longer our system of intermingling, nor has it given birth to a twentieth centure renaissance. And if the golden age of Athens were a product of their successful resistance to Persia, why was there no golden age in Macedon also, after Alexander’s conquest? Again if the genius of Shakespeare had its birth in national feats of arms, why was such genius shown sooner?
In the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries there was surely enough fighting both at home and abroad, to give the inspiration required for great works of literature. In America the efflorence that should have sprung from the soil of the civil war, is by this time long since over-due. And the wars of recent times, the most horrid, terrific and bloddy massacres in history, certainly give this militarist theory no countenance. For what sustainance can a ruined and desolated country offer to its best brains and strongest hands. Even in the lands that have been exempt from invasion, the commercial and industrial dislocation will take years to adjust itself. And the mutual bitterness left behind between nation and nation, will be a further handicap to all kinds of intellectual progress. Since the world is not divided up into competitive and mutually exclusive territories, they have received a blow from which it will take years to recover.
Then all our learning, art, literature, science, commerce, civilization and humanity, count as nothing if they conflict with military necessities. But when peace returns, we shall see what war is with all the power of civilization given over to its havoc; we shall see the courage of peoples lifted above the fear of death and the strain of hardships, such sacrifices as only war can produce. But the end—it must come when this vast soldiery, worn and spent, think over their experience. They cannot be the same. Europe cannot be the same Europe, but wasted and devastated. Civilization cannot be the same but set back a hundred years.
Maude Higg Maxine Sh Vera John

Rosarum Collis
Girls Literary Society
Maude Higgins...........................................President
Maxine Shaffer......................................Vice-President
Vera Johnson............................................Secretary
Avis Williamson Evadne Cox
Marie Waples Waldena Cox
Anna Webster Lola Carr
Effie Simpson Blanche Wick
Maxine Shaffer Gladys Williamson
Gertrude Nachbor Lois Williamson
Rose Clinger Grace Strickler
Sylvia Swindell Helen Nachbor
Iva McCune Opal Moreland
Maude Higgins Opal Moore
Mable Davis Vera Johnson
Ila Davis Freda Hinshaw
Viola Dagel Marie Gorsuch
Hazel Colburn Hope Feller
Bernice Cummings Emma Ferguson
Grace Hinshaw Blanche Dennett
Boys Literary Society
Roe McCullough......................................President
Millard Hall................................. Vice-President
Ray Reeder........................................ Secretary
Ray Reeder Alonzo Prickett James Hartenbower Harvey Hartenbower Millard Hall Elbert Hensley Russel Fesmire Oak Flemming Lloyd Dennett Roscoe Winn William Showalter Glen Staley Roe McCullough Wilbur Hillis Harold Higgins Cecil Futhy Jessa Dagel Earl Baker Milburn Wilson
Harold Webster Raymond Smith Leon Reyer Lowell Hinshaw Lester Carr John Alley Newell Wells Orville Piersol Elmer Parsons Cecil McCullough Orville Mitchell George Clinger Kelsey Hinshaw Jesse Hartenbower Earnest Dennett Virgil Dagel Lee Dennett Ralph Baker
Debate Team
Harold Higgins Millard Hall Roe McCullough
Elbert Hensley Harvey Hartenbower James Hartenbower
The Butler County League took on debate this year as a new feature in contest. There are nine Barnes High Schools in this League, and they were divided into three triangles, the winner of each triangle to form a third triangle for the finals.
Rose Hill began to work for a team early in December and by the last of the month six men were chosen which were to compose the two teams. Millard Hall, Harold Higgins and Roe McCullough the negative team. James Hartenbower, Harvey Hartenbower and Elbert Hensley the affirmative team.
The question for debate was: “Resolved: That the Monroe Doctrine
Should be Abandoned.” The negative team won against Eldorado. The affirmative lost to Augusta.
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Rosarum Collis
Rosarum Collis
Domestic Science
Although the Domestic Science course has been established only this year, it has already proved itself to be one of the most popular of those offered in the High School. Perhaps a great many of the girls are planning for the future and consider Domestic Science a stepping stone toward actual problems which later they will be required to face. Twenty girls enrolled for the course this year. This number necessitated two divisions doing the same work. A room in the basement has been fitted up for the cooking classes. It looks very fresh and neat with blue tinted walls and white woodwork. Domestic Science tables, stoves and individual equipment have been furnished, not sufficient for the enrollment it is true, but we trust more can be added another year.
