Ella Ratzlaff's Abstract
Collection: Book 1, Rose Hill History Scrapbooks
Ella Ratzlaff's Abstract
Abstracts--Rose Hill, Kansas
Abstract of title, showing transfer of ownership from 1974 to 1935.
Butler County General Land Office
Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, Kansas
Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, Kansas
Mitchell, Lois
Butler County General Land Office, “Ella Ratzlaff's Abstract,” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025, https://rosehill.digitalsckls.info/item/31.
Copy of Ella Ratzlaff's Abstract
W 1
tf&TES QF AMERICA. j:'&•> Eeceiv.er>
Jackson Ivens.
Final Receiver1 s Receipt; Cons i d,e r dr-ti on ~3i
Bated Jane 23rd, 1,67.4
Plied,’- for .record/ July 17th, 1674 a-nd‘>du.ly recorded -in - Volume A;, of Miscellaneous- at. ia^e.- 122 of the ie ebr4 s • o f But 1 e r - Goun ty, 'Kan s as
BescriptcLan---.Th.©; Southeast Quarter (SE>i) of S.ection Humbored
Thirt^two < (02’) , Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South-,.. Range.'- Num.bered Three ( 3) East. of the 6th 1.1-1.. 160' acr es .-.
.Jackvscnv;v .x;,-. .. Evans mark
J.esse Gordon
V/’arr"anty Bee*'cf
Con s id e r a;ti o n -d 580.00
.Bated June. 30* 1874
Acknowledged ,rJune •- 30 *, 1874,
N *. -W. Reynolds , .1 uotie e of ieace , Butler County, Kansa s .
' Piled -for. record bey tern per 30, .1874 and .duly, recorded in. V.o 1 umo P *o f Becds; at .Rage 595 of the records of ■ Butler. County, K s# s a s.
Besd-iptron- (EhS.-Saiutheao*.-uud****:.(SiBOr of iioctroV WiiinKered
Th fr. ty.r- tw a.; v0,2) , T own s hip Numb e re a, T w e n t y-ei gh t (23) .South, Range Numbered Three (3) East 160 acres
Executed and delivered/in the presence of. II. . Ramsey •
Jesse M« Gordon and.
Sarah J .. Gordon , his,' wife
.William. L..Couch V/arranty Deed:
C o n s i d e r.a t i on 800y jp 0 -
Bated .August 2.2, 1874
Acknowledged. August 22 , 1874.,.
J.-V/. Alger., Justice .of Peace, Butler County, .Kansas.
Piled ;£or .record.,..September 30, 1874 and- duly ; recorded in Volume. .P of Beed.is at Page!59,6 of the records of Butler County,- Kansas*
“Ik. i *>1 * To1 ’.
Bescription-- The'Southeast* Quarter.,'(:SE)0 .of Section Numbered
TKirty'-ttto' '{'32) , Township, Numbered Twenty-eight. (.28) SouthRange Numbered Three (3^).- East .160 acres
Jackson Ivens x;.
William L. Couch Quit Claim Deed Consideration-01.00
Description- The Southeast Quarter Thirty-two (32), Town South, Range Numbered
Signed Sealed and delivered in pre
Dated May 13th, 1875
Acknowledged Hay 13th, 1875,
John T. Birdseye, Notary ruslic, (SEAL), Vernon County, Missouri.
Riled for record June 30th, 1375 and duly recorded, in Volume J of Deeds at Page 447 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
(SE>4) of Section Numbered hip Numbered Twenty-eight (28) Three (.3) Bast 160 acres
ence of John T. Birdseye.
William L. Couch Cynthia E. Couch, his wife
Er Wakefield Warranty Deed Consideration-.^ 50.00
Dated August 4th, 1875
Acknowledged August 4th, 1875,
C. H. Lamb, Notary Public, (ORAL), Butler County, Kansas.
Filed for record August 29th, 1375 and duly recorded in Volume 1' of Deeds at Page 256 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- The Southeast Quarter (SSJi) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), lownship Numbered Twenty-eight (28) Gout1"' Range Numbered Three (3) East 160 acres
Subject to a Mortgage $280. 50/100-
& (o
Rosantha M. Wakefield, his wife
George W. Clark Alice Clark
Dated December 31, 1878
Acknowledged December 31, 1878 J. Ii. Price, Notary public, (SEAL) Butler County, Kansas.
