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Rose Hill, Kansas

The Beginning - History of Richland and Pleasant Townships


The Beginning - History of Richland and Pleasant Townships


Richland Township, Butler County, Kansas - History

Pleasant Township, Butler County, Kansas - History


Pages from the History of Butler County by Vol P. Mooney (1916), on the history of Richland and Pleasant Townships.


Mooney, Vol


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Mooney, Vol, “The Beginning - History of Richland and Pleasant Townships,” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,

The History of Butler County by
Vol Mooney 1916
f Continued.)
By D. Himebaugh.
Richland township bounded on the north by Pleasan* township, on the east by Douglass township, on the south by Cowley county, on the west by Sedgwick county, situated in the center of a prosperous and productive area known as the Big Four Counties of Kansas.
Pioneer Period.—The pioneer period in the writer’s view and experience terminated proper with the grasshopper plaugue and devastation of 1874. What can be said of events and endurance of settlers in one section or township of this domain (unequalled in a like area today within the hounds of Kansas) will apply in a great measure to all parts of the territory. The first white settlement within the bounds of what is now known as Richland township was made on Eight Mile Creek in the summer of 1868 by John Steock, James Olmstead and Harve Henderson. This was the year of the Indian depredation to the extent of die killing of Mr. Dunn and his associate about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the Olmstead mill, built in 1872 and later known as Dunn's mill. This had a tendency to confine settlement to near town (or rather town site) of Douglass for that summer; but the following year the valley of Eight Mile was claimed as far as the north line of the township, and cabins were erected hv A. Liddle, H. Kellems. V. Love, M. G. Jones and Dick Reed, In the early spring of 1870 the writer laid claim to a share of this beautiful donia'Tn, locating on the south line of the township, which was then bounded on the south by Indian Territory. No soldiers patrolled the line and such a person as a “sooner" was not known. No person was a trespasser: anywhere he wished to go he had only -to take his chances on meeting with half-civilized or hostile Indians or being visited by that class of people in sheep’s clothing, who made a business of borrowing horses at night and never returning them. It was a necessarv custom with settlers that summer to
. (13) 03
RICHLAND TOWNSHIP 1879 598 New Enterprise
1881 616 Douglass Index
1882 600 n 11
bring all work stock from the lariat and tie them to a wagon or near a tent or shanty before retiring for the night. But over in Douglass township in November of that year they began tying up suspicious men at the rate of eight per month, which had a telling effect in keeping-horses from straying off at night. In July of this year all the Indian land to the south side of the State was treated for and surveyed the following winter. »
This started a flow of immigration into this* part of the State and Richland got her share for several years, when the grasshopper invasion and devastation of 1874 caused a lull in this line. Not only this, but many settlers left the township and some the State to spend the winter with wives’ folks and oilier kindred. While the grasshopper invasion of this year came without warning in August, yet one month previous, July j6, the settlers of south Butler and north Cowley received a midnight warning that later proved to be false, but not until nearly every settler from the Arkansas River east to Walnut had deserted their homes in haste. Some children were loaded into wagons in their night garments with such supplies as were at hand and off they went, fleeing as they thought from a band of hostile Indians reported to have burned Belle Plain and coming east, killing and scalping every woman and child enroute.
The Cheyenne and Osage Indians being a little on the warpath that year as to tribal claims, afforded some grounds for the belief of the report that was started by two parties who were making a night ride east to unknown parts, and for a sensational motive called at a farm house and reported that a band of Indians was slaughtering the settlers just west of the river and they were fleeing from them. They reported the same at every house they passed, not giving any explanation only that they saw the Indians and Belle Plain was in flames. A paririe fire in that direction helped to give credence to their report. They soon had some follows, and they, feeling an interest in the safety of their neighbors, the tidings spread and the thoughs of defending wife and little ones at home prompted many to join the sampede for a more numerous and defensive stronghold. The writer was routed out by a lad, who with his parents was several miles from home, just as the first ray of morning light was visible in the eastern horizon. Pie related his Indian story, and requested him to get a gun and join them about eighty rods west at the house of Mr. Broughton. After getting on hoots and starting a fire, we sauntered out to learn the cause for all this, and found that the boy was not trying to play a joke on a lone bachelor. After consoling myself with the thought that no Indians were coming our way, I returned, got breakfast, did the morning chores, then saddled my horse and galloped south a mile to learn how the widow Daniels and her large family were feeling over this Indian scare report. To my surprise all were gone save the old gray mare that was grazing leisurely about the yard. The kitchen door was open
and sugar, flour and other supplies were scattered about the floor. Not seeing any marks of fndian depredations or moccasin footprints, we at once concluded that they, too, had got up earlier than usual and hastened away to save their scalps. On returning home we learned that Eight Mile and Walnut woods were full of men, women and children, and on half rations and ammunition, caused by their hasty exit from home. Sam Parker and several others went out west to spy out the situation, returning soon after the noon hour with the report that no Indians were in it at all. The whole thing was a sham and a false report. This was tidings of great joy, and all returned to their homes
swearng vengeance against the ones who originated the stampede. It was later reported that those two fellows never stopped till they struck the blackjacks in Missouri.
The winter of 1874-1875 is known and ^remembered as the ‘‘aid winter,” not alone for the amount of aid the remaining settlers of the township received in the full sense of the emergency, but the style of supplies sent by the kind, sympathetic people of other States for gratuitous distribution among the grasshopper sufferers of Kansas. Augusta being the county central supply headquarters, everything was sent there, and every two weeks it was appropriates to the different township committees and brought by one of them 01 their order for final distribution.
history of butler county
The aid distributing point for* this township was at the home of Deacon Harris, one-half mile west of the center of the township. Here nearly a.11 he Richlanders met on the iirst and third Saturday afternoons of each month, more to see and associate together than to receive. The style of wearing apparel placed on exhibition for claimants and distribution caused great amusement and was more varied than their wardrobe had ever contained and might have put even the Indians to fbght. At the present day it would be styled a lummage sale. They were the cast-off garments of forty years ago or more, gathered from attics “way down liaM,” such as old Shaker and pasteboard bonnets, stove pipe hat with ventilators in the top, homespun dress skirts, striped threadbare shawls, cutaway swallow tail coats, old barn door pants, etc. The supplies for tile inner man were more fitting and more sought for, which consisted of corn meal, flour, sugar, beans and occasionally bacon and dried fruit. At one time by mistake a barrel of coffee was sent instead of a barrel of beans. It was not distributed, the committee saying that it came by mistake and would be returned and corrected. It was returned to the back room and was lost in the hands of the committee. The writer doesn’t vouch for the accuracy of this saying, not being a beneficiary, but was several times a member of said distributing committee, which was revised in part or whole each month. This gratuitous distribution ceased long before grass started, but the people and stock' went through the winter in foir forking trim. Prominent among those who survived this period and are still residents of the township are Dick Reed, Janu s McCluggage, L. M. Williams, Nathan Davis, I\. L. Hodgin, J. H. Harris, A. J. Cramer and a few others. Since the writer changed his residence from the farm to Wichita, the first, named of this list is now the only resident of the township still residing on the claims settled on in the early spring of 1870. The closing of this period is generally considered to have been a “blessing in disguise.” The continued drought ot 1874 had doomed most of the crops when the grasshopper invasion of August came and consumed what little there was left save a few small fields of early planting on the streams, so the grasshopper was the leading issue of destruction. Meetings were called at various places and the situation discussed; expense funds were raised and a soliciting agent was sent back East to his old home and friends with* circulars and even official affidavits of the horrible state of the grasshopper devastation in Kansas, which was liberally responded to and very encouraging reports and supplies followed. The first cash in many instances was returned to the donors in defraying railroad expenses of the party rent, after which all donations were equally divided among the needy of that section. A stock company of ten was formed in North Cowley county by advancing five dollars each to send Adam Walck back to Ohio. This committee of ten was to have full benefit of all aid solicitations by him while in Ohio. The first consignment was clothing and one hundred dollars. This was 100 per cent.
profit in cash to the stockholders and their stock at once went to a premium. One young’ fellow sold bR stock to a poor widow for her only cow. Later another party sold his^ twice in one day, as he was ready to leave the country, realizing twenty dollars. No further cash contributions came through that channel. The most lasting benefit to the State at large in this line was in the individual and Congressional contribution of seeds in abundance of various kinds, which started the country afresh with the best seeds of the land. Yet, in short, all church, public ami individual aid from the East was <hilv appreciated as will be later noted.
Richland township during thi< pioneer period was visited by several destructive prairie fires caused by Indians firing the prairie. South of us. near the State line, with favorable wind 'and little obstruction, it soon swept north for many miles. In October, 1871, the greater part‘of Richland surface was swept bv one of these fires, the loss of much property and one death resulting. George Cline, then at work on Flight Mile for M. (i. Jones, perceiving that a fire was coining from the south, at once set out to protect his claim shanty, located one mile south, but the raging flames reached there before lie did. His only hope was to hasten back, but was soon overtaken by the oncoming fire and in an effort to run through the flames all his clothing was burned from his person. Fn this agonizing state he managed to get back to Mr. Jones’, and died from his injuries the following day. In his conscious hours he related his experience, stating that he had on his person $200 in a leather pocketbook. After his sufferings ended several parties went up to search for the lost purse. A few buttons and a pocket knife were found and also footprints of a horse, which was followed to a place two miles northeast, a light rain having fallen aftei the fire passed over, making it an easy matter to follow the footpirnts. The peculiar shape of the track led to the ownership of the horse, and on inquiry it was learned that he had. started on business for Emporia that morning. Two parties with a legally executed search warrant were hastened up the valley, overtaking their man above El Dorado, who denied finding the purse, but on being informed that he would have to submit to a search, as they held papers to that effect, he confessed and produced the outward scorched purse with full contents and was permitted to go on. In the same fire, Mbs. M. H. Lea, near the center of the township, on seeing the coming flames nearing her house, and thinking it would be consumed, in her excitement picked up the feather bed and ran out of doors in order to save it, but before she found a suitable place for it the smoke and heat caused her to drop the bed and get back in the house. The feather bed was cremated, but the house and contents were uninjured. The following year in an electric storm, Joseph Kellems, only son of Harmon Kellems, and a brother of Mrs. Jesse Perry, was instantly killed by lightning a few hundred yards west of where Pleasant Valley school house now stands. Following this, another respected
citizen residing* in the west part of the township, Mr. Sleeker, lost his hay barn from this cause, consuming two horses and a wagon. Recovering somewhat from this loss, he left the township and later, with a member of his family, met death on a railroad crossing in Cowley county.
It can be said to the credit of Richland that during this period when unwritten law and expert bluffing and spasmodic use of firearms predominated, no serious blood was shed in adjusting rights of settlers and their deliberations one with the other. On the other hand, every settler's latch string hung out, and his supplies for the inner man (if he had any! were in a measure free and it was no crime or trespass for one settler to stop and get feed for himself and horse in the absence of the proprietor. He would leave his card of thanks and move on, perhaps looking for a claim, a stray horse, or something else. It was a period of socialism in its true sense, as one person was just as good as his best neighbor and had just as much (nothing) and could easily and readily divide.
Exports of this period consisted principally of hides from long horn cattle that had failed to tide through the winters after having been driven from Texas late in the season; a few deer pelts and furs, such as mink, otter, wolf, raccoon and feathered game during the winter season. The imports were everything else of necessity, wagoned from Emporia and later from Florence, except venison and buffalo meat, which was then obtained near at hand, but not without some hardships and suffering when overtaken by blizzards so frequent in those days on the treeless prairie. Jake VanBuskirk described the outcome of those days in this manner: On being interrogated by a new comer, the following-
year. as to how the people managed to live through this trying pioneer period, said: “Well, sir, it was just this way: Our garments waxed
not old in those days, and we subsisted principally on grasshoppers, buffalo meat, dead prairie chickens, jack rabbits, slippery elm bark and catfish." .
On or about the beginning of the year of 1875, the cloud of pioneer gloom and adversity rapidly dispersed and the sunlight of progress and prosperity rewarded the toilers with bountiful crops for many years to the extent that Richland had plenty and to spare. In just one decade, from 1874 to 1884, when the township conributed a full car of Xo. 1 corn to the Ohio Valley sufferers, caused by the highest water ever known in that valley, a whole train load was sent from Kansas, a reciprocal donation for past favors, with interest, based on money value. This corn was sold to a Kentucky syndicate and the proceeds given to the destitue. We learned that it was converted into whiskey and presume shipped back to the West under the label of Kentucky Bourbon or Old Rye, and sold for four or five dollars per gallon. This was equal to assisting a mule from the mire and when his going is established, to have him right about and kick you. The rapid settlement of Rich-
land during’ this decade (and previous) were by an industrious class of people and early advocates of schools, education and political equal rights.
Richland township, in its primitive state previous to 1874, politically was under ^Douglass township rule, they having the balance of power, controlling the nomination and election of all township officers. All judiciary was held in Douglass and heavy assessing in Richland. Tbe trustee would come over into Richland and assess everything he could find on a claim whether the owner was there or not, regardless to whom it belonged, just so he knew who was holding down the claim; assess all rails and posts anywhere on the land at five dollars per hundred and all dead animals (if he could learn that they were alive on March rst of that year) and all in school district No. 20. This and the course of other events, of taxation without representation, caused the circulation of a petition praying that we might be set off as a separate township, which petition was at first rejected by the county commissioners on grounds that it was penciled instead of being penned, and a few other minor technicalities. A meeting was then called at Maple Creek school house, the petition renewed and enlarged and names suggested for the township. H. B. Furgeson claims to have suggested the name Richland, which being most appropriate and fitting, was adopted. The prayed for petition was granted in January, 1874, and the first election was held on April 19th of that year in a claim house owned by Mrs. Snodgrass, situated near the southeast corner of southwest one-fourth of section 15. A few days previous to the election a called meeting was held at Maple Creek school house, and the following ticket formulated: Trustee, J. IT. Lowery; clerk, P>. M. Hodgin; treasurer, A. J. Cramer; justices. Smith Goodspeed and J. Vanhouton; constables, F. Fleck and J. Oldham. At this first election forty-eight votes were cast. Early on election day a bolt was made on the nominee for trustee and L. B. Hull was elected in his stead along with the balance of the ticket.
This election board was composed of, judges, Smith Goodspeed, T. Fleck, M. H. Lee; clerks, J. II. Lowery and L. D. Himebaugh.
This being the hopper devastation year, our State motto, “Ad Astra Per AsperaT can be very fittingly applied to this little sub-division. All the elect qualified in due time, save treasurer, who, for cause of absence from township, L. D. Himebaugh was appointed in his stead for ensuing year. Same officers were re-elected the following year. L. B. Hull served the township as trustee for several years, and was succeeded by James McCluggage for two terms. Up to this time party politics was not knowm or recognized in selection of candidates for township officers, which was usually done with little or no previous arrangement, on the morning of election. Clerks and judges of election after being duly sworn and opening of polls, would have a temporary recess, till ticket was formulated and ready to be passed by a judge from the hand of a voter to a paper box (usually a shoe
* Richland Township was part of Walnut Township History of Kansas by Andreas 1883
history of butler county
box) with hole in top covered with a primer, almanac or a pamphlet of lecent election laws. At this period and for a few years later, township elections were held in February, until Richland Centre school house was built in 1878. All elections were held one-half mile west at Deacon Harris’s,” or on south side of road at Rev. Harrison s. Just previous to the spring election of 1880 the first township (Republican) caucus was held and the following township ticket nominated: Trustee, L, D. Himebaugh ; treasurer, D. \V. Ulam ; clerk, James YVal-ton; justices, Smith Goodspeed and A. Vanhouton ; constables, H. B. Furgeson and Than Fleck.
1 his year in early summer Smith Goodspeed moved from Kansas to Oregon, after having serv ed as justice eight'years and having had many important as well as many unimportant justice of peace cases to dispose of which when carried to higher courts, his finding was generally sustained. One on change of yenue was the noted civil action, wherein Kiel Wilkie was plaintiff and Sam Parker, defendant. Controversy was over an old stone wagon worth $10 or $12 used by plaintiff while making the fill in YValnut river west of Douglass. Both plaintiff and defendant claiming ownership of wagon by purchase from different parties. After being used several days by plaintiff, it disappeared between two days, and its whereabouts were only known (or supposed to be known) by defendant. A legal search did not re. veal all parts of the wagon. The plaintiff at a hearing before Justice Goodspeed was represented by Attorney A. L. Redden of FI Dorado, and defense by Wail Webb of Winfield. The proceeding was to establish ownership of property. After all evidence had been produced and ably commented on by attorneys, the Court's finding was for defendant. Appeal was taken to a higher court, which, in time, sustained the justice Court’s decision, arid the wagon, if ever found, was probably by this time in some junk pile. Mr. Goodspeed was a justice in the full sense of the term, would always bring about a compromise between litigants, if in his power to do so. At one time two of his neighbors, of equal merit in his estimation, became angered and a little bloodthirsty at each other over trespassing of stock pro and con between them, one had exacted several dollars’ damage by retaining his stock, when found on his premises a few days later, his cattle was lured across the road and corralled. Notice was.given the owner, of which he paid no heed, but at a late hour of the night,, stole across and drove his stock home. O11 finding his neighbor’s stock was back home in the morning without his knowledge, his ind:gnation was then ripe for a fight or a suit. Squire Goodspeed was consulted, failing to effect a peaceable settlement and wishing to avoid a suit, suggested a settlement by referee, by taking thirteen names of householders in the community, and each party striking off alternately one name till twelve were challenged, and the remaining one should hear the evidence and his decision be final. This being agreed upon, the referee honor, task
20 I
or misfortune fell to L. D. Himebaugh, who, after hearing ihe sworn testimony of plaintiff and defendant, revealing the fact that defendant had wilfully opened carroll and driven the cattle from plaintiff’s enclosure, in violation of herd law custom, his decision was $i damages to be paid plaintiff bv defendant and cost of referee proceedings in all, S4.40. Justice Goodspeed enjoyed or rather endured nearly all township, judiciary and legal business, even in officiating in occasional marriages, whose tying up, like that of his judiciary, was seldom reversed. The justice of the peace business in central and southern part of township was later administered by II. IV Furgeson, James Walton. L. I). Himebaugh. J. II. Price and A. J. Thetgee. all of whom, save latter, enjoyed all the business they desired and more too, and gladly passed it on to some one else at expiration of office term. The same can be *aid of Staley, Smith, Hall, Oldham and Vanhouton. in north part of township, who officiated at different times, in that capacity.
Republican nominees with I.. IV Hull as trustee met with success at polls in 1882-3-4-5, head of ticket suffered defeat, first by a Republican and later a Democrat, (IV M. Hodgin'), who held the office two years, by reason of a legislative act setting aside spring elections and continuing township officer* till November election. The November election of r88o resulted a* follows: Trustee. James McCluggage;
clerk, A. Simpson : treasurer. D. \Y. Ulam; justices, Rev.- Woodward and FT. B. Furgeson. Trustee elected November, 1887, ^ J. Cramer; trustee elected November, r888. James McCluggage: trustee elected November, 1880, IV M. Hodgin ; trustee elected November. 180,0. Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, i8qi, Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, 1892, A. J. Cramer: trustee elected November, 1893, W. S. Bacon ; trustee elected Novmber, 1894, H. B. Furgeson ; trustee elected November, 1895 and r896, H. D. Olmstead; trustee elected November. 1897 and 1898, B. G. Chauncv; trustee elected November, 1899, J. M. Kuhn: trustee elected November, 1900 and 1901. N. Russell; trustee elected November, 1902 and 1903, F. Staley, which office was made vacant by person-elect moving from township, and L. D. Himebaugh was appointed by county commissioners to fill vacancy. After this date by legislative act, township officers were elected for two years, instead of one. Trustee elected 1904, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1906, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1908, O. E. King; trustee elected 1910, O. E. King. Three members of first county commissioner's district were chosen from Richland during this period; A. Mas-terson, Lafe Stone, and L. B. Hull (later by appointment to fill vacancy). Several of her worthy citizens have been honored with a place on county ticket, but generally location and not qualification were adverse to success at polls, except on educational lines, treated of in following subject.
As formerly stated, Richland pioneer^ were early advocate* of schools and methods of education. And like all new countries, efforts
to organize a school district had its adversaries, as a small per cent, of the land was dedded and subject to taxation, many householders were bachelors. A school district, to enumerate fifteen children of school age. required in the early ’70's nine or ten square miles in order to erect a school building by bond issue, and in many cases this bond proposition met with defeat through those who would have the burden of taxation to bear for a few years, and those whose time had not yet come to have children of their own to educate. In districts where this interest predominated a claim house was donated, by some bachelor who had made final entry on his claim or perhaps moved in with a neighbor bachelor, to let his house be fixed up and used for school purposes. Law made it necessary for a term of three months school to be taught by a qualified teacher in a newly formed district before being entitled to any state funds. This first school by subscription, like many other requirements in pioneer days, was breaking the ice and paving the way for smoother sailing and better days. Yet, with few exceptions, all settlers subscribed freely towards maintaining the first school, but in many instances, drouth, grasshoppers or prairie fires caused some to fall short of their subscription when time and effort to collect rolled round. A teacher’s order in those days, like some other commercial paper, was not worth much at home and less abroad, necessitating a few to increase their original subscriptions to meet delinquency. School district Xo. 63, being the first to organize within the bounds of township embracing three and one-half miles North and South, and three miles East and West. First school was taught in early summer of ’73, by ]\Irs. Freeman at $15 per month, in a claim house near the southeast corner of northeast quarter of section 27, belonging to Tames Lee, repaired and fitted up for school purposes. There being no travelled roads or visible lines, it was thought best by patrons to run a furrow from school house to northeast corner of district, which was done with breaking plow to aid pupils in that part of the district to go to and from school. The following year district 80 was organized in southwest corner of township, being the first to erect a school building by aid of bonds. Said bonds were sold at eighty cents. Seventy-eight, (Diamond), district followed in organizing and soon erected a fine stone school building. Eightv-one was organized and completed its school building a short time prior to that of 78. One hundred nine was next organized and several terms were taught in a claim house before a school building proper was erected. District No. 100, previously numerically given, but later organized in limitation by taking territory from districts 63, 78, and 109, in order that a suitable location of said district 100 would be in centre of township, convenient for both school and township purposes. District no, on or near north line of township, was also organized in the latter 70's, being very artistically finished for that day, but like that of 81, got too big for its clothes, and merged with several other districts, (or parts of them), into a consolidated union in 1907 for methods of advanced education.
In less than one decade from date of organization in Richland township had seven public school buildings within her borders, where, in each a school was maintained from three to seven months during the year, and Richland soon took place in first column and near the top too for good school buildings, good schools and good teachers. From the ranks of its teachers came the first female county superintendent of Butler county, Mrs. Florence FTolcomb Olmstead. who devoted her time, talent, and energy in the discharge of her official duty, giving, as it were, her life in the line of education and reform. She, coming to Kansas from Indiana with her parents in seventv-two, began teaching at the age of sixteen, was Federal census enumerator of Richland township in 18S0. She died at the age of thirfv-thrce. near the close of her office term as county superintendent. Four vears later, 1804. another one of Richland's teachers, K. M. Holcomb, a member of same family, was called by vote of the people to the high and honorable office of county superintenden of public institutions. Like that of his sister, his administration was up-to-date, of that day in theorv and practice, full of flowers and reforms, pertaining to education and social interest, leaving footprints, not in the sands, but indelibly stamped in the minds of the rising generation to his official credit and the fair land if Richland. 1
On completion of the Saute Fe cut off from Am usta to Mulvane, the name and business of Rose Hill was moved one mile west, and enjoyed a steady growth in business and population : that the town with a little adjoining territory formed a school district, erecting the eighth school building within the townshjp, in the year 1900 numerically known as district No. I la. or the'V'Tew Rose Hill school. A few years later the consolidation of rural districts for a township, or central high school, was strongly advocated by leading educators and being adopted and tried with good results in some sections of the State: the energetic people of Rose Hill and vicinity were enthused with the opportunity for establishing a high consolidated school in the voting town as a further incentive to progress and prosperity. After due and legal primaries, an election was called, resulting in favor of consolidation of four school districts. A bond election was held in due time to vote on the proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $10,000 for the erection of a consolidated high school building. Said election resulted in favor of bond issue; tfreJMuty hall was fitted up and seated for school purposes, where the first school was held, commencing September, 1908, with^C^JO pupils attending. On completion of the new, commodious and imposing school buildings, a feeling of good cheer went up from patrons and pupils. Septembe$*T9o9; the four departments with principal and four assistants, opmted with renewed vigor and increased enrollment of pupils, for a nine month term for ensuing year. Lilly Picket and Merl Moon have the honor of being the first graduates of this institution, which exercises were held at close of term, rpc*).
1 * Railroad was built by Chicago, Kansas & Western Railroad Co. Santa Fe purchased it several years later, Info Mitchell abstract.
2 **School was held in the I.0.0.F hall until school house was finished
*** Sept. 1908'
3. 146 pupils
4. New location only, same It
L 'uJcr amusements is classed the various methods of social sporting and beneficial entertainments during this historical period. The first nuulgence in this line by early settlers was as much of a necessity as amusement. Deer, antelope, badger, (and along the streams, wild turkey, laccoons and heaver), were quite numerous, affording both spoit and/ meat, in their Rapture. At times several horsemen with hounds and guns would chase a bunch of deer or antelope, as much for the sport as their capture. Mr. Couch and his boys, (later of Oklahoma tame I, would often indulge in that kind of sport between the Walnut and Arkansas generally bagging their game by the time the chase reached one of the extremes. The writer well remembers when at one time his newly made garden suffered a tramping up by two does and a buck, leading four hounds followed by several broncos and riders; none ever so much as halted to offer an apology for the intrusion; one-half mile west the creek was crossed and a counter chase was made down north side of creek, resulting in the capture of one doe; the other two were permitted to go on for the chase another day, or target for some settler’s rifle. The still and.hide hunt was more successful in bagging of antelope and turkey. A pony purse, horse race and occasional shoot-iny match for a hog, goose or turkey was indulged in with much compelling interest in those days; until the fair sex numbers and influence changed the order of things somewhat, when social gatherings at some ranch dwelling was of frequent occurance, where quadrille and waltz kept pace and step to violin music.
[.ike all pioneer settlements, the dance mania like the ague, of that day, was nearly unanimous, at least tne majority had it bad, yes and good too, as later on, when Richland was part of Rev. Harrison’s mission field, the proceeds of a social dance and supper was occasionally means for a pastor’s donation; and by him accepted in good faith.
These social entertainments were ,soou varied somewhat by organization of literary societies for social and mutual benefit. The first in the township was organized December 14, 1872, at John Gardener’s house, situated near south line of section 17. The prime movers being Mr. Goodspeed, Mr. Gardner, Mrs. Weston, Miss Jennie Weston and Miss Maria Walton. This was principally a debating society, of questions pertaining to best interest and needs of settlers, herd law, female suffrage, credit system, etc. The participants were Gardner, Goodspeed, Roberts, Doc. Berger, Tucker, Walton, Gaymon, Stansberry, McClug-gage, Carlton, Furgeson, and Mrs. Weston. The society was well attended and well conducted, meeting semi-monthly during the winter.
It was re-organized at same place in early winter of seventy-three, and changed place of meeting to Maple Creek school house on its completion in 1874, at which place it was re-organized and held for several consecutive winters. Soon after the completion of school building in district 78, (Diamond), an interesting debating suciety was organized in that part of township. The leading lights being L. B. Hull and sons,
1900- School district was divided in the center, geographicaly, and the Rose Hill district moved to a new school house one mile to the west. The district which stayed in the old building became Excelsor District # 169.
HISTORY of butler county
Williams. Cox. Sinclair. Davis, Picket and the Tlodgin brothers. A good literary program, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, dialogues and paper, was rendered semi-monthly. L. M. Williams held the standing appointment as critic at all meerings, whose criticisms were beneficially and well rendered. The society continued with unabated interest for several winters. The third organization of this nature within the border*- of the- township was at Providence school house during the winter of 1883-4, and known as the Rose Lawn Literary society which met semi-monthly during the winter, being a debating society, in general. Participants were W. G. (iiesv, George Rannon. J. R. McKay, Dr. Work. !i. R. Furgeson. Himebaugh. A. C. Thetgee and others. Following this, a few wars later, the Mutual Information Society was organized and held meetings for mutual benefit in town hall over the store, during the winter and earl)' spring. This being a select or restricted organization, a clause in tiie by-laws required all members to prepare and take part in ail duties and subjects assigned them by president or committee on program, which made it diversified and no less interesting and beneficial. Another known as the Twilight Club, composed of school “marms," male teachers and students, met for mutual benefit at stated intervals in smith part of the township, during the closing winter of the nineteenth century. Miss Cora Stanley being the prime mover. Tn north part of township^ reading clubs and spelling contests greatly interested the progressive class during the nineties. The growth of Rose Hill during this and the following decade brought about the more up-to-date instruction and entertainments. .'side from the high school entertainments, and base ball contests, a series of lecture courses was held during the winter of 1009 and 1910 through auspices of the Lyceum Rureau, at the Rose Hill high school building.
As the primitive customs, of no noted observance o: the Sabbath day. in the business routine of labor and sociability with the early settlement of S. W. Kansas, like that of all other pioneer sections, grew in numerical strength, a Christian spirit, leading to Sabbath observance naturally begins to find favor and endorsement among all civilized people, so it was in Richland. ’Tis conceded that the first Sunday school organized within the bounds of Richland township was at the claim house of Miss Maria Walton, situated on northwest corner of southwest quarter section thirty-three, in the summer of t872. The prime movers being Miss Walton and brothers, all supplies being sent from Waukesha, Wis., their former home. The school continued to grow in interest and was later moved to the home of Mr. Hatch and on completion of the school house was for. years held there, known as the Maple Creek Sunday school.
At one period under the superintendency of L. P. Carlton was recognized the banner Sunday school of Richland township. Following this a Union Sunday school was organized in the north part of town-
ship, which was well .attended and much interest manifested. Mr. and Mrs. Haines and Mr, Staley were active in advancing- the cause. In the late summer of seventy-two, Rev. Green of the M. E. faith and order was given a Mission field in Southwest Butler and adjoining territory. He held a series of meetings at Stanberry’s house the following winter. The second missionary awakening was in the north part of te township, by one or more parties advocating the Seventh-day Advent doctrine. Meetings were held at the home of B. M. Hodgen, (a bachelor), whose home and hospitality were always open for religious services, as well as social entertainments, which often varied the evangelistic service with a change *>f program, for one evening. Rev. Harrison followed Rev. Green in his Mission field for a few years, organizing several classes, lie was later followed by Rev. McCoilister who changed the denominational order to that of Protestant Methodist which gained numerical strength and following, resulting in the erection and dedication of the first church house within the bounds of the township, in eighty-four, situated on northeast quarter of section 23, known as the Pleasant Ilill church. Several years later, Rose Hill class built a good church house, and later in 1906 the same denomination greeted a church two miles south of township, known as the Red Bud Church. The three classes constituted a ministerial field till 1909 when at the convening of the general conference, Rose Hill was set off as a station. Since then one minister is employed for Rose Hill class and one for Pleasant Hill and Red Bud.