The girls have given exhibition of their practical training in several ways. At Christmas time the patrons of the school were invited to a sewing exhibit, at which the girls served tea. On March 4 they gave a New England supper, selling tickets at 25 cents each. A nice sum was realized which is to be used in purchasing some dining-room equipment. April 6, the Board of Education and Faculty were entertained at a formal luncheon.
The girls are to be congratulated on the success of the first year’s work and we believe the course will continue to be one of the most interesting, practical and popular ones in the school.
Rosarum Collis
Sep t>
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Nov /V
Sept. 6—School begins. Students hunting for snap courses.
Sept. 10—Juniors and Seniors have a reception fo.r the Sophomores, Freshmerr, and Faculty at the High School Auditorium. The chief feature of the evening was a barter social.
Sept. 17—Girls’ and Boys’ Literary Societies organized.
Sept. 21—The girls organized a Glee Club, to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:30. If absent without good excuse, fine five cents.
Sept. 24—Box supper for benefit of Athletic Association. A success and enjoyed by every one except Mr. Walling wTho lost considerable sleep from the occasion.
Sept. 24—The intermediate and primary teachers’ hearts stolen.
Oct. 13—Ball game at Douglass. Mr. Rayburn wishes he had a girl to take to the game.
Oct. 18—Game between the “Has Beens” and the “Is Nows.” Girls (for some candy) rooted for the “Has Beens.”
Oct. 26—Wienie roast by baseball team and their friends (ladies). Time was spent by roasting w’ienies, toasting marshmallows and baking apples until the moon came up. Games were then played. Chaperones, Mr. Rayburn and Miss Stewart.
Nov. 5—First literary program given by the girls and boys this year.
Nov. 9—Farmers’ Institute at High School Auditorium, all pupils required to attend. No one present but the students.
Nov. 15—Examinations.
Nov. 17—Senior flag raised over the school house.
Nov. 18—Seniors get a lecture.
Rosarum Collis
Nov. 19—Senior flag taken down by Juniors. -
Nov. 19—Opening of Basket Ball season. Pe s./ Y
Nov. 29—Methods class visited Frankie Silk-nitter’s school. § 4^
Dec. 1—Cecil McCollough leaves the Manual Training room by invitation.
Dec. 2—Roscoe went to sleep in Botany.
Dec. 4—Martin Wick came to school without candy. DEC. 7.
Dec. 7—Wilson stops school suddenly after a bout in Manual Training. Dec. 15—Walling lectures the Freshmen.
Dec. 17—Debate tryout, those winning were Milard Hall, James Hartenbower, Elbert Hensley, Harold Higgins and A. CLEVER eoot fc'AS oft jw -ttfr'wvwL l M /Vc t> l PA K+ ME Vt
Roe McCollough. Dec. 19—Ernest Dennett, Wick, and Mitchell start vacation and get in bad. Dec. 23—Primary and intermediate rooms give a program. Dec. 23—Walling spent the evening in Wichita. Wonder where? 'WALLiV.G* c-5 >*
Dec. 24—Musical rehersal at school house under supervision of Bernice Cutting. Pec Jtf
Dec. 24—President of Senior class resigns. New officer elected. %
Dec. 30—Material for the Annual comes. Jan. 3—Students back from vacation with noble resolutions to study. /Pr
Jan. 3—Address by Loyd Ferguson. Jan. 5—Methods class forgets how to study. ’ fill .
Rosarum Coll is
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Jan. 6— Mr. Walling takes charge of methods class. War was discussion.
Jan. 6—Basket ball game between Juniors and Seniors; score 70 to 25 in favor of the Seniors.
Jan. 7—Basket ball game between Udall and
Rose Hill; score 114 to 19 in favor of Rose Hill.
Jan. 7—Methods class learns how to study.
Jan. 7—Business Manager starts getting subscriptions fo.r the Annual.
Jan. 8—Basket ball game between Fresh-
men and Sophomores. Sophomores won.
Jan. 10—Reeder strikes finger in Manual Training and faints.
Jan. 15—Basket ball, Andover vs. Rose Hill; 56 to 41 in favor of Rose Hill.
Jan. 19—Basket ball game between Sophomores and Seniors; score 27 to 17 in favor of the Sophomores. Sophomores champions of the school.
Jan. 28—Debate, Rose Hill vs. Augusta, decision in favor of Augusta,. Reception given for debators.
Jan. 28—Debate, Rose Hill vs. Eldorado. Decision in favor of Rose Hill. Debators played “leap-frog” on way to Eldorado.