Filed for record January 10, 1880 and duly recorded in Volume U of Deeds at Page 404 of the records o Butler County, Kansas0
Warranty Deed
'Description- The Bast Half (E>£) of the Southeast quarter (SE'h) and
20 Acres olf the East side of the West Half (WK?) of said Quarter Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three (3) East
— Subject to a mortgage of $300.00
Written in body: E. R. Wakefield.
Dated July 30, 1884-
George W. Clark Alice Clark, his wife
Silas Beeson Bond for Deed Consideration-^ 5 000 .00
Acknowledged July 30, 1834,
Julius A. Schmidt, Notary Public, (SEAL), Sedgwick County, Kansas,
Filed for record October 4-, 1884-and duly recorded in Volume 38 of Deeds at Page 201 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- The East Half (E1N) of the Southeast Quarter (SEN) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32) and The East Quarter of the West Half (W}£) of The Southeast Quarter (SEN) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (52), Township , Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Bange Numbered Three
(3) East 100 acres
Except 3 @ now reserved for other purposes in the Southeast Corner (SE/c) of the. above.
Written in body: George W. Clark and Allis Clark, his wife.
& i°
Geo. W. Clark Alice Clark, wife
Silas Beeson Warranty Deed Consideration-$1800o00
Dated April 31st, 1386
Acknowledged May 7th, 1886,
John K. Anderson, Notary Public, (SEAL), Kingman County, Kansas..
Filed for record May 12th, 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 50 o Deeds at Page 637 of the records Butler County, Kansas.
Description- The East Half (E}£) of the Southeast Quarter (SEN) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32) and the East Quarter of the West Half (W)£) of the Southeast Quarter (SEN) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three (5) East
y 100 acres, Except about 3 acres in the Southeast Corner of above described land.
Dated May 10th, 1886
Silas Beeson Sarah Beeson, wife
D. B. Meeker Warranty Deed Consideration-SlOO.OO
Acknowledged May ICth, 1886,
H. C. Staley, Justice of Peace, Butler County, Kansas.
Piled for record May 12th, 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 49 of Deecs at Page 54 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- Beginning Sixteen (16) Rods North of the Southeast Corner (SE/c) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three*(3) East, thence North Ten (lO) Rods and Two (2) Feet, West Thirty-one (31) Rods and Ten (10) Feet,
South Ten (10) Rods and Two (2) Feet East to beginning 2 Acres. .
David1 B. Meeker Mary E. Meeker, wife
1 To
Silas Beeson Warranty Deed Consideration-3700.00
Dated _______ _____, 18__
Acknowledged September 10, 1886 W. A. Phipps, Notary Public, (SEAL), Butler County, Kansas.
Filed for record December 9> 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 54- of Deeds at Page 354.of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- Beginning Sixteen (SE/c) of Section
(16) Rods North of the Southeast Corn; Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South,’ Range Numbered Throe (3) East, thence North 10 rods and 2 feet, thence West 31 Rods and 10 feet, thence South 10 rods and 2 ft, thenqe East to place of beginning containing 2 acres.
L&/i Chance Cfone- Chance, wife
C. B. Killer Warranty Deed Jcr.sideration-36600.00
Dated February 24, 1857
Acknowledged February 2a. 1.891,
S. W. Me Coy, Notary ?ublic. (S^L Sedgwick County,
Filed for record tfarch 23 > 12&7/ and duly recorded in Yotvtx&Jj 0^ Deeds at Page 421 of the roctfiMr Butler County, Kansas.
Ascription- The Southwest Quarter (SW}i) of Section Tiprty-tvrc ^32)
* and Sixty (60) acres off the West sice or too Vest H»U
(Vr>i) of the Southeast Quarter (Sli1,-) of section fnirty-'Tws (32;, Township Twenty-eight (28) So.utn, m-lhrT*> Lap /;
Dated May 10th, 1886
Silas Beeson Sarah Beeson, wife
D. B. Meeker Warranty Deed Consideration-SlOO.OO
Acknowledged May ICth, 1886,
H. C. Staley, Justice of Peace, Butler County, Kansas.
Piled for record May 12th, 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 49 of Deecs at Page 54 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- Beginning Sixteen (16) Rods North of the Southeast Corner (SE/c) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three*(3) East, thence North Ten (lO) Rods and Two (2) Feet, West Thirty-one (31) Rods and Ten (10) Feet,
South Ten (10) Rods and Two (2) Feet East to beginning 2 Acres. .