The faith and order known as Friends were early in exercising their influence and worship, holding meetings from time to time at various places in north part of the township, and as early as 1881 completed a church house near the north line of the township, from which the good benefits have emanated equal in a great measure to that of Penn in colonial days. The next awakening was that of the Christian order by Revs. Harvey, Barret, Yard, in the latter seventies which gained endorsement and following through series of meetings held in various parts of township, setting forth Scripture teaching and the duty of man to man, and man to God, not fully in harmony with other orthodox creeds and belief. A joint discussion on this line worthy of historic note between Rev. Yard and an M. E. clergyman was held at Pleasant valley school house in July, 1879. The day was warm and sultry and the house filled to overflowing; during services a small cloud was seen to form apparently from a clear sky followed by a distant peal of thunder. As the approaching cloud grew more dense and gradually taking on the form of a twister, the knowledge being conveyed by the onlookers outside to the attentive listeners inside, soon marred the real interest of the discussion, which was changed to that of fear of the approaching storm. Some with their rigs hastily departed for home. The services had a premature concluding, as the approaching dense twister lowered and drew nearer, causing many to desert the dwelling
and seek outside protection along the hedges to which they citing with a firm grip, trusting flivine power beyond the elements for protection. It is said as Mr. Turner Holcomb and wife came and saw* the impending danger, Mrs. Holcomb, realizing that they could not reach home, said, “We must trust to Providence,” while her husband remarked, “Yes, trust in Providence, but cling to the hedge roots.” The center of the storm passed near, followed by a slight sprinkle of hail and drenching rain. The fierceness of the twktcr lowered to earth northwest of the school house and swept everything in its path in a northeasterly direction, stricking the house of John Nichols, swepi it from foundation, scattering content*' and material for a mile or more along its path, also vehicles and «»me -F>rk on the premises. ( VeupatUs -ought refuge in an out door cellar, the miK thing n< 4 torn asundei by the cyclone. \o lives were lo^t in Richland and no thoughts or theory attributes the freak elements of that Sabbath day to the joint discussion in the little school house, where both art and nature was made manifest, not soon to he forgotten, by those who heard, saw. feared and felt.
Later the religions work was furthered along through the labors of Revs. Wright and Cain, resulting in the erection of a fine church building in the latter eighties, situated on south line of section 15 as a beacon light and gospel dispensary; gaining numerical strength, as well as being the early Christian home of Harold Olmstead, son of JT. D. Olmstead, who later has won distinction in ins evangelistic work in other states as well as at hgtne. With three denominational churches, within her borders and four nearby ( Friends ) in which two or more ordained ministers of today had their early Christian home. Revs. Wells and Hinshaw, and two of the M. P. denomination, A. Shipman and IT. W oodward, who later joined the M. E. church in his early ministry ; which ail goes to show Richland's output and progress in Christian workers and work in line with all other advances during this historical period and greater results of the seed sown will doubtless later be known.
In 1890 the Federal census of Richland (taken by the writer) recorded the least percent, of illiteracy of any enumerator district in the state, save one, being a fraction over one and one-half per cent, of all who were ten years old and over, and the same can be said on the line of poverty and pauperism.
The first Federal postoffice established within bounds of the township was in%873 at the residence of L. M. Williams, situated on southeast quarter of section 5, and known as Rose Hill postoffice,^deriving the name through J. H. Lowrey who had a great fancy for botanical culture and made great effort to beautify his home claim, the northwest quarter of section 8, in the early summer of seventy-three by growing roses and other flowers and shrubbery* to his fancy to be known as the Rose farm. But his efforts were badly blighted the following year by the grasshopper invasion, and all he had left to start with on the
* 1874 Info from National Archives
___7^* ____ftW cVg*? feftj
. following spring was the name, which was perpetuated in the name of the postoffice, L. M. Williams being first postmaster and continued as such for five years, when the office was moved north one mile to the house of H. C. Staley who succeeded Mr. Williams as postmaster. A few years later,%lr. Meeker succeeded Mr. Staley till Rose Hill became a railroad village and office established. The second Federal office was at Rev. Harrison’s on section 21 and known as Richland Centre, in 1878 or-4-879, being discontinued 61^1882. The third Federal postoffice within bounds, was in the early summer of^883 on section 34, Providence postoffice, the name given the inland mineral water resort.
.|. ^John Dunnell was appointed postmaster, whose son, C. F. Dunnell, pre-empted the land and sunk a well to the depth of 142 feet and struck water of a salty, peculiar taste, lie was advised to have it analyzed rather than discarding its use entirely for domestic purposes; which was done. The great beneficial and curative properties were tested by several, for ailments and infirmities. Among those was A. Hide of Wichita, who, after receiving great benefit from the use of water, was instrumental and prime mover in the organizing of a stock company, for improvements of well, comforts and convenience of any who stood in need of the healing balm.
A general supply store was built north of the road by A. A. Hyde, also the fine country dwelling {now owned by K. M. Holcomb). The store building was one of uvo stories. Norman Hagan acted as proprietor of the store, his family occupying the rooms above. This continued for a time. The stock was later purchased by H. T. Holcomb who continued the store and postoffice for several years. N. M. Mare put up a convenient blacksmith shop on the new town site, Warrender N Beedy a good livery barn ; a dwelling of modern architecture was also built nearby and occupied several years by R. Warrender. Copner built on Mineral street and kept a fair stock of merchandise in connection with the postoffice. C F. Dunnell and another family had their residences on this street, and Rev. Latham later conducted a store on Providence row. Dr. Adams for a time occupied the hotel and conducted a drug store. The north building on Mineral street was a neat cottage built and occupied by the builder, as a residence and confectionary in a small degree. All lines of business enjoyed a profitable patronage so long as the prime movers and patrons, during the Wichita boom days, lent support and advocated the beneficial effects of a few weeks’ outing at the Providence mineral resort. Numerous parties during the summer of 1885-6 and later, from Wichita, enjoyed (or endured) a few weeks,1 stay at Providence, Butler county.
Causing a depression or cessation of business and interest of Providence, on par, with that of the Peerless Princess collapse period. When Wichita lost faith in herself, Providence was sold to the farmers in that vicinity. Following this was the Oklahoma boom and opening, and many of the village residents winged that way. Soon many dwellings
Richland Centre P.0. March 10, 1878 to
Oct 5, 1881
Providence July 7, 1881 to
Oct. 5, 1896
* Mr Meeker was never Postmaster at Rose Hill.
Mr. Keister was Postmaster. He was the manager of the Meeker store.
** Mr. Lloyd W. Dunnell was the first postmaster at Providence
info from National Archives, Washington D.C.
2 OQ
of the mineral well village left on wheels. George Osborn has several on his farm which have been twice wrecked by cyclone since mewing; he said it was Providentially so ordained and no fault of his. One store and the postoffice was kept alive bv various parties until 1898 when it was discontinued and the building moved off, leaving the hotel and K. M. Holcomb’s residence of the original Providence, which still remain. The hotel is now by beqeathment the property of Ed Dunnell, son of C. F. Dunnell. With the gradual decline and patronage of the healing qualities of the Providence mineral output, during the eighties, was the incentive for Rose Hill to forge to the front, which it did on completion of the railroad in 1887. Situated in the northwest part of the township, surrounded by a fine agricultural and stock company, it sonn became a very prominent Hupping point which, like the town, has been on the increase, keeping pace with progress.
Rose Hill is noted as a clean, tidy village. A larger per cent, of its buildings are more artistically painted than any town in the county and boasts of more and better sidewalks in proportion to population than any wide-awake town in the county. Good walks extend to the high school building in the south part of the village .all pupils attending this school residing one-half mile distant are conveyed to and from school at the expense of district in comfortable rigs fitted for that purpose.
Rose Hill is the iistributing point of two rural routes, and lias up-to-date ’phone, service with surrounding country and towns.
Of the forty-seven personal tax payers of 1875. only seven are found on the personal tax roll of 1010, \s follows: "riles. A. J.; Gramer. A. J.: Himebaugh. L. D.: Millison. Win.: Wm.: Williams. L. M.: Mc-Cluggage. Jas.
' One branch of the Texas cattle drive via Wichita to Abiline traversed Richland township from southeast to northwest, where a herd of 1000 or more long horns could he seen most any day during midsummer of 1870, and a few drives were made the following year, when settlement interfered, forcing the drive west of the Arkansas river, terminating at Dodge City on completion of railroad to that point. The class of cattle and the men who handled them (cowboys) were monarch of all they surveyed and their rights there were none to dispute, resulted in many tragic fatalities. The cattle were chuck full of the same spirit: settlers often rode out to see the herds when grazing, with a view of purchasing one for beef, and would naturally dismount to look more closely, but he was warned hv several long horns facing him, indicating, “You get off the grass, or into your saddle, or we will raise you one.” No time was lost in getting back into saddle. Many of these Texas cattle were purchased and wintered here and sent to market the following summer. There being no railroad they were driven to Kansas City or some point in Missouri. Texas cattle wintered in the state of Kansas were by statutory law exempt from quarantine and permitted to be driven to market on certificate of county clerk of county, where wintered.From
The History of Butler County by
Vol Mooney 1916
f Continued.)
By D. Himebaugh.
Richland township bounded on the north by Pleasan* township, on the east by Douglass township, on the south by Cowley county, on the west by Sedgwick county, situated in the center of a prosperous and productive area known as the Big Four Counties of Kansas.
Pioneer Period.—The pioneer period in the writer’s view and experience terminated proper with the grasshopper plaugue and devastation of 1874. What can be said of events and endurance of settlers in one section or township of this domain (unequalled in a like area today within the hounds of Kansas) will apply in a great measure to all parts of the territory. The first white settlement within the bounds of what is now known as Richland township was made on Eight Mile Creek in the summer of 1868 by John Steock, James Olmstead and Harve Henderson. This was the year of the Indian depredation to the extent of die killing of Mr. Dunn and his associate about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the Olmstead mill, built in 1872 and later known as Dunn's mill. This had a tendency to confine settlement to near town (or rather town site) of Douglass for that summer; but the following year the valley of Eight Mile was claimed as far as the north line of the township, and cabins were erected hv A. Liddle, H. Kellems. V. Love, M. G. Jones and Dick Reed, In the early spring of 1870 the writer laid claim to a share of this beautiful donia'Tn, locating on the south line of the township, which was then bounded on the south by Indian Territory. No soldiers patrolled the line and such a person as a “sooner" was not known. No person was a trespasser: anywhere he wished to go he had only -to take his chances on meeting with half-civilized or hostile Indians or being visited by that class of people in sheep’s clothing, who made a business of borrowing horses at night and never returning them. It was a necessarv custom with settlers that summer to
. (13) 03
RICHLAND TOWNSHIP 1879 598 New Enterprise
1881 616 Douglass Index
1882 600 n 11
bring all work stock from the lariat and tie them to a wagon or near a tent or shanty before retiring for the night. But over in Douglass township in November of that year they began tying up suspicious men at the rate of eight per month, which had a telling effect in keeping-horses from straying off at night. In July of this year all the Indian land to the south side of the State was treated for and surveyed the following winter. »
This started a flow of immigration into this* part of the State and Richland got her share for several years, when the grasshopper invasion and devastation of 1874 caused a lull in this line. Not only this, but many settlers left the township and some the State to spend the winter with wives’ folks and oilier kindred. While the grasshopper invasion of this year came without warning in August, yet one month previous, July j6, the settlers of south Butler and north Cowley received a midnight warning that later proved to be false, but not until nearly every settler from the Arkansas River east to Walnut had deserted their homes in haste. Some children were loaded into wagons in their night garments with such supplies as were at hand and off they went, fleeing as they thought from a band of hostile Indians reported to have burned Belle Plain and coming east, killing and scalping every woman and child enroute.
The Cheyenne and Osage Indians being a little on the warpath that year as to tribal claims, afforded some grounds for the belief of the report that was started by two parties who were making a night ride east to unknown parts, and for a sensational motive called at a farm house and reported that a band of Indians was slaughtering the settlers just west of the river and they were fleeing from them. They reported the same at every house they passed, not giving any explanation only that they saw the Indians and Belle Plain was in flames. A paririe fire in that direction helped to give credence to their report. They soon had some follows, and they, feeling an interest in the safety of their neighbors, the tidings spread and the thoughs of defending wife and little ones at home prompted many to join the sampede for a more numerous and defensive stronghold. The writer was routed out by a lad, who with his parents was several miles from home, just as the first ray of morning light was visible in the eastern horizon. Pie related his Indian story, and requested him to get a gun and join them about eighty rods west at the house of Mr. Broughton. After getting on hoots and starting a fire, we sauntered out to learn the cause for all this, and found that the boy was not trying to play a joke on a lone bachelor. After consoling myself with the thought that no Indians were coming our way, I returned, got breakfast, did the morning chores, then saddled my horse and galloped south a mile to learn how the widow Daniels and her large family were feeling over this Indian scare report. To my surprise all were gone save the old gray mare that was grazing leisurely about the yard. The kitchen door was open
and sugar, flour and other supplies were scattered about the floor. Not seeing any marks of fndian depredations or moccasin footprints, we at once concluded that they, too, had got up earlier than usual and hastened away to save their scalps. On returning home we learned that Eight Mile and Walnut woods were full of men, women and children, and on half rations and ammunition, caused by their hasty exit from home. Sam Parker and several others went out west to spy out the situation, returning soon after the noon hour with the report that no Indians were in it at all. The whole thing was a sham and a false report. This was tidings of great joy, and all returned to their homes
swearng vengeance against the ones who originated the stampede. It was later reported that those two fellows never stopped till they struck the blackjacks in Missouri.
The winter of 1874-1875 is known and ^remembered as the ‘‘aid winter,” not alone for the amount of aid the remaining settlers of the township received in the full sense of the emergency, but the style of supplies sent by the kind, sympathetic people of other States for gratuitous distribution among the grasshopper sufferers of Kansas. Augusta being the county central supply headquarters, everything was sent there, and every two weeks it was appropriates to the different township committees and brought by one of them 01 their order for final distribution.
history of butler county
The aid distributing point for* this township was at the home of Deacon Harris, one-half mile west of the center of the township. Here nearly a.11 he Richlanders met on the iirst and third Saturday afternoons of each month, more to see and associate together than to receive. The style of wearing apparel placed on exhibition for claimants and distribution caused great amusement and was more varied than their wardrobe had ever contained and might have put even the Indians to fbght. At the present day it would be styled a lummage sale. They were the cast-off garments of forty years ago or more, gathered from attics “way down liaM,” such as old Shaker and pasteboard bonnets, stove pipe hat with ventilators in the top, homespun dress skirts, striped threadbare shawls, cutaway swallow tail coats, old barn door pants, etc. The supplies for tile inner man were more fitting and more sought for, which consisted of corn meal, flour, sugar, beans and occasionally bacon and dried fruit. At one time by mistake a barrel of coffee was sent instead of a barrel of beans. It was not distributed, the committee saying that it came by mistake and would be returned and corrected. It was returned to the back room and was lost in the hands of the committee. The writer doesn’t vouch for the accuracy of this saying, not being a beneficiary, but was several times a member of said distributing committee, which was revised in part or whole each month. This gratuitous distribution ceased long before grass started, but the people and stock' went through the winter in foir forking trim. Prominent among those who survived this period and are still residents of the township are Dick Reed, Janu s McCluggage, L. M. Williams, Nathan Davis, I\. L. Hodgin, J. H. Harris, A. J. Cramer and a few others. Since the writer changed his residence from the farm to Wichita, the first, named of this list is now the only resident of the township still residing on the claims settled on in the early spring of 1870. The closing of this period is generally considered to have been a “blessing in disguise.” The continued drought ot 1874 had doomed most of the crops when the grasshopper invasion of August came and consumed what little there was left save a few small fields of early planting on the streams, so the grasshopper was the leading issue of destruction. Meetings were called at various places and the situation discussed; expense funds were raised and a soliciting agent was sent back East to his old home and friends with* circulars and even official affidavits of the horrible state of the grasshopper devastation in Kansas, which was liberally responded to and very encouraging reports and supplies followed. The first cash in many instances was returned to the donors in defraying railroad expenses of the party rent, after which all donations were equally divided among the needy of that section. A stock company of ten was formed in North Cowley county by advancing five dollars each to send Adam Walck back to Ohio. This committee of ten was to have full benefit of all aid solicitations by him while in Ohio. The first consignment was clothing and one hundred dollars. This was 100 per cent.
profit in cash to the stockholders and their stock at once went to a premium. One young’ fellow sold bR stock to a poor widow for her only cow. Later another party sold his^ twice in one day, as he was ready to leave the country, realizing twenty dollars. No further cash contributions came through that channel. The most lasting benefit to the State at large in this line was in the individual and Congressional contribution of seeds in abundance of various kinds, which started the country afresh with the best seeds of the land. Yet, in short, all church, public ami individual aid from the East was <hilv appreciated as will be later noted.
Richland township during thi< pioneer period was visited by several destructive prairie fires caused by Indians firing the prairie. South of us. near the State line, with favorable wind 'and little obstruction, it soon swept north for many miles. In October, 1871, the greater part‘of Richland surface was swept bv one of these fires, the loss of much property and one death resulting. George Cline, then at work on Flight Mile for M. (i. Jones, perceiving that a fire was coining from the south, at once set out to protect his claim shanty, located one mile south, but the raging flames reached there before lie did. His only hope was to hasten back, but was soon overtaken by the oncoming fire and in an effort to run through the flames all his clothing was burned from his person. Fn this agonizing state he managed to get back to Mr. Jones’, and died from his injuries the following day. In his conscious hours he related his experience, stating that he had on his person $200 in a leather pocketbook. After his sufferings ended several parties went up to search for the lost purse. A few buttons and a pocket knife were found and also footprints of a horse, which was followed to a place two miles northeast, a light rain having fallen aftei the fire passed over, making it an easy matter to follow the footpirnts. The peculiar shape of the track led to the ownership of the horse, and on inquiry it was learned that he had. started on business for Emporia that morning. Two parties with a legally executed search warrant were hastened up the valley, overtaking their man above El Dorado, who denied finding the purse, but on being informed that he would have to submit to a search, as they held papers to that effect, he confessed and produced the outward scorched purse with full contents and was permitted to go on. In the same fire, Mbs. M. H. Lea, near the center of the township, on seeing the coming flames nearing her house, and thinking it would be consumed, in her excitement picked up the feather bed and ran out of doors in order to save it, but before she found a suitable place for it the smoke and heat caused her to drop the bed and get back in the house. The feather bed was cremated, but the house and contents were uninjured. The following year in an electric storm, Joseph Kellems, only son of Harmon Kellems, and a brother of Mrs. Jesse Perry, was instantly killed by lightning a few hundred yards west of where Pleasant Valley school house now stands. Following this, another respected
citizen residing* in the west part of the township, Mr. Sleeker, lost his hay barn from this cause, consuming two horses and a wagon. Recovering somewhat from this loss, he left the township and later, with a member of his family, met death on a railroad crossing in Cowley county.
It can be said to the credit of Richland that during this period when unwritten law and expert bluffing and spasmodic use of firearms predominated, no serious blood was shed in adjusting rights of settlers and their deliberations one with the other. On the other hand, every settler's latch string hung out, and his supplies for the inner man (if he had any! were in a measure free and it was no crime or trespass for one settler to stop and get feed for himself and horse in the absence of the proprietor. He would leave his card of thanks and move on, perhaps looking for a claim, a stray horse, or something else. It was a period of socialism in its true sense, as one person was just as good as his best neighbor and had just as much (nothing) and could easily and readily divide.
Exports of this period consisted principally of hides from long horn cattle that had failed to tide through the winters after having been driven from Texas late in the season; a few deer pelts and furs, such as mink, otter, wolf, raccoon and feathered game during the winter season. The imports were everything else of necessity, wagoned from Emporia and later from Florence, except venison and buffalo meat, which was then obtained near at hand, but not without some hardships and suffering when overtaken by blizzards so frequent in those days on the treeless prairie. Jake VanBuskirk described the outcome of those days in this manner: On being interrogated by a new comer, the following-
year. as to how the people managed to live through this trying pioneer period, said: “Well, sir, it was just this way: Our garments waxed
not old in those days, and we subsisted principally on grasshoppers, buffalo meat, dead prairie chickens, jack rabbits, slippery elm bark and catfish." .
On or about the beginning of the year of 1875, the cloud of pioneer gloom and adversity rapidly dispersed and the sunlight of progress and prosperity rewarded the toilers with bountiful crops for many years to the extent that Richland had plenty and to spare. In just one decade, from 1874 to 1884, when the township conributed a full car of Xo. 1 corn to the Ohio Valley sufferers, caused by the highest water ever known in that valley, a whole train load was sent from Kansas, a reciprocal donation for past favors, with interest, based on money value. This corn was sold to a Kentucky syndicate and the proceeds given to the destitue. We learned that it was converted into whiskey and presume shipped back to the West under the label of Kentucky Bourbon or Old Rye, and sold for four or five dollars per gallon. This was equal to assisting a mule from the mire and when his going is established, to have him right about and kick you. The rapid settlement of Rich-
land during’ this decade (and previous) were by an industrious class of people and early advocates of schools, education and political equal rights.
Richland township, in its primitive state previous to 1874, politically was under ^Douglass township rule, they having the balance of power, controlling the nomination and election of all township officers. All judiciary was held in Douglass and heavy assessing in Richland. Tbe trustee would come over into Richland and assess everything he could find on a claim whether the owner was there or not, regardless to whom it belonged, just so he knew who was holding down the claim; assess all rails and posts anywhere on the land at five dollars per hundred and all dead animals (if he could learn that they were alive on March rst of that year) and all in school district No. 20. This and the course of other events, of taxation without representation, caused the circulation of a petition praying that we might be set off as a separate township, which petition was at first rejected by the county commissioners on grounds that it was penciled instead of being penned, and a few other minor technicalities. A meeting was then called at Maple Creek school house, the petition renewed and enlarged and names suggested for the township. H. B. Furgeson claims to have suggested the name Richland, which being most appropriate and fitting, was adopted. The prayed for petition was granted in January, 1874, and the first election was held on April 19th of that year in a claim house owned by Mrs. Snodgrass, situated near the southeast corner of southwest one-fourth of section 15. A few days previous to the election a called meeting was held at Maple Creek school house, and the following ticket formulated: Trustee, J. IT. Lowery; clerk, P>. M. Hodgin; treasurer, A. J. Cramer; justices. Smith Goodspeed and J. Vanhouton; constables, F. Fleck and J. Oldham. At this first election forty-eight votes were cast. Early on election day a bolt was made on the nominee for trustee and L. B. Hull was elected in his stead along with the balance of the ticket.
This election board was composed of, judges, Smith Goodspeed, T. Fleck, M. H. Lee; clerks, J. II. Lowery and L. D. Himebaugh.
This being the hopper devastation year, our State motto, “Ad Astra Per AsperaT can be very fittingly applied to this little sub-division. All the elect qualified in due time, save treasurer, who, for cause of absence from township, L. D. Himebaugh was appointed in his stead for ensuing year. Same officers were re-elected the following year. L. B. Hull served the township as trustee for several years, and was succeeded by James McCluggage for two terms. Up to this time party politics was not knowm or recognized in selection of candidates for township officers, which was usually done with little or no previous arrangement, on the morning of election. Clerks and judges of election after being duly sworn and opening of polls, would have a temporary recess, till ticket was formulated and ready to be passed by a judge from the hand of a voter to a paper box (usually a shoe
* Richland Township was part of Walnut Township History of Kansas by Andreas 1883
history of butler county
box) with hole in top covered with a primer, almanac or a pamphlet of lecent election laws. At this period and for a few years later, township elections were held in February, until Richland Centre school house was built in 1878. All elections were held one-half mile west at Deacon Harris’s,” or on south side of road at Rev. Harrison s. Just previous to the spring election of 1880 the first township (Republican) caucus was held and the following township ticket nominated: Trustee, L, D. Himebaugh ; treasurer, D. \V. Ulam ; clerk, James YVal-ton; justices, Smith Goodspeed and A. Vanhouton ; constables, H. B. Furgeson and Than Fleck.
1 his year in early summer Smith Goodspeed moved from Kansas to Oregon, after having serv ed as justice eight'years and having had many important as well as many unimportant justice of peace cases to dispose of which when carried to higher courts, his finding was generally sustained. One on change of yenue was the noted civil action, wherein Kiel Wilkie was plaintiff and Sam Parker, defendant. Controversy was over an old stone wagon worth $10 or $12 used by plaintiff while making the fill in YValnut river west of Douglass. Both plaintiff and defendant claiming ownership of wagon by purchase from different parties. After being used several days by plaintiff, it disappeared between two days, and its whereabouts were only known (or supposed to be known) by defendant. A legal search did not re. veal all parts of the wagon. The plaintiff at a hearing before Justice Goodspeed was represented by Attorney A. L. Redden of FI Dorado, and defense by Wail Webb of Winfield. The proceeding was to establish ownership of property. After all evidence had been produced and ably commented on by attorneys, the Court's finding was for defendant. Appeal was taken to a higher court, which, in time, sustained the justice Court’s decision, arid the wagon, if ever found, was probably by this time in some junk pile. Mr. Goodspeed was a justice in the full sense of the term, would always bring about a compromise between litigants, if in his power to do so. At one time two of his neighbors, of equal merit in his estimation, became angered and a little bloodthirsty at each other over trespassing of stock pro and con between them, one had exacted several dollars’ damage by retaining his stock, when found on his premises a few days later, his cattle was lured across the road and corralled. Notice was.given the owner, of which he paid no heed, but at a late hour of the night,, stole across and drove his stock home. O11 finding his neighbor’s stock was back home in the morning without his knowledge, his ind:gnation was then ripe for a fight or a suit. Squire Goodspeed was consulted, failing to effect a peaceable settlement and wishing to avoid a suit, suggested a settlement by referee, by taking thirteen names of householders in the community, and each party striking off alternately one name till twelve were challenged, and the remaining one should hear the evidence and his decision be final. This being agreed upon, the referee honor, task
20 I
or misfortune fell to L. D. Himebaugh, who, after hearing ihe sworn testimony of plaintiff and defendant, revealing the fact that defendant had wilfully opened carroll and driven the cattle from plaintiff’s enclosure, in violation of herd law custom, his decision was $i damages to be paid plaintiff bv defendant and cost of referee proceedings in all, S4.40. Justice Goodspeed enjoyed or rather endured nearly all township, judiciary and legal business, even in officiating in occasional marriages, whose tying up, like that of his judiciary, was seldom reversed. The justice of the peace business in central and southern part of township was later administered by II. IV Furgeson, James Walton. L. I). Himebaugh. J. II. Price and A. J. Thetgee. all of whom, save latter, enjoyed all the business they desired and more too, and gladly passed it on to some one else at expiration of office term. The same can be *aid of Staley, Smith, Hall, Oldham and Vanhouton. in north part of township, who officiated at different times, in that capacity.
Republican nominees with I.. IV Hull as trustee met with success at polls in 1882-3-4-5, head of ticket suffered defeat, first by a Republican and later a Democrat, (IV M. Hodgin'), who held the office two years, by reason of a legislative act setting aside spring elections and continuing township officer* till November election. The November election of r88o resulted a* follows: Trustee. James McCluggage;
clerk, A. Simpson : treasurer. D. \Y. Ulam; justices, Rev.- Woodward and FT. B. Furgeson. Trustee elected November, 1887, ^ J. Cramer; trustee elected November, r888. James McCluggage: trustee elected November, 1880, IV M. Hodgin ; trustee elected November. 180,0. Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, i8qi, Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, 1892, A. J. Cramer: trustee elected November, 1893, W. S. Bacon ; trustee elected Novmber, 1894, H. B. Furgeson ; trustee elected November, 1895 and r896, H. D. Olmstead; trustee elected November. 1897 and 1898, B. G. Chauncv; trustee elected November, 1899, J. M. Kuhn: trustee elected November, 1900 and 1901. N. Russell; trustee elected November, 1902 and 1903, F. Staley, which office was made vacant by person-elect moving from township, and L. D. Himebaugh was appointed by county commissioners to fill vacancy. After this date by legislative act, township officers were elected for two years, instead of one. Trustee elected 1904, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1906, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1908, O. E. King; trustee elected 1910, O. E. King. Three members of first county commissioner's district were chosen from Richland during this period; A. Mas-terson, Lafe Stone, and L. B. Hull (later by appointment to fill vacancy). Several of her worthy citizens have been honored with a place on county ticket, but generally location and not qualification were adverse to success at polls, except on educational lines, treated of in following subject.
As formerly stated, Richland pioneer^ were early advocate* of schools and methods of education. And like all new countries, efforts
to organize a school district had its adversaries, as a small per cent, of the land was dedded and subject to taxation, many householders were bachelors. A school district, to enumerate fifteen children of school age. required in the early ’70's nine or ten square miles in order to erect a school building by bond issue, and in many cases this bond proposition met with defeat through those who would have the burden of taxation to bear for a few years, and those whose time had not yet come to have children of their own to educate. In districts where this interest predominated a claim house was donated, by some bachelor who had made final entry on his claim or perhaps moved in with a neighbor bachelor, to let his house be fixed up and used for school purposes. Law made it necessary for a term of three months school to be taught by a qualified teacher in a newly formed district before being entitled to any state funds. This first school by subscription, like many other requirements in pioneer days, was breaking the ice and paving the way for smoother sailing and better days. Yet, with few exceptions, all settlers subscribed freely towards maintaining the first school, but in many instances, drouth, grasshoppers or prairie fires caused some to fall short of their subscription when time and effort to collect rolled round. A teacher’s order in those days, like some other commercial paper, was not worth much at home and less abroad, necessitating a few to increase their original subscriptions to meet delinquency. School district Xo. 63, being the first to organize within the bounds of township embracing three and one-half miles North and South, and three miles East and West. First school was taught in early summer of ’73, by ]\Irs. Freeman at $15 per month, in a claim house near the southeast corner of northeast quarter of section 27, belonging to Tames Lee, repaired and fitted up for school purposes. There being no travelled roads or visible lines, it was thought best by patrons to run a furrow from school house to northeast corner of district, which was done with breaking plow to aid pupils in that part of the district to go to and from school. The following year district 80 was organized in southwest corner of township, being the first to erect a school building by aid of bonds. Said bonds were sold at eighty cents. Seventy-eight, (Diamond), district followed in organizing and soon erected a fine stone school building. Eightv-one was organized and completed its school building a short time prior to that of 78. One hundred nine was next organized and several terms were taught in a claim house before a school building proper was erected. District No. 100, previously numerically given, but later organized in limitation by taking territory from districts 63, 78, and 109, in order that a suitable location of said district 100 would be in centre of township, convenient for both school and township purposes. District no, on or near north line of township, was also organized in the latter 70's, being very artistically finished for that day, but like that of 81, got too big for its clothes, and merged with several other districts, (or parts of them), into a consolidated union in 1907 for methods of advanced education.
