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Rose Hill, Kansas

Photographs (1898-1937) People and Places


Photographs (1898-1937) People and Places


Photographs (1898-1937) People and Places


Photographs (1898-1937) People and Places


Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, Kansas


Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, Kansas










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“Photographs (1898-1937) People and Places,” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

Home located on Rose Hill Road,
1st house south of old post office now part of strip mall
Roy Williams bought the home of Anna Hall.
Douglass Tribune Aug 25, 1925
Section Forman house furnished by Railr
Section Gang
Isaac Hall forman, in back
Family of Isacc Hall
Reginald, Harry, Eliza-Mother, Virgil, Joseph Lee( Named for grandfather)

H.C. Staley moved his tennant house from its former location to the vacant lot opposite the Mitchell and Carr store. Douglass Tribune Sept 21, 1900
House located between Kinsey's house and store. Home of Mary Kinsey's parents. The Kings
House was moved to West Thomas Street where it is still occupied.
Obituary of George King father-in-law of P.R. Kins
—We were all painfully surprised and shocked to learn of Mr. George King’s death on Friday morning of last week. When last seen Mr. King was apparently in his usual health. Early Friday morning as has been his custom he walked to his farm little over half a mile west and quarter north of town, attended to his stock there and walked back to his home which adjoins Mrs. P. R. Kinzey’s, his daughters house in Rose Hill. On reaching his home he must have felt ill for he sent word by his small grandson to Mrs. Kinzey for her to come to him. Mrs. Kinzey was busy with some house work but went over to her father’s house as soon as she got done. When she entered the house she found her father lying on the floor unconsious and appeared to be dying. She immediately summoned help but Mr. King soon expired. Mr. King was a good man and neighbor, very industrious and of good, temperate habits, the qualities which he always wanted to inculcate into others in his modest and quiet way.' He was' seventy-six years of age. Funeral services were held at the M. P. church, Saturday,;
3 p. m. and interment made in the Rose Hill cemetery where he was laid by the side of his wife who proceeded him to the beyond three years to a day. The , funeral sermon was preached by Rev. E. M. Snyder, and was listened to by a congregation that more than taxed the capacity of the building. ' '
Douglass Tribune , Feb 11, 1910
Home of Joseph L. and Anne Hall located on Rose Hill Road just south of business buildings.
Street scene , east side of the main street street was called Parallel St.
Greetings from ROSE HILL, KANS.
a post card advertising Rose Hill

Front Row - Earl Pratt, Ethel Dennet, Everett Baker, Cecil Maxwell, Howard Sherwood, Ralph Baker, Ever Lindstrom
Second Row - Mrs Merritt, Anna Green, Mrs McWilliams, Mr Clegg, Mrs Harris, Mary Silknitter, Mrs King, Berie Hall and Gracie, Mary Kinsey, Arcelia Dennett, Martha Poston, Ally Sherwood
3rd row- Ferbie Dennett & (Sam) baby, Lilly Dennett, Carrie Baker,Alta Pratt, Grace Young, Dorothy Dunlap, Anna Baker, Donna Baxter, Mina McKnitter, Cora Mitchell, Val Young, Carrie Moon, Ena Harris, Grace Maxwell, Eva Strode and Baby Glada
$th Row - Ann Hall, Mrs Dunlap, Cora McCullough, Anna McWilliams, Mrs Lindstrwn, Mrs Barkalow, Carrie Coleman, Rev Cuttings Lidda Poston