Jan. 29—Debate team have pictures taken in Wichita to celebrate their victory over Eldorado.
Feb. 2—Basket ball game with Douglass town team. Rose Hill lost.
Feb. 7—Fist and Foot fight. New course of-
fered in Manual Training. Few have enlisted.
Feb. 8—Tryout for baseball. Too co.ld; some one gets hurt.
Feb. 10—Debate in Modern History class.
Feb. 11—Juniors have a leap-year party.
Rosarum Coll is

Mar. 1—Athletic Association gives a play.
Mar. 4—Domestic Science class gives a New England supper.
Mar. 10—Lyric Club entertainment.
Mar. 15—Smith’s short pomp a topic for history.
Mar. 17—Boys’ Literary Society gives an open program.
Mar. 20—Rosco.e and Roe pile up on the floor.
Mar. 23—Rayburn gives a private lesson in elocution.
Mar. 24—Tryout in reading and oratory. Iva and Elbert won.
Mar. 29—Milard spraines ankle.
April 4—Baseball game, Rose Hill vs. Valley Center; score 4 to 3 in favor of Rose Hill.
April 6—Domestic Science class gives luncheon to School Board and Faculty.
April 8—Botany class takes a Hike. Harold McCune falls in a peat bog.
April 13—Girls’ Literary Society gives open program.
April 14—Rained.
April 15—Higgins goes to Wichita to interview the printer.
April 16—Higgins supposed to come back.
Same old story, “missed the train.”
April 21—Butler County track meet.
April 29—Track team goes to Clearwater.
May 5—Track team goes to Winfield.
May 10—Annual published.
May 11—Manager gets his.
May 12—Artist ought to be hanged.
May 18—School’s out.
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Rosarum Collis
Fiction List
Century Book of Facts.........................................Hensley
Heavenly Twins................._.......................Lola and Vera
Freckles ..............................................Anna Webster
Egotist .................................................Oak Fleming
Much Ado About Nothing................................Russel Fesmire
Comedy of Errors.............................................Freshmen
Tempest and Sunshine.................................Reyer and Smith
Little Women...........................................Sylvia Swindell
Love in Youth..............................................Lola Carr
What Germany Thinks.............................................Reyer
Thinking as a Science....................................Martin Wick
The Village “Cut Up”..................................Alonzo Prickett
Those Beautiful Eyes.................................. Miss Stewart
Then I’ll Come Back to You...........................A vice Williamson
General Marry Sunshine............................... Maude Higgins
Slow Train Through Arkansas..............................Millard Hall
(Otto E. Rayburn)
If you can view the wild Rose and Leave it on its stalk;
If you can keep your silence when others fain would talk;
If you can roam the wild woods and not a life destroy;
If you can leave your pleasures to bring another joy;
If you can say your prayers without a thought of being heard, Or help a fallen brother with a deed as well as word;
If you can face a danger with your weapons unconcealed;
If you can keep from sinning when you mix with men of lust, Or have a friend forsake you and not lose the common trust; If you can keep your temper in the avenues of strife—
Oh come and be my friend and teach me of thy life.
Rosarum Collis
Rosarum Collis
Reyer: “Who introduced short pomps?”
Smith: “Bismark.”
Bernice (after going for a ride with Ray): “Oh, mamma, Ray and I had the narrowest escape from an awful accident. The horse nearly ran away. We were on our way to Rose Hill when all of a sudden, a bird flew up from the hedge and frightened the ho.rse, and if Ray hadn’t made a dash for the reins—”
Audine: “Why, Bernice, where were the reins?”
And it took at least five minutes to explain.
The CORNER DRUG STORE at Douglass is the place to meet your friends.
Oak (running hurdles): “I just got my step fine.”
Coach: “What do you call it? A lame duck?”
Cool off at THE CORNER DRUG STORE fountain at Douglass.
Mr. Warne (in Geometry class): “Raymond do you know instantly when to use
inversion, alternation, composition, division, etc.?”
Raymond: “I don’t know.”
Mr. Warne: “Well, you should keep them right on your finger tips.”
Raymond: “But, teacher, I haven’t enough fingers.”
Use our Phone. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass, Kansas.
Rayburn: “Reyer, of what value is the Panama Canal to U. S. ?”
Reyer: “’Taint worth a cuss.”
Mr. Walling: “Why is the Plasmopara called the Downy Mildew?”
Lester: “Because it grows on the under side of the Leaf.”