In less than one decade from date of organization in Richland township had seven public school buildings within her borders, where, in each a school was maintained from three to seven months during the year, and Richland soon took place in first column and near the top too for good school buildings, good schools and good teachers. From the ranks of its teachers came the first female county superintendent of Butler county, Mrs. Florence FTolcomb Olmstead. who devoted her time, talent, and energy in the discharge of her official duty, giving, as it were, her life in the line of education and reform. She, coming to Kansas from Indiana with her parents in seventv-two, began teaching at the age of sixteen, was Federal census enumerator of Richland township in 18S0. She died at the age of thirfv-thrce. near the close of her office term as county superintendent. Four vears later, 1804. another one of Richland's teachers, K. M. Holcomb, a member of same family, was called by vote of the people to the high and honorable office of county superintenden of public institutions. Like that of his sister, his administration was up-to-date, of that day in theorv and practice, full of flowers and reforms, pertaining to education and social interest, leaving footprints, not in the sands, but indelibly stamped in the minds of the rising generation to his official credit and the fair land if Richland. 1
On completion of the Saute Fe cut off from Am usta to Mulvane, the name and business of Rose Hill was moved one mile west, and enjoyed a steady growth in business and population : that the town with a little adjoining territory formed a school district, erecting the eighth school building within the townshjp, in the year 1900 numerically known as district No. I la. or the'V'Tew Rose Hill school. A few years later the consolidation of rural districts for a township, or central high school, was strongly advocated by leading educators and being adopted and tried with good results in some sections of the State: the energetic people of Rose Hill and vicinity were enthused with the opportunity for establishing a high consolidated school in the voting town as a further incentive to progress and prosperity. After due and legal primaries, an election was called, resulting in favor of consolidation of four school districts. A bond election was held in due time to vote on the proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $10,000 for the erection of a consolidated high school building. Said election resulted in favor of bond issue; tfreJMuty hall was fitted up and seated for school purposes, where the first school was held, commencing September, 1908, with^C^JO pupils attending. On completion of the new, commodious and imposing school buildings, a feeling of good cheer went up from patrons and pupils. Septembe$*T9o9; the four departments with principal and four assistants, opmted with renewed vigor and increased enrollment of pupils, for a nine month term for ensuing year. Lilly Picket and Merl Moon have the honor of being the first graduates of this institution, which exercises were held at close of term, rpc*).
1 * Railroad was built by Chicago, Kansas & Western Railroad Co. Santa Fe purchased it several years later, Info Mitchell abstract.
2 **School was held in the I.0.0.F hall until school house was finished
*** Sept. 1908'
3. 146 pupils
4. New location only, same It
L 'uJcr amusements is classed the various methods of social sporting and beneficial entertainments during this historical period. The first nuulgence in this line by early settlers was as much of a necessity as amusement. Deer, antelope, badger, (and along the streams, wild turkey, laccoons and heaver), were quite numerous, affording both spoit and/ meat, in their Rapture. At times several horsemen with hounds and guns would chase a bunch of deer or antelope, as much for the sport as their capture. Mr. Couch and his boys, (later of Oklahoma tame I, would often indulge in that kind of sport between the Walnut and Arkansas generally bagging their game by the time the chase reached one of the extremes. The writer well remembers when at one time his newly made garden suffered a tramping up by two does and a buck, leading four hounds followed by several broncos and riders; none ever so much as halted to offer an apology for the intrusion; one-half mile west the creek was crossed and a counter chase was made down north side of creek, resulting in the capture of one doe; the other two were permitted to go on for the chase another day, or target for some settler’s rifle. The still and.hide hunt was more successful in bagging of antelope and turkey. A pony purse, horse race and occasional shoot-iny match for a hog, goose or turkey was indulged in with much compelling interest in those days; until the fair sex numbers and influence changed the order of things somewhat, when social gatherings at some ranch dwelling was of frequent occurance, where quadrille and waltz kept pace and step to violin music.
[.ike all pioneer settlements, the dance mania like the ague, of that day, was nearly unanimous, at least tne majority had it bad, yes and good too, as later on, when Richland was part of Rev. Harrison’s mission field, the proceeds of a social dance and supper was occasionally means for a pastor’s donation; and by him accepted in good faith.
These social entertainments were ,soou varied somewhat by organization of literary societies for social and mutual benefit. The first in the township was organized December 14, 1872, at John Gardener’s house, situated near south line of section 17. The prime movers being Mr. Goodspeed, Mr. Gardner, Mrs. Weston, Miss Jennie Weston and Miss Maria Walton. This was principally a debating society, of questions pertaining to best interest and needs of settlers, herd law, female suffrage, credit system, etc. The participants were Gardner, Goodspeed, Roberts, Doc. Berger, Tucker, Walton, Gaymon, Stansberry, McClug-gage, Carlton, Furgeson, and Mrs. Weston. The society was well attended and well conducted, meeting semi-monthly during the winter.
It was re-organized at same place in early winter of seventy-three, and changed place of meeting to Maple Creek school house on its completion in 1874, at which place it was re-organized and held for several consecutive winters. Soon after the completion of school building in district 78, (Diamond), an interesting debating suciety was organized in that part of township. The leading lights being L. B. Hull and sons,
1900- School district was divided in the center, geographicaly, and the Rose Hill district moved to a new school house one mile to the west. The district which stayed in the old building became Excelsor District # 169.
HISTORY of butler county
Williams. Cox. Sinclair. Davis, Picket and the Tlodgin brothers. A good literary program, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, dialogues and paper, was rendered semi-monthly. L. M. Williams held the standing appointment as critic at all meerings, whose criticisms were beneficially and well rendered. The society continued with unabated interest for several winters. The third organization of this nature within the border*- of the- township was at Providence school house during the winter of 1883-4, and known as the Rose Lawn Literary society which met semi-monthly during the winter, being a debating society, in general. Participants were W. G. (iiesv, George Rannon. J. R. McKay, Dr. Work. !i. R. Furgeson. Himebaugh. A. C. Thetgee and others. Following this, a few wars later, the Mutual Information Society was organized and held meetings for mutual benefit in town hall over the store, during the winter and earl)' spring. This being a select or restricted organization, a clause in tiie by-laws required all members to prepare and take part in ail duties and subjects assigned them by president or committee on program, which made it diversified and no less interesting and beneficial. Another known as the Twilight Club, composed of school “marms," male teachers and students, met for mutual benefit at stated intervals in smith part of the township, during the closing winter of the nineteenth century. Miss Cora Stanley being the prime mover. Tn north part of township^ reading clubs and spelling contests greatly interested the progressive class during the nineties. The growth of Rose Hill during this and the following decade brought about the more up-to-date instruction and entertainments. .'side from the high school entertainments, and base ball contests, a series of lecture courses was held during the winter of 1009 and 1910 through auspices of the Lyceum Rureau, at the Rose Hill high school building.
As the primitive customs, of no noted observance o: the Sabbath day. in the business routine of labor and sociability with the early settlement of S. W. Kansas, like that of all other pioneer sections, grew in numerical strength, a Christian spirit, leading to Sabbath observance naturally begins to find favor and endorsement among all civilized people, so it was in Richland. ’Tis conceded that the first Sunday school organized within the bounds of Richland township was at the claim house of Miss Maria Walton, situated on northwest corner of southwest quarter section thirty-three, in the summer of t872. The prime movers being Miss Walton and brothers, all supplies being sent from Waukesha, Wis., their former home. The school continued to grow in interest and was later moved to the home of Mr. Hatch and on completion of the school house was for. years held there, known as the Maple Creek Sunday school.
At one period under the superintendency of L. P. Carlton was recognized the banner Sunday school of Richland township. Following this a Union Sunday school was organized in the north part of town-
ship, which was well .attended and much interest manifested. Mr. and Mrs. Haines and Mr, Staley were active in advancing- the cause. In the late summer of seventy-two, Rev. Green of the M. E. faith and order was given a Mission field in Southwest Butler and adjoining territory. He held a series of meetings at Stanberry’s house the following winter. The second missionary awakening was in the north part of te township, by one or more parties advocating the Seventh-day Advent doctrine. Meetings were held at the home of B. M. Hodgen, (a bachelor), whose home and hospitality were always open for religious services, as well as social entertainments, which often varied the evangelistic service with a change *>f program, for one evening. Rev. Harrison followed Rev. Green in his Mission field for a few years, organizing several classes, lie was later followed by Rev. McCoilister who changed the denominational order to that of Protestant Methodist which gained numerical strength and following, resulting in the erection and dedication of the first church house within the bounds of the township, in eighty-four, situated on northeast quarter of section 23, known as the Pleasant Ilill church. Several years later, Rose Hill class built a good church house, and later in 1906 the same denomination greeted a church two miles south of township, known as the Red Bud Church. The three classes constituted a ministerial field till 1909 when at the convening of the general conference, Rose Hill was set off as a station. Since then one minister is employed for Rose Hill class and one for Pleasant Hill and Red Bud.
The faith and order known as Friends were early in exercising their influence and worship, holding meetings from time to time at various places in north part of the township, and as early as 1881 completed a church house near the north line of the township, from which the good benefits have emanated equal in a great measure to that of Penn in colonial days. The next awakening was that of the Christian order by Revs. Harvey, Barret, Yard, in the latter seventies which gained endorsement and following through series of meetings held in various parts of township, setting forth Scripture teaching and the duty of man to man, and man to God, not fully in harmony with other orthodox creeds and belief. A joint discussion on this line worthy of historic note between Rev. Yard and an M. E. clergyman was held at Pleasant valley school house in July, 1879. The day was warm and sultry and the house filled to overflowing; during services a small cloud was seen to form apparently from a clear sky followed by a distant peal of thunder. As the approaching cloud grew more dense and gradually taking on the form of a twister, the knowledge being conveyed by the onlookers outside to the attentive listeners inside, soon marred the real interest of the discussion, which was changed to that of fear of the approaching storm. Some with their rigs hastily departed for home. The services had a premature concluding, as the approaching dense twister lowered and drew nearer, causing many to desert the dwelling
and seek outside protection along the hedges to which they citing with a firm grip, trusting flivine power beyond the elements for protection. It is said as Mr. Turner Holcomb and wife came and saw* the impending danger, Mrs. Holcomb, realizing that they could not reach home, said, “We must trust to Providence,” while her husband remarked, “Yes, trust in Providence, but cling to the hedge roots.” The center of the storm passed near, followed by a slight sprinkle of hail and drenching rain. The fierceness of the twktcr lowered to earth northwest of the school house and swept everything in its path in a northeasterly direction, stricking the house of John Nichols, swepi it from foundation, scattering content*' and material for a mile or more along its path, also vehicles and «»me -F>rk on the premises. ( VeupatUs -ought refuge in an out door cellar, the miK thing n< 4 torn asundei by the cyclone. \o lives were lo^t in Richland and no thoughts or theory attributes the freak elements of that Sabbath day to the joint discussion in the little school house, where both art and nature was made manifest, not soon to he forgotten, by those who heard, saw. feared and felt.
Later the religions work was furthered along through the labors of Revs. Wright and Cain, resulting in the erection of a fine church building in the latter eighties, situated on south line of section 15 as a beacon light and gospel dispensary; gaining numerical strength, as well as being the early Christian home of Harold Olmstead, son of JT. D. Olmstead, who later has won distinction in ins evangelistic work in other states as well as at hgtne. With three denominational churches, within her borders and four nearby ( Friends ) in which two or more ordained ministers of today had their early Christian home. Revs. Wells and Hinshaw, and two of the M. P. denomination, A. Shipman and IT. W oodward, who later joined the M. E. church in his early ministry ; which ail goes to show Richland's output and progress in Christian workers and work in line with all other advances during this historical period and greater results of the seed sown will doubtless later be known.
In 1890 the Federal census of Richland (taken by the writer) recorded the least percent, of illiteracy of any enumerator district in the state, save one, being a fraction over one and one-half per cent, of all who were ten years old and over, and the same can be said on the line of poverty and pauperism.
The first Federal postoffice established within bounds of the township was in%873 at the residence of L. M. Williams, situated on southeast quarter of section 5, and known as Rose Hill postoffice,^deriving the name through J. H. Lowrey who had a great fancy for botanical culture and made great effort to beautify his home claim, the northwest quarter of section 8, in the early summer of seventy-three by growing roses and other flowers and shrubbery* to his fancy to be known as the Rose farm. But his efforts were badly blighted the following year by the grasshopper invasion, and all he had left to start with on the
* 1874 Info from National Archives
___7^* ____ftW cVg*? feftj
. following spring was the name, which was perpetuated in the name of the postoffice, L. M. Williams being first postmaster and continued as such for five years, when the office was moved north one mile to the house of H. C. Staley who succeeded Mr. Williams as postmaster. A few years later,%lr. Meeker succeeded Mr. Staley till Rose Hill became a railroad village and office established. The second Federal office was at Rev. Harrison’s on section 21 and known as Richland Centre, in 1878 or-4-879, being discontinued 61^1882. The third Federal postoffice within bounds, was in the early summer of^883 on section 34, Providence postoffice, the name given the inland mineral water resort.
.|. ^John Dunnell was appointed postmaster, whose son, C. F. Dunnell, pre-empted the land and sunk a well to the depth of 142 feet and struck water of a salty, peculiar taste, lie was advised to have it analyzed rather than discarding its use entirely for domestic purposes; which was done. The great beneficial and curative properties were tested by several, for ailments and infirmities. Among those was A. Hide of Wichita, who, after receiving great benefit from the use of water, was instrumental and prime mover in the organizing of a stock company, for improvements of well, comforts and convenience of any who stood in need of the healing balm.
A general supply store was built north of the road by A. A. Hyde, also the fine country dwelling {now owned by K. M. Holcomb). The store building was one of uvo stories. Norman Hagan acted as proprietor of the store, his family occupying the rooms above. This continued for a time. The stock was later purchased by H. T. Holcomb who continued the store and postoffice for several years. N. M. Mare put up a convenient blacksmith shop on the new town site, Warrender N Beedy a good livery barn ; a dwelling of modern architecture was also built nearby and occupied several years by R. Warrender. Copner built on Mineral street and kept a fair stock of merchandise in connection with the postoffice. C F. Dunnell and another family had their residences on this street, and Rev. Latham later conducted a store on Providence row. Dr. Adams for a time occupied the hotel and conducted a drug store. The north building on Mineral street was a neat cottage built and occupied by the builder, as a residence and confectionary in a small degree. All lines of business enjoyed a profitable patronage so long as the prime movers and patrons, during the Wichita boom days, lent support and advocated the beneficial effects of a few weeks’ outing at the Providence mineral resort. Numerous parties during the summer of 1885-6 and later, from Wichita, enjoyed (or endured) a few weeks,1 stay at Providence, Butler county.
Causing a depression or cessation of business and interest of Providence, on par, with that of the Peerless Princess collapse period. When Wichita lost faith in herself, Providence was sold to the farmers in that vicinity. Following this was the Oklahoma boom and opening, and many of the village residents winged that way. Soon many dwellings
Richland Centre P.0. March 10, 1878 to
Oct 5, 1881
Providence July 7, 1881 to
Oct. 5, 1896
* Mr Meeker was never Postmaster at Rose Hill.
Mr. Keister was Postmaster. He was the manager of the Meeker store.
** Mr. Lloyd W. Dunnell was the first postmaster at Providence
info from National Archives, Washington D.C.
2 OQ
of the mineral well village left on wheels. George Osborn has several on his farm which have been twice wrecked by cyclone since mewing; he said it was Providentially so ordained and no fault of his. One store and the postoffice was kept alive bv various parties until 1898 when it was discontinued and the building moved off, leaving the hotel and K. M. Holcomb’s residence of the original Providence, which still remain. The hotel is now by beqeathment the property of Ed Dunnell, son of C. F. Dunnell. With the gradual decline and patronage of the healing qualities of the Providence mineral output, during the eighties, was the incentive for Rose Hill to forge to the front, which it did on completion of the railroad in 1887. Situated in the northwest part of the township, surrounded by a fine agricultural and stock company, it sonn became a very prominent Hupping point which, like the town, has been on the increase, keeping pace with progress.
Rose Hill is noted as a clean, tidy village. A larger per cent, of its buildings are more artistically painted than any town in the county and boasts of more and better sidewalks in proportion to population than any wide-awake town in the county. Good walks extend to the high school building in the south part of the village .all pupils attending this school residing one-half mile distant are conveyed to and from school at the expense of district in comfortable rigs fitted for that purpose.
Rose Hill is the iistributing point of two rural routes, and lias up-to-date ’phone, service with surrounding country and towns.
Of the forty-seven personal tax payers of 1875. only seven are found on the personal tax roll of 1010, \s follows: "riles. A. J.; Gramer. A. J.: Himebaugh. L. D.: Millison. Win.: Wm.: Williams. L. M.: Mc-Cluggage. Jas.
' One branch of the Texas cattle drive via Wichita to Abiline traversed Richland township from southeast to northwest, where a herd of 1000 or more long horns could he seen most any day during midsummer of 1870, and a few drives were made the following year, when settlement interfered, forcing the drive west of the Arkansas river, terminating at Dodge City on completion of railroad to that point. The class of cattle and the men who handled them (cowboys) were monarch of all they surveyed and their rights there were none to dispute, resulted in many tragic fatalities. The cattle were chuck full of the same spirit: settlers often rode out to see the herds when grazing, with a view of purchasing one for beef, and would naturally dismount to look more closely, but he was warned hv several long horns facing him, indicating, “You get off the grass, or into your saddle, or we will raise you one.” No time was lost in getting back into saddle. Many of these Texas cattle were purchased and wintered here and sent to market the following summer. There being no railroad they were driven to Kansas City or some point in Missouri. Texas cattle wintered in the state of Kansas were by statutory law exempt from quarantine and permitted to be driven to market on certificate of county clerk of county, where wintered.From
The History of Butler County by
Vol Mooney 1916
f Continued.)
By D. Himebaugh.
Richland township bounded on the north by Pleasan* township, on the east by Douglass township, on the south by Cowley county, on the west by Sedgwick county, situated in the center of a prosperous and productive area known as the Big Four Counties of Kansas.
Pioneer Period.—The pioneer period in the writer’s view and experience terminated proper with the grasshopper plaugue and devastation of 1874. What can be said of events and endurance of settlers in one section or township of this domain (unequalled in a like area today within the hounds of Kansas) will apply in a great measure to all parts of the territory. The first white settlement within the bounds of what is now known as Richland township was made on Eight Mile Creek in the summer of 1868 by John Steock, James Olmstead and Harve Henderson. This was the year of the Indian depredation to the extent of die killing of Mr. Dunn and his associate about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the Olmstead mill, built in 1872 and later known as Dunn's mill. This had a tendency to confine settlement to near town (or rather town site) of Douglass for that summer; but the following year the valley of Eight Mile was claimed as far as the north line of the township, and cabins were erected hv A. Liddle, H. Kellems. V. Love, M. G. Jones and Dick Reed, In the early spring of 1870 the writer laid claim to a share of this beautiful donia'Tn, locating on the south line of the township, which was then bounded on the south by Indian Territory. No soldiers patrolled the line and such a person as a “sooner" was not known. No person was a trespasser: anywhere he wished to go he had only -to take his chances on meeting with half-civilized or hostile Indians or being visited by that class of people in sheep’s clothing, who made a business of borrowing horses at night and never returning them. It was a necessarv custom with settlers that summer to
. (13) 03
RICHLAND TOWNSHIP 1879 598 New Enterprise
1881 616 Douglass Index
1882 600 n 11
bring all work stock from the lariat and tie them to a wagon or near a tent or shanty before retiring for the night. But over in Douglass township in November of that year they began tying up suspicious men at the rate of eight per month, which had a telling effect in keeping-horses from straying off at night. In July of this year all the Indian land to the south side of the State was treated for and surveyed the following winter. »
This started a flow of immigration into this* part of the State and Richland got her share for several years, when the grasshopper invasion and devastation of 1874 caused a lull in this line. Not only this, but many settlers left the township and some the State to spend the winter with wives’ folks and oilier kindred. While the grasshopper invasion of this year came without warning in August, yet one month previous, July j6, the settlers of south Butler and north Cowley received a midnight warning that later proved to be false, but not until nearly every settler from the Arkansas River east to Walnut had deserted their homes in haste. Some children were loaded into wagons in their night garments with such supplies as were at hand and off they went, fleeing as they thought from a band of hostile Indians reported to have burned Belle Plain and coming east, killing and scalping every woman and child enroute.
The Cheyenne and Osage Indians being a little on the warpath that year as to tribal claims, afforded some grounds for the belief of the report that was started by two parties who were making a night ride east to unknown parts, and for a sensational motive called at a farm house and reported that a band of Indians was slaughtering the settlers just west of the river and they were fleeing from them. They reported the same at every house they passed, not giving any explanation only that they saw the Indians and Belle Plain was in flames. A paririe fire in that direction helped to give credence to their report. They soon had some follows, and they, feeling an interest in the safety of their neighbors, the tidings spread and the thoughs of defending wife and little ones at home prompted many to join the sampede for a more numerous and defensive stronghold. The writer was routed out by a lad, who with his parents was several miles from home, just as the first ray of morning light was visible in the eastern horizon. Pie related his Indian story, and requested him to get a gun and join them about eighty rods west at the house of Mr. Broughton. After getting on hoots and starting a fire, we sauntered out to learn the cause for all this, and found that the boy was not trying to play a joke on a lone bachelor. After consoling myself with the thought that no Indians were coming our way, I returned, got breakfast, did the morning chores, then saddled my horse and galloped south a mile to learn how the widow Daniels and her large family were feeling over this Indian scare report. To my surprise all were gone save the old gray mare that was grazing leisurely about the yard. The kitchen door was open
and sugar, flour and other supplies were scattered about the floor. Not seeing any marks of fndian depredations or moccasin footprints, we at once concluded that they, too, had got up earlier than usual and hastened away to save their scalps. On returning home we learned that Eight Mile and Walnut woods were full of men, women and children, and on half rations and ammunition, caused by their hasty exit from home. Sam Parker and several others went out west to spy out the situation, returning soon after the noon hour with the report that no Indians were in it at all. The whole thing was a sham and a false report. This was tidings of great joy, and all returned to their homes
swearng vengeance against the ones who originated the stampede. It was later reported that those two fellows never stopped till they struck the blackjacks in Missouri.
The winter of 1874-1875 is known and ^remembered as the ‘‘aid winter,” not alone for the amount of aid the remaining settlers of the township received in the full sense of the emergency, but the style of supplies sent by the kind, sympathetic people of other States for gratuitous distribution among the grasshopper sufferers of Kansas. Augusta being the county central supply headquarters, everything was sent there, and every two weeks it was appropriates to the different township committees and brought by one of them 01 their order for final distribution.
history of butler county
The aid distributing point for* this township was at the home of Deacon Harris, one-half mile west of the center of the township. Here nearly a.11 he Richlanders met on the iirst and third Saturday afternoons of each month, more to see and associate together than to receive. The style of wearing apparel placed on exhibition for claimants and distribution caused great amusement and was more varied than their wardrobe had ever contained and might have put even the Indians to fbght. At the present day it would be styled a lummage sale. They were the cast-off garments of forty years ago or more, gathered from attics “way down liaM,” such as old Shaker and pasteboard bonnets, stove pipe hat with ventilators in the top, homespun dress skirts, striped threadbare shawls, cutaway swallow tail coats, old barn door pants, etc. The supplies for tile inner man were more fitting and more sought for, which consisted of corn meal, flour, sugar, beans and occasionally bacon and dried fruit. At one time by mistake a barrel of coffee was sent instead of a barrel of beans. It was not distributed, the committee saying that it came by mistake and would be returned and corrected. It was returned to the back room and was lost in the hands of the committee. The writer doesn’t vouch for the accuracy of this saying, not being a beneficiary, but was several times a member of said distributing committee, which was revised in part or whole each month. This gratuitous distribution ceased long before grass started, but the people and stock' went through the winter in foir forking trim. Prominent among those who survived this period and are still residents of the township are Dick Reed, Janu s McCluggage, L. M. Williams, Nathan Davis, I\. L. Hodgin, J. H. Harris, A. J. Cramer and a few others. Since the writer changed his residence from the farm to Wichita, the first, named of this list is now the only resident of the township still residing on the claims settled on in the early spring of 1870. The closing of this period is generally considered to have been a “blessing in disguise.” The continued drought ot 1874 had doomed most of the crops when the grasshopper invasion of August came and consumed what little there was left save a few small fields of early planting on the streams, so the grasshopper was the leading issue of destruction. Meetings were called at various places and the situation discussed; expense funds were raised and a soliciting agent was sent back East to his old home and friends with* circulars and even official affidavits of the horrible state of the grasshopper devastation in Kansas, which was liberally responded to and very encouraging reports and supplies followed. The first cash in many instances was returned to the donors in defraying railroad expenses of the party rent, after which all donations were equally divided among the needy of that section. A stock company of ten was formed in North Cowley county by advancing five dollars each to send Adam Walck back to Ohio. This committee of ten was to have full benefit of all aid solicitations by him while in Ohio. The first consignment was clothing and one hundred dollars. This was 100 per cent.
profit in cash to the stockholders and their stock at once went to a premium. One young’ fellow sold bR stock to a poor widow for her only cow. Later another party sold his^ twice in one day, as he was ready to leave the country, realizing twenty dollars. No further cash contributions came through that channel. The most lasting benefit to the State at large in this line was in the individual and Congressional contribution of seeds in abundance of various kinds, which started the country afresh with the best seeds of the land. Yet, in short, all church, public ami individual aid from the East was <hilv appreciated as will be later noted.
Richland township during thi< pioneer period was visited by several destructive prairie fires caused by Indians firing the prairie. South of us. near the State line, with favorable wind 'and little obstruction, it soon swept north for many miles. In October, 1871, the greater part‘of Richland surface was swept bv one of these fires, the loss of much property and one death resulting. George Cline, then at work on Flight Mile for M. (i. Jones, perceiving that a fire was coining from the south, at once set out to protect his claim shanty, located one mile south, but the raging flames reached there before lie did. His only hope was to hasten back, but was soon overtaken by the oncoming fire and in an effort to run through the flames all his clothing was burned from his person. Fn this agonizing state he managed to get back to Mr. Jones’, and died from his injuries the following day. In his conscious hours he related his experience, stating that he had on his person $200 in a leather pocketbook. After his sufferings ended several parties went up to search for the lost purse. A few buttons and a pocket knife were found and also footprints of a horse, which was followed to a place two miles northeast, a light rain having fallen aftei the fire passed over, making it an easy matter to follow the footpirnts. The peculiar shape of the track led to the ownership of the horse, and on inquiry it was learned that he had. started on business for Emporia that morning. Two parties with a legally executed search warrant were hastened up the valley, overtaking their man above El Dorado, who denied finding the purse, but on being informed that he would have to submit to a search, as they held papers to that effect, he confessed and produced the outward scorched purse with full contents and was permitted to go on. In the same fire, Mbs. M. H. Lea, near the center of the township, on seeing the coming flames nearing her house, and thinking it would be consumed, in her excitement picked up the feather bed and ran out of doors in order to save it, but before she found a suitable place for it the smoke and heat caused her to drop the bed and get back in the house. The feather bed was cremated, but the house and contents were uninjured. The following year in an electric storm, Joseph Kellems, only son of Harmon Kellems, and a brother of Mrs. Jesse Perry, was instantly killed by lightning a few hundred yards west of where Pleasant Valley school house now stands. Following this, another respected
citizen residing* in the west part of the township, Mr. Sleeker, lost his hay barn from this cause, consuming two horses and a wagon. Recovering somewhat from this loss, he left the township and later, with a member of his family, met death on a railroad crossing in Cowley county.
It can be said to the credit of Richland that during this period when unwritten law and expert bluffing and spasmodic use of firearms predominated, no serious blood was shed in adjusting rights of settlers and their deliberations one with the other. On the other hand, every settler's latch string hung out, and his supplies for the inner man (if he had any! were in a measure free and it was no crime or trespass for one settler to stop and get feed for himself and horse in the absence of the proprietor. He would leave his card of thanks and move on, perhaps looking for a claim, a stray horse, or something else. It was a period of socialism in its true sense, as one person was just as good as his best neighbor and had just as much (nothing) and could easily and readily divide.
Exports of this period consisted principally of hides from long horn cattle that had failed to tide through the winters after having been driven from Texas late in the season; a few deer pelts and furs, such as mink, otter, wolf, raccoon and feathered game during the winter season. The imports were everything else of necessity, wagoned from Emporia and later from Florence, except venison and buffalo meat, which was then obtained near at hand, but not without some hardships and suffering when overtaken by blizzards so frequent in those days on the treeless prairie. Jake VanBuskirk described the outcome of those days in this manner: On being interrogated by a new comer, the following-
year. as to how the people managed to live through this trying pioneer period, said: “Well, sir, it was just this way: Our garments waxed
not old in those days, and we subsisted principally on grasshoppers, buffalo meat, dead prairie chickens, jack rabbits, slippery elm bark and catfish." .
On or about the beginning of the year of 1875, the cloud of pioneer gloom and adversity rapidly dispersed and the sunlight of progress and prosperity rewarded the toilers with bountiful crops for many years to the extent that Richland had plenty and to spare. In just one decade, from 1874 to 1884, when the township conributed a full car of Xo. 1 corn to the Ohio Valley sufferers, caused by the highest water ever known in that valley, a whole train load was sent from Kansas, a reciprocal donation for past favors, with interest, based on money value. This corn was sold to a Kentucky syndicate and the proceeds given to the destitue. We learned that it was converted into whiskey and presume shipped back to the West under the label of Kentucky Bourbon or Old Rye, and sold for four or five dollars per gallon. This was equal to assisting a mule from the mire and when his going is established, to have him right about and kick you. The rapid settlement of Rich-
land during’ this decade (and previous) were by an industrious class of people and early advocates of schools, education and political equal rights.