Main street looking south.
At the time this picture was taken this street was called "Parallel St.
Date of picture unknown
Building on right belonged to Jonathan Thomas. It was
sold for a bank building in 1906. 1905 map listed as Thomas Bldg.
Center building belonged to Jonathan Thomas, oui11 in lft93,
, At the
time this picture was taken it was the store of P.R. Kinsey. Reading on front:
P.R. Kinsey dry goods groceries hats, coats boots shoes he ran this store 1902- 1909
South store building was built by Elias Mitchell. Elias Mitchell and Lewis Carr opened a general merchandise store in 1900. The year it was built.
first house in view was built by Perry Silknitter in 1893
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dennett
The writer.has had several inquires asking if the late Wm. Dennett was the one who bought and shipped stock from Rose Hill and surroun-
ing points for years? He was the man. He and J.E. Cooley were associated together for years. Later he and William Poston were together.
Douglass Tribune August 25, 1922
Main street looking south.
At the time this picture was taken this street was called "Parallel St.
Date of picture unknown
Building on right belonged to Jonathan Thomas. It was
sold for a bank building in 1906. 1905 map listed as Thomas Bldg.
Center building belonged to Jonathan Thomas, built in J.
_ _ ____ __________ , At the
time this picture was taken it was the store of P.R. Kinsey. Reading on front:
P.R. Kinsey drygoods groceries hats, coats boots shoes he ran this store 1902- 1909
South store building was built by Elias Mitchell. Elias Mitchell and Lewis Carr opened a general merchandise store in 1900. The year it was built.
first house in view was built by Perry Silknitter in 1893
Rose Hill looking east
1. Large square 2 story house on east side of street Built by W.N. Harris, April, 1900 . Back of this house is Methodist Church
. Dr. Barklow’s office
. Dr. Barklow's home
. 2-story house in back ground, Freer McCluggage
. J.L. Hall house on west side of street . Perry Silknitter house built in 1893
10 Livery stable in the front.
The new residence of W.N. Harris is about complete Douglass Tribune, April 10, 1900
ROSE HILL looking east from railroad track Left to right
1. Bill Dennett home
2. building housed barber shop, restaurant, meat market, blacksmith shoo and a variety of other business through the years. Called the Dennett Building
3. Rosa Silknitter's post office, ice cream parlor, millinary shop and many others. Was a barber shop in later years.
Rosa lived in the attached house to the rear and south side.
4. House belonged to W.J. Harrold, sold to J.L. Hall and later sold to P.R. Kinsey, in 1901
5. House moved in from the farm by H.C. Staley. Later was occupied by Mr. & Mrs. King. (parents of Mrs. Kinsey)moved in in 1900
6. Large 2 story building facing south is I.O.O.F. hall built in 1906.
7. Back side of Bank Building, opened as a bank in 1906.
James McCluggage was director and president.
8. This building belonged to Johnathan Thomas and housed several different businesses. In the Douglass Tribune it always referred to it as "The North Store*.
9. The Mitchell building, built by Elias Mitchell in 1900.
Lewis Carr and Elias Mitchell ran a general merchandise store, in later years the top story were rented to the Modern Woodman of America for a lodge hall. It was referred
✓ to in the Douglass Tribune as "The South Store".
The long looked for day of house moving has arrived and the house that Julia Hinshaw bought was placed on her lot in south west part of Rose Hill on Saturday evening.
Douglass Tribune March 7, 1945
* \ ' ' ' business district. The
Here’s another 1907 view ' ^ ______ ________
streets were wide bsflbk then. Shown are: Ifthe Mitchell Hall Store^ which later
'ellowsXodge, which 4. Perry Silkniter’s
was the Woodsman Hall; 2. Albert’s Green Store;
to be the largest building In downtown;

carpenter shop; 5. the Rose Hill Bank building; 6. King’s house; and 7. the Rose Hill Elevator.
1 Adolph Lindstrom was store operator in 1907 Building owned by Elias Mitchell
2nd floor was Modern Woodman Hall
2 P.R. Kinsey operated this store from 1902-1909
Albert A. Green died in 1898
3 I.O.O.F. hall built in 1906 7 Elevator built in 1903
This 1907 view is from east of Rose Hill looking northwest. Where are all the trees? The homes are numbered. 1. the McClnggage house; 2. the Methodist Church; 3. the Poston house; 4. the Swindell house; 5. Dr. Barkelow’s home and office; and 6. Hugh Baker’s house.
Building on East side of street
referred to as the Dennett Building
Kent Johnson Barber Shop on left
Gilbert Johnson restaurant on right
on porch Kent and Minnie Johnson with Vern
standing in doorway.
Gilbert Johnson with apron on
one man is Hiram Silknitter
the others unknown
date on picture is 1908
original belongs to Emma Johnson,
daughter-in-law of Kent, wife of Velmo
original of picture belongs to the Historical Museum at Douglass Picture was printed as a post card
1. Building referred to as the Dennett Building.
This building housed many a business, barber shop, restaurant, meat market, feed store, creamery,harness shop. Was built with 2 front doors for 2 businesses.
2. Post Office of Rosa Silknitter. She also had an ice cream parlor, milinary shop, served meals. In later years it was a barber shop. Rosa lived in the building attached to the rear and south side.
3. Down the street W.N. Harris house, built in 1900
4. Further down the street was Dr. Barklow's office
P‘ po 8-7-08
Postmarked Rose Hill, Aug.07, 1908
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Rose Hill had a 4th Street scene of Rose Hill
of July celebration 4th of July celebration
in 1903
Rose Hill is making preperations to celebrate the 4th of July in grand old style, under a large tabernacle. One feature will be a military flag drill by 20 young ladies, drilled by Miss Amanda Hull, who will have charge of the program.
Douglass Tribune Jun 17, 1910
Rose Hill is to have a regular old fashion celebration the 4th. Don't forget, good music and races, fine speaking and a splendid dinner if the country people will bring it in.
Douglass Tribune, June 30, 1916
Long horn cattle in pasture near Rose Hill
Men in front on horse back are Kent Johnson
and Jess Dennett
Date on picture is 1898
original belongs to Emma Johnson
daughter-in-law of Kent, wife of Velmo
George M. Showalter, one of Butler county’s successful farmers and stockman, is a native of Iowa, born in 1869. He is a son of Samhel •and Belle Showalter; the father was born in, West Virginia, and Belle Greenland Showalter, the mother, was born>pear Mt. Carroll, 111. The Showalter family came to Sedgwick county, Kansas, in 1876, and located on a farm in Gypsum township, where the father bought 320 acres of land, which is still in the family. Samuel Showalter died in 1904 in Wichita, and his wife now resides there in the home he bought prior to his death. This home is modern and commodious, very much in contrast to the one built on the old homestead in 1876, which was 12x16 feet, and in which they lived eight years.
George Showalter, the subject of this sketch, was educated in the country schools of Sedgwick county. His parents were very desirious that he should have a college education, and then take tip the profession of law, but he chose farming and stock raising instead, in which he bias made an unqualified success. He owns 1,200 acres in Pleasant township. which is one of the best farms in the county. It is well improved with a modern home, large barn 44x80 feet, silo 14x30 feet, with ten font basement.
Mr. Showalter was married, in 1894, at Wichita, to Loretta Estella Swindell, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of Joshua Swindell, who came to Kansas in 1880, and settled in Pleasant township. Tier mother was Gula Wilson, prior to her marriage. She was a native of North Carolina. Mrs. Showalter has three brothers living, as follows: Roscoe, Adolphus and Ernest. Mrs. Showalter’s father came from Indiana to Arkansas, and front Arkansas, he came to Butler county with an ox team, and had twenty-five cents, when he got here. He used oxen for j several years after he came. Their first home was 14x16 feet, in which i they lived ten years. Mrs. Showalter’s father came with a mule team, as lie thought horses could not live here then.
Mr. and Mrs. Showalter are the parents of nine children, all of whom are living at home, as follows: Floyd C., William E., Grade L., Gula B., Roy F.., Earl L., Worth L., Edna A. and Leburn G. Mr. and Mrs. Showalter have worked hard, and their efforts rave been crowned with success. Mr. Showalter has three sisters, all graduates from Kansas State Normal, and all of whom were very successful school teachers in Butler and Sedgwick counties.