Rosarum Collis
It is said that most people like for the lights to go out. But it is not so with Russell. On account of the lights not working well at the basket ball court one night he lost a Ferguson and a little Moore.
Rayburn was hearing the history class. The pupils seemed unusually dull. “Now,” he said, “Mary followed Edward VI, didn’t she?”
“Yes, sir,” replied Smith.
“And now,” the teacher asked, hopefully, “who followed Mary?”
“Her little lamb,” replied Smith triumphantly.
Oak Fleming—Much in love with himself and that without a rival.
Stilts: “I have no time for frivolous things, I am married.”
Mother (to Raymond who. was putting together a puzzle, Sunday afternoon): “Raymond, is that a Sunday puzzle?”
Raymond: “I don’t know, mother; I can’t tell until I’ve done it.”
Gift Books and Novels at THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Gladys: “Did you know I was bow legged?”
Blanch: “Yes, dear; why?”
Gladys: “And did you know Harold was pigeon toed?”
Blanche: “Yes.”
Gladys: “Well, ho.w do we look together?”
We are always glod to see you. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Rayburn (in a reading lesson): “Iva, please don’t talk so loud, your mother might
Elbert: “So this is one of your jokes, is it?”
Russell: “Well, what are you laughing at, anyhow; isn’t it a good one?”
Bill Landon (after taking Mabel Davis home from church for the first time): “Don’t you tell anyone I brought you home.”
Mabel: “Oh, no, I won’t; I’m just as ashamed of it as you ♦are.”
Come in and rest. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Walling: “How do you test sugar beats?”
Roe: “Put them in brine (Bryan).”
Rosarum Collis
Quality always. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Miss Hodge: “Oh, what beautiful flowers, there is still a little dew on them.”
Mr. Walling (absent mindedly): “Yes, I know; but I’ll pay it tomorrow.”
Millard: “Avice, decline the pronoun, you, first person, singular number.”
Avice: “You, your, mine.”
Prescriptions accurately filled. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Harold McCune: “Walling, do you believe in the dead languages, such as Latin,
Greek, etc.?”
Walling: “No.t unless you’re going to be an undertaker.”
Unexcelled Fountain Service.—THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Avice: “Do you believe in love at first sight?”
Maude: “Yes-s, but I believe in having a second look.”
Lowney’s Chocolates, box and bulk.—THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Wanted: A pair of stilts.—Maxine.
Lost: A spring chicken.—Anna.
Lost: A Valentine.—Russel.
Wanted: A tabourette and 65 cents.—Wilson.
For Rent: A house.—Oak.
Notice: Past no “Bills”.—Ila.
Wanted: More love.—John Alley.
Wanted: A pair of cross-eyed spectacles.—Walling.
Lost: Four volumes of Pan-Germanism.—Reyer.
Wanted: An engagement ring.—Anna.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen: A car. Finder will be rewarded.—Lee Dennett.
Wanted: An accomplished reader (Reeder).—Bernice.
A good roomy hall.—Avice.
Rosarum Collis
Lester (in Lit. Society): “I will now favor you by singing a little song entitled,
‘I’m On My Way to the Insane Asylum’, accompanied by Parsons (on the piano).”
Harvey: “Louise, what are some of your family’s bywords?”
Louise Shaffer: “Papa’s is ‘By gosh’, mamma’s is ‘Oh gee’ and Maxine’s is ‘Oh
Cecil McCullough: “How long can one live without brains?”
Walling: “Ho.w old are you?”
New and Up-to-Date Wall Paper. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Pokey: “Say, what’s the matter with Mr. Walling’s eyes?”
His Friend: “I don’t know, why?”
Pokey: “Why, when I was sent to him yesterday, he asked me three times where
my hat was, and it was on my head all the time.”
Phone your drug wants to THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Walling: “Rayburn, what is the matter with your face?”
Rayburn: “It must have been poisoned by Ivy.”
“Why is it,” asked Orville Piersol of his friend, “that you fat people are always goe.d natured?”
“We have to be,” answered Newell, “because we can neither tight nor run.”
Our Phone is No. 24. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Rayburn: “Why didn’t they play cards in the ark?”
Smith: “Noah sat on the deck.”
Postage paid on $1.00 orders. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Not long ago Opal Moore and Raymond Hayes went to the city. They decided to eat in a restaurant near the station, and had the place all to. themselves. In serving them, the waitress omitted to supply a teaspoon, and Opal whispered the fact to Raymond. Summoning the waitress, Raymond asked: “May we have a spoon?”