Richland township, in its primitive state previous to 1874, politically was under ^Douglass township rule, they having the balance of power, controlling the nomination and election of all township officers. All judiciary was held in Douglass and heavy assessing in Richland. Tbe trustee would come over into Richland and assess everything he could find on a claim whether the owner was there or not, regardless to whom it belonged, just so he knew who was holding down the claim; assess all rails and posts anywhere on the land at five dollars per hundred and all dead animals (if he could learn that they were alive on March rst of that year) and all in school district No. 20. This and the course of other events, of taxation without representation, caused the circulation of a petition praying that we might be set off as a separate township, which petition was at first rejected by the county commissioners on grounds that it was penciled instead of being penned, and a few other minor technicalities. A meeting was then called at Maple Creek school house, the petition renewed and enlarged and names suggested for the township. H. B. Furgeson claims to have suggested the name Richland, which being most appropriate and fitting, was adopted. The prayed for petition was granted in January, 1874, and the first election was held on April 19th of that year in a claim house owned by Mrs. Snodgrass, situated near the southeast corner of southwest one-fourth of section 15. A few days previous to the election a called meeting was held at Maple Creek school house, and the following ticket formulated: Trustee, J. IT. Lowery; clerk, P>. M. Hodgin; treasurer, A. J. Cramer; justices. Smith Goodspeed and J. Vanhouton; constables, F. Fleck and J. Oldham. At this first election forty-eight votes were cast. Early on election day a bolt was made on the nominee for trustee and L. B. Hull was elected in his stead along with the balance of the ticket.
This election board was composed of, judges, Smith Goodspeed, T. Fleck, M. H. Lee; clerks, J. II. Lowery and L. D. Himebaugh.
This being the hopper devastation year, our State motto, “Ad Astra Per AsperaT can be very fittingly applied to this little sub-division. All the elect qualified in due time, save treasurer, who, for cause of absence from township, L. D. Himebaugh was appointed in his stead for ensuing year. Same officers were re-elected the following year. L. B. Hull served the township as trustee for several years, and was succeeded by James McCluggage for two terms. Up to this time party politics was not knowm or recognized in selection of candidates for township officers, which was usually done with little or no previous arrangement, on the morning of election. Clerks and judges of election after being duly sworn and opening of polls, would have a temporary recess, till ticket was formulated and ready to be passed by a judge from the hand of a voter to a paper box (usually a shoe
* Richland Township was part of Walnut Township History of Kansas by Andreas 1883
history of butler county
box) with hole in top covered with a primer, almanac or a pamphlet of lecent election laws. At this period and for a few years later, township elections were held in February, until Richland Centre school house was built in 1878. All elections were held one-half mile west at Deacon Harris’s,” or on south side of road at Rev. Harrison s. Just previous to the spring election of 1880 the first township (Republican) caucus was held and the following township ticket nominated: Trustee, L, D. Himebaugh ; treasurer, D. \V. Ulam ; clerk, James YVal-ton; justices, Smith Goodspeed and A. Vanhouton ; constables, H. B. Furgeson and Than Fleck.
1 his year in early summer Smith Goodspeed moved from Kansas to Oregon, after having serv ed as justice eight'years and having had many important as well as many unimportant justice of peace cases to dispose of which when carried to higher courts, his finding was generally sustained. One on change of yenue was the noted civil action, wherein Kiel Wilkie was plaintiff and Sam Parker, defendant. Controversy was over an old stone wagon worth $10 or $12 used by plaintiff while making the fill in YValnut river west of Douglass. Both plaintiff and defendant claiming ownership of wagon by purchase from different parties. After being used several days by plaintiff, it disappeared between two days, and its whereabouts were only known (or supposed to be known) by defendant. A legal search did not re. veal all parts of the wagon. The plaintiff at a hearing before Justice Goodspeed was represented by Attorney A. L. Redden of FI Dorado, and defense by Wail Webb of Winfield. The proceeding was to establish ownership of property. After all evidence had been produced and ably commented on by attorneys, the Court's finding was for defendant. Appeal was taken to a higher court, which, in time, sustained the justice Court’s decision, arid the wagon, if ever found, was probably by this time in some junk pile. Mr. Goodspeed was a justice in the full sense of the term, would always bring about a compromise between litigants, if in his power to do so. At one time two of his neighbors, of equal merit in his estimation, became angered and a little bloodthirsty at each other over trespassing of stock pro and con between them, one had exacted several dollars’ damage by retaining his stock, when found on his premises a few days later, his cattle was lured across the road and corralled. Notice was.given the owner, of which he paid no heed, but at a late hour of the night,, stole across and drove his stock home. O11 finding his neighbor’s stock was back home in the morning without his knowledge, his ind:gnation was then ripe for a fight or a suit. Squire Goodspeed was consulted, failing to effect a peaceable settlement and wishing to avoid a suit, suggested a settlement by referee, by taking thirteen names of householders in the community, and each party striking off alternately one name till twelve were challenged, and the remaining one should hear the evidence and his decision be final. This being agreed upon, the referee honor, task
20 I
or misfortune fell to L. D. Himebaugh, who, after hearing ihe sworn testimony of plaintiff and defendant, revealing the fact that defendant had wilfully opened carroll and driven the cattle from plaintiff’s enclosure, in violation of herd law custom, his decision was $i damages to be paid plaintiff bv defendant and cost of referee proceedings in all, S4.40. Justice Goodspeed enjoyed or rather endured nearly all township, judiciary and legal business, even in officiating in occasional marriages, whose tying up, like that of his judiciary, was seldom reversed. The justice of the peace business in central and southern part of township was later administered by II. IV Furgeson, James Walton. L. I). Himebaugh. J. II. Price and A. J. Thetgee. all of whom, save latter, enjoyed all the business they desired and more too, and gladly passed it on to some one else at expiration of office term. The same can be *aid of Staley, Smith, Hall, Oldham and Vanhouton. in north part of township, who officiated at different times, in that capacity.
Republican nominees with I.. IV Hull as trustee met with success at polls in 1882-3-4-5, head of ticket suffered defeat, first by a Republican and later a Democrat, (IV M. Hodgin'), who held the office two years, by reason of a legislative act setting aside spring elections and continuing township officer* till November election. The November election of r88o resulted a* follows: Trustee. James McCluggage;
clerk, A. Simpson : treasurer. D. \Y. Ulam; justices, Rev.- Woodward and FT. B. Furgeson. Trustee elected November, 1887, ^ J. Cramer; trustee elected November, r888. James McCluggage: trustee elected November, 1880, IV M. Hodgin ; trustee elected November. 180,0. Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, i8qi, Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, 1892, A. J. Cramer: trustee elected November, 1893, W. S. Bacon ; trustee elected Novmber, 1894, H. B. Furgeson ; trustee elected November, 1895 and r896, H. D. Olmstead; trustee elected November. 1897 and 1898, B. G. Chauncv; trustee elected November, 1899, J. M. Kuhn: trustee elected November, 1900 and 1901. N. Russell; trustee elected November, 1902 and 1903, F. Staley, which office was made vacant by person-elect moving from township, and L. D. Himebaugh was appointed by county commissioners to fill vacancy. After this date by legislative act, township officers were elected for two years, instead of one. Trustee elected 1904, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1906, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1908, O. E. King; trustee elected 1910, O. E. King. Three members of first county commissioner's district were chosen from Richland during this period; A. Mas-terson, Lafe Stone, and L. B. Hull (later by appointment to fill vacancy). Several of her worthy citizens have been honored with a place on county ticket, but generally location and not qualification were adverse to success at polls, except on educational lines, treated of in following subject.
As formerly stated, Richland pioneer^ were early advocate* of schools and methods of education. And like all new countries, efforts
to organize a school district had its adversaries, as a small per cent, of the land was dedded and subject to taxation, many householders were bachelors. A school district, to enumerate fifteen children of school age. required in the early ’70's nine or ten square miles in order to erect a school building by bond issue, and in many cases this bond proposition met with defeat through those who would have the burden of taxation to bear for a few years, and those whose time had not yet come to have children of their own to educate. In districts where this interest predominated a claim house was donated, by some bachelor who had made final entry on his claim or perhaps moved in with a neighbor bachelor, to let his house be fixed up and used for school purposes. Law made it necessary for a term of three months school to be taught by a qualified teacher in a newly formed district before being entitled to any state funds. This first school by subscription, like many other requirements in pioneer days, was breaking the ice and paving the way for smoother sailing and better days. Yet, with few exceptions, all settlers subscribed freely towards maintaining the first school, but in many instances, drouth, grasshoppers or prairie fires caused some to fall short of their subscription when time and effort to collect rolled round. A teacher’s order in those days, like some other commercial paper, was not worth much at home and less abroad, necessitating a few to increase their original subscriptions to meet delinquency. School district Xo. 63, being the first to organize within the bounds of township embracing three and one-half miles North and South, and three miles East and West. First school was taught in early summer of ’73, by ]\Irs. Freeman at $15 per month, in a claim house near the southeast corner of northeast quarter of section 27, belonging to Tames Lee, repaired and fitted up for school purposes. There being no travelled roads or visible lines, it was thought best by patrons to run a furrow from school house to northeast corner of district, which was done with breaking plow to aid pupils in that part of the district to go to and from school. The following year district 80 was organized in southwest corner of township, being the first to erect a school building by aid of bonds. Said bonds were sold at eighty cents. Seventy-eight, (Diamond), district followed in organizing and soon erected a fine stone school building. Eightv-one was organized and completed its school building a short time prior to that of 78. One hundred nine was next organized and several terms were taught in a claim house before a school building proper was erected. District No. 100, previously numerically given, but later organized in limitation by taking territory from districts 63, 78, and 109, in order that a suitable location of said district 100 would be in centre of township, convenient for both school and township purposes. District no, on or near north line of township, was also organized in the latter 70's, being very artistically finished for that day, but like that of 81, got too big for its clothes, and merged with several other districts, (or parts of them), into a consolidated union in 1907 for methods of advanced education.
In less than one decade from date of organization in Richland township had seven public school buildings within her borders, where, in each a school was maintained from three to seven months during the year, and Richland soon took place in first column and near the top too for good school buildings, good schools and good teachers. From the ranks of its teachers came the first female county superintendent of Butler county, Mrs. Florence FTolcomb Olmstead. who devoted her time, talent, and energy in the discharge of her official duty, giving, as it were, her life in the line of education and reform. She, coming to Kansas from Indiana with her parents in seventv-two, began teaching at the age of sixteen, was Federal census enumerator of Richland township in 18S0. She died at the age of thirfv-thrce. near the close of her office term as county superintendent. Four vears later, 1804. another one of Richland's teachers, K. M. Holcomb, a member of same family, was called by vote of the people to the high and honorable office of county superintenden of public institutions. Like that of his sister, his administration was up-to-date, of that day in theorv and practice, full of flowers and reforms, pertaining to education and social interest, leaving footprints, not in the sands, but indelibly stamped in the minds of the rising generation to his official credit and the fair land if Richland. 1
On completion of the Saute Fe cut off from Am usta to Mulvane, the name and business of Rose Hill was moved one mile west, and enjoyed a steady growth in business and population : that the town with a little adjoining territory formed a school district, erecting the eighth school building within the townshjp, in the year 1900 numerically known as district No. I la. or the'V'Tew Rose Hill school. A few years later the consolidation of rural districts for a township, or central high school, was strongly advocated by leading educators and being adopted and tried with good results in some sections of the State: the energetic people of Rose Hill and vicinity were enthused with the opportunity for establishing a high consolidated school in the voting town as a further incentive to progress and prosperity. After due and legal primaries, an election was called, resulting in favor of consolidation of four school districts. A bond election was held in due time to vote on the proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $10,000 for the erection of a consolidated high school building. Said election resulted in favor of bond issue; tfreJMuty hall was fitted up and seated for school purposes, where the first school was held, commencing September, 1908, with^C^JO pupils attending. On completion of the new, commodious and imposing school buildings, a feeling of good cheer went up from patrons and pupils. Septembe$*T9o9; the four departments with principal and four assistants, opmted with renewed vigor and increased enrollment of pupils, for a nine month term for ensuing year. Lilly Picket and Merl Moon have the honor of being the first graduates of this institution, which exercises were held at close of term, rpc*).
1 * Railroad was built by Chicago, Kansas & Western Railroad Co. Santa Fe purchased it several years later, Info Mitchell abstract.
2 **School was held in the I.0.0.F hall until school house was finished
*** Sept. 1908'
3. 146 pupils
4. New location only, same It
L 'uJcr amusements is classed the various methods of social sporting and beneficial entertainments during this historical period. The first nuulgence in this line by early settlers was as much of a necessity as amusement. Deer, antelope, badger, (and along the streams, wild turkey, laccoons and heaver), were quite numerous, affording both spoit and/ meat, in their Rapture. At times several horsemen with hounds and guns would chase a bunch of deer or antelope, as much for the sport as their capture. Mr. Couch and his boys, (later of Oklahoma tame I, would often indulge in that kind of sport between the Walnut and Arkansas generally bagging their game by the time the chase reached one of the extremes. The writer well remembers when at one time his newly made garden suffered a tramping up by two does and a buck, leading four hounds followed by several broncos and riders; none ever so much as halted to offer an apology for the intrusion; one-half mile west the creek was crossed and a counter chase was made down north side of creek, resulting in the capture of one doe; the other two were permitted to go on for the chase another day, or target for some settler’s rifle. The still and.hide hunt was more successful in bagging of antelope and turkey. A pony purse, horse race and occasional shoot-iny match for a hog, goose or turkey was indulged in with much compelling interest in those days; until the fair sex numbers and influence changed the order of things somewhat, when social gatherings at some ranch dwelling was of frequent occurance, where quadrille and waltz kept pace and step to violin music.
[.ike all pioneer settlements, the dance mania like the ague, of that day, was nearly unanimous, at least tne majority had it bad, yes and good too, as later on, when Richland was part of Rev. Harrison’s mission field, the proceeds of a social dance and supper was occasionally means for a pastor’s donation; and by him accepted in good faith.
These social entertainments were ,soou varied somewhat by organization of literary societies for social and mutual benefit. The first in the township was organized December 14, 1872, at John Gardener’s house, situated near south line of section 17. The prime movers being Mr. Goodspeed, Mr. Gardner, Mrs. Weston, Miss Jennie Weston and Miss Maria Walton. This was principally a debating society, of questions pertaining to best interest and needs of settlers, herd law, female suffrage, credit system, etc. The participants were Gardner, Goodspeed, Roberts, Doc. Berger, Tucker, Walton, Gaymon, Stansberry, McClug-gage, Carlton, Furgeson, and Mrs. Weston. The society was well attended and well conducted, meeting semi-monthly during the winter.
It was re-organized at same place in early winter of seventy-three, and changed place of meeting to Maple Creek school house on its completion in 1874, at which place it was re-organized and held for several consecutive winters. Soon after the completion of school building in district 78, (Diamond), an interesting debating suciety was organized in that part of township. The leading lights being L. B. Hull and sons,
1900- School district was divided in the center, geographicaly, and the Rose Hill district moved to a new school house one mile to the west. The district which stayed in the old building became Excelsor District # 169.
HISTORY of butler county
Williams. Cox. Sinclair. Davis, Picket and the Tlodgin brothers. A good literary program, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, dialogues and paper, was rendered semi-monthly. L. M. Williams held the standing appointment as critic at all meerings, whose criticisms were beneficially and well rendered. The society continued with unabated interest for several winters. The third organization of this nature within the border*- of the- township was at Providence school house during the winter of 1883-4, and known as the Rose Lawn Literary society which met semi-monthly during the winter, being a debating society, in general. Participants were W. G. (iiesv, George Rannon. J. R. McKay, Dr. Work. !i. R. Furgeson. Himebaugh. A. C. Thetgee and others. Following this, a few wars later, the Mutual Information Society was organized and held meetings for mutual benefit in town hall over the store, during the winter and earl)' spring. This being a select or restricted organization, a clause in tiie by-laws required all members to prepare and take part in ail duties and subjects assigned them by president or committee on program, which made it diversified and no less interesting and beneficial. Another known as the Twilight Club, composed of school “marms," male teachers and students, met for mutual benefit at stated intervals in smith part of the township, during the closing winter of the nineteenth century. Miss Cora Stanley being the prime mover. Tn north part of township^ reading clubs and spelling contests greatly interested the progressive class during the nineties. The growth of Rose Hill during this and the following decade brought about the more up-to-date instruction and entertainments. .'side from the high school entertainments, and base ball contests, a series of lecture courses was held during the winter of 1009 and 1910 through auspices of the Lyceum Rureau, at the Rose Hill high school building.
As the primitive customs, of no noted observance o: the Sabbath day. in the business routine of labor and sociability with the early settlement of S. W. Kansas, like that of all other pioneer sections, grew in numerical strength, a Christian spirit, leading to Sabbath observance naturally begins to find favor and endorsement among all civilized people, so it was in Richland. ’Tis conceded that the first Sunday school organized within the bounds of Richland township was at the claim house of Miss Maria Walton, situated on northwest corner of southwest quarter section thirty-three, in the summer of t872. The prime movers being Miss Walton and brothers, all supplies being sent from Waukesha, Wis., their former home. The school continued to grow in interest and was later moved to the home of Mr. Hatch and on completion of the school house was for. years held there, known as the Maple Creek Sunday school.
At one period under the superintendency of L. P. Carlton was recognized the banner Sunday school of Richland township. Following this a Union Sunday school was organized in the north part of town-
ship, which was well .attended and much interest manifested. Mr. and Mrs. Haines and Mr, Staley were active in advancing- the cause. In the late summer of seventy-two, Rev. Green of the M. E. faith and order was given a Mission field in Southwest Butler and adjoining territory. He held a series of meetings at Stanberry’s house the following winter. The second missionary awakening was in the north part of te township, by one or more parties advocating the Seventh-day Advent doctrine. Meetings were held at the home of B. M. Hodgen, (a bachelor), whose home and hospitality were always open for religious services, as well as social entertainments, which often varied the evangelistic service with a change *>f program, for one evening. Rev. Harrison followed Rev. Green in his Mission field for a few years, organizing several classes, lie was later followed by Rev. McCoilister who changed the denominational order to that of Protestant Methodist which gained numerical strength and following, resulting in the erection and dedication of the first church house within the bounds of the township, in eighty-four, situated on northeast quarter of section 23, known as the Pleasant Ilill church. Several years later, Rose Hill class built a good church house, and later in 1906 the same denomination greeted a church two miles south of township, known as the Red Bud Church. The three classes constituted a ministerial field till 1909 when at the convening of the general conference, Rose Hill was set off as a station. Since then one minister is employed for Rose Hill class and one for Pleasant Hill and Red Bud.
The faith and order known as Friends were early in exercising their influence and worship, holding meetings from time to time at various places in north part of the township, and as early as 1881 completed a church house near the north line of the township, from which the good benefits have emanated equal in a great measure to that of Penn in colonial days. The next awakening was that of the Christian order by Revs. Harvey, Barret, Yard, in the latter seventies which gained endorsement and following through series of meetings held in various parts of township, setting forth Scripture teaching and the duty of man to man, and man to God, not fully in harmony with other orthodox creeds and belief. A joint discussion on this line worthy of historic note between Rev. Yard and an M. E. clergyman was held at Pleasant valley school house in July, 1879. The day was warm and sultry and the house filled to overflowing; during services a small cloud was seen to form apparently from a clear sky followed by a distant peal of thunder. As the approaching cloud grew more dense and gradually taking on the form of a twister, the knowledge being conveyed by the onlookers outside to the attentive listeners inside, soon marred the real interest of the discussion, which was changed to that of fear of the approaching storm. Some with their rigs hastily departed for home. The services had a premature concluding, as the approaching dense twister lowered and drew nearer, causing many to desert the dwelling
and seek outside protection along the hedges to which they citing with a firm grip, trusting flivine power beyond the elements for protection. It is said as Mr. Turner Holcomb and wife came and saw* the impending danger, Mrs. Holcomb, realizing that they could not reach home, said, “We must trust to Providence,” while her husband remarked, “Yes, trust in Providence, but cling to the hedge roots.” The center of the storm passed near, followed by a slight sprinkle of hail and drenching rain. The fierceness of the twktcr lowered to earth northwest of the school house and swept everything in its path in a northeasterly direction, stricking the house of John Nichols, swepi it from foundation, scattering content*' and material for a mile or more along its path, also vehicles and «»me -F>rk on the premises. ( VeupatUs -ought refuge in an out door cellar, the miK thing n< 4 torn asundei by the cyclone. \o lives were lo^t in Richland and no thoughts or theory attributes the freak elements of that Sabbath day to the joint discussion in the little school house, where both art and nature was made manifest, not soon to he forgotten, by those who heard, saw. feared and felt.
Later the religions work was furthered along through the labors of Revs. Wright and Cain, resulting in the erection of a fine church building in the latter eighties, situated on south line of section 15 as a beacon light and gospel dispensary; gaining numerical strength, as well as being the early Christian home of Harold Olmstead, son of JT. D. Olmstead, who later has won distinction in ins evangelistic work in other states as well as at hgtne. With three denominational churches, within her borders and four nearby ( Friends ) in which two or more ordained ministers of today had their early Christian home. Revs. Wells and Hinshaw, and two of the M. P. denomination, A. Shipman and IT. W oodward, who later joined the M. E. church in his early ministry ; which ail goes to show Richland's output and progress in Christian workers and work in line with all other advances during this historical period and greater results of the seed sown will doubtless later be known.
In 1890 the Federal census of Richland (taken by the writer) recorded the least percent, of illiteracy of any enumerator district in the state, save one, being a fraction over one and one-half per cent, of all who were ten years old and over, and the same can be said on the line of poverty and pauperism.
The first Federal postoffice established within bounds of the township was in%873 at the residence of L. M. Williams, situated on southeast quarter of section 5, and known as Rose Hill postoffice,^deriving the name through J. H. Lowrey who had a great fancy for botanical culture and made great effort to beautify his home claim, the northwest quarter of section 8, in the early summer of seventy-three by growing roses and other flowers and shrubbery* to his fancy to be known as the Rose farm. But his efforts were badly blighted the following year by the grasshopper invasion, and all he had left to start with on the
* 1874 Info from National Archives
___7^* ____ftW cVg*? feftj
. following spring was the name, which was perpetuated in the name of the postoffice, L. M. Williams being first postmaster and continued as such for five years, when the office was moved north one mile to the house of H. C. Staley who succeeded Mr. Williams as postmaster. A few years later,%lr. Meeker succeeded Mr. Staley till Rose Hill became a railroad village and office established. The second Federal office was at Rev. Harrison’s on section 21 and known as Richland Centre, in 1878 or-4-879, being discontinued 61^1882. The third Federal postoffice within bounds, was in the early summer of^883 on section 34, Providence postoffice, the name given the inland mineral water resort.
.|. ^John Dunnell was appointed postmaster, whose son, C. F. Dunnell, pre-empted the land and sunk a well to the depth of 142 feet and struck water of a salty, peculiar taste, lie was advised to have it analyzed rather than discarding its use entirely for domestic purposes; which was done. The great beneficial and curative properties were tested by several, for ailments and infirmities. Among those was A. Hide of Wichita, who, after receiving great benefit from the use of water, was instrumental and prime mover in the organizing of a stock company, for improvements of well, comforts and convenience of any who stood in need of the healing balm.
A general supply store was built north of the road by A. A. Hyde, also the fine country dwelling {now owned by K. M. Holcomb). The store building was one of uvo stories. Norman Hagan acted as proprietor of the store, his family occupying the rooms above. This continued for a time. The stock was later purchased by H. T. Holcomb who continued the store and postoffice for several years. N. M. Mare put up a convenient blacksmith shop on the new town site, Warrender N Beedy a good livery barn ; a dwelling of modern architecture was also built nearby and occupied several years by R. Warrender. Copner built on Mineral street and kept a fair stock of merchandise in connection with the postoffice. C F. Dunnell and another family had their residences on this street, and Rev. Latham later conducted a store on Providence row. Dr. Adams for a time occupied the hotel and conducted a drug store. The north building on Mineral street was a neat cottage built and occupied by the builder, as a residence and confectionary in a small degree. All lines of business enjoyed a profitable patronage so long as the prime movers and patrons, during the Wichita boom days, lent support and advocated the beneficial effects of a few weeks’ outing at the Providence mineral resort. Numerous parties during the summer of 1885-6 and later, from Wichita, enjoyed (or endured) a few weeks,1 stay at Providence, Butler county.
Causing a depression or cessation of business and interest of Providence, on par, with that of the Peerless Princess collapse period. When Wichita lost faith in herself, Providence was sold to the farmers in that vicinity. Following this was the Oklahoma boom and opening, and many of the village residents winged that way. Soon many dwellings
Richland Centre P.0. March 10, 1878 to
Oct 5, 1881
Providence July 7, 1881 to
Oct. 5, 1896
* Mr Meeker was never Postmaster at Rose Hill.
Mr. Keister was Postmaster. He was the manager of the Meeker store.
** Mr. Lloyd W. Dunnell was the first postmaster at Providence
info from National Archives, Washington D.C.
2 OQ
of the mineral well village left on wheels. George Osborn has several on his farm which have been twice wrecked by cyclone since mewing; he said it was Providentially so ordained and no fault of his. One store and the postoffice was kept alive bv various parties until 1898 when it was discontinued and the building moved off, leaving the hotel and K. M. Holcomb’s residence of the original Providence, which still remain. The hotel is now by beqeathment the property of Ed Dunnell, son of C. F. Dunnell. With the gradual decline and patronage of the healing qualities of the Providence mineral output, during the eighties, was the incentive for Rose Hill to forge to the front, which it did on completion of the railroad in 1887. Situated in the northwest part of the township, surrounded by a fine agricultural and stock company, it sonn became a very prominent Hupping point which, like the town, has been on the increase, keeping pace with progress.
Rose Hill is noted as a clean, tidy village. A larger per cent, of its buildings are more artistically painted than any town in the county and boasts of more and better sidewalks in proportion to population than any wide-awake town in the county. Good walks extend to the high school building in the south part of the village .all pupils attending this school residing one-half mile distant are conveyed to and from school at the expense of district in comfortable rigs fitted for that purpose.
Rose Hill is the iistributing point of two rural routes, and lias up-to-date ’phone, service with surrounding country and towns.
Of the forty-seven personal tax payers of 1875. only seven are found on the personal tax roll of 1010, \s follows: "riles. A. J.; Gramer. A. J.: Himebaugh. L. D.: Millison. Win.: Wm.: Williams. L. M.: Mc-Cluggage. Jas.
' One branch of the Texas cattle drive via Wichita to Abiline traversed Richland township from southeast to northwest, where a herd of 1000 or more long horns could he seen most any day during midsummer of 1870, and a few drives were made the following year, when settlement interfered, forcing the drive west of the Arkansas river, terminating at Dodge City on completion of railroad to that point. The class of cattle and the men who handled them (cowboys) were monarch of all they surveyed and their rights there were none to dispute, resulted in many tragic fatalities. The cattle were chuck full of the same spirit: settlers often rode out to see the herds when grazing, with a view of purchasing one for beef, and would naturally dismount to look more closely, but he was warned hv several long horns facing him, indicating, “You get off the grass, or into your saddle, or we will raise you one.” No time was lost in getting back into saddle. Many of these Texas cattle were purchased and wintered here and sent to market the following summer. There being no railroad they were driven to Kansas City or some point in Missouri. Texas cattle wintered in the state of Kansas were by statutory law exempt from quarantine and permitted to be driven to market on certificate of county clerk of county, where wintered.From
The History of Butler County by
Vol Mooney 1916
f Continued.)
By D. Himebaugh.
Richland township bounded on the north by Pleasan* township, on the east by Douglass township, on the south by Cowley county, on the west by Sedgwick county, situated in the center of a prosperous and productive area known as the Big Four Counties of Kansas.
Pioneer Period.—The pioneer period in the writer’s view and experience terminated proper with the grasshopper plaugue and devastation of 1874. What can be said of events and endurance of settlers in one section or township of this domain (unequalled in a like area today within the hounds of Kansas) will apply in a great measure to all parts of the territory. The first white settlement within the bounds of what is now known as Richland township was made on Eight Mile Creek in the summer of 1868 by John Steock, James Olmstead and Harve Henderson. This was the year of the Indian depredation to the extent of die killing of Mr. Dunn and his associate about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the Olmstead mill, built in 1872 and later known as Dunn's mill. This had a tendency to confine settlement to near town (or rather town site) of Douglass for that summer; but the following year the valley of Eight Mile was claimed as far as the north line of the township, and cabins were erected hv A. Liddle, H. Kellems. V. Love, M. G. Jones and Dick Reed, In the early spring of 1870 the writer laid claim to a share of this beautiful donia'Tn, locating on the south line of the township, which was then bounded on the south by Indian Territory. No soldiers patrolled the line and such a person as a “sooner" was not known. No person was a trespasser: anywhere he wished to go he had only -to take his chances on meeting with half-civilized or hostile Indians or being visited by that class of people in sheep’s clothing, who made a business of borrowing horses at night and never returning them. It was a necessarv custom with settlers that summer to
. (13) 03
RICHLAND TOWNSHIP 1879 598 New Enterprise
1881 616 Douglass Index
1882 600 n 11
bring all work stock from the lariat and tie them to a wagon or near a tent or shanty before retiring for the night. But over in Douglass township in November of that year they began tying up suspicious men at the rate of eight per month, which had a telling effect in keeping-horses from straying off at night. In July of this year all the Indian land to the south side of the State was treated for and surveyed the following winter. »
This started a flow of immigration into this* part of the State and Richland got her share for several years, when the grasshopper invasion and devastation of 1874 caused a lull in this line. Not only this, but many settlers left the township and some the State to spend the winter with wives’ folks and oilier kindred. While the grasshopper invasion of this year came without warning in August, yet one month previous, July j6, the settlers of south Butler and north Cowley received a midnight warning that later proved to be false, but not until nearly every settler from the Arkansas River east to Walnut had deserted their homes in haste. Some children were loaded into wagons in their night garments with such supplies as were at hand and off they went, fleeing as they thought from a band of hostile Indians reported to have burned Belle Plain and coming east, killing and scalping every woman and child enroute.