David1 B. Meeker Mary E. Meeker, wife
1 To
Silas Beeson Warranty Deed Consideration-3700.00
Dated _______ _____, 18__
Acknowledged September 10, 1886 W. A. Phipps, Notary Public, (SEAL), Butler County, Kansas.
Filed for record December 9> 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 54- of Deeds at Page 354.of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- Beginning Sixteen (SE/c) of Section
(16) Rods North of the Southeast Corn; Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South,’ Range Numbered Throe (3) East, thence North 10 rods and 2 feet, thence West 31 Rods and 10 feet, thence South 10 rods and 2 ft, thenqe East to place of beginning containing 2 acres.
L&/i Chance Cfone- Chance, wife
C. B. Killer Warranty Deed Jcr.sideration-36600.00
Dated February 24, 1857
Acknowledged February 2a. 1.891,
S. W. Me Coy, Notary ?ublic. (S^L Sedgwick County,
Filed for record tfarch 23 > 12&7/ and duly recorded in Yotvtx&Jj 0^ Deeds at Page 421 of the roctfiMr Butler County, Kansas.
Ascription- The Southwest Quarter (SW}i) of Section Tiprty-tvrc ^32)
* and Sixty (60) acres off the West sice or too Vest H»U
(Vr>i) of the Southeast Quarter (Sli1,-) of section fnirty-'Tws (32;, Township Twenty-eight (28) So.utn, m-lhrT*> Lap /;
' Silas Beeson iL j n
Sarah Beeson, wife '
Aaron T. Benbow an d
Aletha Benbow, husband and wife
i Warranty Deed Consideration-33800o00
Bated January 2, 1889
Acknowledged January 2, 1889,
Abram Kelly, Notary Public, (SpAL), Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Piled for record August 29, 1891 and duly recorded in Volume 70 of Beeds at Page 121 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Bescription- The Bast Half (E#) of the Southeast Quarter (SiJ.) cf
Section Thirty-two (32) and the Bast Quarter of V/est half (V/tf) of the Southeast Quarter (SE;t) of Section Thirty*-Lwo (32), Township Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Three (3) E 100 acres Except about 3 acres in the Southeast Corner — , (SE/c) of the above described land. Also Except 2/j acre:;
, , the Northwest Corner (NW/c) of said land now used bv the
Santa Pe£ R.R.
Except a mortgage of 3700.00 which the said grantees do assume and agree to pay.
'Tk& Valley 'tov/n
Lg^i^Sdt Q V SEAL)
by JUd&H/ &£>•&$?&) Resident • Goo • L. Goodwin, Sec Rotary
v t Claim Bee<d
* i%
Bated October 28, 1890
Acknow1edged January 3, 1 891 ,
Geo. L. Goocwin, Notary Pub 1 1 ft. (SEAL), Suffolk Co. he ns. usetts.
Piled for record February Z&i l§9l and duly recorded in Volume e>€ Beeds at Page 5^3 cf the records &€ Butler County, Kansas.
PcJgcriptlon- The Southwest Quarter (SW}() and Sixty (60) acres off &£ tke-West side of the Southeast Quarter (SB;Q cf Section iEirty-two (32), Township Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Three (3) East 220 acres more or less
Excepting therefrom the Eight Kansas and Western Railroad0
of the Oh
Aaron P. Benbow >
Aletha Benbow, husband and wife
James S. Potts * and
Harry L. Potts Warranty Deed Consideration-SIQOO.00
Description- The East Half (E#)
Bated September 9> 1397
(28) South, Range Three (3) East 100 acres more or less except about Southeast Corner (SE/c), also excep-Northwest Corner (nw/c) of above described land
id So pternber 9 » 155 97
y> $ otury j-u'o -L 11. 0 y
lor County, K pv is a O 4
■ocord Novembe 26 , 18 97
cord cd in Vo1 ue c e 66 o
.ge 81 of the re co rds of
ity, Kansas.
yuar •tor (SE/) of
; Qua rtcr of t he \
•ter (SE}0 of
;hip Twenty-ei ,r> I z
3 ac res in th e
; 2/2 acres in t> :e
A14See F. Walker
5.<shr. 3. He Cook as
Receivers of the Atchison, Topeka
avU Santa Te Railroad Company
Atefris^m Topeka and .Santa Pe
Railread Company;(SEAL)
By Cyrus Holliday, Its President Attest: E. Wilder, Secretary
Edvard Wilder
Bated March 1, 1693
Acknowledged as to Alds&s P. Walker, John J. QoqY, <z.$ Receivers April 11th. £
Shuhan, Notary Public, {5EAlj. New York County, hVv Yorkc.