“Why, certainly;” replied the girl. “I am tidying up, and you can have the whole room to yourselves in a few minutes.”
Nyal’s Face Cream for faces. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Russel: “All great men are dying and I don’t feel well myself.”
There must be much in Smith’s head, so little comes out.
Quality Stationery at THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Maxine is not very tall, but she will be taller when she walks with “stilts.”
Warne: “Say, what do you mean by telling Walling I was a ‘blockhead’?”
Harvey: “Why, it isn’t a secret, is it?”
Rosarum Collis
The Inward Real
If we could but lift the mantle
That surrounds the inmost thought And could see the high ambitions—
Phantoms that our friends have sought;
If their hopes and good intentions Were all pictured in our view.
Would we judge each other harshly As we now so often do ?
Or, if each life had a shadow
That portrayed the inward real—
Showed the bitter disappointment
That each soul must sometimes feel—
Would we judge all human action As the world is wont to do ?
Would not many faults and defects Rest in keeping with the true?
Oh, the world is full of critics—
They who fail to see the fact That the motive of the action May be purer than the act.
So, the critic shoots his arrows,
Piercing hearts with shafts of steel;
He would make them softer pointed If he saw the inward real.
—Otto Ernest Rayburn.
We are what time has made us.
In this year of ’Sixteen
We may gaze on dauntless ages And our lives seem but a dream.
We have chosen the endless pathway That leads higher as we climb
To our stake of yonder setting,
To be reached with chime.
Though the path be rough and rugged,
That destiny bids us climb.
Let us mount the ladder bravely,
And be conquerors of task and time.
Men may fail in countless numbers—
Still let our class hold fast,
That we may survive the tempest And be conquerors till the last.
We have passed the age of frolic—
Time around us stealth’ly steals
As we totter down life’s pathway To cast our seeds across the fields.
The day around us now is closing;
There fades the last streak of setting sun
May we smile back over ages When our endless path is won.
—Elbert Hensley.

Rosarum Collis
Walling: “Reyer, what is your grade in English?”
Reyer: “Fifty; I want to stop it.”
Walling: “Take it twice a day and you will make a hundred.”
Use Nyal's Corn Remover. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, Douglass.
Waldena (while washing dishes in Domestic Science class) exactly like starting house keeping.”
“Why, this is just
Willie: “Cold, dear?”
Grace: ‘"Bout to freeze.”
Willie: “Want my coat, dear?”
Grace: “Just the sleeves.”
Wanted: A body guard.—Warne.
Wanted: Webster’s International Dictionary.—Gladys.
This Space Paid for by
Clay and Elder
James M. Alley
Phones: Butler County 171; Mutual 47 Augusta, Kansas
J. H. Dailey Livery & Feed Barn
South Forest Street Douglas, Kansas
Your Patronage Solicited
When in Rosehill Remember the Store on the Corner
We carry everything that is needed in
Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes and Black Cat Hosiery
Come in and see us. We will try to be as accommodating, as we have been in the past fifteen years
Will Pay the Highest Market Price for Produce
Thank You for Your Past Patronage
P. R. Kinsey
General Merchandise
Rosehill, Kansas
Teach Your Dollars to Have More Cents by Buying from Us
We have a Complete Stock of
Watches Clocks Jewelry0 Silverware Cut Glass Hand Painted China
Every Article Fully Guaranteed Repairing, Done Right
Chas. R. Gibson
Douglas, Kansas
The ability to g,ive your customer what he wants, is worth a whole lot more than the time you save by not having, to arg,ue hin into being, half-satisfied with what you can g,ive
Stanley’s General Store
Has the Facilities, the Ability and the Ambition to Satisfy Your Every Want
Phone No. 14 Rose Hill, Kansas
H. A. Baker
Farmers Mutual Insurance
All the Standard Companies Represented
Sole A^ent for the Sedgwick Nursery Company at Rose Hill and Derby
Spend your money where a dollar means the most cents
Phone No. 202 Rose Hill, Kansas Box 63
New Spring, Wash, and Wool Dress Goods in all the New Fabrics and Colors
Queen Quality and Boston Favorite Shoes for Ladies and Misses. Harlow and Selz Shoes for Men and Boys
When in Mulvane moke our store your headquarters W. C. Robinson Mulvane, Kansas
James McClug,&a&e, President W. N. Harris, Vice-President
J. F. McClu&^a&e, Cashier F. J. McClu^a^e, Asst. Cashier
Rose Hill State Bank
Rose Hill, Kansas
Capital Stock $10,000.00 Surplus $10,500.00
Invites serious consideration from the young, people, as well as the older ones. Nothing, establishes a credit at a g,ood bank better than a bank account. No matter how small your business, deposit your funds and pay all accounts by check, thereby, making, a record of each transaction. A cancelled check is the best possible receipt.