The Cheyenne and Osage Indians being a little on the warpath that year as to tribal claims, afforded some grounds for the belief of the report that was started by two parties who were making a night ride east to unknown parts, and for a sensational motive called at a farm house and reported that a band of Indians was slaughtering the settlers just west of the river and they were fleeing from them. They reported the same at every house they passed, not giving any explanation only that they saw the Indians and Belle Plain was in flames. A paririe fire in that direction helped to give credence to their report. They soon had some follows, and they, feeling an interest in the safety of their neighbors, the tidings spread and the thoughs of defending wife and little ones at home prompted many to join the sampede for a more numerous and defensive stronghold. The writer was routed out by a lad, who with his parents was several miles from home, just as the first ray of morning light was visible in the eastern horizon. Pie related his Indian story, and requested him to get a gun and join them about eighty rods west at the house of Mr. Broughton. After getting on hoots and starting a fire, we sauntered out to learn the cause for all this, and found that the boy was not trying to play a joke on a lone bachelor. After consoling myself with the thought that no Indians were coming our way, I returned, got breakfast, did the morning chores, then saddled my horse and galloped south a mile to learn how the widow Daniels and her large family were feeling over this Indian scare report. To my surprise all were gone save the old gray mare that was grazing leisurely about the yard. The kitchen door was open
and sugar, flour and other supplies were scattered about the floor. Not seeing any marks of fndian depredations or moccasin footprints, we at once concluded that they, too, had got up earlier than usual and hastened away to save their scalps. On returning home we learned that Eight Mile and Walnut woods were full of men, women and children, and on half rations and ammunition, caused by their hasty exit from home. Sam Parker and several others went out west to spy out the situation, returning soon after the noon hour with the report that no Indians were in it at all. The whole thing was a sham and a false report. This was tidings of great joy, and all returned to their homes
swearng vengeance against the ones who originated the stampede. It was later reported that those two fellows never stopped till they struck the blackjacks in Missouri.
The winter of 1874-1875 is known and ^remembered as the ‘‘aid winter,” not alone for the amount of aid the remaining settlers of the township received in the full sense of the emergency, but the style of supplies sent by the kind, sympathetic people of other States for gratuitous distribution among the grasshopper sufferers of Kansas. Augusta being the county central supply headquarters, everything was sent there, and every two weeks it was appropriates to the different township committees and brought by one of them 01 their order for final distribution.
history of butler county
The aid distributing point for* this township was at the home of Deacon Harris, one-half mile west of the center of the township. Here nearly a.11 he Richlanders met on the iirst and third Saturday afternoons of each month, more to see and associate together than to receive. The style of wearing apparel placed on exhibition for claimants and distribution caused great amusement and was more varied than their wardrobe had ever contained and might have put even the Indians to fbght. At the present day it would be styled a lummage sale. They were the cast-off garments of forty years ago or more, gathered from attics “way down liaM,” such as old Shaker and pasteboard bonnets, stove pipe hat with ventilators in the top, homespun dress skirts, striped threadbare shawls, cutaway swallow tail coats, old barn door pants, etc. The supplies for tile inner man were more fitting and more sought for, which consisted of corn meal, flour, sugar, beans and occasionally bacon and dried fruit. At one time by mistake a barrel of coffee was sent instead of a barrel of beans. It was not distributed, the committee saying that it came by mistake and would be returned and corrected. It was returned to the back room and was lost in the hands of the committee. The writer doesn’t vouch for the accuracy of this saying, not being a beneficiary, but was several times a member of said distributing committee, which was revised in part or whole each month. This gratuitous distribution ceased long before grass started, but the people and stock' went through the winter in foir forking trim. Prominent among those who survived this period and are still residents of the township are Dick Reed, Janu s McCluggage, L. M. Williams, Nathan Davis, I\. L. Hodgin, J. H. Harris, A. J. Cramer and a few others. Since the writer changed his residence from the farm to Wichita, the first, named of this list is now the only resident of the township still residing on the claims settled on in the early spring of 1870. The closing of this period is generally considered to have been a “blessing in disguise.” The continued drought ot 1874 had doomed most of the crops when the grasshopper invasion of August came and consumed what little there was left save a few small fields of early planting on the streams, so the grasshopper was the leading issue of destruction. Meetings were called at various places and the situation discussed; expense funds were raised and a soliciting agent was sent back East to his old home and friends with* circulars and even official affidavits of the horrible state of the grasshopper devastation in Kansas, which was liberally responded to and very encouraging reports and supplies followed. The first cash in many instances was returned to the donors in defraying railroad expenses of the party rent, after which all donations were equally divided among the needy of that section. A stock company of ten was formed in North Cowley county by advancing five dollars each to send Adam Walck back to Ohio. This committee of ten was to have full benefit of all aid solicitations by him while in Ohio. The first consignment was clothing and one hundred dollars. This was 100 per cent.
profit in cash to the stockholders and their stock at once went to a premium. One young’ fellow sold bR stock to a poor widow for her only cow. Later another party sold his^ twice in one day, as he was ready to leave the country, realizing twenty dollars. No further cash contributions came through that channel. The most lasting benefit to the State at large in this line was in the individual and Congressional contribution of seeds in abundance of various kinds, which started the country afresh with the best seeds of the land. Yet, in short, all church, public ami individual aid from the East was <hilv appreciated as will be later noted.
Richland township during thi< pioneer period was visited by several destructive prairie fires caused by Indians firing the prairie. South of us. near the State line, with favorable wind 'and little obstruction, it soon swept north for many miles. In October, 1871, the greater part‘of Richland surface was swept bv one of these fires, the loss of much property and one death resulting. George Cline, then at work on Flight Mile for M. (i. Jones, perceiving that a fire was coining from the south, at once set out to protect his claim shanty, located one mile south, but the raging flames reached there before lie did. His only hope was to hasten back, but was soon overtaken by the oncoming fire and in an effort to run through the flames all his clothing was burned from his person. Fn this agonizing state he managed to get back to Mr. Jones’, and died from his injuries the following day. In his conscious hours he related his experience, stating that he had on his person $200 in a leather pocketbook. After his sufferings ended several parties went up to search for the lost purse. A few buttons and a pocket knife were found and also footprints of a horse, which was followed to a place two miles northeast, a light rain having fallen aftei the fire passed over, making it an easy matter to follow the footpirnts. The peculiar shape of the track led to the ownership of the horse, and on inquiry it was learned that he had. started on business for Emporia that morning. Two parties with a legally executed search warrant were hastened up the valley, overtaking their man above El Dorado, who denied finding the purse, but on being informed that he would have to submit to a search, as they held papers to that effect, he confessed and produced the outward scorched purse with full contents and was permitted to go on. In the same fire, Mbs. M. H. Lea, near the center of the township, on seeing the coming flames nearing her house, and thinking it would be consumed, in her excitement picked up the feather bed and ran out of doors in order to save it, but before she found a suitable place for it the smoke and heat caused her to drop the bed and get back in the house. The feather bed was cremated, but the house and contents were uninjured. The following year in an electric storm, Joseph Kellems, only son of Harmon Kellems, and a brother of Mrs. Jesse Perry, was instantly killed by lightning a few hundred yards west of where Pleasant Valley school house now stands. Following this, another respected
citizen residing* in the west part of the township, Mr. Sleeker, lost his hay barn from this cause, consuming two horses and a wagon. Recovering somewhat from this loss, he left the township and later, with a member of his family, met death on a railroad crossing in Cowley county.
It can be said to the credit of Richland that during this period when unwritten law and expert bluffing and spasmodic use of firearms predominated, no serious blood was shed in adjusting rights of settlers and their deliberations one with the other. On the other hand, every settler's latch string hung out, and his supplies for the inner man (if he had any! were in a measure free and it was no crime or trespass for one settler to stop and get feed for himself and horse in the absence of the proprietor. He would leave his card of thanks and move on, perhaps looking for a claim, a stray horse, or something else. It was a period of socialism in its true sense, as one person was just as good as his best neighbor and had just as much (nothing) and could easily and readily divide.
Exports of this period consisted principally of hides from long horn cattle that had failed to tide through the winters after having been driven from Texas late in the season; a few deer pelts and furs, such as mink, otter, wolf, raccoon and feathered game during the winter season. The imports were everything else of necessity, wagoned from Emporia and later from Florence, except venison and buffalo meat, which was then obtained near at hand, but not without some hardships and suffering when overtaken by blizzards so frequent in those days on the treeless prairie. Jake VanBuskirk described the outcome of those days in this manner: On being interrogated by a new comer, the following-
year. as to how the people managed to live through this trying pioneer period, said: “Well, sir, it was just this way: Our garments waxed
not old in those days, and we subsisted principally on grasshoppers, buffalo meat, dead prairie chickens, jack rabbits, slippery elm bark and catfish." .
On or about the beginning of the year of 1875, the cloud of pioneer gloom and adversity rapidly dispersed and the sunlight of progress and prosperity rewarded the toilers with bountiful crops for many years to the extent that Richland had plenty and to spare. In just one decade, from 1874 to 1884, when the township conributed a full car of Xo. 1 corn to the Ohio Valley sufferers, caused by the highest water ever known in that valley, a whole train load was sent from Kansas, a reciprocal donation for past favors, with interest, based on money value. This corn was sold to a Kentucky syndicate and the proceeds given to the destitue. We learned that it was converted into whiskey and presume shipped back to the West under the label of Kentucky Bourbon or Old Rye, and sold for four or five dollars per gallon. This was equal to assisting a mule from the mire and when his going is established, to have him right about and kick you. The rapid settlement of Rich-
land during’ this decade (and previous) were by an industrious class of people and early advocates of schools, education and political equal rights.
Richland township, in its primitive state previous to 1874, politically was under ^Douglass township rule, they having the balance of power, controlling the nomination and election of all township officers. All judiciary was held in Douglass and heavy assessing in Richland. Tbe trustee would come over into Richland and assess everything he could find on a claim whether the owner was there or not, regardless to whom it belonged, just so he knew who was holding down the claim; assess all rails and posts anywhere on the land at five dollars per hundred and all dead animals (if he could learn that they were alive on March rst of that year) and all in school district No. 20. This and the course of other events, of taxation without representation, caused the circulation of a petition praying that we might be set off as a separate township, which petition was at first rejected by the county commissioners on grounds that it was penciled instead of being penned, and a few other minor technicalities. A meeting was then called at Maple Creek school house, the petition renewed and enlarged and names suggested for the township. H. B. Furgeson claims to have suggested the name Richland, which being most appropriate and fitting, was adopted. The prayed for petition was granted in January, 1874, and the first election was held on April 19th of that year in a claim house owned by Mrs. Snodgrass, situated near the southeast corner of southwest one-fourth of section 15. A few days previous to the election a called meeting was held at Maple Creek school house, and the following ticket formulated: Trustee, J. IT. Lowery; clerk, P>. M. Hodgin; treasurer, A. J. Cramer; justices. Smith Goodspeed and J. Vanhouton; constables, F. Fleck and J. Oldham. At this first election forty-eight votes were cast. Early on election day a bolt was made on the nominee for trustee and L. B. Hull was elected in his stead along with the balance of the ticket.
This election board was composed of, judges, Smith Goodspeed, T. Fleck, M. H. Lee; clerks, J. II. Lowery and L. D. Himebaugh.
This being the hopper devastation year, our State motto, “Ad Astra Per AsperaT can be very fittingly applied to this little sub-division. All the elect qualified in due time, save treasurer, who, for cause of absence from township, L. D. Himebaugh was appointed in his stead for ensuing year. Same officers were re-elected the following year. L. B. Hull served the township as trustee for several years, and was succeeded by James McCluggage for two terms. Up to this time party politics was not knowm or recognized in selection of candidates for township officers, which was usually done with little or no previous arrangement, on the morning of election. Clerks and judges of election after being duly sworn and opening of polls, would have a temporary recess, till ticket was formulated and ready to be passed by a judge from the hand of a voter to a paper box (usually a shoe
* Richland Township was part of Walnut Township History of Kansas by Andreas 1883
history of butler county
box) with hole in top covered with a primer, almanac or a pamphlet of lecent election laws. At this period and for a few years later, township elections were held in February, until Richland Centre school house was built in 1878. All elections were held one-half mile west at Deacon Harris’s,” or on south side of road at Rev. Harrison s. Just previous to the spring election of 1880 the first township (Republican) caucus was held and the following township ticket nominated: Trustee, L, D. Himebaugh ; treasurer, D. \V. Ulam ; clerk, James YVal-ton; justices, Smith Goodspeed and A. Vanhouton ; constables, H. B. Furgeson and Than Fleck.
1 his year in early summer Smith Goodspeed moved from Kansas to Oregon, after having serv ed as justice eight'years and having had many important as well as many unimportant justice of peace cases to dispose of which when carried to higher courts, his finding was generally sustained. One on change of yenue was the noted civil action, wherein Kiel Wilkie was plaintiff and Sam Parker, defendant. Controversy was over an old stone wagon worth $10 or $12 used by plaintiff while making the fill in YValnut river west of Douglass. Both plaintiff and defendant claiming ownership of wagon by purchase from different parties. After being used several days by plaintiff, it disappeared between two days, and its whereabouts were only known (or supposed to be known) by defendant. A legal search did not re. veal all parts of the wagon. The plaintiff at a hearing before Justice Goodspeed was represented by Attorney A. L. Redden of FI Dorado, and defense by Wail Webb of Winfield. The proceeding was to establish ownership of property. After all evidence had been produced and ably commented on by attorneys, the Court's finding was for defendant. Appeal was taken to a higher court, which, in time, sustained the justice Court’s decision, arid the wagon, if ever found, was probably by this time in some junk pile. Mr. Goodspeed was a justice in the full sense of the term, would always bring about a compromise between litigants, if in his power to do so. At one time two of his neighbors, of equal merit in his estimation, became angered and a little bloodthirsty at each other over trespassing of stock pro and con between them, one had exacted several dollars’ damage by retaining his stock, when found on his premises a few days later, his cattle was lured across the road and corralled. Notice was.given the owner, of which he paid no heed, but at a late hour of the night,, stole across and drove his stock home. O11 finding his neighbor’s stock was back home in the morning without his knowledge, his ind:gnation was then ripe for a fight or a suit. Squire Goodspeed was consulted, failing to effect a peaceable settlement and wishing to avoid a suit, suggested a settlement by referee, by taking thirteen names of householders in the community, and each party striking off alternately one name till twelve were challenged, and the remaining one should hear the evidence and his decision be final. This being agreed upon, the referee honor, task
20 I
or misfortune fell to L. D. Himebaugh, who, after hearing ihe sworn testimony of plaintiff and defendant, revealing the fact that defendant had wilfully opened carroll and driven the cattle from plaintiff’s enclosure, in violation of herd law custom, his decision was $i damages to be paid plaintiff bv defendant and cost of referee proceedings in all, S4.40. Justice Goodspeed enjoyed or rather endured nearly all township, judiciary and legal business, even in officiating in occasional marriages, whose tying up, like that of his judiciary, was seldom reversed. The justice of the peace business in central and southern part of township was later administered by II. IV Furgeson, James Walton. L. I). Himebaugh. J. II. Price and A. J. Thetgee. all of whom, save latter, enjoyed all the business they desired and more too, and gladly passed it on to some one else at expiration of office term. The same can be *aid of Staley, Smith, Hall, Oldham and Vanhouton. in north part of township, who officiated at different times, in that capacity.
Republican nominees with I.. IV Hull as trustee met with success at polls in 1882-3-4-5, head of ticket suffered defeat, first by a Republican and later a Democrat, (IV M. Hodgin'), who held the office two years, by reason of a legislative act setting aside spring elections and continuing township officer* till November election. The November election of r88o resulted a* follows: Trustee. James McCluggage;
clerk, A. Simpson : treasurer. D. \Y. Ulam; justices, Rev.- Woodward and FT. B. Furgeson. Trustee elected November, 1887, ^ J. Cramer; trustee elected November, r888. James McCluggage: trustee elected November, 1880, IV M. Hodgin ; trustee elected November. 180,0. Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, i8qi, Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, 1892, A. J. Cramer: trustee elected November, 1893, W. S. Bacon ; trustee elected Novmber, 1894, H. B. Furgeson ; trustee elected November, 1895 and r896, H. D. Olmstead; trustee elected November. 1897 and 1898, B. G. Chauncv; trustee elected November, 1899, J. M. Kuhn: trustee elected November, 1900 and 1901. N. Russell; trustee elected November, 1902 and 1903, F. Staley, which office was made vacant by person-elect moving from township, and L. D. Himebaugh was appointed by county commissioners to fill vacancy. After this date by legislative act, township officers were elected for two years, instead of one. Trustee elected 1904, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1906, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1908, O. E. King; trustee elected 1910, O. E. King. Three members of first county commissioner's district were chosen from Richland during this period; A. Mas-terson, Lafe Stone, and L. B. Hull (later by appointment to fill vacancy). Several of her worthy citizens have been honored with a place on county ticket, but generally location and not qualification were adverse to success at polls, except on educational lines, treated of in following subject.
As formerly stated, Richland pioneer^ were early advocate* of schools and methods of education. And like all new countries, efforts
to organize a school district had its adversaries, as a small per cent, of the land was dedded and subject to taxation, many householders were bachelors. A school district, to enumerate fifteen children of school age. required in the early ’70's nine or ten square miles in order to erect a school building by bond issue, and in many cases this bond proposition met with defeat through those who would have the burden of taxation to bear for a few years, and those whose time had not yet come to have children of their own to educate. In districts where this interest predominated a claim house was donated, by some bachelor who had made final entry on his claim or perhaps moved in with a neighbor bachelor, to let his house be fixed up and used for school purposes. Law made it necessary for a term of three months school to be taught by a qualified teacher in a newly formed district before being entitled to any state funds. This first school by subscription, like many other requirements in pioneer days, was breaking the ice and paving the way for smoother sailing and better days. Yet, with few exceptions, all settlers subscribed freely towards maintaining the first school, but in many instances, drouth, grasshoppers or prairie fires caused some to fall short of their subscription when time and effort to collect rolled round. A teacher’s order in those days, like some other commercial paper, was not worth much at home and less abroad, necessitating a few to increase their original subscriptions to meet delinquency. School district Xo. 63, being the first to organize within the bounds of township embracing three and one-half miles North and South, and three miles East and West. First school was taught in early summer of ’73, by ]\Irs. Freeman at $15 per month, in a claim house near the southeast corner of northeast quarter of section 27, belonging to Tames Lee, repaired and fitted up for school purposes. There being no travelled roads or visible lines, it was thought best by patrons to run a furrow from school house to northeast corner of district, which was done with breaking plow to aid pupils in that part of the district to go to and from school. The following year district 80 was organized in southwest corner of township, being the first to erect a school building by aid of bonds. Said bonds were sold at eighty cents. Seventy-eight, (Diamond), district followed in organizing and soon erected a fine stone school building. Eightv-one was organized and completed its school building a short time prior to that of 78. One hundred nine was next organized and several terms were taught in a claim house before a school building proper was erected. District No. 100, previously numerically given, but later organized in limitation by taking territory from districts 63, 78, and 109, in order that a suitable location of said district 100 would be in centre of township, convenient for both school and township purposes. District no, on or near north line of township, was also organized in the latter 70's, being very artistically finished for that day, but like that of 81, got too big for its clothes, and merged with several other districts, (or parts of them), into a consolidated union in 1907 for methods of advanced education.
In less than one decade from date of organization in Richland township had seven public school buildings within her borders, where, in each a school was maintained from three to seven months during the year, and Richland soon took place in first column and near the top too for good school buildings, good schools and good teachers. From the ranks of its teachers came the first female county superintendent of Butler county, Mrs. Florence FTolcomb Olmstead. who devoted her time, talent, and energy in the discharge of her official duty, giving, as it were, her life in the line of education and reform. She, coming to Kansas from Indiana with her parents in seventv-two, began teaching at the age of sixteen, was Federal census enumerator of Richland township in 18S0. She died at the age of thirfv-thrce. near the close of her office term as county superintendent. Four vears later, 1804. another one of Richland's teachers, K. M. Holcomb, a member of same family, was called by vote of the people to the high and honorable office of county superintenden of public institutions. Like that of his sister, his administration was up-to-date, of that day in theorv and practice, full of flowers and reforms, pertaining to education and social interest, leaving footprints, not in the sands, but indelibly stamped in the minds of the rising generation to his official credit and the fair land if Richland. 1
On completion of the Saute Fe cut off from Am usta to Mulvane, the name and business of Rose Hill was moved one mile west, and enjoyed a steady growth in business and population : that the town with a little adjoining territory formed a school district, erecting the eighth school building within the townshjp, in the year 1900 numerically known as district No. I la. or the'V'Tew Rose Hill school. A few years later the consolidation of rural districts for a township, or central high school, was strongly advocated by leading educators and being adopted and tried with good results in some sections of the State: the energetic people of Rose Hill and vicinity were enthused with the opportunity for establishing a high consolidated school in the voting town as a further incentive to progress and prosperity. After due and legal primaries, an election was called, resulting in favor of consolidation of four school districts. A bond election was held in due time to vote on the proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $10,000 for the erection of a consolidated high school building. Said election resulted in favor of bond issue; tfreJMuty hall was fitted up and seated for school purposes, where the first school was held, commencing September, 1908, with^C^JO pupils attending. On completion of the new, commodious and imposing school buildings, a feeling of good cheer went up from patrons and pupils. Septembe$*T9o9; the four departments with principal and four assistants, opmted with renewed vigor and increased enrollment of pupils, for a nine month term for ensuing year. Lilly Picket and Merl Moon have the honor of being the first graduates of this institution, which exercises were held at close of term, rpc*).
1 * Railroad was built by Chicago, Kansas & Western Railroad Co. Santa Fe purchased it several years later, Info Mitchell abstract.
2 **School was held in the I.0.0.F hall until school house was finished
*** Sept. 1908'
3. 146 pupils
4. New location only, same It
L 'uJcr amusements is classed the various methods of social sporting and beneficial entertainments during this historical period. The first nuulgence in this line by early settlers was as much of a necessity as amusement. Deer, antelope, badger, (and along the streams, wild turkey, laccoons and heaver), were quite numerous, affording both spoit and/ meat, in their Rapture. At times several horsemen with hounds and guns would chase a bunch of deer or antelope, as much for the sport as their capture. Mr. Couch and his boys, (later of Oklahoma tame I, would often indulge in that kind of sport between the Walnut and Arkansas generally bagging their game by the time the chase reached one of the extremes. The writer well remembers when at one time his newly made garden suffered a tramping up by two does and a buck, leading four hounds followed by several broncos and riders; none ever so much as halted to offer an apology for the intrusion; one-half mile west the creek was crossed and a counter chase was made down north side of creek, resulting in the capture of one doe; the other two were permitted to go on for the chase another day, or target for some settler’s rifle. The still and.hide hunt was more successful in bagging of antelope and turkey. A pony purse, horse race and occasional shoot-iny match for a hog, goose or turkey was indulged in with much compelling interest in those days; until the fair sex numbers and influence changed the order of things somewhat, when social gatherings at some ranch dwelling was of frequent occurance, where quadrille and waltz kept pace and step to violin music.
[.ike all pioneer settlements, the dance mania like the ague, of that day, was nearly unanimous, at least tne majority had it bad, yes and good too, as later on, when Richland was part of Rev. Harrison’s mission field, the proceeds of a social dance and supper was occasionally means for a pastor’s donation; and by him accepted in good faith.
These social entertainments were ,soou varied somewhat by organization of literary societies for social and mutual benefit. The first in the township was organized December 14, 1872, at John Gardener’s house, situated near south line of section 17. The prime movers being Mr. Goodspeed, Mr. Gardner, Mrs. Weston, Miss Jennie Weston and Miss Maria Walton. This was principally a debating society, of questions pertaining to best interest and needs of settlers, herd law, female suffrage, credit system, etc. The participants were Gardner, Goodspeed, Roberts, Doc. Berger, Tucker, Walton, Gaymon, Stansberry, McClug-gage, Carlton, Furgeson, and Mrs. Weston. The society was well attended and well conducted, meeting semi-monthly during the winter.
It was re-organized at same place in early winter of seventy-three, and changed place of meeting to Maple Creek school house on its completion in 1874, at which place it was re-organized and held for several consecutive winters. Soon after the completion of school building in district 78, (Diamond), an interesting debating suciety was organized in that part of township. The leading lights being L. B. Hull and sons,
1900- School district was divided in the center, geographicaly, and the Rose Hill district moved to a new school house one mile to the west. The district which stayed in the old building became Excelsor District # 169.
HISTORY of butler county
Williams. Cox. Sinclair. Davis, Picket and the Tlodgin brothers. A good literary program, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, dialogues and paper, was rendered semi-monthly. L. M. Williams held the standing appointment as critic at all meerings, whose criticisms were beneficially and well rendered. The society continued with unabated interest for several winters. The third organization of this nature within the border*- of the- township was at Providence school house during the winter of 1883-4, and known as the Rose Lawn Literary society which met semi-monthly during the winter, being a debating society, in general. Participants were W. G. (iiesv, George Rannon. J. R. McKay, Dr. Work. !i. R. Furgeson. Himebaugh. A. C. Thetgee and others. Following this, a few wars later, the Mutual Information Society was organized and held meetings for mutual benefit in town hall over the store, during the winter and earl)' spring. This being a select or restricted organization, a clause in tiie by-laws required all members to prepare and take part in ail duties and subjects assigned them by president or committee on program, which made it diversified and no less interesting and beneficial. Another known as the Twilight Club, composed of school “marms," male teachers and students, met for mutual benefit at stated intervals in smith part of the township, during the closing winter of the nineteenth century. Miss Cora Stanley being the prime mover. Tn north part of township^ reading clubs and spelling contests greatly interested the progressive class during the nineties. The growth of Rose Hill during this and the following decade brought about the more up-to-date instruction and entertainments. .'side from the high school entertainments, and base ball contests, a series of lecture courses was held during the winter of 1009 and 1910 through auspices of the Lyceum Rureau, at the Rose Hill high school building.
As the primitive customs, of no noted observance o: the Sabbath day. in the business routine of labor and sociability with the early settlement of S. W. Kansas, like that of all other pioneer sections, grew in numerical strength, a Christian spirit, leading to Sabbath observance naturally begins to find favor and endorsement among all civilized people, so it was in Richland. ’Tis conceded that the first Sunday school organized within the bounds of Richland township was at the claim house of Miss Maria Walton, situated on northwest corner of southwest quarter section thirty-three, in the summer of t872. The prime movers being Miss Walton and brothers, all supplies being sent from Waukesha, Wis., their former home. The school continued to grow in interest and was later moved to the home of Mr. Hatch and on completion of the school house was for. years held there, known as the Maple Creek Sunday school.
At one period under the superintendency of L. P. Carlton was recognized the banner Sunday school of Richland township. Following this a Union Sunday school was organized in the north part of town-
ship, which was well .attended and much interest manifested. Mr. and Mrs. Haines and Mr, Staley were active in advancing- the cause. In the late summer of seventy-two, Rev. Green of the M. E. faith and order was given a Mission field in Southwest Butler and adjoining territory. He held a series of meetings at Stanberry’s house the following winter. The second missionary awakening was in the north part of te township, by one or more parties advocating the Seventh-day Advent doctrine. Meetings were held at the home of B. M. Hodgen, (a bachelor), whose home and hospitality were always open for religious services, as well as social entertainments, which often varied the evangelistic service with a change *>f program, for one evening. Rev. Harrison followed Rev. Green in his Mission field for a few years, organizing several classes, lie was later followed by Rev. McCoilister who changed the denominational order to that of Protestant Methodist which gained numerical strength and following, resulting in the erection and dedication of the first church house within the bounds of the township, in eighty-four, situated on northeast quarter of section 23, known as the Pleasant Ilill church. Several years later, Rose Hill class built a good church house, and later in 1906 the same denomination greeted a church two miles south of township, known as the Red Bud Church. The three classes constituted a ministerial field till 1909 when at the convening of the general conference, Rose Hill was set off as a station. Since then one minister is employed for Rose Hill class and one for Pleasant Hill and Red Bud.
The faith and order known as Friends were early in exercising their influence and worship, holding meetings from time to time at various places in north part of the township, and as early as 1881 completed a church house near the north line of the township, from which the good benefits have emanated equal in a great measure to that of Penn in colonial days. The next awakening was that of the Christian order by Revs. Harvey, Barret, Yard, in the latter seventies which gained endorsement and following through series of meetings held in various parts of township, setting forth Scripture teaching and the duty of man to man, and man to God, not fully in harmony with other orthodox creeds and belief. A joint discussion on this line worthy of historic note between Rev. Yard and an M. E. clergyman was held at Pleasant valley school house in July, 1879. The day was warm and sultry and the house filled to overflowing; during services a small cloud was seen to form apparently from a clear sky followed by a distant peal of thunder. As the approaching cloud grew more dense and gradually taking on the form of a twister, the knowledge being conveyed by the onlookers outside to the attentive listeners inside, soon marred the real interest of the discussion, which was changed to that of fear of the approaching storm. Some with their rigs hastily departed for home. The services had a premature concluding, as the approaching dense twister lowered and drew nearer, causing many to desert the dwelling
and seek outside protection along the hedges to which they citing with a firm grip, trusting flivine power beyond the elements for protection. It is said as Mr. Turner Holcomb and wife came and saw* the impending danger, Mrs. Holcomb, realizing that they could not reach home, said, “We must trust to Providence,” while her husband remarked, “Yes, trust in Providence, but cling to the hedge roots.” The center of the storm passed near, followed by a slight sprinkle of hail and drenching rain. The fierceness of the twktcr lowered to earth northwest of the school house and swept everything in its path in a northeasterly direction, stricking the house of John Nichols, swepi it from foundation, scattering content*' and material for a mile or more along its path, also vehicles and «»me -F>rk on the premises. ( VeupatUs -ought refuge in an out door cellar, the miK thing n< 4 torn asundei by the cyclone. \o lives were lo^t in Richland and no thoughts or theory attributes the freak elements of that Sabbath day to the joint discussion in the little school house, where both art and nature was made manifest, not soon to he forgotten, by those who heard, saw. feared and felt.
Later the religions work was furthered along through the labors of Revs. Wright and Cain, resulting in the erection of a fine church building in the latter eighties, situated on south line of section 15 as a beacon light and gospel dispensary; gaining numerical strength, as well as being the early Christian home of Harold Olmstead, son of JT. D. Olmstead, who later has won distinction in ins evangelistic work in other states as well as at hgtne. With three denominational churches, within her borders and four nearby ( Friends ) in which two or more ordained ministers of today had their early Christian home. Revs. Wells and Hinshaw, and two of the M. P. denomination, A. Shipman and IT. W oodward, who later joined the M. E. church in his early ministry ; which ail goes to show Richland's output and progress in Christian workers and work in line with all other advances during this historical period and greater results of the seed sown will doubtless later be known.
In 1890 the Federal census of Richland (taken by the writer) recorded the least percent, of illiteracy of any enumerator district in the state, save one, being a fraction over one and one-half per cent, of all who were ten years old and over, and the same can be said on the line of poverty and pauperism.