Acknowledged as to iday and Edward '//i 1898, B. 3. Shook, (SEAL), Shawnee Co
tyw5 id ghii-fJdter:' i/ufg j.o.
Keceiver's Beed Const derati on-SA1576.60
Piled for record -Jyy>& ].#9g
and duly recorded in If$7 df Deeds at Page 330 tf tte t€Cfl?ci£ o.L du l le r C c an»^ , kcj vv •
Also the Southwest Quarter (SW}t) and of the West side of the Southeast Qua
Thirty-two (32), Three.(3) East
Township Twenty-eigh Exc e eting right c
Sixty {££>}■ o:f:'
r t e r pf T &rJTi otJ
t \2$) StfUrlH &KG£ i way.
Butler County Kansas (SEAL) S. Gr, Pottle, County Clerk
James S. Potts Tax Deed
Consideration-^. 56
Dated December 6, 1893
Acknowledged December 6, 1893,
V. A. Osburn, Clerk of District Court, (SEAL), Butler County, Kansas
Piled for record December 19, 1898 and duly recorded in Volume 31 of Deeds at Page 78 of the records of Butler County, Kans as.
Description— Beginning Thirty (30) feet North of the southeast Corner (SE/c) of Section Thirty-two (32}, Township Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Three (3) Last, thor.cc North Fifty (50) Feet. West One Hundred Seventy (170) Feet. South Fifty (50) Feet, Las t One Hundred Seventy (170) feet to place of beginning.
Erl War d 1 d^j*
C. Wilder, wife
CfBhrt frost
Warranty/ and #uit‘ Claim Deed 80s i de r a t i on- $1200 * 00
* 2.2.
Dated January 18, 1899
Acknowledged January 10*h , l$9$. Nat Taylor, Notary lublic, ( Shawnee County, Kansas.
Filed for record February 4, 1399 and duly recorded in Volume 87 0-$T Deeds at Page 578- of the TcoordS of Butler County, Kansas.
(U.S.I.R. Stamps 81.50)
Description The East Half (E#) of the Southwest Quarter (S\I'A) and bixty (60) Acres off the West side of the Southeast Quarter (SEfc) of Section Thirty-two (32) ^ov'^sMn Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Three (3) Last................. ¥
Except Right of Way of C. K. & W. RR
Dated January 18, 1699
John £. Frost
f'kr^aret E. Frost, bis wife
WjLlli&sn A. Cutting
Warranty Deed
(Con side rax ion-$1600 o 00
Acknowledged January 19> 189$
E. W. Benedict, Rotary public-.
(SE AL) , SB a w nee C o u n t y , n .
Filed for record February 1^9f
and duly recorded in VoLume 89 Deeds at Page 27 of xk2 records : of Butler County, Kansas.
(U.S.I.Ro Stamps
Description- She East Half (E}£) of the Southwest Quarter (Sufo)
Sixty (60) acres off the West side of the Southeast (Juarft’r (SE/0 of'Section Thirty-two (32), Township Twenty-eight
(28) South, Range Three (3) East u
/ <•
Excepting therefrom the righ and Western Railroad as now
t of way of The located thereon
Chicago Jfc/AStfs
Jackson Ivens
Dated October 15th, 1875
Filed for record March 29, 1899 and duly recorded in Volume .46 of Deeds at Page 554- of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Consideration-$Full Payment
Description- The Southeast Quarter (SE)0 of Section Numbered
Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three (3) East of the 6th P.K. .160 acres
i •
. March 24, 1899
W. H. Richardson
Asst. Com., Gen. Land Office
oo :
A ? P I D A V I T
I, Mary Britting, Register of Deeds in and for the County State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Book "J" of Deeds is mi from this office and has been for a number of years.
Witness my hand.and official (SEAL)
seal this 31st day of January, 1935. Mary Britting, Register of Deeds
Riled for record February 4th, 1935 at 3:40 o'clock P.K., ana duly recorded in Volume 124 of Miscellaneous at rage 484 of the records of Butler County, Kansas,,
Original Format
Ella Ratzlaff's Abstract
Abstracts--Rose Hill, Kansas
Abstract of title, showing transfer of ownership from 1974 to 1935.