Another street seen looking south on the main street. This is a later picture than the proceeding one.
The tall house on the right is the Raida house built in 1908. It is not shown in the other picture. People on the front porch of the first building on the left are the same people in the picture of Kent Johnson and Gilbert Johnson’s barber shop and restaurant . Date on that picture is 1908. Original of this picture belongs to daughter-in-law of Kent Johnson, Emma Johnson.
located beside I.O.O.F. hall , 100 blk of West Berry St.
Eml Comes To Old Resident After Months Of Suffering
Henry Perry Silknitter, was born July, second, 1841,'near Dayton, Ohio, and departed this life October 5, 1923 at the age of 82 years, 3‘ months and 3 days. When nine years of age, he with hio parents moved to Appanose County, Iowa.
March 18, 1863, he was united in marriage to Martha A. Thornberry. To this union wa& born 11 children, four of which have proceeded him to the world beyond, three in infancy and one, John Ellsworth in manhood.
He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, one son, Charlie F. and six daughters, Mrs. Carrie F. Baker, Mrs. Minnie F. Jones, Mrs. Gertrude M. Jones, all of Rose Jlill, Kansas, Mrs. T. L. Crabb, of Garden City, Kansas, Mrs. Katie Ballard’of Los Angeles, California and Mrs. Chlce Williams of . Denver, Colorado.^ Twenty-two grand children, seven great grand children, five brothers and one sister.
They are: John, Frank, and Solomon of Centerville, Iowa,' Hiram W. £nd Jacob A. ‘of Rose Hill and Mrs. Rebecca Thompson of Maryville, Missouri.
!, He was a kind and loving father and husband. All through his seven months sickness, it was "just as it had been all through His .life, such a beautiful lesson of patience^ not a ; murmur, everything that was done, and by whoever it was alright, and the only thought xof it being a hardship in caring for him, by his loved ones, was that it would too scon end.
He was converted! in Appanoose County, Iowa, in 1864, and united with the Presbyterian church.
In the spring of 1872 he came to Kansas and filed on the claim in Sedgwick County," to which he still holds the government deed, as signed by President U. S. Grant. In November of the. same year he moved his family to the pioneer home. He with his family stayed on. the farm until the spring of 1893 when lie moved tn Rose Hill, where he lived until his death.
In the spring of 1873 he organized and conducted a union Sunday school at the little Spring Creek school house, later the Methodist Protestant organized, and he was a charter member. The class was transfered frort Spring Creek to Sampson school house and from there to the Rose Hill church in 1899, to which he was a true and faithful member to the end.
House Built by H.P. Silknitter in 1893 Moved into new house March 29, 1893 located about 3 lots south of Rose Hill Bank
Brother Silknitter was always in j his place at Church, Sunday school, 1 Christian Endeavor and prayer meet*-, { ings. He always had a word for th£ Master at all times, which was an inspiration to his brothers and sisters j in the church. Brother Silknitter gave his time and money for the building of Christ's cause at all times. He will be greatly missed by everyone. t’J
Our great loss is heaven s gain. !
The funeral was held at the M. R. church, Sunday at 2 p. m. conducted by his pastor, Rev.. D. M. Pentz, assisted by Rev. Welker, of .Friends’ church. Though if rained all day, the house was filled with friends,.!, Burial was in the Pleasant Ridge i cemetery. I
Douglass Tribune 1923
Woman in middle is Mina Silknitter Team of mules belonged to Ernest Clinger
Charley Silknitter is planning to put up a building soon, and will move the post office in to it when completed.
Douglass Tribune March 22, 1912
P.R. Kinsey store building was built in 1909_________________
original belongs to Gula Clinger