The first Federal postoffice established within bounds of the township was in%873 at the residence of L. M. Williams, situated on southeast quarter of section 5, and known as Rose Hill postoffice,^deriving the name through J. H. Lowrey who had a great fancy for botanical culture and made great effort to beautify his home claim, the northwest quarter of section 8, in the early summer of seventy-three by growing roses and other flowers and shrubbery* to his fancy to be known as the Rose farm. But his efforts were badly blighted the following year by the grasshopper invasion, and all he had left to start with on the
* 1874 Info from National Archives
___7^* ____ftW cVg*? feftj
. following spring was the name, which was perpetuated in the name of the postoffice, L. M. Williams being first postmaster and continued as such for five years, when the office was moved north one mile to the house of H. C. Staley who succeeded Mr. Williams as postmaster. A few years later,%lr. Meeker succeeded Mr. Staley till Rose Hill became a railroad village and office established. The second Federal office was at Rev. Harrison’s on section 21 and known as Richland Centre, in 1878 or-4-879, being discontinued 61^1882. The third Federal postoffice within bounds, was in the early summer of^883 on section 34, Providence postoffice, the name given the inland mineral water resort.
.|. ^John Dunnell was appointed postmaster, whose son, C. F. Dunnell, pre-empted the land and sunk a well to the depth of 142 feet and struck water of a salty, peculiar taste, lie was advised to have it analyzed rather than discarding its use entirely for domestic purposes; which was done. The great beneficial and curative properties were tested by several, for ailments and infirmities. Among those was A. Hide of Wichita, who, after receiving great benefit from the use of water, was instrumental and prime mover in the organizing of a stock company, for improvements of well, comforts and convenience of any who stood in need of the healing balm.
A general supply store was built north of the road by A. A. Hyde, also the fine country dwelling {now owned by K. M. Holcomb). The store building was one of uvo stories. Norman Hagan acted as proprietor of the store, his family occupying the rooms above. This continued for a time. The stock was later purchased by H. T. Holcomb who continued the store and postoffice for several years. N. M. Mare put up a convenient blacksmith shop on the new town site, Warrender N Beedy a good livery barn ; a dwelling of modern architecture was also built nearby and occupied several years by R. Warrender. Copner built on Mineral street and kept a fair stock of merchandise in connection with the postoffice. C F. Dunnell and another family had their residences on this street, and Rev. Latham later conducted a store on Providence row. Dr. Adams for a time occupied the hotel and conducted a drug store. The north building on Mineral street was a neat cottage built and occupied by the builder, as a residence and confectionary in a small degree. All lines of business enjoyed a profitable patronage so long as the prime movers and patrons, during the Wichita boom days, lent support and advocated the beneficial effects of a few weeks’ outing at the Providence mineral resort. Numerous parties during the summer of 1885-6 and later, from Wichita, enjoyed (or endured) a few weeks,1 stay at Providence, Butler county.
Causing a depression or cessation of business and interest of Providence, on par, with that of the Peerless Princess collapse period. When Wichita lost faith in herself, Providence was sold to the farmers in that vicinity. Following this was the Oklahoma boom and opening, and many of the village residents winged that way. Soon many dwellings
Richland Centre P.0. March 10, 1878 to
Oct 5, 1881
Providence July 7, 1881 to
Oct. 5, 1896
* Mr Meeker was never Postmaster at Rose Hill.
Mr. Keister was Postmaster. He was the manager of the Meeker store.
** Mr. Lloyd W. Dunnell was the first postmaster at Providence
info from National Archives, Washington D.C.
2 OQ
of the mineral well village left on wheels. George Osborn has several on his farm which have been twice wrecked by cyclone since mewing; he said it was Providentially so ordained and no fault of his. One store and the postoffice was kept alive bv various parties until 1898 when it was discontinued and the building moved off, leaving the hotel and K. M. Holcomb’s residence of the original Providence, which still remain. The hotel is now by beqeathment the property of Ed Dunnell, son of C. F. Dunnell. With the gradual decline and patronage of the healing qualities of the Providence mineral output, during the eighties, was the incentive for Rose Hill to forge to the front, which it did on completion of the railroad in 1887. Situated in the northwest part of the township, surrounded by a fine agricultural and stock company, it sonn became a very prominent Hupping point which, like the town, has been on the increase, keeping pace with progress.
Rose Hill is noted as a clean, tidy village. A larger per cent, of its buildings are more artistically painted than any town in the county and boasts of more and better sidewalks in proportion to population than any wide-awake town in the county. Good walks extend to the high school building in the south part of the village .all pupils attending this school residing one-half mile distant are conveyed to and from school at the expense of district in comfortable rigs fitted for that purpose.
Rose Hill is the iistributing point of two rural routes, and lias up-to-date ’phone, service with surrounding country and towns.
Of the forty-seven personal tax payers of 1875. only seven are found on the personal tax roll of 1010, \s follows: "riles. A. J.; Gramer. A. J.: Himebaugh. L. D.: Millison. Win.: Wm.: Williams. L. M.: Mc-Cluggage. Jas.
' One branch of the Texas cattle drive via Wichita to Abiline traversed Richland township from southeast to northwest, where a herd of 1000 or more long horns could he seen most any day during midsummer of 1870, and a few drives were made the following year, when settlement interfered, forcing the drive west of the Arkansas river, terminating at Dodge City on completion of railroad to that point. The class of cattle and the men who handled them (cowboys) were monarch of all they surveyed and their rights there were none to dispute, resulted in many tragic fatalities. The cattle were chuck full of the same spirit: settlers often rode out to see the herds when grazing, with a view of purchasing one for beef, and would naturally dismount to look more closely, but he was warned hv several long horns facing him, indicating, “You get off the grass, or into your saddle, or we will raise you one.” No time was lost in getting back into saddle. Many of these Texas cattle were purchased and wintered here and sent to market the following summer. There being no railroad they were driven to Kansas City or some point in Missouri. Texas cattle wintered in the state of Kansas were by statutory law exempt from quarantine and permitted to be driven to market on certificate of county clerk of county, where wintered.From
The History of Butler County by
Vol Mooney 1916
f Continued.)
By D. Himebaugh.
Richland township bounded on the north by Pleasan* township, on the east by Douglass township, on the south by Cowley county, on the west by Sedgwick county, situated in the center of a prosperous and productive area known as the Big Four Counties of Kansas.
Pioneer Period.—The pioneer period in the writer’s view and experience terminated proper with the grasshopper plaugue and devastation of 1874. What can be said of events and endurance of settlers in one section or township of this domain (unequalled in a like area today within the hounds of Kansas) will apply in a great measure to all parts of the territory. The first white settlement within the bounds of what is now known as Richland township was made on Eight Mile Creek in the summer of 1868 by John Steock, James Olmstead and Harve Henderson. This was the year of the Indian depredation to the extent of die killing of Mr. Dunn and his associate about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the Olmstead mill, built in 1872 and later known as Dunn's mill. This had a tendency to confine settlement to near town (or rather town site) of Douglass for that summer; but the following year the valley of Eight Mile was claimed as far as the north line of the township, and cabins were erected hv A. Liddle, H. Kellems. V. Love, M. G. Jones and Dick Reed, In the early spring of 1870 the writer laid claim to a share of this beautiful donia'Tn, locating on the south line of the township, which was then bounded on the south by Indian Territory. No soldiers patrolled the line and such a person as a “sooner" was not known. No person was a trespasser: anywhere he wished to go he had only -to take his chances on meeting with half-civilized or hostile Indians or being visited by that class of people in sheep’s clothing, who made a business of borrowing horses at night and never returning them. It was a necessarv custom with settlers that summer to
. (13) 03
RICHLAND TOWNSHIP 1879 598 New Enterprise
1881 616 Douglass Index
1882 600 n 11
bring all work stock from the lariat and tie them to a wagon or near a tent or shanty before retiring for the night. But over in Douglass township in November of that year they began tying up suspicious men at the rate of eight per month, which had a telling effect in keeping-horses from straying off at night. In July of this year all the Indian land to the south side of the State was treated for and surveyed the following winter. »
This started a flow of immigration into this* part of the State and Richland got her share for several years, when the grasshopper invasion and devastation of 1874 caused a lull in this line. Not only this, but many settlers left the township and some the State to spend the winter with wives’ folks and oilier kindred. While the grasshopper invasion of this year came without warning in August, yet one month previous, July j6, the settlers of south Butler and north Cowley received a midnight warning that later proved to be false, but not until nearly every settler from the Arkansas River east to Walnut had deserted their homes in haste. Some children were loaded into wagons in their night garments with such supplies as were at hand and off they went, fleeing as they thought from a band of hostile Indians reported to have burned Belle Plain and coming east, killing and scalping every woman and child enroute.
The Cheyenne and Osage Indians being a little on the warpath that year as to tribal claims, afforded some grounds for the belief of the report that was started by two parties who were making a night ride east to unknown parts, and for a sensational motive called at a farm house and reported that a band of Indians was slaughtering the settlers just west of the river and they were fleeing from them. They reported the same at every house they passed, not giving any explanation only that they saw the Indians and Belle Plain was in flames. A paririe fire in that direction helped to give credence to their report. They soon had some follows, and they, feeling an interest in the safety of their neighbors, the tidings spread and the thoughs of defending wife and little ones at home prompted many to join the sampede for a more numerous and defensive stronghold. The writer was routed out by a lad, who with his parents was several miles from home, just as the first ray of morning light was visible in the eastern horizon. Pie related his Indian story, and requested him to get a gun and join them about eighty rods west at the house of Mr. Broughton. After getting on hoots and starting a fire, we sauntered out to learn the cause for all this, and found that the boy was not trying to play a joke on a lone bachelor. After consoling myself with the thought that no Indians were coming our way, I returned, got breakfast, did the morning chores, then saddled my horse and galloped south a mile to learn how the widow Daniels and her large family were feeling over this Indian scare report. To my surprise all were gone save the old gray mare that was grazing leisurely about the yard. The kitchen door was open
and sugar, flour and other supplies were scattered about the floor. Not seeing any marks of fndian depredations or moccasin footprints, we at once concluded that they, too, had got up earlier than usual and hastened away to save their scalps. On returning home we learned that Eight Mile and Walnut woods were full of men, women and children, and on half rations and ammunition, caused by their hasty exit from home. Sam Parker and several others went out west to spy out the situation, returning soon after the noon hour with the report that no Indians were in it at all. The whole thing was a sham and a false report. This was tidings of great joy, and all returned to their homes
swearng vengeance against the ones who originated the stampede. It was later reported that those two fellows never stopped till they struck the blackjacks in Missouri.
The winter of 1874-1875 is known and ^remembered as the ‘‘aid winter,” not alone for the amount of aid the remaining settlers of the township received in the full sense of the emergency, but the style of supplies sent by the kind, sympathetic people of other States for gratuitous distribution among the grasshopper sufferers of Kansas. Augusta being the county central supply headquarters, everything was sent there, and every two weeks it was appropriates to the different township committees and brought by one of them 01 their order for final distribution.
history of butler county
The aid distributing point for* this township was at the home of Deacon Harris, one-half mile west of the center of the township. Here nearly a.11 he Richlanders met on the iirst and third Saturday afternoons of each month, more to see and associate together than to receive. The style of wearing apparel placed on exhibition for claimants and distribution caused great amusement and was more varied than their wardrobe had ever contained and might have put even the Indians to fbght. At the present day it would be styled a lummage sale. They were the cast-off garments of forty years ago or more, gathered from attics “way down liaM,” such as old Shaker and pasteboard bonnets, stove pipe hat with ventilators in the top, homespun dress skirts, striped threadbare shawls, cutaway swallow tail coats, old barn door pants, etc. The supplies for tile inner man were more fitting and more sought for, which consisted of corn meal, flour, sugar, beans and occasionally bacon and dried fruit. At one time by mistake a barrel of coffee was sent instead of a barrel of beans. It was not distributed, the committee saying that it came by mistake and would be returned and corrected. It was returned to the back room and was lost in the hands of the committee. The writer doesn’t vouch for the accuracy of this saying, not being a beneficiary, but was several times a member of said distributing committee, which was revised in part or whole each month. This gratuitous distribution ceased long before grass started, but the people and stock' went through the winter in foir forking trim. Prominent among those who survived this period and are still residents of the township are Dick Reed, Janu s McCluggage, L. M. Williams, Nathan Davis, I\. L. Hodgin, J. H. Harris, A. J. Cramer and a few others. Since the writer changed his residence from the farm to Wichita, the first, named of this list is now the only resident of the township still residing on the claims settled on in the early spring of 1870. The closing of this period is generally considered to have been a “blessing in disguise.” The continued drought ot 1874 had doomed most of the crops when the grasshopper invasion of August came and consumed what little there was left save a few small fields of early planting on the streams, so the grasshopper was the leading issue of destruction. Meetings were called at various places and the situation discussed; expense funds were raised and a soliciting agent was sent back East to his old home and friends with* circulars and even official affidavits of the horrible state of the grasshopper devastation in Kansas, which was liberally responded to and very encouraging reports and supplies followed. The first cash in many instances was returned to the donors in defraying railroad expenses of the party rent, after which all donations were equally divided among the needy of that section. A stock company of ten was formed in North Cowley county by advancing five dollars each to send Adam Walck back to Ohio. This committee of ten was to have full benefit of all aid solicitations by him while in Ohio. The first consignment was clothing and one hundred dollars. This was 100 per cent.
profit in cash to the stockholders and their stock at once went to a premium. One young’ fellow sold bR stock to a poor widow for her only cow. Later another party sold his^ twice in one day, as he was ready to leave the country, realizing twenty dollars. No further cash contributions came through that channel. The most lasting benefit to the State at large in this line was in the individual and Congressional contribution of seeds in abundance of various kinds, which started the country afresh with the best seeds of the land. Yet, in short, all church, public ami individual aid from the East was <hilv appreciated as will be later noted.
Richland township during thi< pioneer period was visited by several destructive prairie fires caused by Indians firing the prairie. South of us. near the State line, with favorable wind 'and little obstruction, it soon swept north for many miles. In October, 1871, the greater part‘of Richland surface was swept bv one of these fires, the loss of much property and one death resulting. George Cline, then at work on Flight Mile for M. (i. Jones, perceiving that a fire was coining from the south, at once set out to protect his claim shanty, located one mile south, but the raging flames reached there before lie did. His only hope was to hasten back, but was soon overtaken by the oncoming fire and in an effort to run through the flames all his clothing was burned from his person. Fn this agonizing state he managed to get back to Mr. Jones’, and died from his injuries the following day. In his conscious hours he related his experience, stating that he had on his person $200 in a leather pocketbook. After his sufferings ended several parties went up to search for the lost purse. A few buttons and a pocket knife were found and also footprints of a horse, which was followed to a place two miles northeast, a light rain having fallen aftei the fire passed over, making it an easy matter to follow the footpirnts. The peculiar shape of the track led to the ownership of the horse, and on inquiry it was learned that he had. started on business for Emporia that morning. Two parties with a legally executed search warrant were hastened up the valley, overtaking their man above El Dorado, who denied finding the purse, but on being informed that he would have to submit to a search, as they held papers to that effect, he confessed and produced the outward scorched purse with full contents and was permitted to go on. In the same fire, Mbs. M. H. Lea, near the center of the township, on seeing the coming flames nearing her house, and thinking it would be consumed, in her excitement picked up the feather bed and ran out of doors in order to save it, but before she found a suitable place for it the smoke and heat caused her to drop the bed and get back in the house. The feather bed was cremated, but the house and contents were uninjured. The following year in an electric storm, Joseph Kellems, only son of Harmon Kellems, and a brother of Mrs. Jesse Perry, was instantly killed by lightning a few hundred yards west of where Pleasant Valley school house now stands. Following this, another respected
citizen residing* in the west part of the township, Mr. Sleeker, lost his hay barn from this cause, consuming two horses and a wagon. Recovering somewhat from this loss, he left the township and later, with a member of his family, met death on a railroad crossing in Cowley county.
It can be said to the credit of Richland that during this period when unwritten law and expert bluffing and spasmodic use of firearms predominated, no serious blood was shed in adjusting rights of settlers and their deliberations one with the other. On the other hand, every settler's latch string hung out, and his supplies for the inner man (if he had any! were in a measure free and it was no crime or trespass for one settler to stop and get feed for himself and horse in the absence of the proprietor. He would leave his card of thanks and move on, perhaps looking for a claim, a stray horse, or something else. It was a period of socialism in its true sense, as one person was just as good as his best neighbor and had just as much (nothing) and could easily and readily divide.
Exports of this period consisted principally of hides from long horn cattle that had failed to tide through the winters after having been driven from Texas late in the season; a few deer pelts and furs, such as mink, otter, wolf, raccoon and feathered game during the winter season. The imports were everything else of necessity, wagoned from Emporia and later from Florence, except venison and buffalo meat, which was then obtained near at hand, but not without some hardships and suffering when overtaken by blizzards so frequent in those days on the treeless prairie. Jake VanBuskirk described the outcome of those days in this manner: On being interrogated by a new comer, the following-
year. as to how the people managed to live through this trying pioneer period, said: “Well, sir, it was just this way: Our garments waxed
not old in those days, and we subsisted principally on grasshoppers, buffalo meat, dead prairie chickens, jack rabbits, slippery elm bark and catfish." .
On or about the beginning of the year of 1875, the cloud of pioneer gloom and adversity rapidly dispersed and the sunlight of progress and prosperity rewarded the toilers with bountiful crops for many years to the extent that Richland had plenty and to spare. In just one decade, from 1874 to 1884, when the township conributed a full car of Xo. 1 corn to the Ohio Valley sufferers, caused by the highest water ever known in that valley, a whole train load was sent from Kansas, a reciprocal donation for past favors, with interest, based on money value. This corn was sold to a Kentucky syndicate and the proceeds given to the destitue. We learned that it was converted into whiskey and presume shipped back to the West under the label of Kentucky Bourbon or Old Rye, and sold for four or five dollars per gallon. This was equal to assisting a mule from the mire and when his going is established, to have him right about and kick you. The rapid settlement of Rich-
land during’ this decade (and previous) were by an industrious class of people and early advocates of schools, education and political equal rights.
Richland township, in its primitive state previous to 1874, politically was under ^Douglass township rule, they having the balance of power, controlling the nomination and election of all township officers. All judiciary was held in Douglass and heavy assessing in Richland. Tbe trustee would come over into Richland and assess everything he could find on a claim whether the owner was there or not, regardless to whom it belonged, just so he knew who was holding down the claim; assess all rails and posts anywhere on the land at five dollars per hundred and all dead animals (if he could learn that they were alive on March rst of that year) and all in school district No. 20. This and the course of other events, of taxation without representation, caused the circulation of a petition praying that we might be set off as a separate township, which petition was at first rejected by the county commissioners on grounds that it was penciled instead of being penned, and a few other minor technicalities. A meeting was then called at Maple Creek school house, the petition renewed and enlarged and names suggested for the township. H. B. Furgeson claims to have suggested the name Richland, which being most appropriate and fitting, was adopted. The prayed for petition was granted in January, 1874, and the first election was held on April 19th of that year in a claim house owned by Mrs. Snodgrass, situated near the southeast corner of southwest one-fourth of section 15. A few days previous to the election a called meeting was held at Maple Creek school house, and the following ticket formulated: Trustee, J. IT. Lowery; clerk, P>. M. Hodgin; treasurer, A. J. Cramer; justices. Smith Goodspeed and J. Vanhouton; constables, F. Fleck and J. Oldham. At this first election forty-eight votes were cast. Early on election day a bolt was made on the nominee for trustee and L. B. Hull was elected in his stead along with the balance of the ticket.
This election board was composed of, judges, Smith Goodspeed, T. Fleck, M. H. Lee; clerks, J. II. Lowery and L. D. Himebaugh.
This being the hopper devastation year, our State motto, “Ad Astra Per AsperaT can be very fittingly applied to this little sub-division. All the elect qualified in due time, save treasurer, who, for cause of absence from township, L. D. Himebaugh was appointed in his stead for ensuing year. Same officers were re-elected the following year. L. B. Hull served the township as trustee for several years, and was succeeded by James McCluggage for two terms. Up to this time party politics was not knowm or recognized in selection of candidates for township officers, which was usually done with little or no previous arrangement, on the morning of election. Clerks and judges of election after being duly sworn and opening of polls, would have a temporary recess, till ticket was formulated and ready to be passed by a judge from the hand of a voter to a paper box (usually a shoe
* Richland Township was part of Walnut Township History of Kansas by Andreas 1883
history of butler county
box) with hole in top covered with a primer, almanac or a pamphlet of lecent election laws. At this period and for a few years later, township elections were held in February, until Richland Centre school house was built in 1878. All elections were held one-half mile west at Deacon Harris’s,” or on south side of road at Rev. Harrison s. Just previous to the spring election of 1880 the first township (Republican) caucus was held and the following township ticket nominated: Trustee, L, D. Himebaugh ; treasurer, D. \V. Ulam ; clerk, James YVal-ton; justices, Smith Goodspeed and A. Vanhouton ; constables, H. B. Furgeson and Than Fleck.
1 his year in early summer Smith Goodspeed moved from Kansas to Oregon, after having serv ed as justice eight'years and having had many important as well as many unimportant justice of peace cases to dispose of which when carried to higher courts, his finding was generally sustained. One on change of yenue was the noted civil action, wherein Kiel Wilkie was plaintiff and Sam Parker, defendant. Controversy was over an old stone wagon worth $10 or $12 used by plaintiff while making the fill in YValnut river west of Douglass. Both plaintiff and defendant claiming ownership of wagon by purchase from different parties. After being used several days by plaintiff, it disappeared between two days, and its whereabouts were only known (or supposed to be known) by defendant. A legal search did not re. veal all parts of the wagon. The plaintiff at a hearing before Justice Goodspeed was represented by Attorney A. L. Redden of FI Dorado, and defense by Wail Webb of Winfield. The proceeding was to establish ownership of property. After all evidence had been produced and ably commented on by attorneys, the Court's finding was for defendant. Appeal was taken to a higher court, which, in time, sustained the justice Court’s decision, arid the wagon, if ever found, was probably by this time in some junk pile. Mr. Goodspeed was a justice in the full sense of the term, would always bring about a compromise between litigants, if in his power to do so. At one time two of his neighbors, of equal merit in his estimation, became angered and a little bloodthirsty at each other over trespassing of stock pro and con between them, one had exacted several dollars’ damage by retaining his stock, when found on his premises a few days later, his cattle was lured across the road and corralled. Notice was.given the owner, of which he paid no heed, but at a late hour of the night,, stole across and drove his stock home. O11 finding his neighbor’s stock was back home in the morning without his knowledge, his ind:gnation was then ripe for a fight or a suit. Squire Goodspeed was consulted, failing to effect a peaceable settlement and wishing to avoid a suit, suggested a settlement by referee, by taking thirteen names of householders in the community, and each party striking off alternately one name till twelve were challenged, and the remaining one should hear the evidence and his decision be final. This being agreed upon, the referee honor, task
20 I
or misfortune fell to L. D. Himebaugh, who, after hearing ihe sworn testimony of plaintiff and defendant, revealing the fact that defendant had wilfully opened carroll and driven the cattle from plaintiff’s enclosure, in violation of herd law custom, his decision was $i damages to be paid plaintiff bv defendant and cost of referee proceedings in all, S4.40. Justice Goodspeed enjoyed or rather endured nearly all township, judiciary and legal business, even in officiating in occasional marriages, whose tying up, like that of his judiciary, was seldom reversed. The justice of the peace business in central and southern part of township was later administered by II. IV Furgeson, James Walton. L. I). Himebaugh. J. II. Price and A. J. Thetgee. all of whom, save latter, enjoyed all the business they desired and more too, and gladly passed it on to some one else at expiration of office term. The same can be *aid of Staley, Smith, Hall, Oldham and Vanhouton. in north part of township, who officiated at different times, in that capacity.
Republican nominees with I.. IV Hull as trustee met with success at polls in 1882-3-4-5, head of ticket suffered defeat, first by a Republican and later a Democrat, (IV M. Hodgin'), who held the office two years, by reason of a legislative act setting aside spring elections and continuing township officer* till November election. The November election of r88o resulted a* follows: Trustee. James McCluggage;
clerk, A. Simpson : treasurer. D. \Y. Ulam; justices, Rev.- Woodward and FT. B. Furgeson. Trustee elected November, 1887, ^ J. Cramer; trustee elected November, r888. James McCluggage: trustee elected November, 1880, IV M. Hodgin ; trustee elected November. 180,0. Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, i8qi, Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, 1892, A. J. Cramer: trustee elected November, 1893, W. S. Bacon ; trustee elected Novmber, 1894, H. B. Furgeson ; trustee elected November, 1895 and r896, H. D. Olmstead; trustee elected November. 1897 and 1898, B. G. Chauncv; trustee elected November, 1899, J. M. Kuhn: trustee elected November, 1900 and 1901. N. Russell; trustee elected November, 1902 and 1903, F. Staley, which office was made vacant by person-elect moving from township, and L. D. Himebaugh was appointed by county commissioners to fill vacancy. After this date by legislative act, township officers were elected for two years, instead of one. Trustee elected 1904, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1906, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1908, O. E. King; trustee elected 1910, O. E. King. Three members of first county commissioner's district were chosen from Richland during this period; A. Mas-terson, Lafe Stone, and L. B. Hull (later by appointment to fill vacancy). Several of her worthy citizens have been honored with a place on county ticket, but generally location and not qualification were adverse to success at polls, except on educational lines, treated of in following subject.
As formerly stated, Richland pioneer^ were early advocate* of schools and methods of education. And like all new countries, efforts
to organize a school district had its adversaries, as a small per cent, of the land was dedded and subject to taxation, many householders were bachelors. A school district, to enumerate fifteen children of school age. required in the early ’70's nine or ten square miles in order to erect a school building by bond issue, and in many cases this bond proposition met with defeat through those who would have the burden of taxation to bear for a few years, and those whose time had not yet come to have children of their own to educate. In districts where this interest predominated a claim house was donated, by some bachelor who had made final entry on his claim or perhaps moved in with a neighbor bachelor, to let his house be fixed up and used for school purposes. Law made it necessary for a term of three months school to be taught by a qualified teacher in a newly formed district before being entitled to any state funds. This first school by subscription, like many other requirements in pioneer days, was breaking the ice and paving the way for smoother sailing and better days. Yet, with few exceptions, all settlers subscribed freely towards maintaining the first school, but in many instances, drouth, grasshoppers or prairie fires caused some to fall short of their subscription when time and effort to collect rolled round. A teacher’s order in those days, like some other commercial paper, was not worth much at home and less abroad, necessitating a few to increase their original subscriptions to meet delinquency. School district Xo. 63, being the first to organize within the bounds of township embracing three and one-half miles North and South, and three miles East and West. First school was taught in early summer of ’73, by ]\Irs. Freeman at $15 per month, in a claim house near the southeast corner of northeast quarter of section 27, belonging to Tames Lee, repaired and fitted up for school purposes. There being no travelled roads or visible lines, it was thought best by patrons to run a furrow from school house to northeast corner of district, which was done with breaking plow to aid pupils in that part of the district to go to and from school. The following year district 80 was organized in southwest corner of township, being the first to erect a school building by aid of bonds. Said bonds were sold at eighty cents. Seventy-eight, (Diamond), district followed in organizing and soon erected a fine stone school building. Eightv-one was organized and completed its school building a short time prior to that of 78. One hundred nine was next organized and several terms were taught in a claim house before a school building proper was erected. District No. 100, previously numerically given, but later organized in limitation by taking territory from districts 63, 78, and 109, in order that a suitable location of said district 100 would be in centre of township, convenient for both school and township purposes. District no, on or near north line of township, was also organized in the latter 70's, being very artistically finished for that day, but like that of 81, got too big for its clothes, and merged with several other districts, (or parts of them), into a consolidated union in 1907 for methods of advanced education.
In less than one decade from date of organization in Richland township had seven public school buildings within her borders, where, in each a school was maintained from three to seven months during the year, and Richland soon took place in first column and near the top too for good school buildings, good schools and good teachers. From the ranks of its teachers came the first female county superintendent of Butler county, Mrs. Florence FTolcomb Olmstead. who devoted her time, talent, and energy in the discharge of her official duty, giving, as it were, her life in the line of education and reform. She, coming to Kansas from Indiana with her parents in seventv-two, began teaching at the age of sixteen, was Federal census enumerator of Richland township in 18S0. She died at the age of thirfv-thrce. near the close of her office term as county superintendent. Four vears later, 1804. another one of Richland's teachers, K. M. Holcomb, a member of same family, was called by vote of the people to the high and honorable office of county superintenden of public institutions. Like that of his sister, his administration was up-to-date, of that day in theorv and practice, full of flowers and reforms, pertaining to education and social interest, leaving footprints, not in the sands, but indelibly stamped in the minds of the rising generation to his official credit and the fair land if Richland. 1
On completion of the Saute Fe cut off from Am usta to Mulvane, the name and business of Rose Hill was moved one mile west, and enjoyed a steady growth in business and population : that the town with a little adjoining territory formed a school district, erecting the eighth school building within the townshjp, in the year 1900 numerically known as district No. I la. or the'V'Tew Rose Hill school. A few years later the consolidation of rural districts for a township, or central high school, was strongly advocated by leading educators and being adopted and tried with good results in some sections of the State: the energetic people of Rose Hill and vicinity were enthused with the opportunity for establishing a high consolidated school in the voting town as a further incentive to progress and prosperity. After due and legal primaries, an election was called, resulting in favor of consolidation of four school districts. A bond election was held in due time to vote on the proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $10,000 for the erection of a consolidated high school building. Said election resulted in favor of bond issue; tfreJMuty hall was fitted up and seated for school purposes, where the first school was held, commencing September, 1908, with^C^JO pupils attending. On completion of the new, commodious and imposing school buildings, a feeling of good cheer went up from patrons and pupils. Septembe$*T9o9; the four departments with principal and four assistants, opmted with renewed vigor and increased enrollment of pupils, for a nine month term for ensuing year. Lilly Picket and Merl Moon have the honor of being the first graduates of this institution, which exercises were held at close of term, rpc*).
1 * Railroad was built by Chicago, Kansas & Western Railroad Co. Santa Fe purchased it several years later, Info Mitchell abstract.
2 **School was held in the I.0.0.F hall until school house was finished
*** Sept. 1908'
3. 146 pupils
4. New location only, same It
L 'uJcr amusements is classed the various methods of social sporting and beneficial entertainments during this historical period. The first nuulgence in this line by early settlers was as much of a necessity as amusement. Deer, antelope, badger, (and along the streams, wild turkey, laccoons and heaver), were quite numerous, affording both spoit and/ meat, in their Rapture. At times several horsemen with hounds and guns would chase a bunch of deer or antelope, as much for the sport as their capture. Mr. Couch and his boys, (later of Oklahoma tame I, would often indulge in that kind of sport between the Walnut and Arkansas generally bagging their game by the time the chase reached one of the extremes. The writer well remembers when at one time his newly made garden suffered a tramping up by two does and a buck, leading four hounds followed by several broncos and riders; none ever so much as halted to offer an apology for the intrusion; one-half mile west the creek was crossed and a counter chase was made down north side of creek, resulting in the capture of one doe; the other two were permitted to go on for the chase another day, or target for some settler’s rifle. The still and.hide hunt was more successful in bagging of antelope and turkey. A pony purse, horse race and occasional shoot-iny match for a hog, goose or turkey was indulged in with much compelling interest in those days; until the fair sex numbers and influence changed the order of things somewhat, when social gatherings at some ranch dwelling was of frequent occurance, where quadrille and waltz kept pace and step to violin music.