Butler County General Land Office
Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, Kansas
Rose Hill Public Library, Rose Hill, Kansas
Mitchell, Lois
Butler County General Land Office, “Ella Ratzlaff's Abstract,” Rose Hill Digital Collections, accessed January 22, 2025, https://rosehill.digitalsckls.info/item/31.Text
Copy of Ella Ratzlaff's Abstract
W 1
tf&TES QF AMERICA. j:'&•> Eeceiv.er>
Jackson Ivens.
Final Receiver1 s Receipt; Cons i d,e r dr-ti on ~3i
Bated Jane 23rd, 1,67.4
Plied,’- for .record/ July 17th, 1674 a-nd‘>du.ly recorded -in - Volume A;, of Miscellaneous- at. ia^e.- 122 of the ie ebr4 s • o f But 1 e r - Goun ty, 'Kan s as
BescriptcLan---.Th.©; Southeast Quarter (SE>i) of S.ection Humbored
Thirt^two < (02’) , Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South-,.. Range.'- Num.bered Three ( 3) East. of the 6th 1.1-1.. 160' acr es .-.
.Jackvscnv;v .x;,-. .. Evans mark
J.esse Gordon
V/’arr"anty Bee*'cf
Con s id e r a;ti o n -d 580.00
.Bated June. 30* 1874
Acknowledged ,rJune •- 30 *, 1874,
N *. -W. Reynolds , .1 uotie e of ieace , Butler County, Kansa s .
' Piled -for. record bey tern per 30, .1874 and .duly, recorded in. V.o 1 umo P *o f Becds; at .Rage 595 of the records of ■ Butler. County, K s# s a s.
Besd-iptron- (EhS.-Saiutheao*.-uud****:.(SiBOr of iioctroV WiiinKered
Th fr. ty.r- tw a.; v0,2) , T own s hip Numb e re a, T w e n t y-ei gh t (23) .South, Range Numbered Three (3) East 160 acres
Executed and delivered/in the presence of. II. . Ramsey •
Jesse M« Gordon and.
Sarah J .. Gordon , his,' wife
.William. L..Couch V/arranty Deed:
C o n s i d e r.a t i on 800y jp 0 -
Bated .August 2.2, 1874
Acknowledged. August 22 , 1874.,.
J.-V/. Alger., Justice .of Peace, Butler County, .Kansas.
Piled ;£or .record.,..September 30, 1874 and- duly ; recorded in Volume. .P of Beed.is at Page!59,6 of the records of Butler County,- Kansas*
“Ik. i *>1 * To1 ’.
Bescription-- The'Southeast* Quarter.,'(:SE)0 .of Section Numbered
TKirty'-ttto' '{'32) , Township, Numbered Twenty-eight. (.28) SouthRange Numbered Three (3^).- East .160 acres
Jackson Ivens x;.
William L. Couch Quit Claim Deed Consideration-01.00
Description- The Southeast Quarter Thirty-two (32), Town South, Range Numbered
Signed Sealed and delivered in pre
Dated May 13th, 1875
Acknowledged Hay 13th, 1875,
John T. Birdseye, Notary ruslic, (SEAL), Vernon County, Missouri.
Riled for record June 30th, 1375 and duly recorded, in Volume J of Deeds at Page 447 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
(SE>4) of Section Numbered hip Numbered Twenty-eight (28) Three (.3) Bast 160 acres
ence of John T. Birdseye.
William L. Couch Cynthia E. Couch, his wife
Er Wakefield Warranty Deed Consideration-.^ 50.00
Dated August 4th, 1875
Acknowledged August 4th, 1875,
C. H. Lamb, Notary Public, (ORAL), Butler County, Kansas.
Filed for record August 29th, 1375 and duly recorded in Volume 1' of Deeds at Page 256 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- The Southeast Quarter (SSJi) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), lownship Numbered Twenty-eight (28) Gout1"' Range Numbered Three (3) East 160 acres
Subject to a Mortgage $280. 50/100-
& (o
Rosantha M. Wakefield, his wife
George W. Clark Alice Clark
Dated December 31, 1878
Acknowledged December 31, 1878 J. Ii. Price, Notary public, (SEAL) Butler County, Kansas.