Where Quality Reigns Supreme
This is the reputation we live. In all the that
we have iwi doing busings in liw- Mil! there never
has been a time tlmt we have not given vou v<*or money**, worth. r - J **
It Means Murf,
T«» maintain such a »«t*ifal»on. We are going to «Jo i$SSll h> continuing tu pUtr*; ,mr Ijaefc. of .yyerv
chaw*. guaranteeing satisfaction. Vunrmiiin i -BSHT If ^ \«xi «io not tin<I satisfaction in fnur MMine. '3jp!||||
VVe are handling everything in th<genrra! merrhandhr
We are wanting your produce. tiet the highest market price by dealing with us. * .
P. R. Kinsey
Phil Kinsey bought of Joe Hall the "Harrold" house lately vacated by them.
Douglass Tribune, March 8, 1901
W.H. HarrpJ.d was the depot agent 1896- 1900
Writting on back of picture 2-14-1908
I received these postal today.
Mary and P,R, Kinsey's Home My fathers house is south of the bay window Picture taken from the west front.
Room with bay window is the sitting room East of the sitting room is kitchen the N.W. room is the parlor East of it is the dinning room There is 3 nice rooms up stairs
Phil Kinsey Oct 25, 1862-----June 22, 1938
Mary King Kinsey Jan 12, 1862-----Dec 24, 1937
This house was located where the present post office is now.
First tractor of George and Tell Showalter purchased in 1918-19
Lebern and Alene Showalter sitting on plow
and Alta Dunlap's new car. Rosa Silknitter confectionary in back ground and P.R. Kinsey's house
Miss Mary Altie Pratt and Mr. Isaac ,
, Dunlap were united in> marriage at noon j on Thursday of last week at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Kinsey, at Rose Hill. As Mi3s Ina Webster played the Mendelssohn wedding: march the bridal party entered the | parlor, the bride attended by Miss Dawna Baxter as bridesmaid, and the groom by Mr. Alonzo Pratt as best man. The mariage rites were performed by Rev. J. L. Johnson of the Congregational church.
The bride looked lovely in a cream handsowne gown, made directorie empire, i entrain, and trimmed in lace and satin. She carried a shower bouquet of Bride’s roses. The bridesmaid wore a white silk mull over pink, made princess. She car- j ried a. bouquet of pink carnations.
After congratulations, a delightful wedding dinner was served in the dining room.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap have lived in and Inear Rose Hill al* their lives, and are highly respected by all who know them. They will be at home to their friends after January 1 in their new cottage in the north part of Rose Hill.
Among the guests who were in attendance at the wedding, several of whom were from Wichita, were: Mr. and Mrs. Pratt, parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Kinsey, Mr. and Mrs. Baban Dunlap, MY. and Mrs. John Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Branson, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dennett. Mr. and j Mrs. S. S. Hawks, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith, Mx. ami Mrs. Frank MdGee, Mr. i and Mrs. Frank Dunlap, Mrs. Rogers of Waynoka, Okla., Mrs. J. R. McWilliams, Miss Dawna Baxter, Miss Ina Webster, Miss Bonetta Jones, Miss Mary Jones, Miss Bleanor Branson, Miss Dorothy Dunlap, Miss Irl Pratt, MY. King, Mr. Clarence Pratt, Mr. Alonso Pratt, Mr. John Branson, Mr. Roo M^ul^ough, Mr. Virgil Cook, Mr. CecityMbfcuilough, Mr. Frank Rogers.
house is still occupied, has had a 2 story addition built on back.
located 300 block, North Rose Hill Road
Isaac built this house in 1909
Mr. Poston has just purchased the home of Ike Dunlap on Parallel Ave.
Douglass Tribune
March 11, 1911

Original Format