[.ike all pioneer settlements, the dance mania like the ague, of that day, was nearly unanimous, at least tne majority had it bad, yes and good too, as later on, when Richland was part of Rev. Harrison’s mission field, the proceeds of a social dance and supper was occasionally means for a pastor’s donation; and by him accepted in good faith.
These social entertainments were ,soou varied somewhat by organization of literary societies for social and mutual benefit. The first in the township was organized December 14, 1872, at John Gardener’s house, situated near south line of section 17. The prime movers being Mr. Goodspeed, Mr. Gardner, Mrs. Weston, Miss Jennie Weston and Miss Maria Walton. This was principally a debating society, of questions pertaining to best interest and needs of settlers, herd law, female suffrage, credit system, etc. The participants were Gardner, Goodspeed, Roberts, Doc. Berger, Tucker, Walton, Gaymon, Stansberry, McClug-gage, Carlton, Furgeson, and Mrs. Weston. The society was well attended and well conducted, meeting semi-monthly during the winter.
It was re-organized at same place in early winter of seventy-three, and changed place of meeting to Maple Creek school house on its completion in 1874, at which place it was re-organized and held for several consecutive winters. Soon after the completion of school building in district 78, (Diamond), an interesting debating suciety was organized in that part of township. The leading lights being L. B. Hull and sons,
1900- School district was divided in the center, geographicaly, and the Rose Hill district moved to a new school house one mile to the west. The district which stayed in the old building became Excelsor District # 169.
HISTORY of butler county
Williams. Cox. Sinclair. Davis, Picket and the Tlodgin brothers. A good literary program, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, dialogues and paper, was rendered semi-monthly. L. M. Williams held the standing appointment as critic at all meerings, whose criticisms were beneficially and well rendered. The society continued with unabated interest for several winters. The third organization of this nature within the border*- of the- township was at Providence school house during the winter of 1883-4, and known as the Rose Lawn Literary society which met semi-monthly during the winter, being a debating society, in general. Participants were W. G. (iiesv, George Rannon. J. R. McKay, Dr. Work. !i. R. Furgeson. Himebaugh. A. C. Thetgee and others. Following this, a few wars later, the Mutual Information Society was organized and held meetings for mutual benefit in town hall over the store, during the winter and earl)' spring. This being a select or restricted organization, a clause in tiie by-laws required all members to prepare and take part in ail duties and subjects assigned them by president or committee on program, which made it diversified and no less interesting and beneficial. Another known as the Twilight Club, composed of school “marms," male teachers and students, met for mutual benefit at stated intervals in smith part of the township, during the closing winter of the nineteenth century. Miss Cora Stanley being the prime mover. Tn north part of township^ reading clubs and spelling contests greatly interested the progressive class during the nineties. The growth of Rose Hill during this and the following decade brought about the more up-to-date instruction and entertainments. .'side from the high school entertainments, and base ball contests, a series of lecture courses was held during the winter of 1009 and 1910 through auspices of the Lyceum Rureau, at the Rose Hill high school building.
As the primitive customs, of no noted observance o: the Sabbath day. in the business routine of labor and sociability with the early settlement of S. W. Kansas, like that of all other pioneer sections, grew in numerical strength, a Christian spirit, leading to Sabbath observance naturally begins to find favor and endorsement among all civilized people, so it was in Richland. ’Tis conceded that the first Sunday school organized within the bounds of Richland township was at the claim house of Miss Maria Walton, situated on northwest corner of southwest quarter section thirty-three, in the summer of t872. The prime movers being Miss Walton and brothers, all supplies being sent from Waukesha, Wis., their former home. The school continued to grow in interest and was later moved to the home of Mr. Hatch and on completion of the school house was for. years held there, known as the Maple Creek Sunday school.
At one period under the superintendency of L. P. Carlton was recognized the banner Sunday school of Richland township. Following this a Union Sunday school was organized in the north part of town-
ship, which was well .attended and much interest manifested. Mr. and Mrs. Haines and Mr, Staley were active in advancing- the cause. In the late summer of seventy-two, Rev. Green of the M. E. faith and order was given a Mission field in Southwest Butler and adjoining territory. He held a series of meetings at Stanberry’s house the following winter. The second missionary awakening was in the north part of te township, by one or more parties advocating the Seventh-day Advent doctrine. Meetings were held at the home of B. M. Hodgen, (a bachelor), whose home and hospitality were always open for religious services, as well as social entertainments, which often varied the evangelistic service with a change *>f program, for one evening. Rev. Harrison followed Rev. Green in his Mission field for a few years, organizing several classes, lie was later followed by Rev. McCoilister who changed the denominational order to that of Protestant Methodist which gained numerical strength and following, resulting in the erection and dedication of the first church house within the bounds of the township, in eighty-four, situated on northeast quarter of section 23, known as the Pleasant Ilill church. Several years later, Rose Hill class built a good church house, and later in 1906 the same denomination greeted a church two miles south of township, known as the Red Bud Church. The three classes constituted a ministerial field till 1909 when at the convening of the general conference, Rose Hill was set off as a station. Since then one minister is employed for Rose Hill class and one for Pleasant Hill and Red Bud.
The faith and order known as Friends were early in exercising their influence and worship, holding meetings from time to time at various places in north part of the township, and as early as 1881 completed a church house near the north line of the township, from which the good benefits have emanated equal in a great measure to that of Penn in colonial days. The next awakening was that of the Christian order by Revs. Harvey, Barret, Yard, in the latter seventies which gained endorsement and following through series of meetings held in various parts of township, setting forth Scripture teaching and the duty of man to man, and man to God, not fully in harmony with other orthodox creeds and belief. A joint discussion on this line worthy of historic note between Rev. Yard and an M. E. clergyman was held at Pleasant valley school house in July, 1879. The day was warm and sultry and the house filled to overflowing; during services a small cloud was seen to form apparently from a clear sky followed by a distant peal of thunder. As the approaching cloud grew more dense and gradually taking on the form of a twister, the knowledge being conveyed by the onlookers outside to the attentive listeners inside, soon marred the real interest of the discussion, which was changed to that of fear of the approaching storm. Some with their rigs hastily departed for home. The services had a premature concluding, as the approaching dense twister lowered and drew nearer, causing many to desert the dwelling
and seek outside protection along the hedges to which they citing with a firm grip, trusting flivine power beyond the elements for protection. It is said as Mr. Turner Holcomb and wife came and saw* the impending danger, Mrs. Holcomb, realizing that they could not reach home, said, “We must trust to Providence,” while her husband remarked, “Yes, trust in Providence, but cling to the hedge roots.” The center of the storm passed near, followed by a slight sprinkle of hail and drenching rain. The fierceness of the twktcr lowered to earth northwest of the school house and swept everything in its path in a northeasterly direction, stricking the house of John Nichols, swepi it from foundation, scattering content*' and material for a mile or more along its path, also vehicles and «»me -F>rk on the premises. ( VeupatUs -ought refuge in an out door cellar, the miK thing n< 4 torn asundei by the cyclone. \o lives were lo^t in Richland and no thoughts or theory attributes the freak elements of that Sabbath day to the joint discussion in the little school house, where both art and nature was made manifest, not soon to he forgotten, by those who heard, saw. feared and felt.
Later the religions work was furthered along through the labors of Revs. Wright and Cain, resulting in the erection of a fine church building in the latter eighties, situated on south line of section 15 as a beacon light and gospel dispensary; gaining numerical strength, as well as being the early Christian home of Harold Olmstead, son of JT. D. Olmstead, who later has won distinction in ins evangelistic work in other states as well as at hgtne. With three denominational churches, within her borders and four nearby ( Friends ) in which two or more ordained ministers of today had their early Christian home. Revs. Wells and Hinshaw, and two of the M. P. denomination, A. Shipman and IT. W oodward, who later joined the M. E. church in his early ministry ; which ail goes to show Richland's output and progress in Christian workers and work in line with all other advances during this historical period and greater results of the seed sown will doubtless later be known.
In 1890 the Federal census of Richland (taken by the writer) recorded the least percent, of illiteracy of any enumerator district in the state, save one, being a fraction over one and one-half per cent, of all who were ten years old and over, and the same can be said on the line of poverty and pauperism.
The first Federal postoffice established within bounds of the township was in%873 at the residence of L. M. Williams, situated on southeast quarter of section 5, and known as Rose Hill postoffice,^deriving the name through J. H. Lowrey who had a great fancy for botanical culture and made great effort to beautify his home claim, the northwest quarter of section 8, in the early summer of seventy-three by growing roses and other flowers and shrubbery* to his fancy to be known as the Rose farm. But his efforts were badly blighted the following year by the grasshopper invasion, and all he had left to start with on the
* 1874 Info from National Archives
___7^* ____ftW cVg*? feftj
. following spring was the name, which was perpetuated in the name of the postoffice, L. M. Williams being first postmaster and continued as such for five years, when the office was moved north one mile to the house of H. C. Staley who succeeded Mr. Williams as postmaster. A few years later,%lr. Meeker succeeded Mr. Staley till Rose Hill became a railroad village and office established. The second Federal office was at Rev. Harrison’s on section 21 and known as Richland Centre, in 1878 or-4-879, being discontinued 61^1882. The third Federal postoffice within bounds, was in the early summer of^883 on section 34, Providence postoffice, the name given the inland mineral water resort.
.|. ^John Dunnell was appointed postmaster, whose son, C. F. Dunnell, pre-empted the land and sunk a well to the depth of 142 feet and struck water of a salty, peculiar taste, lie was advised to have it analyzed rather than discarding its use entirely for domestic purposes; which was done. The great beneficial and curative properties were tested by several, for ailments and infirmities. Among those was A. Hide of Wichita, who, after receiving great benefit from the use of water, was instrumental and prime mover in the organizing of a stock company, for improvements of well, comforts and convenience of any who stood in need of the healing balm.
A general supply store was built north of the road by A. A. Hyde, also the fine country dwelling {now owned by K. M. Holcomb). The store building was one of uvo stories. Norman Hagan acted as proprietor of the store, his family occupying the rooms above. This continued for a time. The stock was later purchased by H. T. Holcomb who continued the store and postoffice for several years. N. M. Mare put up a convenient blacksmith shop on the new town site, Warrender N Beedy a good livery barn ; a dwelling of modern architecture was also built nearby and occupied several years by R. Warrender. Copner built on Mineral street and kept a fair stock of merchandise in connection with the postoffice. C F. Dunnell and another family had their residences on this street, and Rev. Latham later conducted a store on Providence row. Dr. Adams for a time occupied the hotel and conducted a drug store. The north building on Mineral street was a neat cottage built and occupied by the builder, as a residence and confectionary in a small degree. All lines of business enjoyed a profitable patronage so long as the prime movers and patrons, during the Wichita boom days, lent support and advocated the beneficial effects of a few weeks’ outing at the Providence mineral resort. Numerous parties during the summer of 1885-6 and later, from Wichita, enjoyed (or endured) a few weeks,1 stay at Providence, Butler county.
Causing a depression or cessation of business and interest of Providence, on par, with that of the Peerless Princess collapse period. When Wichita lost faith in herself, Providence was sold to the farmers in that vicinity. Following this was the Oklahoma boom and opening, and many of the village residents winged that way. Soon many dwellings
Richland Centre P.0. March 10, 1878 to
Oct 5, 1881
Providence July 7, 1881 to
Oct. 5, 1896
* Mr Meeker was never Postmaster at Rose Hill.
Mr. Keister was Postmaster. He was the manager of the Meeker store.
** Mr. Lloyd W. Dunnell was the first postmaster at Providence
info from National Archives, Washington D.C.
2 OQ
of the mineral well village left on wheels. George Osborn has several on his farm which have been twice wrecked by cyclone since mewing; he said it was Providentially so ordained and no fault of his. One store and the postoffice was kept alive bv various parties until 1898 when it was discontinued and the building moved off, leaving the hotel and K. M. Holcomb’s residence of the original Providence, which still remain. The hotel is now by beqeathment the property of Ed Dunnell, son of C. F. Dunnell. With the gradual decline and patronage of the healing qualities of the Providence mineral output, during the eighties, was the incentive for Rose Hill to forge to the front, which it did on completion of the railroad in 1887. Situated in the northwest part of the township, surrounded by a fine agricultural and stock company, it sonn became a very prominent Hupping point which, like the town, has been on the increase, keeping pace with progress.
Rose Hill is noted as a clean, tidy village. A larger per cent, of its buildings are more artistically painted than any town in the county and boasts of more and better sidewalks in proportion to population than any wide-awake town in the county. Good walks extend to the high school building in the south part of the village .all pupils attending this school residing one-half mile distant are conveyed to and from school at the expense of district in comfortable rigs fitted for that purpose.
Rose Hill is the iistributing point of two rural routes, and lias up-to-date ’phone, service with surrounding country and towns.
Of the forty-seven personal tax payers of 1875. only seven are found on the personal tax roll of 1010, \s follows: "riles. A. J.; Gramer. A. J.: Himebaugh. L. D.: Millison. Win.: Wm.: Williams. L. M.: Mc-Cluggage. Jas.
' One branch of the Texas cattle drive via Wichita to Abiline traversed Richland township from southeast to northwest, where a herd of 1000 or more long horns could he seen most any day during midsummer of 1870, and a few drives were made the following year, when settlement interfered, forcing the drive west of the Arkansas river, terminating at Dodge City on completion of railroad to that point. The class of cattle and the men who handled them (cowboys) were monarch of all they surveyed and their rights there were none to dispute, resulted in many tragic fatalities. The cattle were chuck full of the same spirit: settlers often rode out to see the herds when grazing, with a view of purchasing one for beef, and would naturally dismount to look more closely, but he was warned hv several long horns facing him, indicating, “You get off the grass, or into your saddle, or we will raise you one.” No time was lost in getting back into saddle. Many of these Texas cattle were purchased and wintered here and sent to market the following summer. There being no railroad they were driven to Kansas City or some point in Missouri. Texas cattle wintered in the state of Kansas were by statutory law exempt from quarantine and permitted to be driven to market on certificate of county clerk of county, where wintered.From
The History of Butler County by
Vol Mooney 1916
f Continued.)
By D. Himebaugh.
Richland township bounded on the north by Pleasan* township, on the east by Douglass township, on the south by Cowley county, on the west by Sedgwick county, situated in the center of a prosperous and productive area known as the Big Four Counties of Kansas.
Pioneer Period.—The pioneer period in the writer’s view and experience terminated proper with the grasshopper plaugue and devastation of 1874. What can be said of events and endurance of settlers in one section or township of this domain (unequalled in a like area today within the hounds of Kansas) will apply in a great measure to all parts of the territory. The first white settlement within the bounds of what is now known as Richland township was made on Eight Mile Creek in the summer of 1868 by John Steock, James Olmstead and Harve Henderson. This was the year of the Indian depredation to the extent of die killing of Mr. Dunn and his associate about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the Olmstead mill, built in 1872 and later known as Dunn's mill. This had a tendency to confine settlement to near town (or rather town site) of Douglass for that summer; but the following year the valley of Eight Mile was claimed as far as the north line of the township, and cabins were erected hv A. Liddle, H. Kellems. V. Love, M. G. Jones and Dick Reed, In the early spring of 1870 the writer laid claim to a share of this beautiful donia'Tn, locating on the south line of the township, which was then bounded on the south by Indian Territory. No soldiers patrolled the line and such a person as a “sooner" was not known. No person was a trespasser: anywhere he wished to go he had only -to take his chances on meeting with half-civilized or hostile Indians or being visited by that class of people in sheep’s clothing, who made a business of borrowing horses at night and never returning them. It was a necessarv custom with settlers that summer to
. (13) 03
RICHLAND TOWNSHIP 1879 598 New Enterprise
1881 616 Douglass Index
1882 600 n 11
bring all work stock from the lariat and tie them to a wagon or near a tent or shanty before retiring for the night. But over in Douglass township in November of that year they began tying up suspicious men at the rate of eight per month, which had a telling effect in keeping-horses from straying off at night. In July of this year all the Indian land to the south side of the State was treated for and surveyed the following winter. »
This started a flow of immigration into this* part of the State and Richland got her share for several years, when the grasshopper invasion and devastation of 1874 caused a lull in this line. Not only this, but many settlers left the township and some the State to spend the winter with wives’ folks and oilier kindred. While the grasshopper invasion of this year came without warning in August, yet one month previous, July j6, the settlers of south Butler and north Cowley received a midnight warning that later proved to be false, but not until nearly every settler from the Arkansas River east to Walnut had deserted their homes in haste. Some children were loaded into wagons in their night garments with such supplies as were at hand and off they went, fleeing as they thought from a band of hostile Indians reported to have burned Belle Plain and coming east, killing and scalping every woman and child enroute.
The Cheyenne and Osage Indians being a little on the warpath that year as to tribal claims, afforded some grounds for the belief of the report that was started by two parties who were making a night ride east to unknown parts, and for a sensational motive called at a farm house and reported that a band of Indians was slaughtering the settlers just west of the river and they were fleeing from them. They reported the same at every house they passed, not giving any explanation only that they saw the Indians and Belle Plain was in flames. A paririe fire in that direction helped to give credence to their report. They soon had some follows, and they, feeling an interest in the safety of their neighbors, the tidings spread and the thoughs of defending wife and little ones at home prompted many to join the sampede for a more numerous and defensive stronghold. The writer was routed out by a lad, who with his parents was several miles from home, just as the first ray of morning light was visible in the eastern horizon. Pie related his Indian story, and requested him to get a gun and join them about eighty rods west at the house of Mr. Broughton. After getting on hoots and starting a fire, we sauntered out to learn the cause for all this, and found that the boy was not trying to play a joke on a lone bachelor. After consoling myself with the thought that no Indians were coming our way, I returned, got breakfast, did the morning chores, then saddled my horse and galloped south a mile to learn how the widow Daniels and her large family were feeling over this Indian scare report. To my surprise all were gone save the old gray mare that was grazing leisurely about the yard. The kitchen door was open
and sugar, flour and other supplies were scattered about the floor. Not seeing any marks of fndian depredations or moccasin footprints, we at once concluded that they, too, had got up earlier than usual and hastened away to save their scalps. On returning home we learned that Eight Mile and Walnut woods were full of men, women and children, and on half rations and ammunition, caused by their hasty exit from home. Sam Parker and several others went out west to spy out the situation, returning soon after the noon hour with the report that no Indians were in it at all. The whole thing was a sham and a false report. This was tidings of great joy, and all returned to their homes
swearng vengeance against the ones who originated the stampede. It was later reported that those two fellows never stopped till they struck the blackjacks in Missouri.
The winter of 1874-1875 is known and ^remembered as the ‘‘aid winter,” not alone for the amount of aid the remaining settlers of the township received in the full sense of the emergency, but the style of supplies sent by the kind, sympathetic people of other States for gratuitous distribution among the grasshopper sufferers of Kansas. Augusta being the county central supply headquarters, everything was sent there, and every two weeks it was appropriates to the different township committees and brought by one of them 01 their order for final distribution.
history of butler county
The aid distributing point for* this township was at the home of Deacon Harris, one-half mile west of the center of the township. Here nearly a.11 he Richlanders met on the iirst and third Saturday afternoons of each month, more to see and associate together than to receive. The style of wearing apparel placed on exhibition for claimants and distribution caused great amusement and was more varied than their wardrobe had ever contained and might have put even the Indians to fbght. At the present day it would be styled a lummage sale. They were the cast-off garments of forty years ago or more, gathered from attics “way down liaM,” such as old Shaker and pasteboard bonnets, stove pipe hat with ventilators in the top, homespun dress skirts, striped threadbare shawls, cutaway swallow tail coats, old barn door pants, etc. The supplies for tile inner man were more fitting and more sought for, which consisted of corn meal, flour, sugar, beans and occasionally bacon and dried fruit. At one time by mistake a barrel of coffee was sent instead of a barrel of beans. It was not distributed, the committee saying that it came by mistake and would be returned and corrected. It was returned to the back room and was lost in the hands of the committee. The writer doesn’t vouch for the accuracy of this saying, not being a beneficiary, but was several times a member of said distributing committee, which was revised in part or whole each month. This gratuitous distribution ceased long before grass started, but the people and stock' went through the winter in foir forking trim. Prominent among those who survived this period and are still residents of the township are Dick Reed, Janu s McCluggage, L. M. Williams, Nathan Davis, I\. L. Hodgin, J. H. Harris, A. J. Cramer and a few others. Since the writer changed his residence from the farm to Wichita, the first, named of this list is now the only resident of the township still residing on the claims settled on in the early spring of 1870. The closing of this period is generally considered to have been a “blessing in disguise.” The continued drought ot 1874 had doomed most of the crops when the grasshopper invasion of August came and consumed what little there was left save a few small fields of early planting on the streams, so the grasshopper was the leading issue of destruction. Meetings were called at various places and the situation discussed; expense funds were raised and a soliciting agent was sent back East to his old home and friends with* circulars and even official affidavits of the horrible state of the grasshopper devastation in Kansas, which was liberally responded to and very encouraging reports and supplies followed. The first cash in many instances was returned to the donors in defraying railroad expenses of the party rent, after which all donations were equally divided among the needy of that section. A stock company of ten was formed in North Cowley county by advancing five dollars each to send Adam Walck back to Ohio. This committee of ten was to have full benefit of all aid solicitations by him while in Ohio. The first consignment was clothing and one hundred dollars. This was 100 per cent.
profit in cash to the stockholders and their stock at once went to a premium. One young’ fellow sold bR stock to a poor widow for her only cow. Later another party sold his^ twice in one day, as he was ready to leave the country, realizing twenty dollars. No further cash contributions came through that channel. The most lasting benefit to the State at large in this line was in the individual and Congressional contribution of seeds in abundance of various kinds, which started the country afresh with the best seeds of the land. Yet, in short, all church, public ami individual aid from the East was <hilv appreciated as will be later noted.
Richland township during thi< pioneer period was visited by several destructive prairie fires caused by Indians firing the prairie. South of us. near the State line, with favorable wind 'and little obstruction, it soon swept north for many miles. In October, 1871, the greater part‘of Richland surface was swept bv one of these fires, the loss of much property and one death resulting. George Cline, then at work on Flight Mile for M. (i. Jones, perceiving that a fire was coining from the south, at once set out to protect his claim shanty, located one mile south, but the raging flames reached there before lie did. His only hope was to hasten back, but was soon overtaken by the oncoming fire and in an effort to run through the flames all his clothing was burned from his person. Fn this agonizing state he managed to get back to Mr. Jones’, and died from his injuries the following day. In his conscious hours he related his experience, stating that he had on his person $200 in a leather pocketbook. After his sufferings ended several parties went up to search for the lost purse. A few buttons and a pocket knife were found and also footprints of a horse, which was followed to a place two miles northeast, a light rain having fallen aftei the fire passed over, making it an easy matter to follow the footpirnts. The peculiar shape of the track led to the ownership of the horse, and on inquiry it was learned that he had. started on business for Emporia that morning. Two parties with a legally executed search warrant were hastened up the valley, overtaking their man above El Dorado, who denied finding the purse, but on being informed that he would have to submit to a search, as they held papers to that effect, he confessed and produced the outward scorched purse with full contents and was permitted to go on. In the same fire, Mbs. M. H. Lea, near the center of the township, on seeing the coming flames nearing her house, and thinking it would be consumed, in her excitement picked up the feather bed and ran out of doors in order to save it, but before she found a suitable place for it the smoke and heat caused her to drop the bed and get back in the house. The feather bed was cremated, but the house and contents were uninjured. The following year in an electric storm, Joseph Kellems, only son of Harmon Kellems, and a brother of Mrs. Jesse Perry, was instantly killed by lightning a few hundred yards west of where Pleasant Valley school house now stands. Following this, another respected
citizen residing* in the west part of the township, Mr. Sleeker, lost his hay barn from this cause, consuming two horses and a wagon. Recovering somewhat from this loss, he left the township and later, with a member of his family, met death on a railroad crossing in Cowley county.
It can be said to the credit of Richland that during this period when unwritten law and expert bluffing and spasmodic use of firearms predominated, no serious blood was shed in adjusting rights of settlers and their deliberations one with the other. On the other hand, every settler's latch string hung out, and his supplies for the inner man (if he had any! were in a measure free and it was no crime or trespass for one settler to stop and get feed for himself and horse in the absence of the proprietor. He would leave his card of thanks and move on, perhaps looking for a claim, a stray horse, or something else. It was a period of socialism in its true sense, as one person was just as good as his best neighbor and had just as much (nothing) and could easily and readily divide.
Exports of this period consisted principally of hides from long horn cattle that had failed to tide through the winters after having been driven from Texas late in the season; a few deer pelts and furs, such as mink, otter, wolf, raccoon and feathered game during the winter season. The imports were everything else of necessity, wagoned from Emporia and later from Florence, except venison and buffalo meat, which was then obtained near at hand, but not without some hardships and suffering when overtaken by blizzards so frequent in those days on the treeless prairie. Jake VanBuskirk described the outcome of those days in this manner: On being interrogated by a new comer, the following-
year. as to how the people managed to live through this trying pioneer period, said: “Well, sir, it was just this way: Our garments waxed
not old in those days, and we subsisted principally on grasshoppers, buffalo meat, dead prairie chickens, jack rabbits, slippery elm bark and catfish." .
On or about the beginning of the year of 1875, the cloud of pioneer gloom and adversity rapidly dispersed and the sunlight of progress and prosperity rewarded the toilers with bountiful crops for many years to the extent that Richland had plenty and to spare. In just one decade, from 1874 to 1884, when the township conributed a full car of Xo. 1 corn to the Ohio Valley sufferers, caused by the highest water ever known in that valley, a whole train load was sent from Kansas, a reciprocal donation for past favors, with interest, based on money value. This corn was sold to a Kentucky syndicate and the proceeds given to the destitue. We learned that it was converted into whiskey and presume shipped back to the West under the label of Kentucky Bourbon or Old Rye, and sold for four or five dollars per gallon. This was equal to assisting a mule from the mire and when his going is established, to have him right about and kick you. The rapid settlement of Rich-
land during’ this decade (and previous) were by an industrious class of people and early advocates of schools, education and political equal rights.
Richland township, in its primitive state previous to 1874, politically was under ^Douglass township rule, they having the balance of power, controlling the nomination and election of all township officers. All judiciary was held in Douglass and heavy assessing in Richland. Tbe trustee would come over into Richland and assess everything he could find on a claim whether the owner was there or not, regardless to whom it belonged, just so he knew who was holding down the claim; assess all rails and posts anywhere on the land at five dollars per hundred and all dead animals (if he could learn that they were alive on March rst of that year) and all in school district No. 20. This and the course of other events, of taxation without representation, caused the circulation of a petition praying that we might be set off as a separate township, which petition was at first rejected by the county commissioners on grounds that it was penciled instead of being penned, and a few other minor technicalities. A meeting was then called at Maple Creek school house, the petition renewed and enlarged and names suggested for the township. H. B. Furgeson claims to have suggested the name Richland, which being most appropriate and fitting, was adopted. The prayed for petition was granted in January, 1874, and the first election was held on April 19th of that year in a claim house owned by Mrs. Snodgrass, situated near the southeast corner of southwest one-fourth of section 15. A few days previous to the election a called meeting was held at Maple Creek school house, and the following ticket formulated: Trustee, J. IT. Lowery; clerk, P>. M. Hodgin; treasurer, A. J. Cramer; justices. Smith Goodspeed and J. Vanhouton; constables, F. Fleck and J. Oldham. At this first election forty-eight votes were cast. Early on election day a bolt was made on the nominee for trustee and L. B. Hull was elected in his stead along with the balance of the ticket.
This election board was composed of, judges, Smith Goodspeed, T. Fleck, M. H. Lee; clerks, J. II. Lowery and L. D. Himebaugh.
This being the hopper devastation year, our State motto, “Ad Astra Per AsperaT can be very fittingly applied to this little sub-division. All the elect qualified in due time, save treasurer, who, for cause of absence from township, L. D. Himebaugh was appointed in his stead for ensuing year. Same officers were re-elected the following year. L. B. Hull served the township as trustee for several years, and was succeeded by James McCluggage for two terms. Up to this time party politics was not knowm or recognized in selection of candidates for township officers, which was usually done with little or no previous arrangement, on the morning of election. Clerks and judges of election after being duly sworn and opening of polls, would have a temporary recess, till ticket was formulated and ready to be passed by a judge from the hand of a voter to a paper box (usually a shoe
* Richland Township was part of Walnut Township History of Kansas by Andreas 1883
history of butler county
box) with hole in top covered with a primer, almanac or a pamphlet of lecent election laws. At this period and for a few years later, township elections were held in February, until Richland Centre school house was built in 1878. All elections were held one-half mile west at Deacon Harris’s,” or on south side of road at Rev. Harrison s. Just previous to the spring election of 1880 the first township (Republican) caucus was held and the following township ticket nominated: Trustee, L, D. Himebaugh ; treasurer, D. \V. Ulam ; clerk, James YVal-ton; justices, Smith Goodspeed and A. Vanhouton ; constables, H. B. Furgeson and Than Fleck.