Filed for record January 10, 1880 and duly recorded in Volume U of Deeds at Page 404 of the records o Butler County, Kansas0
Warranty Deed
'Description- The Bast Half (E>£) of the Southeast quarter (SE'h) and
20 Acres olf the East side of the West Half (WK?) of said Quarter Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three (3) East
— Subject to a mortgage of $300.00
Written in body: E. R. Wakefield.
Dated July 30, 1884-
George W. Clark Alice Clark, his wife
Silas Beeson Bond for Deed Consideration-^ 5 000 .00
Acknowledged July 30, 1834,
Julius A. Schmidt, Notary Public, (SEAL), Sedgwick County, Kansas,
Filed for record October 4-, 1884-and duly recorded in Volume 38 of Deeds at Page 201 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- The East Half (E1N) of the Southeast Quarter (SEN) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32) and The East Quarter of the West Half (W}£) of The Southeast Quarter (SEN) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (52), Township , Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Bange Numbered Three
(3) East 100 acres
Except 3 @ now reserved for other purposes in the Southeast Corner (SE/c) of the. above.
Written in body: George W. Clark and Allis Clark, his wife.
& i°
Geo. W. Clark Alice Clark, wife
Silas Beeson Warranty Deed Consideration-$1800o00
Dated April 31st, 1386
Acknowledged May 7th, 1886,
John K. Anderson, Notary Public, (SEAL), Kingman County, Kansas..
Filed for record May 12th, 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 50 o Deeds at Page 637 of the records Butler County, Kansas.
Description- The East Half (E}£) of the Southeast Quarter (SEN) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32) and the East Quarter of the West Half (W)£) of the Southeast Quarter (SEN) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three (5) East
y 100 acres, Except about 3 acres in the Southeast Corner of above described land.
Dated May 10th, 1886
Silas Beeson Sarah Beeson, wife
D. B. Meeker Warranty Deed Consideration-SlOO.OO
Acknowledged May ICth, 1886,
H. C. Staley, Justice of Peace, Butler County, Kansas.
Piled for record May 12th, 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 49 of Deecs at Page 54 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- Beginning Sixteen (16) Rods North of the Southeast Corner (SE/c) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three*(3) East, thence North Ten (lO) Rods and Two (2) Feet, West Thirty-one (31) Rods and Ten (10) Feet,
South Ten (10) Rods and Two (2) Feet East to beginning 2 Acres. .
David1 B. Meeker Mary E. Meeker, wife
1 To
Silas Beeson Warranty Deed Consideration-3700.00
Dated _______ _____, 18__
Acknowledged September 10, 1886 W. A. Phipps, Notary Public, (SEAL), Butler County, Kansas.
Filed for record December 9> 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 54- of Deeds at Page 354.of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- Beginning Sixteen (SE/c) of Section
(16) Rods North of the Southeast Corn; Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South,’ Range Numbered Throe (3) East, thence North 10 rods and 2 feet, thence West 31 Rods and 10 feet, thence South 10 rods and 2 ft, thenqe East to place of beginning containing 2 acres.
L&/i Chance Cfone- Chance, wife
C. B. Killer Warranty Deed Jcr.sideration-36600.00
Dated February 24, 1857
Acknowledged February 2a. 1.891,
S. W. Me Coy, Notary ?ublic. (S^L Sedgwick County,
Filed for record tfarch 23 > 12&7/ and duly recorded in Yotvtx&Jj 0^ Deeds at Page 421 of the roctfiMr Butler County, Kansas.
Ascription- The Southwest Quarter (SW}i) of Section Tiprty-tvrc ^32)
* and Sixty (60) acres off the West sice or too Vest H»U
(Vr>i) of the Southeast Quarter (Sli1,-) of section fnirty-'Tws (32;, Township Twenty-eight (28) So.utn, m-lhrT*> Lap /;
Dated May 10th, 1886
Silas Beeson Sarah Beeson, wife
D. B. Meeker Warranty Deed Consideration-SlOO.OO
Acknowledged May ICth, 1886,
H. C. Staley, Justice of Peace, Butler County, Kansas.
Piled for record May 12th, 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 49 of Deecs at Page 54 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- Beginning Sixteen (16) Rods North of the Southeast Corner (SE/c) of Section Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three*(3) East, thence North Ten (lO) Rods and Two (2) Feet, West Thirty-one (31) Rods and Ten (10) Feet,
South Ten (10) Rods and Two (2) Feet East to beginning 2 Acres. .