Get the Saving, habit and deposit your savings with us. In addition to our larg,e surplus fund and the g,reat financial responsibility of our stock holders our deposits are guaranteed by the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Kansas.
We offer Safety, Service, Efficiency and Co-operation
W. N. Harris
Dealer in
Agricultural Implements, Wagons and Vehicles
Harness, Steel Wind Mills McCormick Harvesting Machinery
Rose Hill, Kansas
J. Thomas & Son
Dealers in
Lumber, Hardware, Coal, Etc.
W. N. Harris, Manager Rose Hill, Kansas
Get Your Graduation Presents and Class Rings at
Dines Jewelry Shop
C. H. Dines, Proprietor
Mulvane, Kansas
When in Mulvane visit our store, we have a big, variety of seasonable g,oods at money saving, prices
Harvey’s Variety Store
Mulvane, Kansas
TJhe Final ^Problem—
that comes to the graduate is selecting, the proper clothes to wear. With Spring, here, what could be a happier solution than a neat, well fitted suit, just full of Spring’s latest style? In buying, we selected just such suits as the graduate should wear and another thing,—Holmes clothes will stand the hard wear that most fellows demand. Wear one at graduation, you will be happy all through the summer for you will have a satisfactory suit!
Every suit is priced the same throughout the season—not a high price at first but a fair price always. A fellow can afford a new suit at the first of any season, if he comes to Holmes
Hats, ties, shirts, socks—everything, for a man but shoes. Our splendid service at your command anytime while visiting, the city.
HHe Holmes Co.
211 East Douglas Avenue Wichita
Motor Cycles
Walt Cunningham Motor Company
Phone Market 5099 156 North Emporia Ave.
Wichita, Kansas
“Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty”
W. Douglas
W. Douglas
Featuring Men’s and Boys’ Clothing,, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes
Low Rent—No Charge Accounts— No Collectors—Going into Market and Buying, Big Purchases for Spot Cash.
At a Big StvinQ to you
This Saves You Money!
CD! XT TU C 111 West Douglas Ave O F 1 IN Lj Wichita, Kansas
W. W. Clark
Dry Goods and Clothing,
Shoes, Hats and Furnishing, Goods
Douglas, Kansas
C. A. 0&&, D. D. S.
Rose Hill’s nearest dentist. 10 years successful practice All work done carefully, conscientously and as near
painless as possible
For appointments, Phone 15
Douglas, Kansas
Hig,h Class Clothes
for Hig,h School Boys
Greenfield Brothers
Quality Corner Wichita, Kansas
N. C. Daily
Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum
and General House Furnishings
Phone 106 Butler Co. Augusta, Kansas
cUhe New Store with Familiar Faces
There’s g,oing, to he a lot of dressy, young, chaps wearing, our clothes this spring,. If you expect to keep the pace with them you’d Letter he coming in soon. Everything, ready here for you from Hats to Socks.
Me V icar-Howard-Millhaubt
210-212 E. Douglas Ave. Clothing, Co. Wichita, Kansas
Ellis Bicycle Company
Exclusive Agents for Vacuum Cup and Pennsylvania Tires
Pope Motorcycles
123 N. Lawrence Avenue
Wichita, Kansas
Some Day—
You will need a New Suits a Pair of Shoes or a Nice Hat, the
Viets Clothing, Co.
are showing, Exclusive Styles at Prices that will
Please You
Corner Douglas and Emporia Wichita, Kansas
Jones Milling, Co.
Wholesale—Grain, Hay, Farm Seeds CottonSeed Meal, Tanlca^e, Oil Meal
White Shorts
Write for prices for what you need; send sample of what you have to sell
Bike, Union Station Wichita, Kansas
Rose Hill Hi&h School
Offers the Following, Courses
Regular College Preparatory Agriculture aud Normal Training
Departments of Manual Training, and Domestic Science have been added and are well equipped for efficient work. Work done here is accredited by the State Board of Education and by all the of the State.
Tuition Free
Board of Directors
J. F. McClu^a&e C. M. Baker Louis Carr
13/f 01