1 his year in early summer Smith Goodspeed moved from Kansas to Oregon, after having serv ed as justice eight'years and having had many important as well as many unimportant justice of peace cases to dispose of which when carried to higher courts, his finding was generally sustained. One on change of yenue was the noted civil action, wherein Kiel Wilkie was plaintiff and Sam Parker, defendant. Controversy was over an old stone wagon worth $10 or $12 used by plaintiff while making the fill in YValnut river west of Douglass. Both plaintiff and defendant claiming ownership of wagon by purchase from different parties. After being used several days by plaintiff, it disappeared between two days, and its whereabouts were only known (or supposed to be known) by defendant. A legal search did not re. veal all parts of the wagon. The plaintiff at a hearing before Justice Goodspeed was represented by Attorney A. L. Redden of FI Dorado, and defense by Wail Webb of Winfield. The proceeding was to establish ownership of property. After all evidence had been produced and ably commented on by attorneys, the Court's finding was for defendant. Appeal was taken to a higher court, which, in time, sustained the justice Court’s decision, arid the wagon, if ever found, was probably by this time in some junk pile. Mr. Goodspeed was a justice in the full sense of the term, would always bring about a compromise between litigants, if in his power to do so. At one time two of his neighbors, of equal merit in his estimation, became angered and a little bloodthirsty at each other over trespassing of stock pro and con between them, one had exacted several dollars’ damage by retaining his stock, when found on his premises a few days later, his cattle was lured across the road and corralled. Notice was.given the owner, of which he paid no heed, but at a late hour of the night,, stole across and drove his stock home. O11 finding his neighbor’s stock was back home in the morning without his knowledge, his ind:gnation was then ripe for a fight or a suit. Squire Goodspeed was consulted, failing to effect a peaceable settlement and wishing to avoid a suit, suggested a settlement by referee, by taking thirteen names of householders in the community, and each party striking off alternately one name till twelve were challenged, and the remaining one should hear the evidence and his decision be final. This being agreed upon, the referee honor, task
20 I
or misfortune fell to L. D. Himebaugh, who, after hearing ihe sworn testimony of plaintiff and defendant, revealing the fact that defendant had wilfully opened carroll and driven the cattle from plaintiff’s enclosure, in violation of herd law custom, his decision was $i damages to be paid plaintiff bv defendant and cost of referee proceedings in all, S4.40. Justice Goodspeed enjoyed or rather endured nearly all township, judiciary and legal business, even in officiating in occasional marriages, whose tying up, like that of his judiciary, was seldom reversed. The justice of the peace business in central and southern part of township was later administered by II. IV Furgeson, James Walton. L. I). Himebaugh. J. II. Price and A. J. Thetgee. all of whom, save latter, enjoyed all the business they desired and more too, and gladly passed it on to some one else at expiration of office term. The same can be *aid of Staley, Smith, Hall, Oldham and Vanhouton. in north part of township, who officiated at different times, in that capacity.
Republican nominees with I.. IV Hull as trustee met with success at polls in 1882-3-4-5, head of ticket suffered defeat, first by a Republican and later a Democrat, (IV M. Hodgin'), who held the office two years, by reason of a legislative act setting aside spring elections and continuing township officer* till November election. The November election of r88o resulted a* follows: Trustee. James McCluggage;
clerk, A. Simpson : treasurer. D. \Y. Ulam; justices, Rev.- Woodward and FT. B. Furgeson. Trustee elected November, 1887, ^ J. Cramer; trustee elected November, r888. James McCluggage: trustee elected November, 1880, IV M. Hodgin ; trustee elected November. 180,0. Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, i8qi, Elias Mitchell: trustee elected November, 1892, A. J. Cramer: trustee elected November, 1893, W. S. Bacon ; trustee elected Novmber, 1894, H. B. Furgeson ; trustee elected November, 1895 and r896, H. D. Olmstead; trustee elected November. 1897 and 1898, B. G. Chauncv; trustee elected November, 1899, J. M. Kuhn: trustee elected November, 1900 and 1901. N. Russell; trustee elected November, 1902 and 1903, F. Staley, which office was made vacant by person-elect moving from township, and L. D. Himebaugh was appointed by county commissioners to fill vacancy. After this date by legislative act, township officers were elected for two years, instead of one. Trustee elected 1904, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1906, Ralph McCluggage; trustee elected 1908, O. E. King; trustee elected 1910, O. E. King. Three members of first county commissioner's district were chosen from Richland during this period; A. Mas-terson, Lafe Stone, and L. B. Hull (later by appointment to fill vacancy). Several of her worthy citizens have been honored with a place on county ticket, but generally location and not qualification were adverse to success at polls, except on educational lines, treated of in following subject.
As formerly stated, Richland pioneer^ were early advocate* of schools and methods of education. And like all new countries, efforts
to organize a school district had its adversaries, as a small per cent, of the land was dedded and subject to taxation, many householders were bachelors. A school district, to enumerate fifteen children of school age. required in the early ’70's nine or ten square miles in order to erect a school building by bond issue, and in many cases this bond proposition met with defeat through those who would have the burden of taxation to bear for a few years, and those whose time had not yet come to have children of their own to educate. In districts where this interest predominated a claim house was donated, by some bachelor who had made final entry on his claim or perhaps moved in with a neighbor bachelor, to let his house be fixed up and used for school purposes. Law made it necessary for a term of three months school to be taught by a qualified teacher in a newly formed district before being entitled to any state funds. This first school by subscription, like many other requirements in pioneer days, was breaking the ice and paving the way for smoother sailing and better days. Yet, with few exceptions, all settlers subscribed freely towards maintaining the first school, but in many instances, drouth, grasshoppers or prairie fires caused some to fall short of their subscription when time and effort to collect rolled round. A teacher’s order in those days, like some other commercial paper, was not worth much at home and less abroad, necessitating a few to increase their original subscriptions to meet delinquency. School district Xo. 63, being the first to organize within the bounds of township embracing three and one-half miles North and South, and three miles East and West. First school was taught in early summer of ’73, by ]\Irs. Freeman at $15 per month, in a claim house near the southeast corner of northeast quarter of section 27, belonging to Tames Lee, repaired and fitted up for school purposes. There being no travelled roads or visible lines, it was thought best by patrons to run a furrow from school house to northeast corner of district, which was done with breaking plow to aid pupils in that part of the district to go to and from school. The following year district 80 was organized in southwest corner of township, being the first to erect a school building by aid of bonds. Said bonds were sold at eighty cents. Seventy-eight, (Diamond), district followed in organizing and soon erected a fine stone school building. Eightv-one was organized and completed its school building a short time prior to that of 78. One hundred nine was next organized and several terms were taught in a claim house before a school building proper was erected. District No. 100, previously numerically given, but later organized in limitation by taking territory from districts 63, 78, and 109, in order that a suitable location of said district 100 would be in centre of township, convenient for both school and township purposes. District no, on or near north line of township, was also organized in the latter 70's, being very artistically finished for that day, but like that of 81, got too big for its clothes, and merged with several other districts, (or parts of them), into a consolidated union in 1907 for methods of advanced education.
In less than one decade from date of organization in Richland township had seven public school buildings within her borders, where, in each a school was maintained from three to seven months during the year, and Richland soon took place in first column and near the top too for good school buildings, good schools and good teachers. From the ranks of its teachers came the first female county superintendent of Butler county, Mrs. Florence FTolcomb Olmstead. who devoted her time, talent, and energy in the discharge of her official duty, giving, as it were, her life in the line of education and reform. She, coming to Kansas from Indiana with her parents in seventv-two, began teaching at the age of sixteen, was Federal census enumerator of Richland township in 18S0. She died at the age of thirfv-thrce. near the close of her office term as county superintendent. Four vears later, 1804. another one of Richland's teachers, K. M. Holcomb, a member of same family, was called by vote of the people to the high and honorable office of county superintenden of public institutions. Like that of his sister, his administration was up-to-date, of that day in theorv and practice, full of flowers and reforms, pertaining to education and social interest, leaving footprints, not in the sands, but indelibly stamped in the minds of the rising generation to his official credit and the fair land if Richland. 1
On completion of the Saute Fe cut off from Am usta to Mulvane, the name and business of Rose Hill was moved one mile west, and enjoyed a steady growth in business and population : that the town with a little adjoining territory formed a school district, erecting the eighth school building within the townshjp, in the year 1900 numerically known as district No. I la. or the'V'Tew Rose Hill school. A few years later the consolidation of rural districts for a township, or central high school, was strongly advocated by leading educators and being adopted and tried with good results in some sections of the State: the energetic people of Rose Hill and vicinity were enthused with the opportunity for establishing a high consolidated school in the voting town as a further incentive to progress and prosperity. After due and legal primaries, an election was called, resulting in favor of consolidation of four school districts. A bond election was held in due time to vote on the proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $10,000 for the erection of a consolidated high school building. Said election resulted in favor of bond issue; tfreJMuty hall was fitted up and seated for school purposes, where the first school was held, commencing September, 1908, with^C^JO pupils attending. On completion of the new, commodious and imposing school buildings, a feeling of good cheer went up from patrons and pupils. Septembe$*T9o9; the four departments with principal and four assistants, opmted with renewed vigor and increased enrollment of pupils, for a nine month term for ensuing year. Lilly Picket and Merl Moon have the honor of being the first graduates of this institution, which exercises were held at close of term, rpc*).
1 * Railroad was built by Chicago, Kansas & Western Railroad Co. Santa Fe purchased it several years later, Info Mitchell abstract.
2 **School was held in the I.0.0.F hall until school house was finished
*** Sept. 1908'
3. 146 pupils
4. New location only, same It
L 'uJcr amusements is classed the various methods of social sporting and beneficial entertainments during this historical period. The first nuulgence in this line by early settlers was as much of a necessity as amusement. Deer, antelope, badger, (and along the streams, wild turkey, laccoons and heaver), were quite numerous, affording both spoit and/ meat, in their Rapture. At times several horsemen with hounds and guns would chase a bunch of deer or antelope, as much for the sport as their capture. Mr. Couch and his boys, (later of Oklahoma tame I, would often indulge in that kind of sport between the Walnut and Arkansas generally bagging their game by the time the chase reached one of the extremes. The writer well remembers when at one time his newly made garden suffered a tramping up by two does and a buck, leading four hounds followed by several broncos and riders; none ever so much as halted to offer an apology for the intrusion; one-half mile west the creek was crossed and a counter chase was made down north side of creek, resulting in the capture of one doe; the other two were permitted to go on for the chase another day, or target for some settler’s rifle. The still and.hide hunt was more successful in bagging of antelope and turkey. A pony purse, horse race and occasional shoot-iny match for a hog, goose or turkey was indulged in with much compelling interest in those days; until the fair sex numbers and influence changed the order of things somewhat, when social gatherings at some ranch dwelling was of frequent occurance, where quadrille and waltz kept pace and step to violin music.
[.ike all pioneer settlements, the dance mania like the ague, of that day, was nearly unanimous, at least tne majority had it bad, yes and good too, as later on, when Richland was part of Rev. Harrison’s mission field, the proceeds of a social dance and supper was occasionally means for a pastor’s donation; and by him accepted in good faith.
These social entertainments were ,soou varied somewhat by organization of literary societies for social and mutual benefit. The first in the township was organized December 14, 1872, at John Gardener’s house, situated near south line of section 17. The prime movers being Mr. Goodspeed, Mr. Gardner, Mrs. Weston, Miss Jennie Weston and Miss Maria Walton. This was principally a debating society, of questions pertaining to best interest and needs of settlers, herd law, female suffrage, credit system, etc. The participants were Gardner, Goodspeed, Roberts, Doc. Berger, Tucker, Walton, Gaymon, Stansberry, McClug-gage, Carlton, Furgeson, and Mrs. Weston. The society was well attended and well conducted, meeting semi-monthly during the winter.
It was re-organized at same place in early winter of seventy-three, and changed place of meeting to Maple Creek school house on its completion in 1874, at which place it was re-organized and held for several consecutive winters. Soon after the completion of school building in district 78, (Diamond), an interesting debating suciety was organized in that part of township. The leading lights being L. B. Hull and sons,
1900- School district was divided in the center, geographicaly, and the Rose Hill district moved to a new school house one mile to the west. The district which stayed in the old building became Excelsor District # 169.
HISTORY of butler county
Williams. Cox. Sinclair. Davis, Picket and the Tlodgin brothers. A good literary program, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, dialogues and paper, was rendered semi-monthly. L. M. Williams held the standing appointment as critic at all meerings, whose criticisms were beneficially and well rendered. The society continued with unabated interest for several winters. The third organization of this nature within the border*- of the- township was at Providence school house during the winter of 1883-4, and known as the Rose Lawn Literary society which met semi-monthly during the winter, being a debating society, in general. Participants were W. G. (iiesv, George Rannon. J. R. McKay, Dr. Work. !i. R. Furgeson. Himebaugh. A. C. Thetgee and others. Following this, a few wars later, the Mutual Information Society was organized and held meetings for mutual benefit in town hall over the store, during the winter and earl)' spring. This being a select or restricted organization, a clause in tiie by-laws required all members to prepare and take part in ail duties and subjects assigned them by president or committee on program, which made it diversified and no less interesting and beneficial. Another known as the Twilight Club, composed of school “marms," male teachers and students, met for mutual benefit at stated intervals in smith part of the township, during the closing winter of the nineteenth century. Miss Cora Stanley being the prime mover. Tn north part of township^ reading clubs and spelling contests greatly interested the progressive class during the nineties. The growth of Rose Hill during this and the following decade brought about the more up-to-date instruction and entertainments. .'side from the high school entertainments, and base ball contests, a series of lecture courses was held during the winter of 1009 and 1910 through auspices of the Lyceum Rureau, at the Rose Hill high school building.
As the primitive customs, of no noted observance o: the Sabbath day. in the business routine of labor and sociability with the early settlement of S. W. Kansas, like that of all other pioneer sections, grew in numerical strength, a Christian spirit, leading to Sabbath observance naturally begins to find favor and endorsement among all civilized people, so it was in Richland. ’Tis conceded that the first Sunday school organized within the bounds of Richland township was at the claim house of Miss Maria Walton, situated on northwest corner of southwest quarter section thirty-three, in the summer of t872. The prime movers being Miss Walton and brothers, all supplies being sent from Waukesha, Wis., their former home. The school continued to grow in interest and was later moved to the home of Mr. Hatch and on completion of the school house was for. years held there, known as the Maple Creek Sunday school.
At one period under the superintendency of L. P. Carlton was recognized the banner Sunday school of Richland township. Following this a Union Sunday school was organized in the north part of town-
ship, which was well .attended and much interest manifested. Mr. and Mrs. Haines and Mr, Staley were active in advancing- the cause. In the late summer of seventy-two, Rev. Green of the M. E. faith and order was given a Mission field in Southwest Butler and adjoining territory. He held a series of meetings at Stanberry’s house the following winter. The second missionary awakening was in the north part of te township, by one or more parties advocating the Seventh-day Advent doctrine. Meetings were held at the home of B. M. Hodgen, (a bachelor), whose home and hospitality were always open for religious services, as well as social entertainments, which often varied the evangelistic service with a change *>f program, for one evening. Rev. Harrison followed Rev. Green in his Mission field for a few years, organizing several classes, lie was later followed by Rev. McCoilister who changed the denominational order to that of Protestant Methodist which gained numerical strength and following, resulting in the erection and dedication of the first church house within the bounds of the township, in eighty-four, situated on northeast quarter of section 23, known as the Pleasant Ilill church. Several years later, Rose Hill class built a good church house, and later in 1906 the same denomination greeted a church two miles south of township, known as the Red Bud Church. The three classes constituted a ministerial field till 1909 when at the convening of the general conference, Rose Hill was set off as a station. Since then one minister is employed for Rose Hill class and one for Pleasant Hill and Red Bud.
The faith and order known as Friends were early in exercising their influence and worship, holding meetings from time to time at various places in north part of the township, and as early as 1881 completed a church house near the north line of the township, from which the good benefits have emanated equal in a great measure to that of Penn in colonial days. The next awakening was that of the Christian order by Revs. Harvey, Barret, Yard, in the latter seventies which gained endorsement and following through series of meetings held in various parts of township, setting forth Scripture teaching and the duty of man to man, and man to God, not fully in harmony with other orthodox creeds and belief. A joint discussion on this line worthy of historic note between Rev. Yard and an M. E. clergyman was held at Pleasant valley school house in July, 1879. The day was warm and sultry and the house filled to overflowing; during services a small cloud was seen to form apparently from a clear sky followed by a distant peal of thunder. As the approaching cloud grew more dense and gradually taking on the form of a twister, the knowledge being conveyed by the onlookers outside to the attentive listeners inside, soon marred the real interest of the discussion, which was changed to that of fear of the approaching storm. Some with their rigs hastily departed for home. The services had a premature concluding, as the approaching dense twister lowered and drew nearer, causing many to desert the dwelling
and seek outside protection along the hedges to which they citing with a firm grip, trusting flivine power beyond the elements for protection. It is said as Mr. Turner Holcomb and wife came and saw* the impending danger, Mrs. Holcomb, realizing that they could not reach home, said, “We must trust to Providence,” while her husband remarked, “Yes, trust in Providence, but cling to the hedge roots.” The center of the storm passed near, followed by a slight sprinkle of hail and drenching rain. The fierceness of the twktcr lowered to earth northwest of the school house and swept everything in its path in a northeasterly direction, stricking the house of John Nichols, swepi it from foundation, scattering content*' and material for a mile or more along its path, also vehicles and «»me -F>rk on the premises. ( VeupatUs -ought refuge in an out door cellar, the miK thing n< 4 torn asundei by the cyclone. \o lives were lo^t in Richland and no thoughts or theory attributes the freak elements of that Sabbath day to the joint discussion in the little school house, where both art and nature was made manifest, not soon to he forgotten, by those who heard, saw. feared and felt.
Later the religions work was furthered along through the labors of Revs. Wright and Cain, resulting in the erection of a fine church building in the latter eighties, situated on south line of section 15 as a beacon light and gospel dispensary; gaining numerical strength, as well as being the early Christian home of Harold Olmstead, son of JT. D. Olmstead, who later has won distinction in ins evangelistic work in other states as well as at hgtne. With three denominational churches, within her borders and four nearby ( Friends ) in which two or more ordained ministers of today had their early Christian home. Revs. Wells and Hinshaw, and two of the M. P. denomination, A. Shipman and IT. W oodward, who later joined the M. E. church in his early ministry ; which ail goes to show Richland's output and progress in Christian workers and work in line with all other advances during this historical period and greater results of the seed sown will doubtless later be known.
In 1890 the Federal census of Richland (taken by the writer) recorded the least percent, of illiteracy of any enumerator district in the state, save one, being a fraction over one and one-half per cent, of all who were ten years old and over, and the same can be said on the line of poverty and pauperism.
The first Federal postoffice established within bounds of the township was in%873 at the residence of L. M. Williams, situated on southeast quarter of section 5, and known as Rose Hill postoffice,^deriving the name through J. H. Lowrey who had a great fancy for botanical culture and made great effort to beautify his home claim, the northwest quarter of section 8, in the early summer of seventy-three by growing roses and other flowers and shrubbery* to his fancy to be known as the Rose farm. But his efforts were badly blighted the following year by the grasshopper invasion, and all he had left to start with on the
* 1874 Info from National Archives
___7^* ____ftW cVg*? feftj
. following spring was the name, which was perpetuated in the name of the postoffice, L. M. Williams being first postmaster and continued as such for five years, when the office was moved north one mile to the house of H. C. Staley who succeeded Mr. Williams as postmaster. A few years later,%lr. Meeker succeeded Mr. Staley till Rose Hill became a railroad village and office established. The second Federal office was at Rev. Harrison’s on section 21 and known as Richland Centre, in 1878 or-4-879, being discontinued 61^1882. The third Federal postoffice within bounds, was in the early summer of^883 on section 34, Providence postoffice, the name given the inland mineral water resort.
.|. ^John Dunnell was appointed postmaster, whose son, C. F. Dunnell, pre-empted the land and sunk a well to the depth of 142 feet and struck water of a salty, peculiar taste, lie was advised to have it analyzed rather than discarding its use entirely for domestic purposes; which was done. The great beneficial and curative properties were tested by several, for ailments and infirmities. Among those was A. Hide of Wichita, who, after receiving great benefit from the use of water, was instrumental and prime mover in the organizing of a stock company, for improvements of well, comforts and convenience of any who stood in need of the healing balm.
A general supply store was built north of the road by A. A. Hyde, also the fine country dwelling {now owned by K. M. Holcomb). The store building was one of uvo stories. Norman Hagan acted as proprietor of the store, his family occupying the rooms above. This continued for a time. The stock was later purchased by H. T. Holcomb who continued the store and postoffice for several years. N. M. Mare put up a convenient blacksmith shop on the new town site, Warrender N Beedy a good livery barn ; a dwelling of modern architecture was also built nearby and occupied several years by R. Warrender. Copner built on Mineral street and kept a fair stock of merchandise in connection with the postoffice. C F. Dunnell and another family had their residences on this street, and Rev. Latham later conducted a store on Providence row. Dr. Adams for a time occupied the hotel and conducted a drug store. The north building on Mineral street was a neat cottage built and occupied by the builder, as a residence and confectionary in a small degree. All lines of business enjoyed a profitable patronage so long as the prime movers and patrons, during the Wichita boom days, lent support and advocated the beneficial effects of a few weeks’ outing at the Providence mineral resort. Numerous parties during the summer of 1885-6 and later, from Wichita, enjoyed (or endured) a few weeks,1 stay at Providence, Butler county.
Causing a depression or cessation of business and interest of Providence, on par, with that of the Peerless Princess collapse period. When Wichita lost faith in herself, Providence was sold to the farmers in that vicinity. Following this was the Oklahoma boom and opening, and many of the village residents winged that way. Soon many dwellings
Richland Centre P.0. March 10, 1878 to
Oct 5, 1881
Providence July 7, 1881 to
Oct. 5, 1896
* Mr Meeker was never Postmaster at Rose Hill.
Mr. Keister was Postmaster. He was the manager of the Meeker store.
** Mr. Lloyd W. Dunnell was the first postmaster at Providence
info from National Archives, Washington D.C.
2 OQ
of the mineral well village left on wheels. George Osborn has several on his farm which have been twice wrecked by cyclone since mewing; he said it was Providentially so ordained and no fault of his. One store and the postoffice was kept alive bv various parties until 1898 when it was discontinued and the building moved off, leaving the hotel and K. M. Holcomb’s residence of the original Providence, which still remain. The hotel is now by beqeathment the property of Ed Dunnell, son of C. F. Dunnell. With the gradual decline and patronage of the healing qualities of the Providence mineral output, during the eighties, was the incentive for Rose Hill to forge to the front, which it did on completion of the railroad in 1887. Situated in the northwest part of the township, surrounded by a fine agricultural and stock company, it sonn became a very prominent Hupping point which, like the town, has been on the increase, keeping pace with progress.
Rose Hill is noted as a clean, tidy village. A larger per cent, of its buildings are more artistically painted than any town in the county and boasts of more and better sidewalks in proportion to population than any wide-awake town in the county. Good walks extend to the high school building in the south part of the village .all pupils attending this school residing one-half mile distant are conveyed to and from school at the expense of district in comfortable rigs fitted for that purpose.
Rose Hill is the iistributing point of two rural routes, and lias up-to-date ’phone, service with surrounding country and towns.
Of the forty-seven personal tax payers of 1875. only seven are found on the personal tax roll of 1010, \s follows: "riles. A. J.; Gramer. A. J.: Himebaugh. L. D.: Millison. Win.: Wm.: Williams. L. M.: Mc-Cluggage. Jas.
' One branch of the Texas cattle drive via Wichita to Abiline traversed Richland township from southeast to northwest, where a herd of 1000 or more long horns could he seen most any day during midsummer of 1870, and a few drives were made the following year, when settlement interfered, forcing the drive west of the Arkansas river, terminating at Dodge City on completion of railroad to that point. The class of cattle and the men who handled them (cowboys) were monarch of all they surveyed and their rights there were none to dispute, resulted in many tragic fatalities. The cattle were chuck full of the same spirit: settlers often rode out to see the herds when grazing, with a view of purchasing one for beef, and would naturally dismount to look more closely, but he was warned hv several long horns facing him, indicating, “You get off the grass, or into your saddle, or we will raise you one.” No time was lost in getting back into saddle. Many of these Texas cattle were purchased and wintered here and sent to market the following summer. There being no railroad they were driven to Kansas City or some point in Missouri. Texas cattle wintered in the state of Kansas were by statutory law exempt from quarantine and permitted to be driven to market on certificate of county clerk of county, where wintered.

By J. F. Glendenning.
Pleasant township was organized March it. iSj^. nul c»f the territory known as township twenty-eight. ratine three. Election ordered held at the usual time of holding election and voting-place to be at the residence of Thomas Me Knight. 'The following township officers were elected; A. 11. Dunlap, trustee; J. L- mu ton. treasurer; E. I. Pyle, clerk; N. W. Bunnells and 11. (i. Russell, justices of the peace; lames Stroup and Sam Allen, constables.
* in July, 1S71, the writer, with another voting man by the name of Byron McKinney, conceived the idea of adventure ; so we thought we would take Horace Greeley's advice, “Go west, voting man, and "Tow up with the country," so we took the prairie schooner lor Kansas.
Traveling at our leisure and enjoying life to its fullest extent (as we then thought) for we were having a picnic every day until we arrived at a little, town by the name of Bazaar, in Chase count}-. Kansas. Bazaar • was located on a creek called Rock Creek which was at flood tide when we arrived there, so we did not have a picnic hut a regular, or irregular, camp meeting. The camp ground was about all occupied by fifteen or twenty other wagons, emigrants and freighters. So we located in the suburbs of Schooner City for about three (laws or till the water ran down so we could resume our journey, and as we wanted to be full}* satisfied before locating we travelled over several counties, including Butler. Sedgwick, Sumner, Cowley, Willson, Howard and Greenwood: and not finding any place as enchanting as Butler county, so we attain pulled for Butler and feeling* sure we had found the promised land and as we were a little particular in our selection of a place for a home and wanting a garden spot of that most beautiful county we located in Pleasant township. The name is significant of the township and also of the earl}- settlers of the township as they were kindly, neighborly, energetic and unsophisticated and as memory is a little treacherous after a lapse of forty-live years. 1 will perhaps not be able to give many of the things that transpired or the names of many of the people, which I regret -very serii msly.
'The first man we met in Pleasant was Henry Freeman, and as we camped by a little creek for dinner and also joining Mr. Freeman's corn field, he perhaps thought we would want some corn to feed our horses, so he came down to our camp and sure we did buy a bushel of corn from him for one quarter jJ’ a dollar. Mr. Freeman was a Union soldier during the Civil war (ITthere is anything as civil war) and was also a man of Roosevelt type, as he reared a family of ten children who are all doing well. One of the boys, Prof. JIarvcy Freeman, is holding a good position in the Commercial College in Wichita, Kansas. And one of the girls. Miss Lizzy Freeman, was married to Byron McKinney. She was a splendid wife to Mr. McKinney and sure lie was one of the best men 1 ever knew, as we lived on adjoining farms for twenty years. I knew him to be a true friend. JTc departed this life about ten years ago and his widow lives in Wichita, Kansas. Mr. Freeman has gone, as most of the old settlers have; he died a few years ago.
After looking over the country that afternoon w-c camped for the night at Mr, Lane's, father of George Lane, ex-clerk of the district Court of Butler county. George is now a resident of Los Angeles, California. One daughter, Mrs. Alice Baker, lives in Bruno township. Butler count}-. Mr. and Mrs. Lane are both dead and gone to try the realities of that hap])}’ home that awaits the just and upright in heart. 'The next man we met was Ephraim Yeager, who had located some six weeks earlier and had just built a nice frame house to shelter his wife and two bah}- girls from tlie storms that might come; but there was one storm came that nothing enmbustable has ever yet withstood. That was the prairie fire which burned his house with all its contents and about three hundred dollars in cash. 'That fire occurred about the time (October 7, S, and o.) of the great Chicago fire, but this fire started from other cause than the
cow kicking he lain]) over, but it surely devastated the country, burning houses, stables, cows, horses, wagons, hay, etc. It did not burn any barns, buggies, or fine carriages; as they were at that time immune t<> fire in that part of Kansas. Mr. Yeager was an old Indian fighter in Oregon and California and also a veteran of the Union armv. Mr. and Z\Irs. Yeager are both dead, leaving* a nice interesting family' of six chi* dren, most <<; whom live on or near the old homestead. I think it was in this fire that a mail by the name of Herod'lost his life, lie was mi his way' to his claim when overtaken by' the fire. J Us clothes were almost burned off I,on but he managed to reach Fight Mile Creek, near where Mr. Jones, t e father of Marion Jones, lived—they took care of him the best they could but he died four days later, lie was a school teacher.
In orclei to show you the tenacity that possessed the early settlers. I will relate what came under our observation on our first trip over the township. .As we approached the little creek of Fight Mile we discovered an ope: slid, and wishing to cross the creek and get over t<> the
shed, were burred .liy the marshy' "round, so one of us walked over and there found a young* man (a bachelor, of course) lying there with a broken leg, and with not a murmur of complaint and in asking and insisting that we sliould do something for him, he said that Dr. Mill had been there and reduced the fracture and some of his near neighbors were caring for him; 1 believe his name was Osborn.
It is impossible at this writing to give all the early' settlers’ names as onlv those that I was best acquainted with do 1 remember. I hope no one will feel slighted or offended if they fail to sec their names here, for 1 would not wound the feelings of one of those brave hearts that endured the hardships and suffered the privations of frontier life.
There was the very interesting family* of A. II. Dunlap, and as they were all musicians they organized an orchestra and gave us splendid music at our literary society at Old Harmony' school house, which was destroyed by cyclone on the last day of March, i8<)2. I- S. Dunlap was trustee of the township for several years and surely made a splendid officer. Rev. A. TI. and Mrs. Dunlaphave long since departed this life and we hope and trust they’ occupy mansions above. And there was John Dunlap and his very estimable wife, who took a prominent part in things to make a‘better community.
'There « u the banks of the beautiful stream of Four Mile Creek resided the families .of Nathan Hide and the Russells. 'The Russells girls were some of I*11 tier county’s best teachers. 'There also lived John O. Chase who was trustee for several years and John Kibhy, the great cattle king of the township.
I thought T had got so far front home that I would not see any one that I had known but I had just got located and passing a house or rather a hay shed I met a man that had freighted for us in Iowa and I said “Hello, Mr. Snook,’’ and he looked at me in great surprise, and said, “it’s Thank." I said ‘A cs, but I am surprised to see you here;" he said that he could not make a living on those poor hills north, so he had to move and he said. “P»v golly. I’ve found the garden spot of earth." and he also believed in that command in the Scripture to Adam and Fve, “Multiply and replenish the earth.” Mr. and Mrs. Snook are long since dead, and their ten children are scattered.
'The name that will perhaps live longer in the minds and hearts of the good people of Pleasant township is 1'heodore McKnight, as he was always noted foi: his good words and works; and as he was left to travel the road toward the setting sun alone, he made his home with his (laugher, Mrs. Nat hail Chance of Augusta, one of the estimable ladies and strong characters for purity and uprightness of Augusta. One of his sons. 'Thomas McKnight. was one of the rustlers of Pleasant township and a veteran soldier of the Union army, with his energy and indomitable will, succeeded in building a fine home. \Y. A. McKnight, another son, was sure one of the strong men of the township and was as faithful a friend as It ever was my pleasure to meet. If any one had told me that \V. A. McKnight had done a mean act, I would not have believed it. His daughter. Ola, was married to Will Cummings, Jr., who had made a success in life and by his uprightness of character has won the confidence and esteem of the entire community’.