David1 B. Meeker Mary E. Meeker, wife
1 To
Silas Beeson Warranty Deed Consideration-3700.00
Dated _______ _____, 18__
Acknowledged September 10, 1886 W. A. Phipps, Notary Public, (SEAL), Butler County, Kansas.
Filed for record December 9> 1886 and duly recorded in Volume 54- of Deeds at Page 354.of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Description- Beginning Sixteen (SE/c) of Section
(16) Rods North of the Southeast Corn; Numbered Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South,’ Range Numbered Throe (3) East, thence North 10 rods and 2 feet, thence West 31 Rods and 10 feet, thence South 10 rods and 2 ft, thenqe East to place of beginning containing 2 acres.
L&/i Chance Cfone- Chance, wife
C. B. Killer Warranty Deed Jcr.sideration-36600.00
Dated February 24, 1857
Acknowledged February 2a. 1.891,
S. W. Me Coy, Notary ?ublic. (S^L Sedgwick County,
Filed for record tfarch 23 > 12&7/ and duly recorded in Yotvtx&Jj 0^ Deeds at Page 421 of the roctfiMr Butler County, Kansas.
Ascription- The Southwest Quarter (SW}i) of Section Tiprty-tvrc ^32)
* and Sixty (60) acres off the West sice or too Vest H»U
(Vr>i) of the Southeast Quarter (Sli1,-) of section fnirty-'Tws (32;, Township Twenty-eight (28) So.utn, m-lhrT*> Lap /;
' Silas Beeson iL j n
Sarah Beeson, wife '
Aaron T. Benbow an d
Aletha Benbow, husband and wife
i Warranty Deed Consideration-33800o00
Bated January 2, 1889
Acknowledged January 2, 1889,
Abram Kelly, Notary Public, (SpAL), Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Piled for record August 29, 1891 and duly recorded in Volume 70 of Beeds at Page 121 of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Bescription- The Bast Half (E#) of the Southeast Quarter (SiJ.) cf
Section Thirty-two (32) and the Bast Quarter of V/est half (V/tf) of the Southeast Quarter (SE;t) of Section Thirty*-Lwo (32), Township Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Three (3) E 100 acres Except about 3 acres in the Southeast Corner — , (SE/c) of the above described land. Also Except 2/j acre:;
, , the Northwest Corner (NW/c) of said land now used bv the
Santa Pe£ R.R.
Except a mortgage of 3700.00 which the said grantees do assume and agree to pay.
'Tk& Valley 'tov/n
Lg^i^Sdt Q V SEAL)
by JUd&H/ &£>•&$?&) Resident • Goo • L. Goodwin, Sec Rotary
v t Claim Bee<d
* i%
Bated October 28, 1890
Acknow1edged January 3, 1 891 ,
Geo. L. Goocwin, Notary Pub 1 1 ft. (SEAL), Suffolk Co. he ns. usetts.
Piled for record February Z&i l§9l and duly recorded in Volume e>€ Beeds at Page 5^3 cf the records &€ Butler County, Kansas.
PcJgcriptlon- The Southwest Quarter (SW}() and Sixty (60) acres off &£ tke-West side of the Southeast Quarter (SB;Q cf Section iEirty-two (32), Township Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Three (3) East 220 acres more or less
Excepting therefrom the Eight Kansas and Western Railroad0
of the Oh
Aaron P. Benbow >
Aletha Benbow, husband and wife
James S. Potts * and
Harry L. Potts Warranty Deed Consideration-SIQOO.00
Description- The East Half (E#)
Bated September 9> 1397
(28) South, Range Three (3) East 100 acres more or less except about Southeast Corner (SE/c), also excep-Northwest Corner (nw/c) of above described land
id So pternber 9 » 155 97
y> $ otury j-u'o -L 11. 0 y
lor County, K pv is a O 4
■ocord Novembe 26 , 18 97
cord cd in Vo1 ue c e 66 o
.ge 81 of the re co rds of
ity, Kansas.
yuar •tor (SE/) of
; Qua rtcr of t he \
•ter (SE}0 of
;hip Twenty-ei ,r> I z
3 ac res in th e
; 2/2 acres in t> :e
A14See F. Walker
5.<shr. 3. He Cook as
Receivers of the Atchison, Topeka
avU Santa Te Railroad Company
Atefris^m Topeka and .Santa Pe
Railread Company;(SEAL)
By Cyrus Holliday, Its President Attest: E. Wilder, Secretary
Edvard Wilder
Bated March 1, 1693
Acknowledged as to Alds&s P. Walker, John J. QoqY, <z.$ Receivers April 11th. £
Shuhan, Notary Public, {5EAlj. New York County, hVv Yorkc.
Acknowledged as to iday and Edward '//i 1898, B. 3. Shook, (SEAL), Shawnee Co
tyw5 id ghii-fJdter:' i/ufg j.o.
Keceiver's Beed Const derati on-SA1576.60
Piled for record -Jyy>& ].#9g
and duly recorded in If$7 df Deeds at Page 330 tf tte t€Cfl?ci£ o.L du l le r C c an»^ , kcj vv •
Also the Southwest Quarter (SW}t) and of the West side of the Southeast Qua
Thirty-two (32), Three.(3) East
Township Twenty-eigh Exc e eting right c
Sixty {££>}■ o:f:'
r t e r pf T &rJTi otJ
t \2$) StfUrlH &KG£ i way.
Butler County Kansas (SEAL) S. Gr, Pottle, County Clerk
James S. Potts Tax Deed
Consideration-^. 56
Dated December 6, 1893
Acknowledged December 6, 1893,
V. A. Osburn, Clerk of District Court, (SEAL), Butler County, Kansas
Piled for record December 19, 1898 and duly recorded in Volume 31 of Deeds at Page 78 of the records of Butler County, Kans as.
Description— Beginning Thirty (30) feet North of the southeast Corner (SE/c) of Section Thirty-two (32}, Township Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Three (3) Last, thor.cc North Fifty (50) Feet. West One Hundred Seventy (170) Feet. South Fifty (50) Feet, Las t One Hundred Seventy (170) feet to place of beginning.
Erl War d 1 d^j*
C. Wilder, wife
CfBhrt frost
Warranty/ and #uit‘ Claim Deed 80s i de r a t i on- $1200 * 00
* 2.2.
Dated January 18, 1899
Acknowledged January 10*h , l$9$. Nat Taylor, Notary lublic, ( Shawnee County, Kansas.
Filed for record February 4, 1399 and duly recorded in Volume 87 0-$T Deeds at Page 578- of the TcoordS of Butler County, Kansas.
(U.S.I.R. Stamps 81.50)
Description The East Half (E#) of the Southwest Quarter (S\I'A) and bixty (60) Acres off the West side of the Southeast Quarter (SEfc) of Section Thirty-two (32) ^ov'^sMn Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Three (3) Last................. ¥
Except Right of Way of C. K. & W. RR
Dated January 18, 1699
John £. Frost
f'kr^aret E. Frost, bis wife
WjLlli&sn A. Cutting
Warranty Deed
(Con side rax ion-$1600 o 00
Acknowledged January 19> 189$
E. W. Benedict, Rotary public-.
(SE AL) , SB a w nee C o u n t y , n .
Filed for record February 1^9f
and duly recorded in VoLume 89 Deeds at Page 27 of xk2 records : of Butler County, Kansas.
(U.S.I.Ro Stamps
Description- She East Half (E}£) of the Southwest Quarter (Sufo)
Sixty (60) acres off the West side of the Southeast (Juarft’r (SE/0 of'Section Thirty-two (32), Township Twenty-eight
(28) South, Range Three (3) East u
/ <•
Excepting therefrom the righ and Western Railroad as now
t of way of The located thereon
Chicago Jfc/AStfs
Jackson Ivens
Dated October 15th, 1875
Filed for record March 29, 1899 and duly recorded in Volume .46 of Deeds at Page 554- of the records of Butler County, Kansas.
Consideration-$Full Payment
Description- The Southeast Quarter (SE)0 of Section Numbered
Thirty-two (32), Township Numbered Twenty-eight (28) South, Range Numbered Three (3) East of the 6th P.K. .160 acres
i •
. March 24, 1899
W. H. Richardson
Asst. Com., Gen. Land Office
oo :
A ? P I D A V I T
I, Mary Britting, Register of Deeds in and for the County State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Book "J" of Deeds is mi from this office and has been for a number of years.
Witness my hand.and official (SEAL)
seal this 31st day of January, 1935. Mary Britting, Register of Deeds
Riled for record February 4th, 1935 at 3:40 o'clock P.K., ana duly recorded in Volume 124 of Miscellaneous at rage 484 of the records of Butler County, Kansas,,
Original Format
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